Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 99 » Verse 6

Psalms 99:6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 Moses H4872 and Aaron H175 among his priests, H3548 and Samuel H8050 among them that call H7121 upon his name; H8034 they called H7121 upon the LORD, H3068 and he answered H6030 them.

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 15:1 STRONG

Then said H559 the LORD H3068 unto me, Though Moses H4872 and Samuel H8050 stood H5975 before H6440 me, yet my mind H5315 could not be toward this people: H5971 cast them out H7971 of my sight, H6440 and let them go forth. H3318

Exodus 24:6-8 STRONG

And Moses H4872 took H3947 half H2677 of the blood, H1818 and put H7760 it in basons; H101 and half H2677 of the blood H1818 he sprinkled H2236 on the altar. H4196 And he took H3947 the book H5612 of the covenant, H1285 and read H7121 in the audience H241 of the people: H5971 and they said, H559 All that the LORD H3068 hath said H1696 will we do, H6213 and be obedient. H8085 And Moses H4872 took H3947 the blood, H1818 and sprinkled H2236 it on the people, H5971 and said, H559 Behold the blood H1818 of the covenant, H1285 which the LORD H3068 hath made H3772 with you concerning all these words. H1697

Exodus 14:15 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 Wherefore criest H6817 thou unto me? speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 that they go forward: H5265

Exodus 15:25 STRONG

And he cried H6817 unto the LORD; H3068 and the LORD H3068 shewed H3384 him a tree, H6086 which when he had cast H7993 into the waters, H4325 the waters H4325 were made sweet: H4985 there he made H7760 for them a statute H2706 and an ordinance, H4941 and there he proved H5254 them,

