Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 65 » Verse 9

Psalms 65:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 Thou visitest H6485 the earth, H776 and waterest H7783 it: thou greatly H7227 enrichest H6238 it with the river H6388 of God, H430 which is full H4390 of water: H4325 thou preparest H3559 them corn, H1715 when thou hast so provided H3559 for it.

Cross Reference

Psalms 46:4 STRONG

There is a river, H5104 the streams H6388 whereof shall make glad H8055 the city H5892 of God, H430 the holy H6918 place of the tabernacles H4908 of the most High. H5945

Psalms 104:13-15 STRONG

He watereth H8248 the hills H2022 from his chambers: H5944 the earth H776 is satisfied H7646 with the fruit H6529 of thy works. H4639 He causeth the grass H2682 to grow H6779 for the cattle, H929 and herb H6212 for the service H5656 of man: H120 that he may bring forth H3318 food H3899 out of the earth; H776 And wine H3196 that maketh glad H8055 the heart H3824 of man, H582 and oil H8081 to make his face H6440 to shine, H6670 and bread H3899 which strengtheneth H5582 man's H582 heart. H3824

Psalms 68:9-10 STRONG

Thou, O God, H430 didst send H5130 a plentiful H5071 rain, H1653 whereby thou didst confirm H3559 thine inheritance, H5159 when it was weary. H3811 Thy congregation H2416 hath dwelt H3427 therein: thou, O God, H430 hast prepared H3559 of thy goodness H2896 for the poor. H6041

Jeremiah 5:24 STRONG

Neither say H559 they in their heart, H3824 Let us now fear H3372 the LORD H3068 our God, H430 that giveth H5414 rain, H1653 both the former H3138 and the latter, H4456 in his season: H6256 he reserveth H8104 unto us the appointed H2708 weeks H7620 of the harvest. H7105

Psalms 147:14 STRONG

He maketh H7760 peace H7965 in thy borders, H1366 and filleth H7646 thee with the finest H2459 of the wheat. H2406

Revelation 22:1 STRONG

And G2532 he shewed G1166 me G3427 a pure G2513 river G4215 of water G5204 of life, G2222 clear G2986 as G5613 crystal, G2930 proceeding G1607 out of G1537 the throne G2362 of God G2316 and G2532 of the Lamb. G721

1 Timothy 6:17-18 STRONG

Charge G3853 them that are rich G4145 in G1722 this G3568 world, G165 that they be G5309 not G3361 highminded, G5309 nor G3366 trust G1679 in G1909 uncertain G83 riches, G4149 but G235 in G1722 the living G2198 God, G2316 who G3588 giveth G3930 us G2254 richly G4146 all things G3956 to G1519 enjoy; G619 That they do good, G14 that they be rich G4147 in G1722 good G2570 works, G2041 ready to distribute, G1511 G2130 willing to communicate; G2843

Acts 14:17 STRONG

Nevertheless G2544 G2532 he left G863 not G3756 himself G1438 without witness, G267 in that he did good, G15 and gave G1325 us G2254 rain G5205 from heaven, G3771 and G2532 fruitful G2593 seasons, G2540 filling G1705 our G2257 hearts G2588 with food G5160 and G2532 gladness. G2167

Joel 2:23-26 STRONG

Be glad H1523 then, ye children H1121 of Zion, H6726 and rejoice H8055 in the LORD H3068 your God: H430 for he hath given H5414 you the former rain H4175 moderately, H6666 and he will cause to come down H3381 for you the rain, H1653 the former rain, H4175 and the latter rain H4456 in the first H7223 month. And the floors H1637 shall be full H4390 of wheat, H1250 and the fats H3342 shall overflow H7783 with wine H8492 and oil. H3323 And I will restore H7999 to you the years H8141 that the locust H697 hath eaten, H398 the cankerworm, H3218 and the caterpiller, H2625 and the palmerworm, H1501 my great H1419 army H2428 which I sent H7971 among you. And ye shall eat H398 in plenty, H398 and be satisfied, H7646 and praise H1984 the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 your God, H430 that hath dealt H6213 wondrously H6381 with you: and my people H5971 shall never H5769 be ashamed. H954

Jeremiah 14:22 STRONG

Are there H3426 any among the vanities H1892 of the Gentiles H1471 that can cause rain? H1652 or can the heavens H8064 give H5414 showers? H7241 art not thou he, O LORD H3068 our God? H430 therefore we will wait H6960 upon thee: for thou hast made H6213 all these things.

Genesis 26:12 STRONG

Then Isaac H3327 sowed H2232 in that land, H776 and received H4672 in the same year H8141 an hundredfold: H3967 H8180 and the LORD H3068 blessed H1288 him.

