Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 78 » Verse 55

Psalms 78:55 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

55 He cast out H1644 the heathen H1471 also before H6440 them, and divided H5307 them an inheritance H5159 by line, H2256 and made the tribes H7626 of Israel H3478 to dwell H7931 in their tents. H168

Cross Reference

Psalms 44:2 STRONG

How thou didst drive out H3423 the heathen H1471 with thy hand, H3027 and plantedst H5193 them; how thou didst afflict H7489 the people, H3816 and cast them out. H7971

Joshua 13:7 STRONG

Now therefore divide H2505 this land H776 for an inheritance H5159 unto the nine H8672 tribes, H7626 and the half H2677 tribe H7626 of Manasseh, H4519

Numbers 33:54 STRONG

And ye shall divide H5157 the land H776 by lot H1486 for an inheritance H5157 among your families: H4940 and to the more H7227 ye shall give the more H7235 inheritance, H5159 and to the fewer H4592 ye shall give the less H4591 inheritance: H5159 every man's inheritance shall be in the place where his lot H1486 falleth; H3318 according to the tribes H4294 of your fathers H1 ye shall inherit. H5157

Deuteronomy 6:10-12 STRONG

And it shall be, when the LORD H3068 thy God H430 shall have brought H935 thee into the land H776 which he sware H7650 unto thy fathers, H1 to Abraham, H85 to Isaac, H3327 and to Jacob, H3290 to give H5414 thee great H1419 and goodly H2896 cities, H5892 which thou buildedst H1129 not, And houses H1004 full H4392 of all good H2898 things, which thou filledst H4390 not, and wells H953 digged, H2672 which thou diggedst H2672 not, vineyards H3754 and olive trees, H2132 which thou plantedst H5193 not; when thou shalt have eaten H398 and be full; H7646 Then beware H8104 lest thou forget H7911 the LORD, H3068 which brought thee forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 from the house H1004 of bondage. H5650

