Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Revelation » Chapter 22 » Verse 15

Revelation 22:15 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 For G1161 without G1854 are dogs, G2965 and G2532 sorcerers, G5333 and G2532 whoremongers, G4205 and G2532 murderers, G5406 and G2532 idolaters, G1496 and G2532 whosoever G3956 loveth G5368 and G2532 maketh G4160 a lie. G5579

Cross Reference

Revelation 21:8 STRONG

But G1161 the fearful, G1169 and G2532 unbelieving, G571 and G2532 the abominable, G948 and G2532 murderers, G5406 and G2532 whoremongers, G4205 and G2532 sorcerers, G5332 and G2532 idolaters, G1496 and G2532 all G3956 liars, G5571 shall have their G846 part G3313 in G1722 the lake G3041 which G3588 burneth G2545 with fire G4442 and G2532 brimstone: G2303 which is G3603 the second G1208 death. G2288

Galatians 5:19-21 STRONG

Now G1161 the works G2041 of the flesh G4561 are G2076 manifest, G5318 which G3748 are G2076 these; Adultery, G3430 fornication, G4202 uncleanness, G167 lasciviousness, G766 Idolatry, G1495 witchcraft, G5331 hatred, G2189 variance, G2054 emulations, G2205 wrath, G2372 strife, G2052 seditions, G1370 heresies, G139 Envyings, G5355 murders, G5408 drunkenness, G3178 revellings, G2970 and G2532 such G5125 like: G3664 of the which G3739 I tell G4302 you G5213 before, G4302 as G2531 I have G4277 also G2532 told you in time past, G4277 that G3754 they which do G4238 such things G5108 shall G2816 not G3756 inherit G2816 the kingdom G932 of God. G2316

Revelation 21:27 STRONG

And G2532 there shall G1525 in no wise G3364 enter G1525 into G1519 it G846 any thing G3956 that defileth, G2840 neither G2532 whatsoever worketh G4160 abomination, G946 or G2532 maketh a lie: G5579 but G1508 they which are written G1125 in G1722 the Lamb's G721 book G975 of life. G2222

Philippians 3:2 STRONG

Beware G991 of dogs, G2965 beware G991 of evil G2556 workers, G2040 beware G991 of the concision. G2699

Revelation 9:20-21 STRONG

And G2532 the rest G3062 of the men G444 which G3739 were G615 not G3756 killed G615 by G1722 these G5025 plagues G4127 yet G3777 repented G3340 not G3777 of G1537 the works G2041 of their G846 hands, G5495 that G3363 they should G4352 not G3363 worship G4352 devils, G1140 and G2532 idols G1497 of gold, G5552 and G2532 silver, G693 and G2532 brass, G5470 and G2532 stone, G3035 and G2532 of wood: G3585 which G3739 neither G3777 can G1410 see, G991 nor G3777 hear, G191 nor G3777 walk: G4043 Neither G2532 G3756 repented they G3340 of G1537 their G846 murders, G5408 nor G3777 of G1537 their G846 sorceries, G5331 nor G3777 of G1537 their G846 fornication, G4202 nor G3777 of G1537 their G846 thefts. G2809

Colossians 3:6 STRONG

For G1223 which things' sake G3739 the wrath G3709 of God G2316 cometh G2064 on G1909 the children G5207 of disobedience: G543

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 STRONG

G2228 Know ye G1492 not G3756 that G3754 the unrighteous G94 shall G2816 not G3756 inherit G2816 the kingdom G932 of God? G2316 Be G4105 not G3361 deceived: G4105 neither G3777 fornicators, G4205 nor G3777 idolaters, G1496 nor G3777 adulterers, G3432 nor G3777 effeminate, G3120 nor G3777 abusers of themselves with mankind, G733 Nor G3777 thieves, G2812 nor G3777 covetous, G4123 nor G3777 drunkards, G3183 nor G3756 revilers, G3060 nor G3756 extortioners, G727 shall inherit G3756 G2816 the kingdom G932 of God. G2316

