Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 62 » Verse 12

Psalms 62:12 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

12 Also unto thee, O Lord, H136 belongeth mercy: H2617 for thou renderest H7999 to every man H376 according to his work. H4639

Cross Reference

Job 34:11 STRONG

For the work H6467 of a man H120 shall he render H7999 unto him, and cause every man H376 to find H4672 according to his ways. H734

Matthew 16:27 STRONG

For G1063 the Son G5207 of man G444 shall G3195 come G2064 in G1722 the glory G1391 of his G846 Father G3962 with G3326 his G846 angels; G32 and G2532 then G5119 he shall reward G591 every man G1538 according G2596 to his G846 works. G4234

Psalms 103:8 STRONG

The LORD H3068 is merciful H7349 and gracious, H2587 slow H750 to anger, H639 and plenteous H7227 in mercy. H2617

1 Corinthians 3:8 STRONG

Now G1161 he that planteth G5452 and G2532 he that watereth G4222 are G1526 one: G1520 and G1161 every man G1538 shall receive G2983 his own G2398 reward G3408 according G2596 to his own G2398 labour. G2873

Romans 2:6 STRONG

Who G3739 will render G591 to every man G1538 according G2596 to his G846 deeds: G2041

Daniel 9:9 STRONG

To the Lord H136 our God H430 belong mercies H7356 and forgivenesses, H5547 though we have rebelled H4775 against him;

Psalms 86:15 STRONG

But thou, O Lord, H136 art a God H410 full of compassion, H7349 and gracious, H2587 longsuffering, H750 H639 and plenteous H7227 in mercy H2617 and truth. H571

Ephesians 6:8 STRONG

Knowing G1492 that G3754 whatsoever G3739 G1437 G5100 good thing G18 any man G1538 doeth, G4160 the same G5124 shall he receive G2865 of G3844 the Lord, G2962 whether G1535 he be bond G1401 or G1535 free. G1658

Revelation 22:12 STRONG

And, G2532 behold, G2400 I come G2064 quickly; G5035 and G2532 my G3450 reward G3408 is with G3326 me, G1700 to give G591 every man G1538 according as G5613 his G846 work G2041 shall be. G2071

1 Peter 1:17 STRONG

And G2532 if G1487 ye call on G1941 the Father, G3962 who G3588 without respect of persons G678 judgeth G2919 according to G2596 every man's G1538 work, G2041 pass G390 the time G5550 of your G5216 sojourning G3940 here in G1722 fear: G5401

Colossians 3:25 STRONG

But G1161 he that doeth wrong G91 shall receive G2865 for the wrong G91 which G3739 he hath done: G91 and G2532 there is G2076 no G3756 respect of persons. G4382

Exodus 34:6-7 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 passed by H5674 before him, H6440 and proclaimed, H7121 The LORD, H3068 The LORD H3068 God, H410 merciful H7349 and gracious, H2587 longsuffering, H750 H639 and abundant H7227 in goodness H2617 and truth, H571 Keeping H5341 mercy H2617 for thousands, H505 forgiving H5375 iniquity H5771 and transgression H6588 and sin, H2403 and that will by no means H5352 clear H5352 the guilty; visiting H6485 the iniquity H5771 of the fathers H1 upon the children, H1121 and upon the children's H1121 children, unto the third H8029 and to the fourth H7256 generation.

2 Corinthians 5:10 STRONG

For G1063 we G2248 must G1163 all G3956 appear G5319 before G1715 the judgment seat G968 of Christ; G5547 that G2443 every one G1538 may receive G2865 the things done in G1223 his body, G4983 according G4314 to that G3739 he hath done, G4238 whether G1535 it be good G18 or G1535 bad. G2556

Micah 7:18 STRONG

Who is a God H410 like unto thee, that pardoneth H5375 iniquity, H5771 and passeth by H5674 the transgression H6588 of the remnant H7611 of his heritage? H5159 he retaineth H2388 not his anger H639 for ever, H5703 because he delighteth H2654 in mercy. H2617

