Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 86 » Verse 1

Psalms 86:1 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 [[A Prayer H8605 of David.]] H1732 Bow down H5186 thine ear, H241 O LORD, H3068 hear H6030 me: for I am poor H6041 and needy. H34

Cross Reference

Psalms 40:17 STRONG

But I am poor H6041 and needy; H34 yet the Lord H136 thinketh H2803 upon me: thou art my help H5833 and my deliverer; H6403 make no tarrying, H309 O my God. H430

Psalms 31:2 STRONG

Bow down H5186 thine ear H241 to me; deliver H5337 me speedily: H4120 be thou my strong H4581 rock, H6697 for an house H1004 of defence H4686 to save H3467 me.

Isaiah 37:17 STRONG

Incline H5186 thine ear, H241 O LORD, H3068 and hear; H8085 open H6491 thine eyes, H5869 O LORD, H3068 and see: H7200 and hear H8085 all the words H1697 of Sennacherib, H5576 which hath sent H7971 to reproach H2778 the living H2416 God. H430

James 2:5 STRONG

Hearken, G191 my G3450 beloved G27 brethren, G80 Hath G1586 not G3756 God G2316 chosen G1586 the poor G4434 of this G5127 world G2889 rich G4145 in G1722 faith, G4102 and G2532 heirs G2818 of the kingdom G932 which G3739 he hath promised G1861 to them that love G25 him? G846

James 1:9-10 STRONG

G1161 Let G2744 the brother G80 of low degree G5011 rejoice G2744 in G1722 that he G846 is exalted: G5311 But G1161 the rich, G4145 in G1722 that he G846 is made low: G5014 because G3754 as G5613 the flower G438 of the grass G5528 he shall pass away. G3928

Luke 4:18 STRONG

The Spirit G4151 of the Lord G2962 is upon G1909 me, G1691 because G1752 he hath anointed G5548 me G3165 to preach the gospel G2097 to the poor; G4434 he hath sent G649 me G3165 to heal G2390 the brokenhearted, G4937 G2588 to preach G2784 deliverance G859 to the captives, G164 and G2532 recovering of sight G309 to the blind, G5185 to set G649 at G1722 liberty G859 them that are bruised, G2352

Matthew 5:3 STRONG

Blessed G3107 are the poor G4434 in spirit: G4151 for G3754 theirs G846 is G2076 the kingdom G932 of heaven. G3772

Daniel 9:18 STRONG

O my God, H430 incline H5186 thine ear, H241 and hear; H8085 open H6491 thine eyes, H5869 and behold H7200 our desolations, H8074 and the city H5892 which is called H7121 by thy name: H8034 for we do not present H5307 our supplications H8469 before H6440 thee for our righteousnesses, H6666 but for thy great H7227 mercies. H7356

Isaiah 66:2 STRONG

For all those things hath mine hand H3027 made, H6213 and all those things have been, saith H5002 the LORD: H3068 but to this man will I look, H5027 even to him that is poor H6041 and of a contrite H5223 spirit, H7307 and trembleth H2730 at my word. H1697

Psalms 10:14 STRONG

Thou hast seen H7200 it; for thou beholdest H5027 mischief H5999 and spite, H3708 to requite H5414 it with thy hand: H3027 the poor H2489 committeth H5800 himself unto thee; thou art the helper H5826 of the fatherless. H3490

Psalms 142:1 STRONG

[[Maschil H4905 of David; H1732 A Prayer H8605 when he was in the cave.]] H4631 I cried H2199 unto the LORD H3068 with my voice; H6963 with my voice H6963 unto the LORD H3068 did I make my supplication. H2603

Psalms 140:12 STRONG

I know H3045 that the LORD H3068 will maintain H6213 the cause H1779 of the afflicted, H6041 and the right H4941 of the poor. H34

Psalms 119:22 STRONG

Remove H1556 from me reproach H2781 and contempt; H937 for I have kept H5341 thy testimonies. H5713

Psalms 102:17 STRONG

He will regard H6437 the prayer H8605 of the destitute, H6199 and not despise H959 their prayer. H8605

Psalms 102:1 STRONG

[[A Prayer H8605 of the afflicted, H6041 when he is overwhelmed, H5848 and poureth out H8210 his complaint H7879 before H6440 the LORD.]] H3068 Hear H8085 my prayer, H8605 O LORD, H3068 and let my cry H7775 come H935 unto thee.

Psalms 72:12-14 STRONG

For he shall deliver H5337 the needy H34 when he crieth; H7768 the poor H6041 also, and him that hath no helper. H5826 He shall spare H2347 the poor H1800 and needy, H34 and shall save H3467 the souls H5315 of the needy. H34 He shall redeem H1350 their soul H5315 from deceit H8496 and violence: H2555 and precious H3365 shall their blood H1818 be in his sight. H5869

Psalms 34:6 STRONG

This poor man H6041 cried, H7121 and the LORD H3068 heard H8085 him, and saved H3467 him out of all his troubles. H6869

Psalms 17:6 STRONG

I have called H7121 upon thee, for thou wilt hear H6030 me, O God: H410 incline H5186 thine ear H241 unto me, and hear H8085 my speech. H565

Commentary on Psalms 86 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 86:1-17. This is a prayer in which the writer, with deep emotion, mingles petitions and praises, now urgent for help, and now elated with hope, in view of former mercies. The occurrence of many terms and phrases peculiar to David's Psalms clearly intimates its authorship.

1, 2. poor and needy—a suffering child of God, as in Ps 10:12, 17; 18:27.

I am holy—or, "godly," as in Ps 4:3; 85:8.

4. lift up my soul—with strong desire (Ps 25:1).

5-7. unto all … that call upon thee—or, "worship Thee" (Ps 50:15; 91:15) however undeserving (Ex 34:6; Le 11:9-13).

8. neither … works—literally, "nothing like thy works," the "gods" have none at all.

9, 10. The pious Jews believed that God's common relation to all would be ultimately acknowledged by all men (Ps 45:12-16; 47:9).

11. Teach—Show, point out.

the way—of Providence.

walk in thy truth—according to its declarations.

unite my heart—fix all my affections (Ps 12:2; Jas 4:8).

to fear thy name—(compare Ps 86:12) to honor Thy perfections.

13, 14. The reason: God had delivered him from death and the power of insolent, violent, and godless persecutors (Ps 54:3; Eze 8:12).

15. Contrasts God with his enemies (compare Ps 86:5).

16. son … handmaid—homeborn servant (compare Lu 15:17).

17. Show me—literally, "Make with me a token," by Thy providential care. Thus in and by his prosperity his enemies would be confounded.