Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 64 » Verse 5

Psalms 64:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 They encourage H2388 themselves in an evil H7451 matter: H1697 they commune H5608 of laying H2934 snares H4170 privily; H2934 they say, H559 Who shall see H7200 them?

Cross Reference

Psalms 10:11 STRONG

He hath said H559 in his heart, H3820 God H410 hath forgotten: H7911 he hideth H5641 his face; H6440 he will never H5331 see H7200 it.

Psalms 140:5 STRONG

The proud H1343 have hid H2934 a snare H6341 for me, and cords; H2256 they have spread H6566 a net H7568 by the wayside; H3027 H4570 they have set H7896 gins H4170 for me. Selah. H5542

Exodus 15:9 STRONG

The enemy H341 said, H559 I will pursue, H7291 I will overtake, H5381 I will divide H2505 the spoil; H7998 my lust H5315 shall be satisfied H4390 upon them; I will draw H7324 my sword, H2719 my hand H3027 shall destroy H3423 them.

Numbers 22:6 STRONG

Come H3212 now therefore, I pray thee, curse H779 me this people; H5971 for they are too mighty H6099 for me: peradventure I shall prevail, H3201 that we may smite H5221 them, and that I may drive them out H1644 of the land: H776 for I wot H3045 that he whom thou blessest H1288 is blessed, H1288 and he whom thou cursest H779 is cursed. H779

1 Samuel 23:19-23 STRONG

Then came up H5927 the Ziphites H2130 to Saul H7586 to Gibeah, H1390 saying, H559 Doth not David H1732 hide H5641 himself with us in strong holds H4679 in the wood, H2793 in the hill H1389 of Hachilah, H2444 which is on the south H3225 of Jeshimon? H3452 Now therefore, O king, H4428 come down H3381 according to all the desire H185 of thy soul H5315 to come down; H3381 and our part shall be to deliver H5462 him into the king's H4428 hand. H3027 And Saul H7586 said, H559 Blessed H1288 be ye of the LORD; H3068 for ye have compassion H2550 on me. Go, H3212 I pray you, prepare H3559 yet, and know H3045 and see H7200 his place H4725 where his haunt H7272 is, and who hath seen H7200 him there: for it is told H559 me that he dealeth very H6191 subtilly. H6191 See H7200 therefore, and take knowledge H3045 of all the lurking places H4224 where he hideth H2244 himself, and come ye again H7725 to me with the certainty, H3559 and I will go H1980 with you: and it shall come to pass, if he be H3426 in the land, H776 that I will search H2664 him out throughout all the thousands H505 of Judah. H3063

Job 22:13 STRONG

And thou sayest, H559 How doth God H410 know? H3045 can he judge H8199 through the dark cloud? H6205

Psalms 59:7 STRONG

Behold, they belch out H5042 with their mouth: H6310 swords H2719 are in their lips: H8193 for who, say they, doth hear? H8085

Psalms 94:7 STRONG

Yet they say, H559 The LORD H3050 shall not see, H7200 neither shall the God H430 of Jacob H3290 regard H995 it.

Psalms 124:7 STRONG

Our soul H5315 is escaped H4422 as a bird H6833 out of the snare H6341 of the fowlers: H3369 the snare H6341 is broken, H7665 and we are escaped. H4422

Proverbs 1:11-14 STRONG

If they say, H559 Come H3212 with us, let us lay wait H693 for blood, H1818 let us lurk H6845 privily for the innocent H5355 without cause: H2600 Let us swallow them up H1104 alive H2416 as the grave; H7585 and whole, H8549 as those that go down H3381 into the pit: H953 We shall find H4672 all precious H3368 substance, H1952 we shall fill H4390 our houses H1004 with spoil: H7998 Cast H5307 in thy lot H1486 among H8432 us; let us all have one H259 purse: H3599

Isaiah 41:6 STRONG

They helped H5826 every one H376 his neighbour; H7453 and every one said H559 to his brother, H251 Be of good courage. H2388

Ezekiel 8:12 STRONG

Then said H559 he unto me, Son H1121 of man, H120 hast thou seen H7200 what the ancients H2205 of the house H1004 of Israel H3478 do H6213 in the dark, H2822 every man H376 in the chambers H2315 of his imagery? H4906 for they say, H559 The LORD H3068 seeth H7200 us not; the LORD H3068 hath forsaken H5800 the earth. H776