Joshua 6:1-21 STRONG

Now Jericho H3405 was straitly H5462 shut up H5462 because H6440 of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 none went out, H3318 and none came in. H935 And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Joshua, H3091 See, H7200 I have given H5414 into thine hand H3027 Jericho, H3405 and the king H4428 thereof, and the mighty men H1368 of valour. H2428 And ye shall compass H5437 the city, H5892 all ye men H582 of war, H4421 and go round about H5362 the city H5892 once. H6471 H259 Thus shalt thou do H6213 six H8337 days. H3117 And seven H7651 priests H3548 shall bear H5375 before H6440 the ark H727 seven H7651 trumpets H7782 of rams' horns: H3104 and the seventh H7637 day H3117 ye shall compass H5437 the city H5892 seven H7651 times, H6471 and the priests H3548 shall blow H8628 with the trumpets. H7782 And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long H4900 blast with the ram's H3104 horn, H7161 and when ye hear H8085 the sound H6963 of the trumpet, H7782 all the people H5971 shall shout H7321 with a great H1419 shout; H8643 and the wall H2346 of the city H5892 shall fall down H5307 flat, H8478 and the people H5971 shall ascend up H5927 every man H376 straight before him. And Joshua H3091 the son H1121 of Nun H5126 called H7121 the priests, H3548 and said H559 unto them, Take up H5375 the ark H727 of the covenant, H1285 and let seven H7651 priests H3548 bear H5375 seven H7651 trumpets H7782 of rams' horns H3104 before H6440 the ark H727 of the LORD. H3068 And he said H559 unto the people, H5971 Pass on, H5674 and compass H5437 the city, H5892 and let him that is armed H2502 pass on H5674 before H6440 the ark H727 of the LORD. H3068 And it came to pass, when Joshua H3091 had spoken H559 unto the people, H5971 that the seven H7651 priests H3548 bearing H5375 the seven H7651 trumpets H7782 of rams' horns H3104 passed on H5674 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 and blew H8628 with the trumpets: H7782 and the ark H727 of the covenant H1285 of the LORD H3068 followed H1980 them. H310 And the armed H2502 men went H1980 before H6440 the priests H3548 that blew H8628 H8628 with the trumpets, H7782 and the rereward H622 came H1980 after H310 the ark, H727 the priests going on, H1980 and blowing H8628 with the trumpets. H7782 And Joshua H3091 had commanded H6680 the people, H5971 saying, H559 Ye shall not shout, H7321 nor make any noise H8085 with your voice, H6963 neither shall any word H1697 proceed H3318 out of your mouth, H6310 until the day H3117 I bid H559 you shout; H7321 then shall ye shout. H7321 So the ark H727 of the LORD H3068 compassed H5437 the city, H5892 going about H5362 it once: H6471 H259 and they came H935 into the camp, H4264 and lodged H3885 in the camp. H4264 And Joshua H3091 rose early H7925 in the morning, H1242 and the priests H3548 took up H5375 the ark H727 of the LORD. H3068 And seven H7651 priests H3548 bearing H5375 seven H7651 trumpets H7782 of rams' horns H3104 before H6440 the ark H727 of the LORD H3068 went on H1980 continually, H1980 and blew H8628 with the trumpets: H7782 and the armed men H2502 went H1980 before H6440 them; but the rereward H622 came H1980 after H310 the ark H727 of the LORD, H3068 the priests going on, H1980 and blowing H8628 with the trumpets. H7782 And the second H8145 day H3117 they compassed H5437 the city H5892 once, H6471 H259 and returned H7725 into the camp: H4264 so they did H6213 six H8337 days. H3117 And it came to pass on the seventh H7637 day, H3117 that they rose early H7925 about the dawning H5927 of the day, H7837 and compassed H5437 the city H5892 after the same manner H4941 seven H7651 times: H6471 only on that day H3117 they compassed H5437 the city H5892 seven H7651 times. H6471 And it came to pass at the seventh H7637 time, H6471 when the priests H3548 blew H8628 with the trumpets, H7782 Joshua H3091 said H559 unto the people, H5971 Shout; H7321 for the LORD H3068 hath given H5414 you the city. H5892 And the city H5892 shall be accursed, H2764 even it, and all that are therein, to the LORD: H3068 only Rahab H7343 the harlot H2181 shall live, H2421 she and all that are with her in the house, H1004 because she hid H2244 the messengers H4397 that we sent. H7971 And ye, in any wise H7535 keep H8104 yourselves from the accursed thing, H2764 lest ye make yourselves accursed, H2763 when ye take H3947 of the accursed thing, H2764 and make H7760 the camp H4264 of Israel H3478 a curse, H2764 and trouble H5916 it. But all the silver, H3701 and gold, H2091 and vessels H3627 of brass H5178 and iron, H1270 are consecrated H6944 unto the LORD: H3068 they shall come H935 into the treasury H214 of the LORD. H3068 So the people H5971 shouted H7321 when the priests blew H8628 with the trumpets: H7782 and it came to pass, when the people H5971 heard H8085 the sound H6963 of the trumpet, H7782 and the people H5971 shouted H7321 with a great H1419 shout, H8643 that the wall H2346 fell down flat, H5307 so that the people H5971 went up H5927 into the city, H5892 every man H376 straight before him, and they took H3920 the city. H5892 And they utterly destroyed H2763 all that was in the city, H5892 both man H376 and woman, H802 young H5288 and old, H2205 and ox, H7794 and sheep, H7716 and ass, H2543 with the edge H6310 of the sword. H2719

Joshua 19:51 STRONG

These are the inheritances, H5159 which Eleazar H499 the priest, H3548 and Joshua H3091 the son H1121 of Nun, H5126 and the heads H7218 of the fathers H1 of the tribes H4294 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 divided for an inheritance H5157 by lot H1486 in Shiloh H7887 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 at the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 So they made an end H3615 of dividing H2505 the country. H776

Joshua 23:4 STRONG

Behold, H7200 I have divided H5307 unto you by lot these nations H1471 that remain, H7604 to be an inheritance H5159 for your tribes, H7626 from Jordan, H3383 with all the nations H1471 that I have cut off, H3772 even unto the great H1419 sea H3220 westward. H3996 H8121