Exodus 29:11-37 STRONG

And thou shalt kill H7819 the bullock H6499 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 by the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And thou shalt take H3947 of the blood H1818 of the bullock, H6499 and put H5414 it upon the horns H7161 of the altar H4196 with thy finger, H676 and pour H8210 all the blood H1818 beside H413 the bottom H3247 of the altar. H4196 And thou shalt take H3947 all the fat H2459 that covereth H3680 the inwards, H7130 and the caul H3508 that is above the liver, H3516 and the two H8147 kidneys, H3629 and the fat H2459 that is upon them, and burn H6999 them upon the altar. H4196 But the flesh H1320 of the bullock, H6499 and his skin, H5785 and his dung, H6569 shalt thou burn H8313 with fire H784 without H2351 the camp: H4264 it is a sin offering. H2403 Thou shalt also take H3947 one H259 ram; H352 and Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 shall put H5564 their hands H3027 upon the head H7218 of the ram. H352 And thou shalt slay H7819 the ram, H352 and thou shalt take H3947 his blood, H1818 and sprinkle H2236 it round about H5439 upon the altar. H4196 And thou shalt cut H5408 the ram H352 in pieces, H5409 and wash H7364 the inwards H7130 of him, and his legs, H3767 and put H5414 them unto his pieces, H5409 and unto his head. H7218 And thou shalt burn H6999 the whole ram H352 upon the altar: H4196 it is a burnt offering H5930 unto the LORD: H3068 it is a sweet H5207 savour, H7381 an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD. H3068 And thou shalt take H3947 the other H8145 ram; H352 and Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 shall put H5564 their hands H3027 upon the head H7218 of the ram. H352 Then shalt thou kill H7819 the ram, H352 and take H3947 of his blood, H1818 and put H5414 it upon the tip H8571 of the right ear H241 of Aaron, H175 and upon the tip H8571 of the right H3233 ear H241 of his sons, H1121 and upon the thumb H931 of their right H3233 hand, H3027 and upon the great toe H931 of their right H3233 foot, H7272 and sprinkle H2236 the blood H1818 upon the altar H4196 round about. H5439 And thou shalt take H3947 of the blood H1818 that is upon the altar, H4196 and of the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and sprinkle H5137 it upon Aaron, H175 and upon his garments, H899 and upon his sons, H1121 and upon the garments H899 of his sons H1121 with him: and he shall be hallowed, H6942 and his garments, H899 and his sons, H1121 and his sons' H1121 garments H899 with him. Also thou shalt take H3947 of the ram H352 the fat H2459 and the rump, H451 and the fat H2459 that covereth H3680 the inwards, H7130 and the caul H3508 above the liver, H3516 and the two H8147 kidneys, H3629 and the fat H2459 that is upon them, and the right H3225 shoulder; H7785 for it is a ram H352 of consecration: H4394 And one H259 loaf H3603 of bread, H3899 and one H259 cake H2471 of oiled H8081 bread, and one H259 wafer H7550 out of the basket H5536 of the unleavened bread H4682 that is before H6440 the LORD: H3068 And thou shalt put H7760 all in the hands H3709 of Aaron, H175 and in the hands H3709 of his sons; H1121 and shalt wave H5130 them for a wave offering H8573 before H6440 the LORD. H3068 And thou shalt receive H3947 them of their hands, H3027 and burn H6999 them upon the altar H4196 for a burnt offering, H5930 for a sweet H5207 savour H7381 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 it is an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD. H3068 And thou shalt take H3947 the breast H2373 of the ram H352 of Aaron's H175 consecration, H4394 and wave H5130 it for a wave offering H8573 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 and it shall be thy part. H4490 And thou shalt sanctify H6942 the breast H2373 of the wave offering, H8573 and the shoulder H7785 of the heave offering, H8641 which is waved, H5130 and which is heaved up, H7311 of the ram H352 of the consecration, H4394 even of that which H834 is for Aaron, H175 and of that which is for his sons: H1121 And it shall be Aaron's H175 and his sons' H1121 by a statute H2706 for ever H5769 from the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 for it is an heave offering: H8641 and it shall be an heave offering H8641 from the children H1121 of Israel H3478 of the sacrifice H2077 of their peace offerings, H8002 even their heave offering H8641 unto the LORD. H3068 And the holy H6944 garments H899 of Aaron H175 shall be his sons' H1121 after H310 him, to be anointed H4888 therein, and to be consecrated H4390 H3027 in them. And that son H1121 that is priest H3548 in his stead shall put H3847 them on seven H7651 days, H3117 when he cometh H935 into the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 to minister H8334 in the holy H6944 place. And thou shalt take H3947 the ram H352 of the consecration, H4394 and seethe H1310 his flesh H1320 in the holy H6918 place. H4725 And Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 shall eat H398 the flesh H1320 of the ram, H352 and the bread H3899 that is in the basket, H5536 by the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And they shall eat H398 those things wherewith the atonement was made, H3722 to consecrate H4390 H3027 and to sanctify H6942 them: but a stranger H2114 shall not eat H398 thereof, because they are holy. H6944 And if ought of the flesh H1320 of the consecrations, H4394 or of the bread, H3899 remain H3498 unto the morning, H1242 then thou shalt burn H8313 the remainder H3498 with fire: H784 it shall not be eaten, H398 because it is holy. H6944 And thus shalt thou do H6213 unto Aaron, H175 and to his sons, H1121 according to all things which I have commanded H6680 thee: seven H7651 days H3117 shalt thou consecrate H4390 H3027 them. And thou shalt offer H6213 every day H3117 a bullock H6499 for a sin offering H2403 for atonement: H3725 and thou shalt cleanse H2398 the altar, H4196 when thou hast made an atonement H3722 for it, and thou shalt anoint H4886 it, to sanctify H6942 it. Seven H7651 days H3117 thou shalt make an atonement H3722 for the altar, H4196 and sanctify H6942 it; and it shall be an altar H4196 most holy: H6944 H6944 whatsoever toucheth H5060 the altar H4196 shall be holy. H6942

