Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 65 » Verse 1-13

Psalms 65:1-13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 [[To the chief Musician, H5329 A Psalm H4210 and Song H7892 of David.]] H1732 Praise H8416 waiteth H1747 for thee, O God, H430 in Sion: H6726 and unto thee shall the vow H5088 be performed. H7999

2 O thou that hearest H8085 prayer, H8605 unto thee shall all flesh H1320 come. H935

3 Iniquities H1697 H5771 prevail H1396 against me: as for our transgressions, H6588 thou shalt purge them away. H3722

4 Blessed H835 is the man whom thou choosest, H977 and causest to approach H7126 unto thee, that he may dwell H7931 in thy courts: H2691 we shall be satisfied H7646 with the goodness H2898 of thy house, H1004 even of thy holy H6918 temple. H1964

5 By terrible things H3372 in righteousness H6664 wilt thou answer H6030 us, O God H430 of our salvation; H3468 who art the confidence H4009 of all the ends H7099 of the earth, H776 and of them that are afar off H7350 upon the sea: H3220

6 Which by his strength H3581 setteth fast H3559 the mountains; H2022 being girded H247 with power: H1369

7 Which stilleth H7623 the noise H7588 of the seas, H3220 the noise H7588 of their waves, H1530 and the tumult H1995 of the people. H3816

8 They also that dwell H3427 in the uttermost parts H7099 are afraid H3372 at thy tokens: H226 thou makest the outgoings H4161 of the morning H1242 and evening H6153 to rejoice. H7442

9 Thou visitest H6485 the earth, H776 and waterest H7783 it: thou greatly H7227 enrichest H6238 it with the river H6388 of God, H430 which is full H4390 of water: H4325 thou preparest H3559 them corn, H1715 when thou hast so provided H3559 for it.

10 Thou waterest H7301 the ridges H8525 thereof abundantly: H7301 thou settlest H5181 the furrows H1417 H1418 thereof: thou makest it soft H4127 with showers: H7241 thou blessest H1288 the springing H6780 thereof.

11 Thou crownest H5849 the year H8141 with thy goodness; H2896 and thy paths H4570 drop H7491 fatness. H1880

12 They drop H7491 upon the pastures H4999 of the wilderness: H4057 and the little hills H1389 rejoice H1524 on every side. H2296

13 The pastures H3733 are clothed H3847 with flocks; H6629 the valleys H6010 also are covered over H5848 with corn; H1250 they shout for joy, H7321 they also sing. H7891

Commentary on Psalms 65 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 65:1-13. This is a song of praise for God's spiritual blessings to His people and His kind providence over all the earth.

1. Praise waiteth for thee—literally, "To Thee silence praise," or (compare Ps 62:1), To Thee silence is praise—that is, Praise is waiting as a servant; it is due to Thee. So the last clause expresses the duty of paying vows. These two parts of acceptable worship, mentioned in Ps 50:14, are rendered in Zion, where God chiefly displays His mercy and receives homage.

2. All are encouraged to pray by God's readiness to hear.

3. God's mercy alone delivers us from the burden of iniquities, by purging or expiating by an atonement the transgressions with which we are charged, and which are denoted by—

Iniquities—or, literally, "Words of iniquities."

4. dwell in thy courts; … [and] satisfied with the goodness … temple—denote communion with God (Ps 15:1; 23:6; compare Ps 5:7). This is a blessing for all God's people, as denoted by the change of number.

5. terrible things—that is, by the manifestation of justice and wrath to enemies, accompanying that of mercy to His people (Ps 63:9-11; 64:7-9).

the confidence—object of it.

of all … earth—the whole world; that is, deservedly such, whether men think so or not.

6-13. God's great power and goodness are the grounds of this confidence. These are illustrated in His control of the mightiest agencies of nature and nations affecting men with awe and dread (Ps 26:7; 98:1, &c.), and in His fertilizing showers, causing the earth to produce abundantly for man and beast.

8. outgoings of … rejoice—all people from east to west.

9. visitest—in mercy (compare Ps 8:4).

river of God—His exhaustless resources.

11. thy paths—ways of providence (Ps 25:4, 10).

12. wilderness—places, though not inhabited by men, fit for pasture (Le 16:21, 22; Job 24:5).

pastures—is literally, "folds," or "enclosures for flocks"; and in Ps 65:13 it may be "lambs," the same word used and so translated in Ps 37:20; so that "the flocks are clothed with lambs" (a figure for abundant increase) would be the form of expression.