Nehemiah 9:22-25 STRONG

Moreover thou gavest H5414 them kingdoms H4467 and nations, H5971 and didst divide H2505 them into corners: H6285 so they possessed H3423 the land H776 of Sihon, H5511 and the land H776 of the king H4428 of Heshbon, H2809 and the land H776 of Og H5747 king H4428 of Bashan. H1316 Their children H1121 also multipliedst H7235 thou as the stars H3556 of heaven, H8064 and broughtest H935 them into the land, H776 concerning which thou hadst promised H559 to their fathers, H1 that they should go in H935 to possess H3423 it. So the children H1121 went in H935 and possessed H3423 the land, H776 and thou subduedst H3665 before H6440 them the inhabitants H3427 of the land, H776 the Canaanites, H3669 and gavest H5414 them into their hands, H3027 with their kings, H4428 and the people H5971 of the land, H776 that they might do H6213 with them as they would. H7522 And they took H3920 strong H1219 cities, H5892 and a fat H8082 land, H127 and possessed H3423 houses H1004 full H4392 of all goods, H2898 wells H953 digged, H2672 vineyards, H3754 and oliveyards, H2132 and fruit H3978 trees H6086 in abundance: H7230 so they did eat, H398 and were filled, H7646 and became fat, H8080 and delighted H5727 themselves in thy great H1419 goodness. H2898

Psalms 105:44-45 STRONG

And gave H5414 them the lands H776 of the heathen: H1471 and they inherited H3423 the labour H5999 of the people; H3816 That they might observe H8104 his statutes, H2706 and keep H5341 his laws. H8451 Praise H1984 ye the LORD. H3050

Psalms 135:10-12 STRONG

Who smote H5221 great H7227 nations, H1471 and slew H2026 mighty H6099 kings; H4428 Sihon H5511 king H4428 of the Amorites, H567 and Og H5747 king H4428 of Bashan, H1316 and all the kingdoms H4467 of Canaan: H3667 And gave H5414 their land H776 for an heritage, H5159 an heritage H5159 unto Israel H3478 his people. H5971

Psalms 136:18-22 STRONG

And slew H2026 famous H117 kings: H4428 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever: H5769 Sihon H5511 king H4428 of the Amorites: H567 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever: H5769 And Og H5747 the king H4428 of Bashan: H1316 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever: H5769 And gave H5414 their land H776 for an heritage: H5159 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever: H5769 Even an heritage H5159 unto Israel H3478 his servant: H5650 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever. H5769

Commentary on Psalms 78 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 78:1-72. This Psalm appears to have been occasioned by the removal of the sanctuary from Shiloh in the tribe of Ephraim to Zion in the tribe of Judah, and the coincident transfer of pre-eminence in Israel from the former to the latter tribe, as clearly evinced by David's settlement as the head of the Church and nation. Though this was the execution of God's purpose, the writer here shows that it also proceeded from the divine judgment on Ephraim, under whose leadership the people had manifested the same sinful and rebellious character which had distinguished their ancestors in Egypt.

1. my people … my law—the language of a religious teacher (Ps 78:2; La 3:14; Ro 2:16, 27; compare Ps 49:4). The history which follows was a "dark saying," or riddle, if left unexplained, and its right apprehension required wisdom and attention.

3-8. This history had been handed down (Ex 12:14; De 6:20) for God's honor, and that the principles of His law might be known and observed by posterity. This important sentiment is reiterated in (Ps 78:7, 8) negative form.

5. testimony—(Ps 19:7).

8. stubborn and rebellious—(De 21:18).

set not their heart—on God's service (2Ch 12:14).

9-11. The privileges of the first-born which belonged to Joseph (1Ch 5:1, 2) were assigned to Ephraim by Jacob (Ge 48:1). The supremacy of the tribe thus intimated was recognized by its position (in the marching of the nation to Canaan) next to the ark (Nu 2:18-24), by the selection of the first permanent locality for the ark within its borders at Shiloh, and by the extensive and fertile province given for its possession. Traces of this prominence remained after the schism under Rehoboam, in the use, by later writers, of Ephraim for Israel (compare Ho 5:3-14; 11:3-12). Though a strong, well-armed tribe, and, from an early period, emulous and haughty (compare Jos 17:14; Jud 8:1-3; 2Sa 19:41), it appears, in this place, that it had rather led the rest in cowardice than courage; and had incurred God's displeasure, because, diffident of His promise, though often heretofore fulfilled, it had failed as a leader to carry out the terms of the covenant, by not driving out the heathen (Ex 23:24; De 31:16; 2Ki 17:15).

12-14. A record of God's dealings and the sins of the people is now made. The writer gives the history from the exode to the retreat from Kadesh; then contrasts their sins with their reasons for confidence, shown by a detail of God's dealings in Egypt, and presents a summary of the subsequent history to David's time.

Zoan—for Egypt, as its ancient capital (Nu 13:22; Isa 19:11).

15, 16. There were two similar miracles (Ex 17:6; Nu 20:11).

great depths—and—rivers—denote abundance.