Ephesians 5:3-6 STRONG

But G2532 fornication, G4202 and G1161 all G3956 uncleanness, G167 or G2228 covetousness, G4124 let it G3687 not be once G3366 named G3687 among G1722 you, G5213 as G2531 becometh G4241 saints; G40 Neither G2532 filthiness, G151 nor G2532 foolish talking, G3473 nor G2228 jesting, G2160 which G3588 are G433 not G3756 convenient: G433 but G235 rather G3123 giving of thanks. G2169 For G1063 this G5124 ye know, G2075 G1097 that G3754 no G3756 G3956 whoremonger, G4205 nor G2228 unclean person, G169 nor G2228 covetous man, G4123 who G3739 is G2076 an idolater, G1496 hath G2192 any inheritance G2817 in G1722 the kingdom G932 of Christ G5547 and G2532 of God. G2316 Let G538 no man G3367 deceive G538 you G5209 with vain G2756 words: G3056 for G1063 because G1223 of these things G5023 cometh G2064 the wrath G3709 of God G2316 upon G1909 the children G5207 of disobedience. G543

John 3:18-21 STRONG

He that believeth G4100 on G1519 him G846 is G2919 not G3756 condemned: G2919 but G1161 he that believeth G4100 not G3361 is condemned G2919 already, G2235 because G3754 he hath G4100 not G3361 believed G4100 in G1519 the name G3686 of the only begotten G3439 Son G5207 of God. G2316 And G1161 this G3778 is G2076 the condemnation, G2920 that G3754 light G5457 is come G2064 into G1519 the world, G2889 and G2532 men G444 loved G25 darkness G4655 rather G3123 than G2228 light, G5457 because G1063 their G846 deeds G2041 were G2258 evil. G4190 For G1063 every one G3956 that doeth G4238 evil G5337 hateth G3404 the light, G5457 neither G2532 G3756 cometh G2064 to G4314 the light, G5457 lest G3363 his G846 deeds G2041 should be reproved. G1651 But G1161 he that doeth G4160 truth G225 cometh G2064 to G4314 the light, G5457 that G2443 his G846 deeds G2041 may be made manifest, G5319 that G3754 they are G2076 wrought G2038 in G1722 God. G2316

Malachi 3:5 STRONG

And I will come near H7126 to you to judgment; H4941 and I will be a swift H4116 witness H5707 against the sorcerers, H3784 and against the adulterers, H5003 and against false H8267 swearers, H7650 and against those that oppress H6231 the hireling H7916 in his wages, H7939 the widow, H490 and the fatherless, H3490 and that turn aside H5186 the stranger H1616 from his right, and fear H3372 not me, saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Revelation 17:1-6 STRONG

And G2532 there came G2064 one G1520 of G1537 the seven G2033 angels G32 which G3588 had G2192 the seven G2033 vials, G5357 and G2532 talked G2980 with G3326 me, G1700 saying G3004 unto me, G3427 Come hither; G1204 I will shew G1166 unto thee G4671 the judgment G2917 of the great G3173 whore G4204 that sitteth G2521 upon G1909 many G4183 waters: G5204 With G3326 whom G3739 the kings G935 of the earth G1093 have committed fornication, G4203 and G2532 the inhabitants G2730 of the earth G1093 have been made drunk G3184 with G1537 the wine G3631 of her G846 fornication. G4202 So G2532 he carried G667 me G3165 away G667 in G1722 the spirit G4151 into G1519 the wilderness: G2048 and G2532 I saw G1492 a woman G1135 sit G2521 upon G1909 a scarlet coloured G2847 beast, G2342 full of G1073 names G3686 of blasphemy, G988 having G2192 seven G2033 heads G2776 and G2532 ten G1176 horns. G2768 And G2532 the woman G1135 was G2258 arrayed G4016 in purple G4209 and G2532 scarlet colour, G2847 and G2532 decked G5558 with gold G5557 and G2532 precious G5093 stones G3037 and G2532 pearls, G3135 having G2192 a golden G5552 cup G4221 in G1722 her G846 hand G5495 full of G1073 abominations G946 and G2532 filthiness G168 of her G846 fornication: G4202 And G2532 upon G1909 her G846 forehead G3359 was a name G3686 written, G1125 MYSTERY, G3466 BABYLON G897 THE GREAT, G3173 THE MOTHER G3384 OF HARLOTS G4204 AND G2532 ABOMINATIONS G946 OF THE EARTH. G1093 And G2532 I saw G1492 the woman G1135 drunken G3184 with G1537 the blood G129 of the saints, G40 and G2532 with G1537 the blood G129 of the martyrs G3144 of Jesus: G2424 and G2532 when I saw G1492 her, G846 I wondered G2296 with great G3173 admiration. G2295

