Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 55 » Verse 5

Psalms 55:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 Fearfulness H3374 and trembling H7461 are come H935 upon me, and horror H6427 hath overwhelmed H3680 me.

Cross Reference

Psalms 119:120 STRONG

My flesh H1320 trembleth H5568 for fear H6343 of thee; and I am afraid H3372 of thy judgments. H4941

Job 21:6 STRONG

Even when I remember H2142 I am afraid, H926 and trembling H6427 taketh hold on H270 my flesh. H1320

2 Samuel 15:14 STRONG

And David H1732 said H559 unto all his servants H5650 that were with him at Jerusalem, H3389 Arise, H6965 and let us flee; H1272 for we shall not else escape H6413 from H6440 Absalom: H53 make speed H4116 to depart, H3212 lest he overtake H5381 us suddenly, H4116 and bring H5080 evil H7451 upon us, and smite H5221 the city H5892 with the edge H6310 of the sword. H2719

Job 6:4 STRONG

For the arrows H2671 of the Almighty H7706 are within H5978 me, the poison H2534 whereof drinketh up H8354 my spirit: H7307 the terrors H1161 of God H433 do set themselves in array H6186 against me.

Job 23:15-16 STRONG

Therefore am I troubled H926 at his presence: H6440 when I consider, H995 I am afraid H6342 of him. For God H410 maketh my heart H3820 soft, H7401 and the Almighty H7706 troubleth H926 me:

Psalms 42:6 STRONG

O my God, H430 my soul H5315 is cast down H7817 within me: therefore will I remember H2142 thee from the land H776 of Jordan, H3383 and of the Hermonites, H2769 from the hill H2022 Mizar. H4706

Psalms 61:2 STRONG

From the end H7097 of the earth H776 will I cry H7121 unto thee, when my heart H3820 is overwhelmed: H5848 lead H5148 me to the rock H6697 that is higher H7311 than I.

Psalms 88:15-16 STRONG

I am afflicted H6041 and ready to die H1478 from my youth H5290 up: while I suffer H5375 thy terrors H367 I am distracted. H6323 Thy fierce wrath H2740 goeth over H5674 me; thy terrors H1161 have cut me off. H6789

Isaiah 21:4 STRONG

My heart H3824 panted, H8582 fearfulness H6427 affrighted H1204 me: the night H5399 of my pleasure H2837 hath he turned H7760 into fear H2731 unto me.

Ezekiel 7:18 STRONG

They shall also gird H2296 themselves with sackcloth, H8242 and horror H6427 shall cover H3680 them; and shame H955 shall be upon all faces, H6440 and baldness H7144 upon all their heads. H7218

Luke 22:44 STRONG

And G2532 being G1096 in G1722 an agony G74 he prayed G4336 more earnestly: G1617 and G1161 his G846 sweat G2402 was G1096 as it were G5616 great drops G2361 of blood G129 falling down G2597 to G1909 the ground. G1093

Commentary on Psalms 55 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 55:1-23. In great terror on account of enemies, and grieved by the treachery of a friend, the Psalmist offers an earnest prayer for relief. He mingles confident assurances of divine favor to himself with invocations and predictions of God's avenging judgments on the wicked. The tone suits David's experience, both in the times of Saul and Absalom, though perhaps neither was exclusively before his mind.

1. hide not thyself, &c.—(compare Ps 13:1; 27:9), withhold not help.

2. The terms of the last clause express full indulgence of grief.

3. oppression—literally, "persecution."

they … iniquity—literally, "they make evil doings slide upon me."

4, 5. express great alarm.

5. come upon—or literally, "into."

6. be at rest—literally, "dwell," that is, permanently.

7, 8. Even a wilderness is a safer place than exposure to such evils, terrible as storm and tempest.

9. Destroy—literally, "swallow" (Ps 21:9).

divide their tongues—or, "confound their speech," and hence their counsels (Ge 11:7).

the city—perhaps Jerusalem, the scene of anarchy.

10, 11. which is described in detail (compare Ps 7:14-16).

11. Wickedness—literally, "Mischief," evils resulting from others (Ps 5:9; 52:2, 7).

streets—or literally, "wide places," markets, courts of justice, and any public place.

12-14. This description of treachery does not deny, but aggravates, the injury from enemies.

13. guide—literally, "friend" (Pr 16:28; 17:9).

acquaintance—in Hebrew, a yet more intimate associate.

14. in company—literally, "with a crowd," in a festal procession.

15. Let death, &c.—or, "Desolations are on them."

let them go—literally, "they will go."

quick—or, living in the midst of life, death will come (compare Nu 16:33).

among them—or, "within them," in their hearts (Ps 5:9; 49:11).

16-18. God answers his constant and repeated prayers.

18. many with me—that is, by the context, fighting with me.

19. God hears the wicked in wrath.

abideth—or, "sitteth."

of old—enthroned as a sovereign.

Because … no changes—Prosperity hardens them (Ps 73:5).

20, 21. The treachery is aggravated by hypocrisy. The changes of number, Ps 55:15, 23, and here, enliven the picture, and imply that the chief traitor and his accomplices are in view together.

22. thy burden—literally, "gift," what is assigned you.

he shall sustain—literally, "supply food," and so all need (Ps 37:25; Mt 6:11).

to be moved—from the secure position of His favor (compare Ps 10:6).

23. bloody … days—(compare Ps 5:6; 51:14), deceit and murderous dispositions often united. The threat is directed specially (not as a general truth) against the wicked, then in the writer's view.