Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 88 » Verse 10

Psalms 88:10 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

10 Wilt thou shew H6213 wonders H6382 to the dead? H4191 shall the dead H7496 arise H6965 and praise H3034 thee? Selah. H5542

Cross Reference

Psalms 6:5 STRONG

For in death H4194 there is no remembrance H2143 of thee: in the grave H7585 who shall give thee thanks? H3034

Psalms 30:9 STRONG

What profit H1215 is there in my blood, H1818 when I go down H3381 to the pit? H7845 Shall the dust H6083 praise H3034 thee? shall it declare H5046 thy truth? H571

Job 14:7-12 STRONG

For there is H3426 hope H8615 of a tree, H6086 if it be cut down, H3772 that it will sprout again, H2498 and that the tender branch H3127 thereof will not cease. H2308 Though the root H8328 thereof wax old H2204 in the earth, H776 and the stock H1503 thereof die H4191 in the ground; H6083 Yet through the scent H7381 of water H4325 it will bud, H6524 and bring forth H6213 boughs H7105 like a plant. H5194 But man H1397 dieth, H4191 and wasteth away: H2522 yea, man H120 giveth up the ghost, H1478 and where is he? As the waters H4325 fail H235 from the sea, H3220 and the flood H5104 decayeth H2717 and drieth up: H3001 So man H376 lieth down, H7901 and riseth H6965 not: till the heavens H8064 be no more, H1115 they shall not awake, H6974 nor be raised out H5782 of their sleep. H8142

Psalms 115:17 STRONG

The dead H4191 praise H1984 not the LORD, H3050 neither any that go down H3381 into silence. H1745

Psalms 118:17 STRONG

I shall not die, H4191 but live, H2421 and declare H5608 the works H4639 of the LORD. H3050

Isaiah 26:19 STRONG

Thy dead H4191 men shall live, H2421 together with my dead body H5038 shall they arise. H6965 Awake H6974 and sing, H7442 ye that dwell H7931 in dust: H6083 for thy dew H2919 is as the dew H2919 of herbs, H219 and the earth H776 shall cast out H5307 the dead. H7496

Isaiah 38:18-19 STRONG

For the grave H7585 cannot praise H3034 thee, death H4194 can not celebrate H1984 thee: they that go down H3381 into the pit H953 cannot hope H7663 for thy truth. H571 The living, H2416 the living, H2416 he shall praise H3034 thee, as I do this day: H3117 the father H1 to the children H1121 shall make known H3045 thy truth. H571

Ezekiel 37:1-14 STRONG

The hand H3027 of the LORD H3068 was upon me, and carried me out H3318 in the spirit H7307 of the LORD, H3068 and set me down H5117 in the midst H8432 of the valley H1237 which was full H4392 of bones, H6106 And caused me to pass H5674 by them round about: H5439 and, behold, there were very H3966 many H7227 in the open H6440 valley; H1237 and, lo, they were very H3966 dry. H3002 And he said H559 unto me, Son H1121 of man, H120 can these bones H6106 live? H2421 And I answered, H559 O Lord H136 GOD, H3069 thou knowest. H3045 Again he said H559 unto me, Prophesy H5012 upon these bones, H6106 and say H559 unto them, O ye dry H3002 bones, H6106 hear H8085 the word H1697 of the LORD. H3068 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD H3069 unto these bones; H6106 Behold, I will cause breath H7307 to enter H935 into you, and ye shall live: H2421 And I will lay H5414 sinews H1517 upon you, and will bring up H5927 flesh H1320 upon you, and cover H7159 you with skin, H5785 and put H5414 breath H7307 in you, and ye shall live; H2421 and ye shall know H3045 that I am the LORD. H3068 So I prophesied H5012 as I was commanded: H6680 and as I prophesied, H5012 there was a noise, H6963 and behold a shaking, H7494 and the bones H6106 came together, H7126 bone H6106 to his bone. H6106 And when I beheld, H7200 lo, the sinews H1517 and the flesh H1320 came up H5927 upon them, and the skin H5785 covered H7159 them above: H4605 but there was no breath H7307 in them. Then said H559 he unto me, Prophesy H5012 unto the wind, H7307 prophesy, H5012 son H1121 of man, H120 and say H559 to the wind, H7307 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Come H935 from the four H702 winds, H7307 O breath, H7307 and breathe H5301 upon these slain, H2026 that they may live. H2421 So I prophesied H5012 as he commanded H6680 me, and the breath H7307 came H935 into them, and they lived, H2421 and stood up H5975 upon their feet, H7272 an exceeding H3966 H3966 great H1419 army. H2428 Then he said H559 unto me, Son H1121 of man, H120 these bones H6106 are the whole house H1004 of Israel: H3478 behold, they say, H559 Our bones H6106 are dried, H3001 and our hope H8615 is lost: H6 we are cut off H1504 for our parts. Therefore prophesy H5012 and say H559 unto them, Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, O my people, H5971 I will open H6605 your graves, H6913 and cause you to come up H5927 out of your graves, H6913 and bring H935 you into the land H127 of Israel. H3478 And ye shall know H3045 that I am the LORD, H3068 when I have opened H6605 your graves, H6913 O my people, H5971 and brought you up H5927 out of your graves, H6913 And shall put H5414 my spirit H7307 in you, and ye shall live, H2421 and I shall place H3240 you in your own land: H127 then shall ye know H3045 that I the LORD H3068 have spoken H1696 it, and performed H6213 it, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Mark 5:35-36 STRONG