Psalms 147:8-9 STRONG

Who covereth H3680 the heaven H8064 with clouds, H5645 who prepareth H3559 rain H4306 for the earth, H776 who maketh grass H2682 to grow H6779 upon the mountains. H2022 He giveth H5414 to the beast H929 his food, H3899 and to the young H1121 ravens H6158 which cry. H7121

Psalms 107:37 STRONG

And sow H2232 the fields, H7704 and plant H5193 vineyards, H3754 which may yield H6213 fruits H6529 of increase. H8393

Psalms 65:11 STRONG

Thou crownest H5849 the year H8141 with thy goodness; H2896 and thy paths H4570 drop H7491 fatness. H1880

Psalms 63:1 STRONG

[[A Psalm H4210 of David, H1732 when he was in the wilderness H4057 of Judah.]] H3063 O God, H430 thou art my God; H410 early will I seek H7836 thee: my soul H5315 thirsteth H6770 for thee, my flesh H1320 longeth H3642 for thee in a dry H6723 and thirsty H5889 land, H776 where no H1097 water H4325 is;

Job 37:6-13 STRONG

For he saith H559 to the snow, H7950 Be thou H1933 on the earth; H776 likewise to the small H4306 rain, H1653 and to the great H4306 rain H1653 of his strength. H5797 He sealeth up H2856 the hand H3027 of every man; H120 that all men H582 may know H3045 his work. H4639 Then the beasts H2416 go H935 into H1119 dens, H695 and remain H7931 in their places. H4585 Out of the south H2315 cometh H935 the whirlwind: H5492 and cold H7135 out of the north. H4215 By the breath H5397 of God H410 frost H7140 is given: H5414 and the breadth H7341 of the waters H4325 is straitened. H4164 Also by watering H7377 he wearieth H2959 the thick cloud: H5645 he scattereth H6327 his bright H216 cloud: H6051 And it is turned H2015 round about H4524 by his counsels: H8458 that they may do H6467 whatsoever he commandeth H6680 them upon the face H6440 of the world H8398 in the earth. H776 He causeth it to come, H4672 whether for correction, H7626 or for his land, H776 or for mercy. H2617

Job 5:10-11 STRONG

Who giveth H5414 rain H4306 upon H6440 the earth, H776 and sendeth H7971 waters H4325 upon H6440 the fields: H2351 To set up H7760 on high H4791 those that be low; H8217 that those which mourn H6937 may be exalted H7682 to safety. H3468

Ruth 1:6 STRONG

Then she arose H6965 with her daughters in law, H3618 that she might return H7725 from the country H7704 of Moab: H4124 for she had heard H8085 in the country H7704 of Moab H4124 how that the LORD H3068 had visited H6485 his people H5971 in giving H5414 them bread. H3899

Deuteronomy 11:11-12 STRONG

But the land, H776 whither ye go H5674 to possess H3423 it, is a land H776 of hills H2022 and valleys, H1237 and drinketh H8354 water H4325 of the rain H4306 of heaven: H8064 A land H776 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 careth for: H1875 the eyes H5869 of the LORD H3068 thy God H430 are always H8548 upon it, from the beginning H7225 of the year H8141 even unto the end H319 of the year. H8141

Leviticus 26:4 STRONG

Then I will give H5414 you rain H1653 in due season, H6256 and the land H776 shall yield H5414 her increase, H2981 and the trees H6086 of the field H7704 shall yield H5414 their fruit. H6529

Commentary on Psalms 65 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 65:1-13. This is a song of praise for God's spiritual blessings to His people and His kind providence over all the earth.

1. Praise waiteth for thee—literally, "To Thee silence praise," or (compare Ps 62:1), To Thee silence is praise—that is, Praise is waiting as a servant; it is due to Thee. So the last clause expresses the duty of paying vows. These two parts of acceptable worship, mentioned in Ps 50:14, are rendered in Zion, where God chiefly displays His mercy and receives homage.

2. All are encouraged to pray by God's readiness to hear.

3. God's mercy alone delivers us from the burden of iniquities, by purging or expiating by an atonement the transgressions with which we are charged, and which are denoted by—

Iniquities—or, literally, "Words of iniquities."

4. dwell in thy courts; … [and] satisfied with the goodness … temple—denote communion with God (Ps 15:1; 23:6; compare Ps 5:7). This is a blessing for all God's people, as denoted by the change of number.

5. terrible things—that is, by the manifestation of justice and wrath to enemies, accompanying that of mercy to His people (Ps 63:9-11; 64:7-9).

the confidence—object of it.

of all … earth—the whole world; that is, deservedly such, whether men think so or not.

6-13. God's great power and goodness are the grounds of this confidence. These are illustrated in His control of the mightiest agencies of nature and nations affecting men with awe and dread (Ps 26:7; 98:1, &c.), and in His fertilizing showers, causing the earth to produce abundantly for man and beast.

8. outgoings of … rejoice—all people from east to west.

9. visitest—in mercy (compare Ps 8:4).

river of God—His exhaustless resources.

11. thy paths—ways of providence (Ps 25:4, 10).

12. wilderness—places, though not inhabited by men, fit for pasture (Le 16:21, 22; Job 24:5).

pastures—is literally, "folds," or "enclosures for flocks"; and in Ps 65:13 it may be "lambs," the same word used and so translated in Ps 37:20; so that "the flocks are clothed with lambs" (a figure for abundant increase) would be the form of expression.