Revelation 18:23 STRONG

And G2532 the light G5457 of a candle G3088 shall shine G5316 no more G3364 at all G2089 in G1722 thee; G4671 and G2532 the voice G5456 of the bridegroom G3566 and G2532 of the bride G3565 shall be heard G191 no more G3364 at all G2089 in G1722 thee: G4671 for G3754 thy G4675 merchants G1713 were G2258 the great men G3175 of the earth; G1093 for G3754 by G1722 thy G4675 sorceries G5331 were G4105 all G3956 nations G1484 deceived. G4105

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 STRONG

And G2532 with G1722 all G3956 deceivableness G539 of unrighteousness G93 in G1722 them that perish; G622 because G473 G3739 they received G1209 not G3756 the love G26 of the truth, G225 that G1519 they G846 might be saved. G4982 And G2532 for this G5124 cause G1223 God G2316 shall send G3992 them G846 strong G1753 delusion, G4106 that G1519 they G846 should believe G4100 a lie: G5579 That G2443 they all G3956 might be damned G2919 who G3588 believed G4100 not G3361 the truth, G225 but G235 had pleasure G2106 in G1722 unrighteousness. G93

Acts 13:6-11 STRONG

And G1161 when they had gone through G1330 the isle G3520 unto G891 Paphos, G3974 they found G2147 a certain G5100 sorcerer, G3097 a false prophet, G5578 a Jew, G2453 whose G3739 name G3686 was Barjesus: G919 Which G3739 was G2258 with G4862 the deputy of the country, G446 Sergius G4588 Paulus, G3972 a prudent G4908 man; G435 who G3778 called G4341 for Barnabas G921 and G2532 Saul, G4569 and desired G1934 to hear G191 the word G3056 of God. G2316 But G1161 Elymas G1681 the sorcerer G3097 (for G1063 so G3779 is his G846 name G3686 by interpretation G3177 ) withstood G436 them, G846 seeking G2212 to turn away G1294 the deputy G446 from G575 the faith. G4102 Then G1161 Saul, G4569 (who G3588 also G2532 is called Paul,) G3972 filled with G4130 the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 G2532 set his eyes G816 on G1519 him, G846 And said, G2036 O G5599 full G4134 of all G3956 subtilty G1388 and G2532 all G3956 mischief, G4468 thou child G5207 of the devil, G1228 thou enemy G2190 of all G3956 righteousness, G1343 wilt thou G3973 not G3756 cease G3973 to pervert G1294 the right G2117 ways G3598 of the Lord? G2962 And G2532 now, G3568 behold, G2400 the hand G5495 of the Lord G2962 is upon G1909 thee, G4571 and G2532 thou shalt be G2071 blind, G5185 not G3361 seeing G991 the sun G2246 for G891 a season. G2540 And G1161 immediately G3916 there fell G1968 on G1909 him G846 a mist G887 and G2532 a darkness; G4655 and G2532 he went about G4013 seeking G2212 some to lead him by the hand. G5497

Acts 8:11 STRONG

And G1161 to him G846 they had regard, G4337 because G1223 that of long G2425 time G5550 he had bewitched G1839 them G846 with sorceries. G3095

Matthew 8:12 STRONG

But G1161 the children G5207 of the kingdom G932 shall be cast out G1544 into G1519 outer G1857 darkness: G4655 there G1563 shall be G2071 weeping G2805 and G2532 gnashing G1030 of teeth. G3599

Jeremiah 5:31 STRONG

The prophets H5030 prophesy H5012 falsely, H8267 and the priests H3548 bear rule H7287 by their means; H3027 and my people H5971 love H157 to have it so: and what will ye do H6213 in the end H319 thereof?