While G2089 he G846 yet G2089 spake, G2980 there came G2064 from G575 the ruler of the synagogue's G752 house certain which said, G3004 G3754 Thy G4675 daughter G2364 is dead: G599 why G5101 troublest thou G4660 the Master G1320 any further? G2089 As soon as G1161 G2112 Jesus G2424 heard G191 the word G3056 that was spoken, G2980 he saith G3004 unto the ruler of the synagogue, G752 Be G5399 not G3361 afraid, G5399 only G3440 believe. G4100

Luke 7:12-16 STRONG

Now G1161 when G5613 he came nigh G1448 to the gate G4439 of the city, G4172 behold, G2532 G2400 there was G1580 a dead man G2348 carried out, G1580 the only G3439 son G5207 of his G846 mother, G3384 and G2532 she G846 was G2258 a widow: G5503 and G2532 much G2425 people G3793 of the city G4172 was G2258 with G4862 her. G846 And G2532 when the Lord G2962 saw G1492 her, G846 he had compassion G4697 on G1909 her, G846 and G2532 said G2036 unto her, G846 Weep G2799 not. G3361 And G2532 he came G4334 and touched G680 the bier: G4673 and G1161 they that bare G941 him stood still. G2476 And G2532 he said, G2036 Young man, G3495 I say G3004 unto thee, G4671 Arise. G1453 And G2532 he that was dead G3498 sat up, G339 and G2532 began G756 to speak. G2980 And G2532 he delivered G1325 him G846 to his G846 mother. G3384 And G1161 there came G2983 a fear G5401 on all: G537 and G2532 they glorified G1392 God, G2316 saying, G3004 That G3754 a great G3173 prophet G4396 is risen up G1453 among G1722 us; G2254 and, G2532 That G3754 God G2316 hath visited G1980 his G846 people. G2992

1 Corinthians 15:52-57 STRONG

In G1722 a moment, G823 in G1722 the twinkling G4493 of an eye, G3788 at G1722 the last G2078 trump: G4536 for G1063 the trumpet shall sound, G4537 and G2532 the dead G3498 shall be raised G1453 incorruptible, G862 and G2532 we G2249 shall be changed. G236 For G1063 this G5124 corruptible G5349 must G1163 put on G1746 incorruption, G861 and G2532 this G5124 mortal G2349 must put on G1746 immortality. G110 So G1161 when G3752 this G5124 corruptible G5349 shall have put on G1746 incorruption, G861 and G2532 this G5124 mortal G2349 shall have put on G1746 immortality, G110 then G5119 shall be brought to pass G1096 the saying G3056 that is written, G1125 Death G2288 is swallowed up G2666 in G1519 victory. G3534 O death, G2288 where G4226 is thy G4675 sting? G2759 O grave, G86 where G4226 is thy G4675 victory? G3534 G1161 The sting G2759 of death G2288 is sin; G266 and G1161 the strength G1411 of sin G266 is the law. G3551 But G1161 thanks G5485 be to God, G2316 which G3588 giveth G1325 us G2254 the victory G3534 through G1223 our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547

Commentary on Psalms 88 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 88:1-18. Upon Mahalath—either an instrument, as a lute, to be used as an accompaniment (Leannoth, "for singing") or, as others think, an enigmatic title (see on Ps 5:1, Ps 22:1, and Ps 45:1, titles), denoting the subject—that is, "sickness or disease, for humbling," the idea of spiritual maladies being often represented by disease (compare Ps 6:5, 6; 22:14, 15, &c.). On the other terms, see on Ps 42:1 and Ps 32:1. Heman and Ethan (see on Ps 89:1, title) were David's singers (1Ch 6:18, 33; 15:17), of the family of Kohath. If the persons alluded to (1Ki 4:31; 1Ch 2:6), they were probably adopted into the tribe of Judah. Though called a song, which usually implies joy (Ps 83:1), both the style and matter of the Psalm are very despondent; yet the appeals to God evince faith, and we may suppose that the word "song" might be extended to such compositions.

1, 2. Compare on the terms used, Ps 22:2; 31:2.

3. grave—literally, "hell" (Ps 16:10), death in wide sense.

4. go … pit—of destruction (Ps 28:1).

as a man—literally, "a stout man," whose strength is utterly gone.

5. Free … dead—Cut off from God's care, as are the slain, who, falling under His wrath, are left, no longer sustained by His hand.

6. Similar figures for distress in Ps 63:9; 69:3.

7. Compare Ps 38:2, on first, and Ps 42:7, on last clause.

8. Both cut off from sympathy and made hateful to friends (Ps 31:11).

9. Mine eye mourneth—literally, "decays," or fails, denoting exhaustion (Ps 6:7; 31:9).

I … called—(Ps 86:5, 7).

stretched out—for help (Ps 44:20).

10. shall the dead—the remains of ghosts.

arise—literally, "rise up," that is, as dead persons.

11, 12. amplify the foregoing, the whole purport (as Ps 6:5) being to contrast death and life as seasons for praising God.

13. prevent—meet—that is, he will diligently come before God for help (Ps 18:41).

14. On the terms (Ps 27:9; 74:1; 77:7).

15. from … youth up—all my life.

16, 17. the extremes of anguish and despair are depicted.

18. into darkness—Better omit "into"—"mine acquaintances (are) darkness," the gloom of death, &c. (Job 17:13, 14).