Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 79 » Verse 1-13

Psalms 79:1-13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 [[A Psalm H4210 of Asaph.]] H623 O God, H430 the heathen H1471 are come H935 into thine inheritance; H5159 thy holy H6944 temple H1964 have they defiled; H2930 they have laid H7760 Jerusalem H3389 on heaps. H5856

2 The dead bodies H5038 of thy servants H5650 have they given H5414 to be meat H3978 unto the fowls H5775 of the heaven, H8064 the flesh H1320 of thy saints H2623 unto the beasts H2416 of the earth. H776

3 Their blood H1818 have they shed H8210 like water H4325 round about H5439 Jerusalem; H3389 and there was none to bury H6912 them.

4 We are become a reproach H2781 to our neighbours, H7934 a scorn H3933 and derision H7047 to them that are round about H5439 us.

5 How long, LORD? H3068 wilt thou be angry H599 for ever? H5331 shall thy jealousy H7068 burn H1197 like fire? H784

6 Pour out H8210 thy wrath H2534 upon the heathen H1471 that have not known H3045 thee, and upon the kingdoms H4467 that have not called H7121 upon thy name. H8034

7 For they have devoured H398 Jacob, H3290 and laid waste H8074 his dwelling place. H5116

8 O remember H2142 not against us former H7223 iniquities: H5771 let thy tender mercies H7356 speedily H4118 prevent H6923 us: for we are brought H1809 very H3966 low. H1809

9 Help H5826 us, O God H430 of our salvation, H3468 for H1697 the glory H3519 of thy name: H8034 and deliver H5337 us, and purge away H3722 our sins, H2403 for thy name's H8034 sake.

10 Wherefore should the heathen H1471 say, H559 Where is their God? H430 let him be known H3045 among the heathen H1471 in our sight H5869 by the revenging H5360 of the blood H1818 of thy servants H5650 which is shed. H8210

11 Let the sighing H603 of the prisoner H615 come H935 before H6440 thee; according to the greatness H1433 of thy power H2220 preserve H3498 thou those that are appointed H1121 to die; H8546

12 And render H7725 unto our neighbours H7934 sevenfold H7659 into their bosom H2436 their reproach, H2781 wherewith they have reproached H2778 thee, O Lord. H136

13 So we thy people H5971 and sheep H6629 of thy pasture H4830 will give thee thanks H3034 for ever: H5769 we will shew forth H5608 thy praise H8416 to all H1755 generations. H1755

Commentary on Psalms 79 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 79:1-13. This Psalm, like the seventy-fourth, probably depicts the desolations of the Chaldeans (Jer 52:12-24). It comprises the usual complaint, prayer, and promised thanks for relief.

1. (Compare Ps 74:2-7).

2, 3. (Compare Jer 15:3; 16:4).

4. (Compare Ps 44:13; Jer 42:18; La 2:15).

5. How long—(Ps 13:1).

be angry—(Ps 74:1-10).

jealousy burn—(De 29:20).

6, 7. (Compare Jer 10:25). Though we deserve much, do not the heathen deserve more for their violence to us (Jer 51:3-5; Zec 1:14)? The singular denotes the chief power, and the use of the plural indicates the combined confederates.

called upon—or, "by"

thy name—proclaimed Thy attributes and professed allegiance (Isa 12:4; Ac 2:21).

8. former iniquities—literally, "iniquities of former times."

prevent us—literally, "meet us," as in Ps 21:3.

9. for … glory of thy name [and for] thy name's sake—both mean for illustrating Thy attributes, faithfulness, power, &c.

purge … sins—literally, "provide atonement for us." Deliverance from sin and suffering, for their good and God's glory, often distinguish the prayers of Old Testament saints (compare Eph 1:7).

10. This ground of pleading often used (Ex 32:12; Nu 14:13-16).

blood … shed—(Ps 79:3).

11. prisoner—the whole captive people.

power—literally, "arm" (Ps 10:15).

12. into their bosom—The lap or folds of the dress is used by Eastern people for receiving articles. The figure denotes retaliation (compare Isa 65:6, 7). They reproached God as well as His people.

13. sheep … pasture—(Compare Ps 74:1; 78:70).