Isaiah 57:3 STRONG

But draw near H7126 hither, ye sons H1121 of the sorceress, H6049 the seed H2233 of the adulterer H5003 and the whore. H2181

Isaiah 47:12 STRONG

Stand H5975 now with thine enchantments, H2267 and with the multitude H7230 of thy sorceries, H3785 wherein H834 thou hast laboured H3021 from thy youth; H5271 if so be thou shalt be able H3201 to profit, H3276 if so be thou mayest prevail. H6206

Isaiah 47:9 STRONG

But these two H8147 things shall come H935 to thee in a moment H7281 in one H259 day, H3117 the loss of children, H7908 and widowhood: H489 they shall come H935 upon thee in their perfection H8537 for the multitude H7230 of thy sorceries, H3785 and for the great H3966 abundance H6109 of thine enchantments. H2267

Isaiah 9:15-16 STRONG

The ancient H2205 and honourable, H6440 H5375 he H1931 is the head; H7218 and the prophet H5030 that teacheth H3384 lies, H8267 he is the tail. H2180 For the leaders H833 of this people H5971 cause them to err; H8582 and they that are led H833 of them are destroyed. H1104

1 Kings 22:21-23 STRONG

And there came forth H3318 a spirit, H7307 and stood H5975 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 and said, H559 I will persuade H6601 him. And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto him, Wherewith? And he said, H559 I will go forth, H3318 and I will be a lying H8267 spirit H7307 in the mouth H6310 of all his prophets. H5030 And he said, H559 Thou shalt persuade H6601 him, and prevail H3201 also: go forth, H3318 and do H6213 so. Now therefore, behold, the LORD H3068 hath put H5414 a lying H8267 spirit H7307 in the mouth H6310 of all these thy prophets, H5030 and the LORD H3068 hath spoken H1696 evil H7451 concerning thee.

1 Kings 22:8 STRONG

And the king H4428 of Israel H3478 said H559 unto Jehoshaphat, H3092 There is yet one H259 man, H376 Micaiah H4321 the son H1121 of Imlah, H3229 by whom we may enquire H1875 of the LORD: H3068 but I hate H8130 him; for he doth not prophesy H5012 good H2896 concerning me, but evil. H7451 And Jehoshaphat H3092 said, H559 Let not the king H4428 say H559 so.

John 8:46 STRONG

Which G5101 of G1537 you G5216 convinceth G1651 me G3165 of G4012 sin? G266 And G1161 if G1487 I say G3004 the truth, G225 why G1302 do G4100 ye G5210 not G3756 believe G4100 me? G3427

Commentary on Revelation 22 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Re 22:1-21. The River of Life: The Tree of Life: The Other Blessednesses of the Redeemed. John Forbidden to Worship the Angel. Nearness of Christ's Coming to Fix Man's Eternal State. Testimony of Jesus, His Spirit, and the Bride, Any Addition to Which, or Subtraction from Which, Shall Be Eternally Punished. Closing Benediction.

1. pure—A, B, Vulgate, and Hilary 22, omit.

water of life—infinitely superior to the typical waters in the first Paradise (Ge 2:10-14); and even superior to those figurative ones in the millennial Jerusalem (Eze 47:1, 12; Zec 14:8), as the matured fruit is superior to the flower. The millennial waters represent full Gospel grace; these waters of new Jerusalem represent Gospel glory perfected. Their continuous flow from God, the Fountain of life, symbolizes the uninterrupted continuance of life derived by the saints, ever fresh, from Him: life in fulness of joy, as well as perpetual vitality. Like pure crystal, it is free from every taint: compare Re 4:6, "before the throne a sea of glass, like crystal."

clear—Greek, "bright."