Daniel 9:18 STRONG

O my God, H430 incline H5186 thine ear, H241 and hear; H8085 open H6491 thine eyes, H5869 and behold H7200 our desolations, H8074 and the city H5892 which is called H7121 by thy name: H8034 for we do not present H5307 our supplications H8469 before H6440 thee for our righteousnesses, H6666 but for thy great H7227 mercies. H7356

Ezekiel 33:20 STRONG

Yet ye say, H559 The way H1870 of the Lord H136 is not equal. H8505 O ye house H1004 of Israel, H3478 I will judge H8199 you every one H376 after his ways. H1870

Ezekiel 18:30 STRONG

Therefore I will judge H8199 you, O house H1004 of Israel, H3478 every one H376 according to his ways, H1870 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069 Repent, H7725 and turn H7725 yourselves from all your transgressions; H6588 so iniquity H5771 shall not be your ruin. H4383

Ezekiel 7:27 STRONG

The king H4428 shall mourn, H56 and the prince H5387 shall be clothed H3847 with desolation, H8077 and the hands H3027 of the people H5971 of the land H776 shall be troubled: H926 I will do H6213 unto them after their way, H1870 and according to their deserts H4941 will I judge H8199 them; and they shall know H3045 that I am the LORD. H3068

Jeremiah 32:19 STRONG

Great H1419 in counsel, H6098 and mighty H7227 in work: H5950 for thine eyes H5869 are open H6491 upon all the ways H1870 of the sons H1121 of men: H120 to give H5414 every one H376 according to his ways, H1870 and according to the fruit H6529 of his doings: H4611

Proverbs 24:12 STRONG

If thou sayest, H559 Behold, we knew H3045 it not; doth not he that pondereth H8505 the heart H3826 consider H995 it? and he that keepeth H5341 thy soul, H5315 doth not he know H3045 it? and shall not he render H7725 to every man H120 according to his works? H6467

Psalms 103:17 STRONG

But the mercy H2617 of the LORD H3068 is from everlasting H5769 to H5704 everlasting H5769 upon them that fear H3373 him, and his righteousness H6666 unto children's H1121 children; H1121

Psalms 86:5 STRONG

For thou, Lord, H136 art good, H2896 and ready to forgive; H5546 and plenteous H7227 in mercy H2617 unto all them that call H7121 upon thee.

Commentary on Psalms 62 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 62:1-12. To Jeduthun—(See on Ps 39:1, title). The general tone of this Psalm is expressive of confidence in God. Occasion is taken to remind the wicked of their sin, their ruin, and their meanness.

1. waiteth—literally, "is silent," trusts submissively and confidently as a servant.

2. The titles applied to God often occur (Ps 9:9; 18:2).

be greatly moved—(Ps 10:6). No injury shall be permanent, though devised by enemies.

3. Their destruction will come; as a tottering wall they already are feeble and failing.

bowing wall shall ye be—better supply "are." Some propose to apply these phrases to describe the condition of "a man"—that is, the pious suffer: thus, "Will ye slay him," &c.; but the other is a good sense.

4. his excellency—or, elevation to which God had raised him (Ps 4:2). This they try to do by lies and duplicity (Ps 5:9).

5, 6. (Compare Ps 62:1, 2).

6. not be moved—not at all; his confidence has increased.

7. rock of my strength—or strongest support (Ps 7:10; 61:3).

8. pour out your heart—give full expression to feeling (1Sa 1:15; Job 30:16; Ps 42:4).

ye people—God's people.

9. No kind of men are reliable, compared with God (Isa 2:22; Jer 17:5).

altogether—alike, one as the other (Ps 34:3).

10. Not only are oppression and robbery, which are wicked means of wealth, no grounds of boasting; but even wealth, increasing lawfully, ought not to engross the heart.

11. once; twice—(as in Job 33:14; 40:5), are used to give emphasis to the sentiment. God's power is tempered by His mercy, which it also sustains.

12. for thou renderest—literally, "that Thou renderest," &c., connected with "I heard this," as the phrase—"that power," &c. [Ps 62:11]—teaching that by His power He can show both mercy and justice.