Matthew 23:15 STRONG

Woe G3759 unto you, G5213 scribes G1122 and G2532 Pharisees, G5330 hypocrites! G5273 for G3754 ye compass G4013 sea G2281 and G2532 land G3584 to make G4160 one G1520 proselyte, G4339 and G2532 when G3752 he is made, G1096 ye make G4160 him G846 twofold more G1362 the child G5207 of hell G1067 than yourselves. G5216

Matthew 26:3-4 STRONG

Then G5119 assembled together G4863 the chief priests, G749 and G2532 the scribes, G1122 and G2532 the elders G4245 of the people, G2992 unto G1519 the palace G833 of the high priest, G749 who G3588 was called G3004 Caiaphas, G2533 And G2532 consulted G4823 that G2443 they might take G2902 Jesus G2424 by subtilty, G1388 and G2532 kill G615 him.

Revelation 11:10 STRONG

And G2532 they that dwell G2730 upon G1909 the earth G1093 shall rejoice G5463 over G1909 them, G846 and G2532 make merry, G2165 and G2532 shall send G3992 gifts G1435 one to another; G240 because G3754 these G3778 two G1417 prophets G4396 tormented G928 them that dwelt G2730 on G1909 the earth. G1093

Commentary on Psalms 64 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. This psalm is applied by R. Obadiah to Haman and Mordecai. The enemy is Haman, the perfect man shot at is Mordecai; about whom Haman communed with his friends to lay snares for him, and searched diligently for occasions against him and his people, which issued in his own destruction. The ancient MidrashF25Apud Jarchium & Yalkut Simeoni in loc. of the Jews applies it to Daniel, when cast into the den of lions; and Jarchi supposes that David, by a spirit of prophecy, foresaw it, and prayed for him who was of his seed; and that everything in the psalm beautifully falls in with that account: Daniel is the perfect man aimed at; the enemy are the princes of Darius's court, who consulted against him, communed of laying snares for him, and gained their point, which proved their own ruin. But the psalm literally belongs to David, by whom it was composed. The Arabic versions call it a psalm of David, when Saul persecuted him; and the Syriac version refers it to the time when Gad said to him, abide not in the hold, 1 Samuel 22:5. He is the perfect man, who was upright and innocent as to what he was charged with in respect to Saul; who is the enemy, from the fear of whom he desires his life might be preserved; and who with his courtiers took counsel against him, and laid deep schemes to destroy him, but at last were destroyed themselves. Moreover, the psalm may very well be applied to the Messiah, the son of David, and who was his antitype, and especially in his sufferings: he is the perfect man in the highest sense; the Jews were the enemies that took counsel, and searched for occasions against him, and accomplished their designs in a good measure; for which wrath came upon them to the uttermost. The psalmist also may be very well thought to represent the church and people of God; who in all ages have had their enemies and their fears; against whom wicked men have devised mischief, and levelled their arrows of persecution; though no weapon formed against them shall prosper.

Verse 1

Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer,.... The prayer of the psalmist was vocal and expressed in a mournful manner, with groans and cries, as the wordF26בשיחי "in querimonia mea", Tigurine version; "in oratione mea gemebunda", Gejerus; so Michaelis. used signifies, and with great ardour and fervency; his condition, by reason of his enemies, being very distressing, and therefore he is very eager and earnest that he might be heard;

preserve my life from fear of the enemy; David had his enemies. Saul and his courtiers, and was afraid of them; Christ had his enemies the wicked Jews, who sought his life before the time, and therefore he walked no more in Judea till near the time; and whose human nature was sometimes possessed of the fears of death, though they were sinless ones: the church and people of God have their enemies; as the men of the world, who revile, reproach, and persecute them; Satan their adversary, who goes about seeking to devour them; and their own corruptions and lusts which war against their souls; and death, the last enemy, which is so to human nature, though by the grace of Christ friendly to the saints. And the people of God have their fears of these enemies; they are afraid of men, their revilings and persecutions, though they have no reason since God is on their side; and of Satan, whose fiery darts and buffetings are very distressing, though if resisted he will flee; and of their own corruptions, lest they should one day perish by them; or, at least, lest they should break out, to the wounding of their souls, and the dishonour of God: and some of them, through fear of death, are all their lifetime subject to bondage: which fears, though they are not the saints' excellencies, but their infirmities, yet are consistent with the grace of God; and under the power and influence of these fears they apprehend sometimes their life to be in danger; and therefore pray to the God of their life, who has given them it, and is the preserver of it, that he would preserve their natural life, as he does; as also their spiritual life, which is preserved by him; is bound up in the bundle of life with the Lord their God, and is hid with Christ in God.