Exodus 32:11-14 STRONG

And Moses H4872 besought H2470 H6440 the LORD H3068 his God, H430 and said, H559 LORD, H3068 why doth thy wrath H639 wax hot H2734 against thy people, H5971 which thou hast brought forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt H4714 with great H1419 power, H3581 and with a mighty H2389 hand? H3027 Wherefore should the Egyptians H4714 speak, H559 and say, H559 For mischief H7451 did he bring H3318 them out, to slay H2026 them in the mountains, H2022 and to consume H3615 them from the face H6440 of the earth? H127 Turn H7725 from thy fierce H2740 wrath, H639 and repent H5162 of this evil H7451 against thy people. H5971 Remember H2142 Abraham, H85 Isaac, H3327 and Israel, H3478 thy servants, H5650 to whom thou swarest H7650 by thine own self, and saidst H1696 unto them, I will multiply H7235 your seed H2233 as the stars H3556 of heaven, H8064 and all this land H776 that I have spoken H559 of will I give H5414 unto your seed, H2233 and they shall inherit H5157 it for ever. H5769 And the LORD H3068 repented H5162 of the evil H7451 which he thought H1696 to do H6213 unto his people. H5971

Exodus 32:30 STRONG

And it came to pass on the morrow, H4283 that Moses H4872 said H559 unto the people, H5971 Ye have sinned H2398 a great H1419 sin: H2401 and now I will go up H5927 unto the LORD; H3068 peradventure H194 I shall make an atonement H3722 for H1157 your sin. H2403

Exodus 33:12-15 STRONG

And Moses H4872 said H559 unto the LORD, H3068 See, H7200 thou sayest H559 unto me, Bring up H5927 this people: H5971 and thou hast not let me know H3045 whom thou wilt send H7971 with me. Yet thou hast said, H559 I know H3045 thee by name, H8034 and thou hast also found H4672 grace H2580 in my sight. H5869 Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found H4672 grace H2580 in thy sight, H5869 shew H3045 me now thy way, H1870 that I may know H3045 thee, that I may find H4672 grace H2580 in thy sight: H5869 and consider H7200 that this nation H1471 is thy people. H5971 And he said, H559 My presence H6440 shall go H3212 with thee, and I will give thee rest. H5117 And he said H559 unto him, If thy presence H6440 go H1980 not with me, carry us not up H5927 hence.

Exodus 40:23-29 STRONG

And he set H6187 the bread H3899 in order H6186 upon it before H6440 the LORD; H3068 as the LORD H3068 had commanded H6680 Moses. H4872 And he put H7760 the candlestick H4501 in the tent H168 of the congregation, H4150 over against H5227 the table, H7979 on the side H3409 of the tabernacle H4908 southward. H5045 And he lighted H5927 the lamps H5216 before H6440 the LORD; H3068 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872 And he put H7760 the golden H2091 altar H4196 in the tent H168 of the congregation H4150 before H6440 the vail: H6532 And he burnt H6999 sweet H5561 incense H7004 thereon; as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872 And he set up H7760 the hanging H4539 at the door H6607 of the tabernacle. H4908 And he put H7760 the altar H4196 of burnt offering H5930 by the door H6607 of the tabernacle H4908 of the tent H168 of the congregation, H4150 and offered H5927 upon it the burnt offering H5930 and the meat offering; H4503 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872

