Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 92 » Verse 15

Psalms 92:15 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 To shew H5046 that the LORD H3068 is upright: H3477 he is my rock, H6697 and there is no unrighteousness H5766 H5766 in him.

Cross Reference

Psalms 18:2 STRONG

The LORD H3068 is my rock, H5553 and my fortress, H4686 and my deliverer; H6403 my God, H410 my strength, H6697 in whom I will trust; H2620 my buckler, H4043 and the horn H7161 of my salvation, H3468 and my high tower. H4869

Deuteronomy 32:4 STRONG

He is the Rock, H6697 his work H6467 is perfect: H8549 for all his ways H1870 are judgment: H4941 a God H410 of truth H530 and without iniquity, H5766 just H6662 and right H3477 is he.

Job 34:10 STRONG

Therefore hearken H8085 unto me, ye men H582 of understanding: H3824 far be it H2486 from God, H410 that he should do wickedness; H7562 and from the Almighty, H7706 that he should commit iniquity. H5766

Psalms 62:6 STRONG

He only is my rock H6697 and my salvation: H3444 he is my defence; H4869 I shall not be moved. H4131

Romans 9:14 STRONG

What G5101 shall we say G2046 then? G3767 G3361 Is there unrighteousness G93 with G3844 God? G2316 God forbid. G3361 G1096

Psalms 145:17 STRONG

The LORD H3068 is righteous H6662 in all his ways, H1870 and holy H2623 in all his works. H4639

Zephaniah 3:5 STRONG

The just H6662 LORD H3068 is in the midst H7130 thereof; he will not do H6213 iniquity: H5766 every H1242 morning H1242 doth he bring H5414 his judgment H4941 to light, H216 he faileth H5737 not; but the unjust H5767 knoweth H3045 no shame. H1322

John 10:27-29 STRONG

My G1699 sheep G4263 hear G191 my G3450 voice, G5456 and I G2504 know G1097 them, G846 and G2532 they follow G190 me: G3427 And I G2504 give G1325 unto them G846 eternal G166 life; G2222 and G2532 they shall G622 never G3364 G1519 G165 perish, G622 neither G2532 G3756 shall G726 any G5100 man pluck G726 them G846 out of G1537 my G3450 hand. G5495 My G3450 Father, G3962 which G3739 gave G1325 them me, G3427 is G2076 greater than G3187 all; G3956 and G2532 no G3762 man is able G1410 to pluck G726 them out of G1537 my G3450 Father's G3962 hand. G5495

John 15:1-3 STRONG

I G1473 am G1510 the true G228 vine, G288 and G2532 my G3450 Father G3962 is G2076 the husbandman. G1092 Every G3956 branch G2814 in G1722 me G1698 that G846 beareth G5342 not G3361 fruit G2590 he taketh away: G142 and G2532 every G3956 branch that beareth G5342 fruit, G2590 he purgeth G2508 it, G846 that G2443 it may bring forth G5342 more G4119 fruit. G2590 Now G2235 ye G5210 are G2075 clean G2513 through G1223 the word G3056 which G3739 I have spoken G2980 unto you. G5213

1 Corinthians 1:8-9 STRONG

Who G3739 shall G950 also G2532 confirm G950 you G5209 unto G2193 the end, G5056 that ye may be blameless G410 in G1722 the day G2250 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547 God G2316 is faithful, G4103 by G1223 whom G3739 ye were called G2564 unto G1519 the fellowship G2842 of his G846 Son G5207 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 our G2257 Lord. G2962

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 STRONG

And G1161 the very G846 God G2316 of peace G1515 sanctify G37 you G5209 wholly; G3651 and G2532 I pray God your G5216 whole G3648 spirit G4151 and G2532 soul G5590 and G2532 body G4983 be preserved G5083 blameless G274 unto G1722 the coming G3952 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547 Faithful G4103 is he that calleth G2564 you, G5209 who G3739 also G2532 will do G4160 it.

2 Thessalonians 1:6-7 STRONG

Seeing G1512 it is a righteous thing G1342 with G3844 God G2316 to recompense G467 tribulation G2347 to them that trouble G2346 you; G5209 And G2532 to you G5213 who are troubled G2346 rest G425 with G3326 us, G2257 when G1722 the Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 shall be revealed G602 from G575 heaven G3772 with G3326 his G846 mighty G1411 angels, G32

Titus 1:2 STRONG

In G1909 hope G1680 of eternal G166 life, G2222 which G3739 God, G2316 that cannot lie, G893 promised G1861 before G4253 the world G166 began; G5550

1 Peter 1:4-5 STRONG

To G1519 an inheritance G2817 incorruptible, G862 and G2532 undefiled, G283 and G2532 that fadeth not away, G263 reserved G5083 in G1722 heaven G3772 for G1519 you, G5209 Who G3588 are kept G5432 by G1722 the power G1411 of God G2316 through G1223 faith G4102 unto G1519 salvation G4991 ready G2092 to be revealed G601 in G1722 the last G2078 time. G2540

Commentary on Psalms 92 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 92:1-15. A Psalm-song—(see on Ps 30:1, title). The theme: God should be praised for His righteous judgments on the wicked and His care and defense of His people. Such a topic, at all times proper, is specially so for the reflections of the Sabbath day.

1. sing … name—celebrate Thy perfections.

2. in the morning, … every night—diligently and constantly (Ps 42:8).

loving kindness—literally, "mercy."

faithfulness—in fulfilling promises (Ps 89:14).

3. In such a work all proper aid must be used.

with a … sound—or, on Higgaion (see on Ps 9:16), perhaps an instrument of that name, from its sound resembling the muttered sound of meditation, as expressed also by the word. This is joined with the harp.

4. thy work—that is, of providence (Ps 90:16, 17).

5. great … works—correspond to deep or vast thoughts (Ps 40:5; Ro 11:23).

6. A brutish man knoweth not—that is, God's works, so the Psalmist describes himself (Ps 73:22) when amazed by the prosperity of the wicked, now understood and explained.

8. This he does in part, by contrasting their ruin with God's exaltation and eternity.

most high—as occupying the highest place in heaven (Ps 7:7; 18:16).

9, 10. A further contrast with the wicked, in the lot of the righteous, safety and triumph.

10. horn … exalt—is to increase power (Ps 75:5).

anointed … fresh—or, "new"

oil—(Ps 23:5) a figure for refreshment (compare Lu 7:46). Such use of oil is still common in the East.

11. see … [and] … hear my desire—or, literally, "look on" my enemies and hear of the wicked (compare Ps 27:11; 54:7)—that is, I shall be gratified by their fall.

12-14. The vigorous growth, longevity, utility, fragrance, and beauty of these noble trees, set forth the life, character, and destiny of the pious;

15. and they thus declare God's glory as their strong and righteous ruler.