17-20. yet more—literally, "added to sin," instead of being led to repentance (Ro 2:4).

18. in their heart—(Mt 15:19).

for their lust—literally, "soul," or, "desire."

provoking—and—tempted—illustrated by their absurd doubts,

19, 20. in the face of His admitted power.

21. fire—the effect of the "anger" (Nu 11:1).

22. (Compare Heb 8:8, 9).

23-29. (Compare Ex 16:11-15; Nu 11:4-9).

25. angels' food—literally, "bread of the mighty" (compare Ps 105:40); so called, as it came from heaven.

meat—literally, "victuals," as for a journey.

29. their … desire—what they longed for.

30, 31. not estranged … lust—or, "desire"—that is, were indulging it.

31. slew … fattest—or, "among the fattest"; some of them—

chosen—the young and strong (Isa 40:31), and so none could resist.

33-39. Though there were partial reformations after chastisement, and God, in pity, withdrew His hand for a time, yet their general conduct was rebellious, and He was thus provoked to waste and destroy them, by long and fruitless wandering in the desert.

36. lied … tongues—a feigned obedience (Ps 18:44).

37. heart … not right—or, "firm" (compare Ps 78:8; Ps 51:10).

39. a wind … again—literally, "a breath," thin air (compare Ps 103:16; Jas 4:14).

40, 41. There were ten temptations (Nu 14:22).

41. limited—as in Ps 78:19, 20. Though some prefer "grieved" or "provoked." The retreat from Kadesh (De 1:19-23) is meant, whether—

turned—be for turning back, or to denote repetition of offense.

43. wrought—set or held forth.

45. The dog-fly or the mosquito.

46. caterpillar—the Hebrew name, from its voracity, and that of—

locust—from its multitude.

47, 48. The additional effects of the storm here mentioned (compare Ex 9:23-34) are consistent with Moses' account.

48. gave … cattle—literally, "shut up" (compare Ps 31:8).

49. evil angels—or, "angels of evil"—many were perhaps employed, and other evils inflicted.

50, 51. made a way—removed obstacles, gave it full scope.

51. chief of their strength—literally, "first-fruits," or, "first-born" (Ge 49:3; De 21:17).

Ham—one of whose sons gave name (Mizraim, Hebrew) to Egypt.

52-54. made his … forth—or, brought them by periodical journeys (compare Ex 15:1).

54. border of his sanctuary—or, "holy border"—i. e., region of which—

this mountain—(Zion) was, as the seat of civil and religious government, the representative, used for the whole land, as afterwards for the Church (Isa 25:6, 7).

purchased—or, "procured by His right hand" or power (Ps 60:5).

55. by line—or, the portion thus measured.

divided them—that is, the heathen, put for their possessions, so tents—that is, of the heathen (compare De 6:11).

56, 57. a deceitful bow—which turns back, and so fails to project the arrow (2Sa 1:22; Ho 7:16). They relapsed.

58. Idolatry resulted from sparing the heathen (compare Ps 78:9-11).

59, 60. heard—perceived (Ge 11:7).

abhorred—but not utterly.

60. tent … placed—literally, "caused to dwell," set up (Jos 18:1).

61. his strength—the ark, as symbolical of it (Ps 96:6).

62. gave—or, "shut up."

his people—(Ps 78:48; 1Sa 4:10-17).

63. fire—either figure of the slaughter (1Sa 4:10), or a literal burning by the heathen.

given to marriage—literally, "praised"—that is, as brides.

64. (Compare 1Sa 4:17); and there were, doubtless, others.

made no lamentation—either because stupefied by grief, or hindered by the enemy.

65. (Compare Ps 22:16; Isa 42:13).

66. And he smote … part—or, "struck His enemies' back." The Philistines never regained their position after their defeats by David.

67, 68. tabernacle of Joseph—or, "home," or, "tribe," to which—

tribe of Ephraim—is parallel (compare Re 7:8). Its pre-eminence was, like Saul's, only permitted. Judah had been the choice (Ge 49:10).

69. Exalted as—

high palaces—or, "mountains," and abiding as—the earth.

70-72. God's sovereignty was illustrated in this choice. The contrast is striking—humility and exaltation—and the correspondence is beautiful.

71. following … ewes, &c.—literally, "ewes giving suck" (compare Isa 40:11). On the pastoral terms, compare Ps 79:13.