Leviticus 8:1-30 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 Take H3947 Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 with him, and the garments, H899 and the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and a bullock H6499 for the sin offering, H2403 and two H8147 rams, H352 and a basket H5536 of unleavened bread; H4682 And gather H6950 thou all the congregation H5712 together H6950 unto the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And Moses H4872 did H6213 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 him; and the assembly H5712 was gathered together H6950 unto the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And Moses H4872 said H559 unto the congregation, H5712 This is the thing H1697 which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 to be done. H6213 And Moses H4872 brought H7126 Aaron H175 and his sons, H1121 and washed H7364 them with water. H4325 And he put H5414 upon him the coat, H3801 and girded H2296 him with the girdle, H73 and clothed H3847 him with the robe, H4598 and put H5414 the ephod H646 upon him, and he girded H2296 him with the curious girdle H2805 of the ephod, H646 and bound H640 it unto him therewith. And he put H7760 the breastplate H2833 upon him: also he put H5414 in the breastplate H2833 the Urim H224 and the Thummim. H8550 And he put H7760 the mitre H4701 upon his head; H7218 also upon the mitre, H4701 even upon his forefront, H6440 H4136 did he put H7760 the golden H2091 plate, H6731 the holy H6944 crown; H5145 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872 And Moses H4872 took H3947 the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and anointed H4886 the tabernacle H4908 and all that was therein, and sanctified H6942 them. And he sprinkled H5137 thereof upon the altar H4196 seven H7651 times, H6471 and anointed H4886 the altar H4196 and all his vessels, H3627 both the laver H3595 and his foot, H3653 to sanctify H6942 them. And he poured H3332 of the anointing H4888 oil H8081 upon Aaron's H175 head, H7218 and anointed H4886 him, to sanctify H6942 him. And Moses H4872 brought H7126 Aaron's H175 sons, H1121 and put H3847 coats H3801 upon them, and girded H2296 them with girdles, H73 and put H2280 bonnets H4021 upon them; as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872 And he brought H5066 the bullock H6499 for the sin offering: H2403 and Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 laid H5564 their hands H3027 upon the head H7218 of the bullock H6499 for the sin offering. H2403 And he slew H7819 it; and Moses H4872 took H3947 the blood, H1818 and put H5414 it upon the horns H7161 of the altar H4196 round about H5439 with his finger, H676 and purified H2398 the altar, H4196 and poured H3332 the blood H1818 at the bottom H3247 of the altar, H4196 and sanctified H6942 it, to make reconciliation H3722 upon it. And he took H3947 all the fat H2459 that was upon the inwards, H7130 and the caul H3508 above the liver, H3516 and the two H8147 kidneys, H3629 and their fat, H2459 and Moses H4872 burned H6999 it upon the altar. H4196 But the bullock, H6499 and his hide, H5785 his flesh, H1320 and his dung, H6569 he burnt H8313 with fire H784 without H2351 the camp; H4264 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872 And he brought H7126 the ram H352 for the burnt offering: H5930 and Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 laid H5564 their hands H3027 upon the head H7218 of the ram. H352 And he killed H7819 it; and Moses H4872 sprinkled H2236 the blood H1818 upon the altar H4196 round about. H5439 And he cut H5408 the ram H352 into pieces; H5409 and Moses H4872 burnt H6999 the head, H7218 and the pieces, H5409 and the fat. H6309 And he washed H7364 the inwards H7130 and the legs H3767 in water; H4325 and Moses H4872 burnt H6999 the whole ram H352 upon the altar: H4196 it was a burnt sacrifice H5930 for a sweet H5207 savour, H7381 and an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD; H3068 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872 And he brought H7126 the other H8145 ram, H352 the ram H352 of consecration: H4394 and Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 laid H5564 their hands H3027 upon the head H7218 of the ram. H352 And he slew H7819 it; and Moses H4872 took H3947 of the blood H1818 of it, and put H5414 it upon the tip H8571 of Aaron's H175 right H3233 ear, H241 and upon the thumb H931 of his right H3233 hand, H3027 and upon the great toe H931 of his right H3233 foot. H7272 And he brought H7126 Aaron's H175 sons, H1121 and Moses H4872 put H5414 of the blood H1818 upon the tip H8571 of their right H3233 ear, H241 and upon the thumbs H931 of their right H3233 hands, H3027 and upon the great toes H931 of their right H3233 feet: H7272 and Moses H4872 sprinkled H2236 the blood H1818 upon the altar H4196 round about. H5439 And he took H3947 the fat, H2459 and the rump, H451 and all the fat H2459 that was upon the inwards, H7130 and the caul H3508 above the liver, H3516 and the two H8147 kidneys, H3629 and their fat, H2459 and the right H3225 shoulder: H7785 And out of the basket H5536 of unleavened H4682 bread, H3899 that was before H6440 the LORD, H3068 he took H3947 one H259 unleavened H4682 cake, H2471 and a cake H2471 of oiled H8081 bread, and one H259 wafer, H7550 and put H7760 them on the fat, H2459 and upon the right H3225 shoulder: H7785 And he put H5414 all upon Aaron's H175 hands, H3709 and upon his sons' H1121 hands, H3709 and waved H5130 them for a wave offering H8573 before H6440 the LORD. H3068 And Moses H4872 took H3947 them from off their hands, H3709 and burnt H6999 them on the altar H4196 upon the burnt offering: H5930 they were consecrations H4394 for a sweet H5207 savour: H7381 it is an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD. H3068 And Moses H4872 took H3947 the breast, H2373 and waved H5130 it for a wave offering H8573 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 for of the ram H352 of consecration H4394 it was Moses' H4872 part; H4490 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872 And Moses H4872 took H3947 of the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and of the blood H1818 which was upon the altar, H4196 and sprinkled H5137 it upon Aaron, H175 and upon his garments, H899 and upon his sons, H1121 and upon his sons' H1121 garments H899 with him; and sanctified H6942 Aaron, H175 and his garments, H899 and his sons, H1121 and his sons' H1121 garments H899 with him.

