Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 80 » Verse 6

Psalms 80:6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 Thou makest H7760 us a strife H4066 unto our neighbours: H7934 and our enemies H341 laugh H3932 among themselves.

Cross Reference

Psalms 79:4 STRONG

We are become a reproach H2781 to our neighbours, H7934 a scorn H3933 and derision H7047 to them that are round about H5439 us.

Judges 16:25 STRONG

And it came to pass, when their hearts H3820 were merry, H2896 that they said, H559 Call H7121 for Samson, H8123 that he may make us sport. H7832 And they called H7121 for Samson H8123 out of the prison H631 house; H1004 and he made them H6440 sport: H6711 and they set H5975 him between the pillars. H5982

Psalms 44:13-14 STRONG

Thou makest H7760 us a reproach H2781 to our neighbours, H7934 a scorn H3933 and a derision H7047 to them that are round about H5439 us. Thou makest H7760 us a byword H4912 among the heathen, H1471 a shaking H4493 of the head H7218 among the people. H3816

Isaiah 36:8 STRONG

Now therefore give pledges, H6148 I pray thee, to my master H113 the king H4428 of Assyria, H804 and I will give H5414 thee two thousand H505 horses, H5483 if thou be able H3201 on thy part to set H5414 riders H7392 upon them.

Isaiah 36:12-20 STRONG

But Rabshakeh H7262 said, H559 Hath my master H113 sent H7971 me to thy master H113 and to thee to speak H1696 these words? H1697 hath he not sent me to the men H582 that sit H3427 upon the wall, H2346 that they may eat H398 their own dung, H2716 H6675 and drink H8354 their own piss H4325 H7272 H7890 with you? Then Rabshakeh H7262 stood, H5975 and cried H7121 with a loud H1419 voice H6963 in the Jews' language, H3066 and said, H559 Hear H8085 ye the words H1697 of the great H1419 king, H4428 the king H4428 of Assyria. H804 Thus saith H559 the king, H4428 Let not Hezekiah H2396 deceive H5377 you: for he shall not be able H3201 to deliver H5337 you. Neither let Hezekiah H2396 make you trust H982 in the LORD, H3068 saying, H559 The LORD H3068 will surely H5337 deliver H5337 us: this city H5892 shall not be delivered H5414 into the hand H3027 of the king H4428 of Assyria. H804 Hearken H8085 not to Hezekiah: H2396 for thus saith H559 the king H4428 of Assyria, H804 Make H6213 an agreement with me by a present, H1293 and come out H3318 to me: and eat H398 ye every one H376 of his vine, H1612 and every one H376 of his fig tree, H8384 and drink H8354 ye every one H376 the waters H4325 of his own cistern; H953 Until I come H935 and take you away H3947 to a land H776 like your own land, H776 a land H776 of corn H1715 and wine, H8492 a land H776 of bread H3899 and vineyards. H3754 Beware lest Hezekiah H2396 persuade H5496 you, saying, H559 The LORD H3068 will deliver H5337 us. Hath any H376 of the gods H430 of the nations H1471 delivered H5337 his land H776 out of the hand H3027 of the king H4428 of Assyria? H804 Where are the gods H430 of Hamath H2574 and Arphad? H774 where are the gods H430 of Sepharvaim? H5617 and have they delivered H5337 Samaria H8111 out of my hand? H3027 Who are they among all the gods H430 of these lands, H776 that have delivered H5337 their land H776 out of my hand, H3027 that the LORD H3068 should deliver H5337 Jerusalem H3389 out of my hand? H3027

Isaiah 37:23 STRONG

Whom hast thou reproached H2778 and blasphemed? H1442 and against whom hast thou exalted H7311 thy voice, H6963 and lifted up H5375 thine eyes H5869 on high? H4791 even against the Holy One H6918 of Israel. H3478

Jeremiah 15:10 STRONG

Woe H188 is me, my mother, H517 that thou hast borne H3205 me a man H376 of strife H7379 and a man H376 of contention H4066 to the whole earth! H776 I have neither lent on usury, H5383 nor men have lent to me on usury; H5383 yet every one of them doth curse H7043 me.

Jeremiah 48:27 STRONG

For was not Israel H3478 a derision H7814 unto thee? was he found H4672 among thieves? H1590 for since H1767 thou spakest H1697 of him, thou skippedst H5110 for joy.

Ezekiel 36:4 STRONG

Therefore, ye mountains H2022 of Israel, H3478 hear H8085 the word H1697 of the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD H3069 to the mountains, H2022 and to the hills, H1389 to the rivers, H650 and to the valleys, H1516 to the desolate H8074 wastes, H2723 and to the cities H5892 that are forsaken, H5800 which became a prey H957 and derision H3933 to the residue H7611 of the heathen H1471 that are round about; H5439

Revelation 11:10 STRONG

And G2532 they that dwell G2730 upon G1909 the earth G1093 shall rejoice G5463 over G1909 them, G846 and G2532 make merry, G2165 and G2532 shall send G3992 gifts G1435 one to another; G240 because G3754 these G3778 two G1417 prophets G4396 tormented G928 them that dwelt G2730 on G1909 the earth. G1093

Commentary on Psalms 80 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 80:1-19. Shoshannim—"Lilies" (see on Ps 45:1, title). Eduth—Testimony, referring to the topic as a testimony of God to His people (compare Ps 19:7). This Psalm probably relates to the captivity of the ten tribes, as the former to that of Judah. Its complaint is aggravated by the contrast of former prosperity, and the prayer for relief occurs as a refrain through the Psalm.

1, 2. Joseph—for Ephraim (1Ch 7:20-29; Ps 78:67; Re 7:8), for Israel.

Shepherd—(Compare Ge 49:24).

leadest, &c.—(Ps 77:20).

dwellest … cherubim—(Ex 25:20); the place of God's visible glory, whence He communed with the people (Heb 9:5).

shine forth—appear (Ps 50:2; 94:1).

2. Before Ephraim, &c.—These tribes marched next the ark (Nu 2:18-24). The name of Benjamin may be introduced merely in allusion to that fact, and not because that tribe was identified with Israel in the schism (1Ki 12:16-21; compare also Nu 10:24).

3. Turn us—that is, from captivity.

thy face to shine—(Nu 6:25).

4. be angry—(Compare Margin.)

5. bread of tears—still an Eastern figure for affliction.

6. strife—object or cause of (Isa 9:11). On last clause compare Ps 79:4; Eze 36:4.

8-11. brought—or, "plucked up," as by roots, to be replanted.

a vine—(Ps 78:47). The figure (Isa 16:8) represents the flourishing state of Israel, as predicted (Ge 28:14), and verified (1Ki 4:20-25).

12. hedges—(Isa 5:5).

13. The boar—may represent the ravaging Assyrian and

the wild beast—other heathen.

14, 15. visit this vine—favorably (Ps 8:4).

15. And the vineyard—or, "And protect or guard what thy right hand," &c.

the branch—literally, "over the Son of man," preceding this phrase, with "protect" or "watch."

for thyself—a tacit allusion to the plea for help; for

16. it—the "vine" or

they—the "people" are suffering from Thy displeasure.

17. thy hand … upon—that is, strengthen (Ezr 7:6; 8:22).

man of … hand—may allude to Benjamin (Ge 35:18). The terms in the latter clause correspond with those of Ps 80:15, from "and the branch," &c., literally, and confirm the exposition given above.

18. We need quickening grace (Ps 71:20; 119:25) to persevere in Thy right worship (Ge 4:26; Ro 10:11).

19. (Compare Ps 80:3, "O God"; Ps 80:7, "O God of hosts").