Verse 2

Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked,.... The word used denotes both the place where wicked men meet together for consultation; see Genesis 49:6; and the counsel itself they there take; from the bad effects of which the psalmist desired to be hid and preserved. So Saul and his courtiers secretly took counsel against David, and the Jews against Christ, and that very privily and secretly; see Matthew 26:3;

from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity; their noise, rage, and tumult; see Psalm 2:1. The former phrase denotes their secret machinations and designs, and this their open violence; and the persons that entered into such measures are no other than evildoers and workers of iniquity; though they might be under a profession of religion, as David's enemies, and the Jews, who were Christ's enemies, were, Matthew 7:22; and who are further described in the next verses.

Verse 3

Who whet their tongue like a sword,.... Use cutting, wounding, killing, and devouring words; on which they set an edge, and make them keener and keener to hurt and ruin the characters and reputations of good men, and grieve and distress their minds;

and bend their bows to shoot their arrows, even bitter words; such are the these doctrines of heretical men, which are roots of bitterness, that defile some and trouble others; such are the oaths and curses of profane sinners, whose mouths are full of cursing and bitterness; and such are the blasphemies of antichrist against God, against his tabernacle, and against them that dwell therein; and such are the hard speeches spoken by ungodly sinners against Christ and his people; these are like arrows shot from a bow, and full of deadly poison. The Targum is

"they stretch out their bows, they anoint their arrows with deadly and bitter poison.'

There seems to be an allusion to fixing letters in arrows, and so shooting or directing them where it was desired they should fall and be taken up; so Timoxenus and Artobazus sent letters to one another in this way, at the siege of PotidaeaF1Herodot. Urania, sive l. 8. c. 128. : and after the same manner, the Jews sayF2Derash R. Aba in Kimchi in Psal. xi. 2. , Shebna and Joab sent letters to Sennacherib, acquainting him that all Israel were willing to make peace with him; but Hezekiah and Isaiah would not allow them to.

Verse 4

That they may shoot in secret at the perfect,.... Meaning himself, who though not without sin, and far from perfection in himself, in the sight of God and with respect to his righteous law, which was exceeding broad; and therefore he saw an end of all perfection, and desired that God would not enter into judgment with him; but yet, in the case of Saul, he was quite clear and innocent, and without fault. Likewise the Messiah, of whom David was a type, may be meant; who has all the perfections of the divine and human nature in him, and is without sin, holy, harmless, pure, and undefiled: and it may be applied to the church and people of God, who, though they are not perfect in themselves, far from it, sin being in them, and their graces weak; unless it be in a comparative sense; yet they are perfect in Christ Jesus, their souls being clothed with his righteousness, and so are the spirits of just men made perfect. And this character may also respect the truth and sincerity of grace in them, and the uprightness of their hearts and conversation; and such as these wicked men level their arrows at, and direct their spite and venom against, and that in the most private and secret manner;

suddenly do they shoot at him; as unseen by him, so unawares to him;

and fear not; neither God nor judgment to come. Though some understand this of the perfect who, though shot at in this manner are intrepid and courageous, and have no fear of their enemies; but the former sense seems best, which describes persons that neither fear God, nor regard man.

Verse 5

They encourage themselves in an evil matter,.... Or "strengthen him"F3יהזקו למו "firmant illi", Muis. ; that is, Saul, by making use of arguments and reasonings to induce him to go on in his wicked persecution of David; or they strengthened and hardened themselves in their wickedness, as Saul's courtiers and the enemies of Christ did, and as all wicked men do, when they observe the sentence against them is not speedily executed, Ecclesiastes 8:11;

they commune of laying snares privily; that is, they conversed together, and consulted how to lay snares for the perfect man in the most private manner, that they might entrap him and destroy him;

they say, who shall see them? either the snares laid, or the persons that laid them? None; no, not even God himself; see Psalm 10:11.

Verse 6

They search out iniquities,.... The Targum adds,

"to destroy the just.'

Either occasions against them, by charging them with sin and hiring false witnesses against them, as did the enemies both of David and Christ; they sought for proper time and opportunity of committing the iniquities they were bent upon, and even searched for new sins, being inventors of evil things, Romans 1:30;

they accomplish a diligent search; diligently searched out the perfect man, and found him; and also false witnesses against him, and carried their point; which was especially true with respect to Christ;

both the inward thought of everyone of them, and the heart, is deep; being full of cunning, craftiness and wickedness, so as not to be searched out and fully known; see Psalm 5:9.