Numbers 14:13-20 STRONG

And Moses H4872 said H559 unto the LORD, H3068 Then the Egyptians H4714 shall hear H8085 it, (for thou broughtest up H5927 this people H5971 in thy might H3581 from among H7130 them;) And they will tell H559 it to the inhabitants H3427 of this land: H776 for they have heard H8085 that thou LORD H3068 art among H7130 this people, H5971 that thou LORD H3068 art seen H7200 face H5869 to face, H5869 and that thy cloud H6051 standeth H5975 over them, and that thou goest H1980 before H6440 them, by day time H3119 in a pillar H5982 of a cloud, H6051 and in a pillar H5982 of fire H784 by night. H3915 Now if thou shalt kill H4191 all this people H5971 as one H259 man, H376 then the nations H1471 which have heard H8085 the fame H8088 of thee will speak, H559 saying, H559 Because the LORD H3068 was not H1115 able H3201 to bring H935 this people H5971 into the land H776 which he sware H7650 unto them, therefore he hath slain H7819 them in the wilderness. H4057 And now, I beseech thee, let the power H3581 of my Lord H136 be great, H1431 according H834 as thou hast spoken, H1696 saying, H559 The LORD H3068 is longsuffering, H750 H639 and of great H7227 mercy, H2617 forgiving H5375 iniquity H5771 and transgression, H6588 and by no means H5352 clearing H5352 the guilty, visiting H6485 the iniquity H5771 of the fathers H1 upon the children H1121 unto the third H8029 and fourth H7256 generation. Pardon, H5545 I beseech thee, the iniquity H5771 of this people H5971 according unto the greatness H1433 of thy mercy, H2617 and as thou hast forgiven H5375 this people, H5971 from Egypt H4714 even until now. H2008 And the LORD H3068 said, H559 I have pardoned H5545 according to thy word: H1697

Numbers 16:21-22 STRONG

Separate H914 yourselves from among H8432 this congregation, H5712 that I may consume H3615 them in a moment. H7281 And they fell H5307 upon their faces, H6440 and said, H559 O God, H410 the God H430 of the spirits H7307 of all flesh, H1320 shall one H259 man H376 sin, H2398 and wilt thou be wroth H7107 with all the congregation? H5712

Numbers 16:47-48 STRONG

And Aaron H175 took H3947 as Moses H4872 commanded, H1696 and ran H7323 into the midst H8432 of the congregation; H6951 and, behold, the plague H5063 was begun H2490 among the people: H5971 and he put H5414 on incense, H7004 and made an atonement H3722 for the people. H5971 And he stood H5975 between the dead H4191 and the living; H2416 and the plague H4046 was stayed. H6113

