Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 81 » Verse 10

Psalms 81:10 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

10 I am the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 which brought H5927 thee out of the land H776 of Egypt: H4714 open thy mouth H6310 wide, H7337 and I will fill H4390 it.

Cross Reference

Exodus 20:2 STRONG

I am the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 which have brought H3318 thee out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 out of the house H1004 of bondage. H5650

Psalms 37:3-4 STRONG

Trust H982 in the LORD, H3068 and do H6213 good; H2896 so shalt thou dwell H7931 in the land, H776 and verily H530 thou shalt be fed. H7462 Delight H6026 thyself also in the LORD; H3068 and he shall give H5414 thee the desires H4862 of thine heart. H3820

Psalms 107:9 STRONG

For he satisfieth H7646 the longing H8264 soul, H5315 and filleth H4390 the hungry H7457 soul H5315 with goodness. H2896

Jeremiah 11:4 STRONG

Which I commanded H6680 your fathers H1 in the day H3117 that I brought them forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 from the iron H1270 furnace, H3564 saying, H559 Obey H8085 my voice, H6963 and do H6213 them, according to all which I command H6680 you: so shall ye be my people, H5971 and I will be your God: H430

Jeremiah 31:31-33 STRONG

Behold, the days H3117 come, H935 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 that I will make H3772 a new H2319 covenant H1285 with the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 and with the house H1004 of Judah: H3063 Not according to the covenant H1285 that I made H3772 with their fathers H1 in the day H3117 that I took H2388 them by the hand H3027 to bring them out H3318 of the land H776 of Egypt; H4714 which my covenant H1285 they brake, H6565 although I was an husband H1166 unto them, saith H5002 the LORD: H3068 But this shall be the covenant H1285 that I will make H3772 with the house H1004 of Israel; H3478 After H310 those days, H3117 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 I will put H5414 my law H8451 in their inward parts, H7130 and write H3789 it in their hearts; H3820 and will be their God, H430 and they shall be my people. H5971

John 7:37 STRONG

G1161 In G1722 the last G2078 day, G2250 that great G3173 day of the feast, G1859 Jesus G2424 stood G2476 and G2532 cried, G2896 saying, G3004 If G1437 any man G5100 thirst, G1372 let him come G2064 unto G4314 me, G3165 and G2532 drink. G4095

John 15:7 STRONG

If G1437 ye abide G3306 in G1722 me, G1698 and G2532 my G3450 words G4487 abide G3306 in G1722 you, G5213 ye shall ask G154 what G3739 G1437 ye will, G2309 and G2532 it shall be done G1096 unto you. G5213

John 16:23 STRONG

And G2532 in G1722 that G1565 day G2250 ye shall G3756 ask G2065 me G1691 nothing. G3762 Verily, G281 verily, G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 G3754 Whatsoever G3745 G302 ye shall ask G154 the Father G3962 in G1722 my G3450 name, G3686 he will give G1325 it you. G5213

Ephesians 3:19-20 STRONG

And G5037 to know G1097 the love G26 of Christ, G5547 which passeth G5235 knowledge, G1108 that G2443 ye might be filled G4137 with G1519 all G3956 the fulness G4138 of God. G2316 Now G1161 unto him that is able G1410 to do G4160 exceeding G5228 abundantly G1537 G4053 above G5228 all G3956 that G3739 we ask G154 or G2228 think, G3539 according to G2596 the power G1411 that worketh G1754 in G1722 us, G2254

Revelation 21:6 STRONG

And G2532 he said G2036 unto me, G3427 It is done. G1096 I G1473 am G1510 Alpha G1 and G2532 Omega, G5598 the beginning G746 and G2532 the end. G5056 I G1473 will give G1325 unto him that is athirst G1372 of G1537 the fountain G4077 of the water G5204 of life G2222 freely. G1432

Revelation 22:17 STRONG

And G2532 the Spirit G4151 and G2532 the bride G3565 say, G3004 Come. G2064 And G2532 let him that heareth G191 say, G2036 Come. G2064 And G2532 let him that is athirst G1372 come. G2064 And G2532 whosoever will, G2309 let him take G2983 the water G5204 of life G2222 freely. G1432

Commentary on Psalms 81 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 81:1-16. Gittith—(See on Ps 8:1, title). A festal Psalm, probably for the passover (compare Mt 26:30), in which, after an exhortation to praise God, He is introduced, reminding Israel of their obligations, chiding their neglect, and depicting the happy results of obedience.

1. our strength—(Ps 38:7).

2. unites the most joyful kinds of music, vocal and instrumental.

3. the new moon—or the month.

the time appointed—(Compare Pr 7:20).

5. a testimony—The feasts, especially the passover, attested God's relation to His people.

Joseph—for Israel (Ps 80:1).

went out through—or, "over," that is, Israel in the exodus.

I heard—change of person. The writer speaks for the nation.

language—literally, "lip" (Ps 14:1). An aggravation or element of their distress that their oppressors were foreigners (De 28:49).

6. God's language alludes to the burdensome slavery of the Israelites.

7. secret place—the cloud from which He troubled the Egyptians (Ex 14:24).

proved thee—(Ps 7:10; 17:3)—tested their faith by the miracle.

8. (Compare Ps 50:7). The reproof follows to Ps 81:12.

if thou wilt hearken—He then propounds the terms of His covenant: they should worship Him alone, who (Ps 81:10) had delivered them, and would still confer all needed blessings.

11, 12. They failed, and He gave them up to their own desires and hardness of heart (De 29:18; Pr 1:30; Ro 11:25).

13-16. Obedience would have secured all promised blessings and the subjection of foes. In this passage, "should have," "would have," &c., are better, "should" and "would" expressing God's intention at the time, that is, when they left Egypt.