Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 64 » Verse 4

Psalms 64:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 That they may shoot H3384 in secret H4565 at the perfect: H8535 suddenly H6597 do they shoot H3384 at him, and fear H3372 not.

Cross Reference

Psalms 55:19 STRONG

God H410 shall hear, H8085 and afflict H6030 them, even he that abideth H3427 of old. H6924 Selah. H5542 Because they have no changes, H2487 therefore they fear H3372 not God. H430

1 Samuel 18:11 STRONG

And Saul H7586 cast H2904 the javelin; H2595 for he said, H559 I will smite H5221 David H1732 even to the wall H7023 with it. And David H1732 avoided out H5437 of his presence H6440 twice. H6471

1 Samuel 19:10 STRONG

And Saul H7586 sought H1245 to smite H5221 David H1732 even to the wall H7023 with the javelin; H2595 but he slipped away H6362 out of Saul's H7586 presence, H6440 and he smote H5221 the javelin H2595 into the wall: H7023 and David H1732 fled, H5127 and escaped H4422 that night. H3915

2 Samuel 15:14 STRONG

And David H1732 said H559 unto all his servants H5650 that were with him at Jerusalem, H3389 Arise, H6965 and let us flee; H1272 for we shall not else escape H6413 from H6440 Absalom: H53 make speed H4116 to depart, H3212 lest he overtake H5381 us suddenly, H4116 and bring H5080 evil H7451 upon us, and smite H5221 the city H5892 with the edge H6310 of the sword. H2719

Nehemiah 4:11 STRONG

And our adversaries H6862 said, H559 They shall not know, H3045 neither see, H7200 till we come H935 in the midst H8432 among H8432 them, and slay H2026 them, and cause the work H4399 to cease. H7673

Psalms 10:8-9 STRONG

He sitteth H3427 in the lurking places H3993 of the villages: H2691 in the secret places H4565 doth he murder H2026 the innocent: H5355 his eyes H5869 are privily set H6845 against the poor. H2489 He lieth in wait H693 secretly H4565 as a lion H738 in his den: H5520 he lieth in wait H693 to catch H2414 the poor: H6041 he doth catch H2414 the poor, H6041 when he draweth H4900 him into his net. H7568

Psalms 11:2 STRONG

For, lo, the wicked H7563 bend H1869 their bow, H7198 they make ready H3559 their arrow H2671 upon the string, H3499 that they may privily H652 H1119 shoot H3384 at the upright H3477 in heart. H3820

Psalms 59:3-4 STRONG

For, lo, they lie in wait H693 for my soul: H5315 the mighty H5794 are gathered H1481 against me; not for my transgression, H6588 nor for my sin, H2403 O LORD. H3068 They run H7323 and prepare H3559 themselves without my fault: H5771 awake H5782 to help H7125 me, and behold. H7200

Psalms 64:7 STRONG

But God H430 shall shoot H3384 at them with an arrow; H2671 suddenly H6597 shall they be wounded. H4347

Habakkuk 3:14 STRONG

Thou didst strike through H5344 with his staves H4294 the head H7218 of his villages: H6518 they came out as a whirlwind H5590 to scatter H6327 me: their rejoicing H5951 was as to devour H398 the poor H6041 secretly. H4565

John 19:6 STRONG

When G3753 the chief priests G749 therefore G3767 and G2532 officers G5257 saw G1492 him, G846 they cried out, G2905 saying, G3004 Crucify G4717 him, crucify G4717 him. Pilate G4091 saith G3004 unto them, G846 Take G2983 ye G5210 him, G846 and G2532 crucify G4717 him: for G1063 I G1473 find G2147 no G3756 fault G156 in G1722 him. G846

1 Peter 2:22-23 STRONG

Who G3739 did G4160 no G3756 sin, G266 neither G3761 was guile G1388 found G2147 in G1722 his G846 mouth: G4750 Who, G3739 when he was reviled, G3058 reviled G486 not G3756 again; G486 when he suffered, G3958 he threatened G546 not; G3756 but G1161 committed G3860 himself to him that judgeth G2919 righteously: G1346

Commentary on Psalms 64 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 64:1-10. A prayer for deliverance from cunning and malicious enemies, with a confident view of their overthrow, which will honor God and give joy to the righteous.

1. preserve … fear—as well as the danger producing it.

2. insurrection—literally, "uproar," noisy assaults, as well as their secret counsels.

3, 4. Similar figures for slander (Ps 57:4; 59:7).

bend—literally, "tread," or, "prepared." The allusion is to the mode of bending a bow by treading on it; here, and in Ps 58:7, transferred to arrows.

4. the perfect—one innocent of the charges made (Ps 18:23).

fear not—(Ps 55:19), not regarding God.

5. A sentiment here more fully presented, by depicting their deliberate malice.

6. This is further evinced by their diligent efforts and deeply laid schemes.

7. The contrast is heightened by representing God as using weapons like theirs.

8. their … tongue to fall, &c.—that is, the consequences of their slanders, &c. (compare Ps 10:2; 31:16).

all that see … away—Their partners in evil shall be terrified.

9, 10. Men, generally, will acknowledge God's work, and the righteous, rejoicing in it, shall be encouraged to trust Him (Ps 58:10).