1 Samuel 7:9-12 STRONG

And Samuel H8050 took H3947 a H259 sucking H2461 lamb, H2924 and offered H5927 it for a burnt offering H5930 wholly H3632 unto the LORD: H3068 and Samuel H8050 cried H2199 unto the LORD H3068 for Israel; H3478 and the LORD H3068 heard H6030 him. And as Samuel H8050 was offering up H5927 the burnt offering, H5930 the Philistines H6430 drew near H5066 to battle H4421 against Israel: H3478 but the LORD H3068 thundered H7481 with a great H1419 thunder H6963 on that day H3117 upon the Philistines, H6430 and discomfited H2000 them; and they were smitten H5062 before H6440 Israel. H3478 And the men H582 of Israel H3478 went out H3318 of Mizpeh, H4709 and pursued H7291 the Philistines, H6430 and smote H5221 them, until they came under Bethcar. H1033 Then Samuel H8050 took H3947 a H259 stone, H68 and set H7760 it between Mizpeh H4709 and Shen, H8129 and called H7121 the name H8034 of it Ebenezer, H72 saying, H559 Hitherto hath the LORD H3068 helped H5826 us.

1 Samuel 12:18-24 STRONG

So Samuel H8050 called H7121 unto the LORD; H3068 and the LORD H3068 sent H5414 thunder H6963 and rain H4306 that day: H3117 and all the people H5971 greatly H3966 feared H3372 the LORD H3068 and Samuel. H8050 And all the people H5971 said H559 unto Samuel, H8050 Pray H6419 for thy servants H5650 unto the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 that we die H4191 not: for we have added H3254 unto all our sins H2403 this evil, H7451 to ask H7592 us a king. H4428 And Samuel H8050 said H559 unto the people, H5971 Fear H3372 not: ye have done H6213 all this wickedness: H7451 yet turn not aside H5493 from following H310 the LORD, H3068 but serve H5647 the LORD H3068 with all your heart; H3824 And turn ye not aside: H5493 for then should ye go after H310 vain H8414 things, which cannot profit H3276 nor deliver; H5337 for they are vain. H8414 For the LORD H3068 will not forsake H5203 his people H5971 for his great H1419 name's H8034 sake: because it hath pleased H2974 the LORD H3068 to make H6213 you his people. H5971 Moreover as for me, H595 God forbid H2486 that I should sin H2398 against the LORD H3068 in ceasing H2308 to pray H6419 for you: H1157 but I will teach H3384 you the good H2896 and the right H3477 way: H1870 Only fear H3372 the LORD, H3068 and serve H5647 him in truth H571 with all your heart: H3824 for consider H7200 how great things he hath done H1431 for you.

Commentary on Psalms 99 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 99:1-9. God's government is especially exercised in and for His Church, which should praise Him for His gracious dealings.

1. sitteth … cherubim—(compare 1Sa 4:4; Ps 80:1).

tremble … be moved—inspired with fear by His judgments on the wicked.

2. great in Zion—where He dwells (Ps 9:11).

3. thy … name—perfections of justice, power, &c.

great and terrible name—producing dread (De 10:17), and to be praised by those over whom He is exalted (Ps 97:9).

it is holy—or, "He is holy" (Ps 99:5, 9; Isa 6:3).

4, 5. To His wise and righteous government all nations should render honor.

king's … judgment—His power is combined with justice.

he is holy—(compare Ps 22:3).

6-8. The experience of these servants of God is cited for encouragement.

among … priests, among … upon the Lord [and] He spake … pillar—may be referred to all three (compare Ex 18:19; Le 8:15; De 5:5; 1Sa 9:13).

7. cloudy pillar—the medium of divine intercourse (Ex 33:9; Nu 12:5). Obedience was united with worship. God answered them as intercessors for the people, who, though forgiven, were yet chastened (Ex 32:10, 34).