2. The harmonious unity of Scripture is herein exhibited. The Fathers compared it to a ring, an unbroken circle, returning into itself. Between the events of Genesis and those at the close of the Apocalypse, at least six thousand or seven thousand years intervene; and between Moses the first writer and John the last about one thousand five hundred years. How striking it is that, as in the beginning we found Adam and Eve, his bride, in innocence m Paradise, then tempted by the serpent, and driven from the tree of life, and from the pleasant waters of Eden, yet not without a promise of a Redeemer who should crush the serpent; so at the close, the old serpent cast out for ever by the second Adam, the Lord from heaven, who appears with His Bride, the Church, in a better Paradise, and amidst better waters (Re 22:1): the tree of life also is there with all its healing properties, not guarded with a flaming sword, but open to all who overcome (Re 2:7), and there is no more curse.

street of it—that is, of the city.

on either side of the river—Alford translates, "In the midst of the street of it (the city) and of the river, on one side and on the other" (for the second Greek, "enteuthen," A, B, and Syriac read, ekeithen: the sense is the same; compare Greek, Joh 19:18); thus the trees were on each side in the middle of the space between the street and the river. But from Eze 47:7, I prefer English Version. The antitype exceeds the type: in the first Paradise was only one tree of life; now there are "very many trees at the bank of the river, on the one side and on the other." To make good sense, supposing there to be but one tree, we should either, as Mede, suppose that the Greek for street is a plain washed on both sides by the river (as the first Paradise was washed on one side by the Tigris, on the other by the Euphrates), and that in the midst of the plain, which itself is in the midst of the river's branches, stood the tree: in which case we may translate, "In the midst of the street (plain) itself, and of the river (having two branches flowing) on this and on that side, was there the tree of life." Or else with Durham suppose, the tree was in the midst of the river, and extending its branches to both banks. But compare Eze 47:12, the millennial type of the final Paradise; which shows that there are several trees of the one kind, all termed "the tree of life." Death reigns now because of sin; even in the millennial earth sin, and therefore death, though much limited, shall not altogether cease. But in the final and heavenly city on earth, sin and death shall utterly cease.

yielded her fruit every month—Greek, "according to each month"; each month had its own proper fruit, just as different seasons are now marked by their own productions; only that then, unlike now, there shall be no season without its fruit, and there shall be an endless variety, answering to twelve, the number symbolical of the world-wide Church (compare Note, see on Re 12:1; Re 21:14). Archbishop Whatley thinks that the tree of life was among the trees of which Adam freely ate (Ge 2:9, 16, 17), and that his continuance in immortality was dependent on his continuing to eat of this tree; having forfeited it, he became liable to death; but still the effects of having eaten of it for a time showed themselves in the longevity of the patriarchs. God could undoubtedly endue a tree with special medicinal powers. But Ge 3:22 seems to imply, man had not yet taken of the tree, and that if he had, he would have lived for ever, which in his then fallen state would have been the greatest curse.

leaves … for … healing—(Eze 47:9, 12). The leaves shall be the health-giving preventive securing the redeemed against, not healing them of, sicknesses, while "the fruit shall be for meat." In the millennium described in Eze 47:1-23 and Re 20:1-15, the Church shall give the Gospel-tree to the nations outside Israel and the Church, and so shall heal their spiritual malady; but in the final and perfect new Jerusalem here described, the state of all is eternally fixed, and no saving process goes on any longer (compare Re 22:11). Alford utterly mistakes in speaking of "nations outside," and "dwelling on the renewed earth, organized under kings, and saved by the influences of the heavenly city" (!) Compare Re 21:2, 10-27; the "nations" mentioned (Re 21:24) are those which have long before, namely, in the millennium (Re 11:15), become the Lord's and His Christ's.

3. no more curse—of which the earnest shall be given in the millennium (Zec 14:11). God can only dwell where the curse and its cause, the cursed thing sin (Jos 7:12), are removed. So there follows rightly, "But the throne of God and of the Lamb (who redeemed us from the curse, Ga 3:10, 13) shall be in it." Compare in the millennium, Eze 48:35.

serve him—with worship (Re 7:15).

