Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 86 » Verse 10

Psalms 86:10 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

10 For thou art great, H1419 and doest H6213 wondrous things: H6381 thou art God H430 alone.

Cross Reference

Psalms 72:18 STRONG

Blessed H1288 be the LORD H3068 God, H430 the God H430 of Israel, H3478 who only doeth H6213 wondrous things. H6381

Mark 12:29 STRONG

And G1161 Jesus G2424 answered G611 him, G846 The G3754 first G4413 of all G3956 the commandments G1785 is, Hear, G191 O Israel; G2474 The Lord G2962 our G2257 God G2316 is G2076 one G1520 Lord: G2962

Isaiah 37:16 STRONG

O LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 God H430 of Israel, H3478 that dwellest H3427 between the cherubims, H3742 thou art the God, H430 even thou alone, of all the kingdoms H4467 of the earth: H776 thou hast made H6213 heaven H8064 and earth. H776

1 Corinthians 8:4 STRONG

As concerning G4012 therefore G3767 the eating G1035 of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, G1494 we know G1492 that G3754 an idol G1497 is nothing G3762 in G1722 the world, G2889 and G2532 that G3754 there is none G3762 other G2087 God G2316 but G1508 one. G1520

Deuteronomy 32:39 STRONG

See H7200 now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god H430 with me: I kill, H4191 and I make alive; H2421 I wound, H4272 and I heal: H7495 neither is there any that can deliver H5337 out of my hand. H3027

Exodus 15:11 STRONG

Who is like unto thee, O LORD, H3068 among the gods? H410 who is like thee, glorious H142 in holiness, H6944 fearful H3372 in praises, H8416 doing H6213 wonders? H6382

Isaiah 37:20 STRONG

Now therefore, O LORD H3068 our God, H430 save H3467 us from his hand, H3027 that all the kingdoms H4467 of the earth H776 may know H3045 that thou art the LORD, H3068 even thou only.

Ephesians 4:6 STRONG

One G1520 God G2316 and G2532 Father G3962 of all, G3956 who G3588 is above G1909 all, G3956 and G2532 through G1223 all, G3956 and G2532 in G1722 you G5213 all. G3956

Daniel 6:26-27 STRONG

I H4481 H6925 make H7761 a decree, H2942 That in every H3606 dominion H7985 of my kingdom H4437 men tremble H1934 H2112 and fear H1763 before H4481 H6925 the God H426 of Daniel: H1841 for he is the living H2417 God, H426 and stedfast H7011 for ever, H5957 and his kingdom H4437 that which shall not H3809 be destroyed, H2255 and his dominion H7985 shall be even unto H5705 the end. H5491 He delivereth H7804 and rescueth, H5338 and he worketh H5648 signs H852 and wonders H8540 in heaven H8065 and in earth, H772 who hath delivered H7804 Daniel H1841 from H4481 the power H3028 of the lions. H744

Isaiah 44:6-8 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 the King H4428 of Israel, H3478 and his redeemer H1350 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 I am the first, H7223 and I am the last; H314 and beside H1107 me there is no God. H430 And who, as I, shall call, H7121 and shall declare H5046 it, and set it in order H6186 for me, since I appointed H7760 the ancient H5769 people? H5971 and the things that are coming, H857 and shall come, H935 let them shew H5046 unto them. Fear H6342 ye not, neither be afraid: H7297 H7297 have not I told H8085 thee from that time, H227 and have declared H5046 it? ye are even my witnesses. H5707 Is there H3426 a God H433 beside H1107 me? yea, there is no God; H6697 I know H3045 not any.

Psalms 145:3-5 STRONG

Great H1419 is the LORD, H3068 and greatly H3966 to be praised; H1984 and his greatness H1420 is unsearchable. H2714 One H1755 generation H1755 shall praise H7623 thy works H4639 to another, and shall declare H5046 thy mighty acts. H1369 I will speak H7878 of the glorious H3519 honour H1926 of thy majesty, H1935 and of thy wondrous H6381 works. H1697

Psalms 86:8 STRONG

Among the gods H430 there is none like unto thee, O Lord; H136 neither are there any works like unto thy works. H4639

Psalms 77:13-15 STRONG

Thy way, H1870 O God, H430 is in the sanctuary: H6944 who is so great H1419 a God H410 as our God? H430 Thou art the God H410 that doest H6213 wonders: H6382 thou hast declared H3045 thy strength H5797 among the people. H5971 Thou hast with thine arm H2220 redeemed H1350 thy people, H5971 the sons H1121 of Jacob H3290 and Joseph. H3130 Selah. H5542

