Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 90 » Verse 7

Psalms 90:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 For we are consumed H3615 by thine anger, H639 and by thy wrath H2534 are we troubled. H926

Cross Reference

Psalms 39:11 STRONG

When thou with rebukes H8433 dost correct H3256 man H376 for iniquity, H5771 thou makest his beauty H2530 to consume away H4529 like a moth: H6211 surely every man H120 is vanity. H1892 Selah. H5542

Exodus 14:24 STRONG

And it came to pass, that in the morning H1242 watch H821 the LORD H3068 looked H8259 unto the host H4264 of the Egyptians H4714 through the pillar H5982 of fire H784 and of the cloud, H6051 and troubled H2000 the host H4264 of the Egyptians, H4714

Numbers 17:12-13 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 spake H559 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 Behold, we die, H1478 we perish, H6 we all perish. H6 Whosoever cometh any thing near H7131 unto the tabernacle H4908 of the LORD H3068 shall die: H4191 shall we be consumed H8552 with dying? H1478

Deuteronomy 2:14-16 STRONG

And the space H3117 in which we came H1980 from Kadeshbarnea, H6947 until we were come over H5674 the brook H5158 Zered, H2218 was thirty H7970 and eight H8083 years; H8141 until all the generation H1755 of the men H582 of war H4421 were wasted out H8552 from among H7130 the host, H4264 as the LORD H3068 sware H7650 unto them. For indeed the hand H3027 of the LORD H3068 was against them, to destroy H2000 them from among H7130 the host, H4264 until they were consumed. H8552 So it came to pass, when all the men H582 of war H4421 were consumed H8552 and dead H4191 from among H7130 the people, H5971

Psalms 59:13 STRONG

Consume H3615 them in wrath, H2534 consume H3615 them, that they may not be: and let them know H3045 that God H430 ruleth H4910 in Jacob H3290 unto the ends H657 of the earth. H776 Selah. H5542

Psalms 90:9 STRONG

For all our days H3117 are passed away H6437 in thy wrath: H5678 we spend H3615 our years H8141 as a tale H1899 that is told.

Psalms 90:11 STRONG

Who knoweth H3045 the power H5797 of thine anger? H639 even according to thy fear, H3374 so is thy wrath. H5678

Romans 2:8-9 STRONG

But G1161 unto them that are contentious, G1537 G2052 and G2532 do not obey G544 G3303 the truth, G225 but G1161 obey G3982 unrighteousness, G93 indignation G2372 and G2532 wrath, G3709 Tribulation G2347 and G2532 anguish, G4730 upon G1909 every G3956 soul G5590 of man G444 that doeth G2716 evil, G2556 of the Jew G2453 first, G4412 and G5037 also G2532 of the Gentile; G1672

Hebrews 3:10-11 STRONG

Wherefore G1352 I was grieved G4360 with that G1565 generation, G1074 and G2532 said, G2036 They do G4105 alway G104 err G4105 in their heart; G2588 and G1161 they G846 have G1097 not G3756 known G1097 my G3450 ways. G3598 So G5613 I sware G3660 in G1722 my G3450 wrath, G3709 They shall G1525 not G1487 enter G1525 into G1519 my G3450 rest.) G2663

Commentary on Psalms 90 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 90:1-17. Contrasting man's frailty with God's eternity, the writer mourns over it as the punishment of sin, and prays for a return of the divine favor. A Prayer [mainly such] of Moses the man of God—(De 33:1; Jos 14:6); as such he wrote this (see on Ps 18:1, title, and Ps 36:1, title).

1. dwelling-place—home (compare Eze 11:16), as a refuge (De 33:27).

2. brought forth [and] formed—both express the idea of production by birth.

3. to destruction—literally, "even to dust" (Ge 3:19), which is partly quoted in the last clause.

4. Even were our days now a thousand years, as Adam's, our life would be but a moment in God's sight (2Pe 3:8).

a watch—or, third part of a night (compare Ex 14:24).

5, 6. Life is like grass, which, though changing under the influence of the night's dew, and flourishing in the morning, is soon cut down and withereth (Ps 103:15; 1Pe 1:24).

7, 8. For—A reason, this is the infliction of God's wrath.

troubled—literally, "confounded by terror" (Ps 2:5). Death is by sin (Ro 5:12). Though "secret," the light of God's countenance, as a candle, will bring sin to view (Pr 20:27; 1Co 4:5).

9. are passed—literally, "turn," as to depart (Jer 6:4).

spend—literally, "consume."

as a tale—literally, "a thought," or, "a sigh" (Eze 2:10).

10. Moses' life was an exception (De 34:7).

it is … cut off—or, "driven," as is said of the quails in using the same word (Nu 11:31). In view of this certain and speedy end, life is full of sorrow.

11. The whole verse may be read as a question implying the negative, "No one knows what Thy anger can do, and what Thy wrath is, estimated by a true piety."

12. This he prays we may know or understand, so as properly to number or appreciate the shortness of our days, that we may be wise.

13. (Compare Ps 13:2).

let it repent—a strong figure, as in Ex 32:12, imploring a change in His dealings.

14. early—promptly.

15. As have been our sorrows, so let our joys be great and long.

16. thy work—or, providential acts.

thy glory—(Ps 8:5; 45:3), the honor accruing from Thy work of mercy to us.

17. let the beauty—or sum of His gracious acts, in their harmony, be illustrated in us, and favor our enterprise.