Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 74 » Verse 21

Psalms 74:21 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

21 O let not the oppressed H1790 return H7725 ashamed: H3637 let the poor H6041 and needy H34 praise H1984 thy name. H8034

Cross Reference

Ezra 3:11 STRONG

And they sang together by course H6030 in praising H1984 and giving thanks H3034 unto the LORD; H3068 because he is good, H2896 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever H5769 toward Israel. H3478 And all the people H5971 shouted H7321 with a great H1419 shout, H8643 when they praised H1984 the LORD, H3068 because the foundation H3245 of the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 was laid. H3245

Psalms 9:18 STRONG

For the needy H34 shall not alway H5331 be forgotten: H7911 the expectation H8615 of the poor H6041 H6035 shall not perish H6 for ever. H5703

Psalms 12:5 STRONG

For the oppression H7701 of the poor, H6041 for the sighing H603 of the needy, H34 now will I arise, H6965 saith H559 the LORD; H3068 I will set H7896 him in safety H3468 from him that puffeth H6315 at him.

Psalms 35:10 STRONG

All my bones H6106 shall say, H559 LORD, H3068 who is like unto thee, which deliverest H5337 the poor H6041 from him that is too strong H2389 for him, yea, the poor H6041 and the needy H34 from him that spoileth H1497 him?

Psalms 102:19-21 STRONG

For he hath looked down H8259 from the height H4791 of his sanctuary; H6944 from heaven H8064 did the LORD H3068 behold H5027 the earth; H776 To hear H8085 the groaning H603 of the prisoner; H615 to loose H6605 those that are appointed H1121 to death; H8546 To declare H5608 the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 in Zion, H6726 and his praise H8416 in Jerusalem; H3389

Psalms 103:6 STRONG

The LORD H3068 executeth H6213 righteousness H6666 and judgment H4941 for all that are oppressed. H6231

Psalms 109:22 STRONG

For I am poor H6041 and needy, H34 and my heart H3820 is wounded H2490 within H7130 me.

Isaiah 45:17 STRONG

But Israel H3478 shall be saved H3467 in the LORD H3068 with an everlasting H5769 salvation: H8668 ye shall not be ashamed H954 nor confounded H3637 world H5769 without end. H5703

Jeremiah 33:11 STRONG

The voice H6963 of joy, H8342 and the voice H6963 of gladness, H8057 the voice H6963 of the bridegroom, H2860 and the voice H6963 of the bride, H3618 the voice H6963 of them that shall say, H559 Praise H3034 the LORD H3068 of hosts: H6635 for the LORD H3068 is good; H2896 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever: H5769 and of them that shall bring H935 the sacrifice of praise H8426 into the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068 For I will cause to return H7725 the captivity H7622 of the land, H776 as at the first, H7223 saith H559 the LORD. H3068

Commentary on Psalms 74 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 74:1-23. If the historical allusions of Ps 74:6-8, &c., be referred, as is probable, to the period of the captivity, the author was probably a descendant and namesake of Asaph, David's contemporary and singer (compare 2Ch 35:15; Ezr 2:41). He complains of God's desertion of His Church, and appeals for aid, encouraging himself by recounting some of God's mighty deeds, and urges his prayer on the ground of God's covenant relation to His people, and the wickedness of His and their common enemy.

1. cast … off—with abhorrence (compare Ps 43:2; 44:9). There is no disavowal of guilt implied. The figure of fire to denote God's anger is often used; and here, and in De 29:20, by the word "smoke," suggests its continuance.

sheep … pasture—(Compare Ps 80:1; 95:7).

2. The terms to denote God's relation to His people increase in force: "congregation"—"purchased"—"redeemed"—"Zion," His dwelling.

3. Lift … feet—(Ge 29:1)—that is, Come (to behold) the desolations (Ps 73:19).

4. roar—with bestial fury.

congregations—literally, "worshipping assemblies."

ensigns—literally, "signs"—substituted their idolatrous objects, or tokens of authority, for those articles of the temple which denoted God's presence.

5, 6. Though some terms and clauses here are very obscure, the general sense is that the spoilers destroyed the beauties of the temple with the violence of woodmen.

was famous—literally, "was known."

6. carved work—(1Ki 6:29).

thereof—that is, of the temple, in the writer's mind, though not expressed till Ps 74:7, in which its utter destruction by fire is mentioned (2Ki 25:9; Isa 64:11).

7. defiled—or, "profaned," as in Ps 89:39.

8. together—at once, all alike.

synagogues—literally, "assemblies," for places of assembly, whether such as schools of the prophets (2Ki 4:23), or "synagogues" in the usual sense, there is much doubt.

9. signs—of God's presence, as altar, ark, &c. (compare Ps 74:4; 2Ch 36:18, 19; Da 5:2).

no more any prophet—(Isa 3:2; Jer 40:1; 43:6).

how long—this is to last. Jeremiah's prophecy (Jer 25:11), if published, may not have been generally known or understood. To the bulk of the people, during the captivity, the occasional and local prophetical services of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel would not make an exception to the clause, "there is no more any prophet."

10. (Compare Ps 31:1).

how long … reproach?—us, as deserted of God.

blaspheme thy name—or, "perfections," as power, goodness, &c. (Ps 29:2).

11. Why cease to help us? (Compare Ps 3:7; 7:6; 60:5).

12. For—literally, "And," in an adversative sense.

13-15. Examples of the "salvation wrought" are cited.

divide the sea—that is, Red Sea.

brakest … waters—Pharaoh and his host (compare Isa 51:9, 10; Eze 29:3, 4).

14. heads of leviathan—The word is a collective, and so used for many.

the people … wilderness—that is, wild beasts, as conies (Pr 30:25, 26), are called a people. Others take the passages literally, that the sea monsters thrown out on dry land were food for the wandering Arabs.

15. cleave the fountain—that is, the rocks of Horeb and Kadesh; for fountains.

driedst up—Jordan, and, perhaps, Arnon and Jabbok (Nu 21:14).

16, 17. The fixed orders of nature and bounds of earth are of God.

18. (Compare Ps 74:10; De 32:6). The contrast is striking—that such a God should be thus insulted!

19. multitude—literally, "beast," their flock or company of men (Ps 68:10).

turtledove—that is, the meek and lonely Church.

congregation—literally, "the company," as above—thus the Church is represented as the spoiled and defeated remnant of an army, exposed to violence.

20. And the prevalence of injustice in heathen lands is a reason for invoking God's regard to His promise (compare Nu 14:21; Ps 7:16; 18:48).

21. oppressed—broken (Ps 9:9).

return—from seeking God.

ashamed—(Ps 35:4).

22, 23. (Compare Ps 3:7; 7:6). God hears the wicked to their own ruin (Ge 4:10; 18:20).