Deuteronomy 6:3-4 STRONG

Hear H8085 therefore, O Israel, H3478 and observe H8104 to do H6213 it; that it may be well H3190 with thee, and that ye may increase H7235 mightily, H3966 as the LORD H3068 God H430 of thy fathers H1 hath promised H1696 thee, in the land H776 that floweth H2100 with milk H2461 and honey. H1706 Hear, H8085 O Israel: H3478 The LORD H3068 our God H430 is one H259 LORD: H3068

Hebrews 2:4 STRONG

God G2316 also bearing them witness, G4901 both G5037 with signs G4592 and G2532 wonders, G5059 and G2532 with divers G4164 miracles, G1411 and G2532 gifts G3311 of the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 according to G2596 his own G846 will? G2308

Romans 15:18-19 STRONG

For G1063 I will G5111 not G3756 dare G5111 to speak G2980 of any G5100 of those things which G3739 Christ G5547 hath G2716 not G3756 wrought G2716 by G1223 me, G1700 to make G1519 the Gentiles G1484 obedient, G5218 by word G3056 and G2532 deed, G2041 Through G1722 mighty G1411 signs G4592 and G2532 wonders, G5059 by G1722 the power G1411 of the Spirit G4151 of God; G2316 so G5620 that from G575 Jerusalem, G2419 and G2532 round about G2945 unto G3360 Illyricum, G2437 I G3165 have fully preached G4137 the gospel G2098 of Christ. G5547

Acts 4:30 STRONG

By G1722 G4571 stretching forth G1614 thine G4675 hand G5495 to G1519 heal; G2392 and G2532 that signs G4592 and G2532 wonders G5059 may be done G1096 by G1223 the name G3686 of thy G4675 holy G40 child G3816 Jesus. G2424

Acts 2:19-22 STRONG

And G2532 I will shew G1325 wonders G5059 in G1722 heaven G3772 above, G507 and G2532 signs G4592 in G1909 the earth G1093 beneath; G2736 blood, G129 and G2532 fire, G4442 and G2532 vapour G822 of smoke: G2586 The sun G2246 shall be turned G3344 into G1519 darkness, G4655 and G2532 the moon G4582 into G1519 blood, G129 before G2228 G4250 that great G3173 and G2532 notable G2016 day G2250 of the Lord G2962 come: G2064 And G2532 it shall come to pass, G2071 that whosoever G3739 G3956 G302 shall call on G1941 the name G3686 of the Lord G2962 shall be saved. G4982 Ye men G435 of Israel, G2475 hear G191 these G5128 words; G3056 Jesus G2424 of Nazareth, G3480 a man G435 approved G584 of G575 God G2316 among G1519 you G5209 by miracles G1411 and G2532 wonders G5059 and G2532 signs, G4592 which G3739 God G2316 did G4160 by G1223 him G846 in G1722 the midst G3319 of you, G5216 as G2531 ye yourselves G846 also G2532 know: G1492

Job 11:7 STRONG

Canst thou by searching H2714 find out H4672 God? H433 canst thou find H4672 out the Almighty H7706 unto perfection? H8503

Commentary on Psalms 86 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 86:1-17. This is a prayer in which the writer, with deep emotion, mingles petitions and praises, now urgent for help, and now elated with hope, in view of former mercies. The occurrence of many terms and phrases peculiar to David's Psalms clearly intimates its authorship.

1, 2. poor and needy—a suffering child of God, as in Ps 10:12, 17; 18:27.

I am holy—or, "godly," as in Ps 4:3; 85:8.

4. lift up my soul—with strong desire (Ps 25:1).

5-7. unto all … that call upon thee—or, "worship Thee" (Ps 50:15; 91:15) however undeserving (Ex 34:6; Le 11:9-13).

8. neither … works—literally, "nothing like thy works," the "gods" have none at all.

9, 10. The pious Jews believed that God's common relation to all would be ultimately acknowledged by all men (Ps 45:12-16; 47:9).

11. Teach—Show, point out.

the way—of Providence.

walk in thy truth—according to its declarations.

unite my heart—fix all my affections (Ps 12:2; Jas 4:8).

to fear thy name—(compare Ps 86:12) to honor Thy perfections.

13, 14. The reason: God had delivered him from death and the power of insolent, violent, and godless persecutors (Ps 54:3; Eze 8:12).

15. Contrasts God with his enemies (compare Ps 86:5).

16. son … handmaid—homeborn servant (compare Lu 15:17).

17. Show me—literally, "Make with me a token," by Thy providential care. Thus in and by his prosperity his enemies would be confounded.