Verse 7

But God shall shoot at them with an arrow,.... With one or other of his four judgments; famine, pestilence, sword, and wild beasts, Ezekiel 14:21; which he brings upon wicked men; and may be compared to arrows, as they are, Ezekiel 5:16; because they move swiftly. The judgment of wicked men lingereth not, though it may seem to do so; and because they often come suddenly and at an unawares, when men are crying Peace, peace; and because they are sharp and piercing, penetrate deep and stick fast, and wound and kill; they are not arrows of deliverance, unless to the Lord's people, who, by his judgments on the wicked, are delivered from them; but destroying ones, 2 Kings 13:17; when God draws the bow and shoots, execution is done. This is said in opposition to what wicked men do, Psalm 64:3; and in just retaliation; they shoot at the perfect, and God shoots at them;

suddenly shall they be wounded; with the wound of an enemy, with the chastisement of a cruel one, with a deadly wound that shall never be healed; not with the arrow of God's word, but with the stroke of his hand; which comes suddenly, falls heavy, and makes the wound incurable.

Verse 8

So shall they make their own tongue to fall upon themselves,.... The evil things they have wished for, threatened unto, and imprecated on others, shall come upon themselves; the curses they have cursed others with shall come upon themselves; the pit they have dug for others, they fall into. So Haman, to whom some apply the psalm, was hanged on the gallows he made for Mordecai; and the accusers of Daniel, to whom others apply it, were cast into the same den of lions they procured for him; and Babylon, who has been drunk with the blood of the saints, shall have blood given her to drink.

all that see them shall flee away; not being able to help them, nor to bear the horrible sight, and fearing the same judgments should fall on themselves; see Numbers 16:34. Or, "they shall move themselves"F4יתנודרו "amovebunt se", Montanus; "commovebuntur", Vatablus. ; shake their heads in a way of derision, as Jarchi interprets it; or skip for joy, as the word is rendered in Jeremiah 48:27; and then it must be understood of the righteous; who, seeing the vengeance on the wicked, rejoice, as in Psalm 52:6; though, as they are afterwards particularly mentioned, others seem to be designed. The word is used for lamenting and bemoaning one's self, in Jeremiah 31:18; and so may be applied to the friends of the wicked lamenting and bemoaning their ruin, and their being bereaved of them, Revelation 18:9.

Verse 9

And all men shall fear,.... Either God himself, or his judgments: they shall be frightened at them, learn righteousness by them, worship God, and give glory to him; they shall fear him as King of saints, his judgments being made manifest; not with a slavish fear, but with reverence and godly fear; see Revelation 11:13;

and shall declare the work of God; the punishments inflicted on wicked men; his work of justice and judgment, which is his work, his strange work; for there is no evil of punishment but the Lord has done it, Isaiah 28:21;

for they shall wisely consider of his doings; consider that it is done by him, and done well and wisely, after the counsel of his own will; and so consider it as to be admonished, and take warning and caution by it. This is the use men in general should make of such dispensations of Providence; the use the righteous in particular make of them follows:

Verse 10

The righteous shall be glad in the Lord,.... They rejoice at the vengeance executed on the wicked; but then their joy centres in the Lord: it is not at the ruin of the wicked, simply considered, but because of the glory of God's justice displayed therein, and of his grace and mercy to them. They rejoice in the Lord, because of what he is unto them, and because of what he has done for them; because of his righteousness they are clothed with, from whence they are denominated righteous ones; and because of the salvation he has wrought out for them; and they are the more affected with it when they see the calamities, woes, and destruction of wicked men; See Gill on Psalm 32:11;

and shall trust in him; who is known by his judgments he executes on the wicked; and the more he is known, be it in what way it will, the more is he trusted in, Psalm 9:10. The Targum paraphrases it,

"and shall trust in his Word;'

either in his word of promise, or rather in his essential Word, Christ;

and all the upright in heart shall glory; not in men, nor in themselves, nor in any creature, or creature enjoyments; nor in their wisdom, strength, riches, nor righteousness; but in Christ, in his wisdom, righteousness, and strength; in whom all the seed of Israel are justified and glory; and in what he is to them, and has done for them; of the upright in heart; see Gill on Psalm 32:11.