4. see his face—revealed in divine glory, in Christ Jesus. They shall see and know Him with intuitive knowledge of Him, even as they are known by Him (1Co 13:9-12), and face to face. Compare 1Ti 6:16, with Joh 14:9. God the Father can only be seen in Christ.

in—Greek, "on their foreheads." Not only shall they personally and in secret (Re 3:17) know their sonship, but they shall be known as sons of God to all the citizens of the new Jerusalem, so that the free flow of mutual love among the members of Christ's family will not be checked by suspicion as here.

5. there—so Andreas. But A, B, Vulgate, and Syriac read, "(there shall be no night) any longer"; Greek, "eti," for "ekei."

they need—A, Vulgate, and Coptic read the future, "they shall not have need." B reads, "(and there shall be) no need."

candle—Greek, "lamp." A, Vulgate, Syriac, and Coptic insert "light (of a candle, or lamp)." B Omits it.

of the sun—so A. But B omits it.

giveth … light—"illumines." So Vulgate and Syriac. But A reads, "shall give light."

them—so B and Andreas. But A reads, "upon them."

reign—with a glory probably transcending that of their reign in heaven with Christ over the millennial nations in the flesh described in Re 20:4, 6; that reign was but for a limited time, "a thousand years"; this final reign is "unto the ages of the ages."

6. These sayings are true—thrice repeated (Re 19:9; 21:5). For we are slow to believe that God is as good as He is. The news seems to us, habituated as we are to the misery of this fallen world, too good to be true [Nangle]. They are no dreams of a visionary, but the realities of God's sure word.

holy—so Andreas. But A, B, Vulgate, Syriac, and Coptic read, "(the Lord God of the) spirits (of the prophets)." The Lord God who with His Spirit inspired their spirits so as to be able to prophesy. There is but one Spirit, but individual prophets, according to the measure given them (1Co 12:4-11), had their own spirits [Bengel] (1Pe 1:11; 2Pe 1:21).

be done—Greek, "come to pass."

7. "And" is omitted in Coptic and Andreas with English Version, but is inserted by A, B, Vulgate and Syriac.

blessed—(Re 1:3).

8. Both here and in Re 19:9, 10, the apostle's falling at the feet of the angel is preceded by a glorious promise to the Church, accompanied with the assurance, that "These are the true sayings of God," and that those are "blessed" who keep them. Rapturous emotion, gratitude, and adoration, at the prospect of the Church's future glory transport him out of himself, so as all but to fall into an unjustifiable act; contrast his opposite feeling at the prospect of the Church's deep fall [Auberlen], see on Re 17:6; Re 19:9, 10.

saw … and heard—A, B, Vulgate, and Syriac transpose these verbs. Translate literally, "I John (was he) who heard and saw these things." It is observable that in Re 19:10, the language is, "I fell before his feet to worship him"; but here, "I fell down to worship (God?) before the feet of the angel." It seems unlikely that John, when once reproved, would fall into the very same error again. Bengel's view, therefore, is probable; John had first intended to worship the angel (Re 19:10), but now only at his feet intends to worship (God). The angel does not even permit this.

9. Literally, "See not"; the abruptness of the phrase marking the angel's abhorrence of the thought of his being worshipped however indirectly. Contrast the fallen angel's temptation to Jesus, "Fall down and worship me" (Mt 4:9).

for—A, B, Vulgate, Syriac, Coptic, Andreas, and Cyprian omit "for"; which accords with the abrupt earnestness of the angel's prohibition of an act derogatory to God.

and of—"and (the fellow servant) of thy brethren."

10. Seal not—But in Da 12:4, 9 (compare Da 8:26), the command is, "Seal the book," for the vision shall be "for many days." The fulfilment of Daniel's prophecy was distant, that of John's prophecy is near. The New Testament is the time of the end and fulfilment. The Gentile Church, for which John wrote his Revelation, needs more to be impressed with the shortness of the period, as it is inclined, owing to its Gentile origin, to conform to the world and forget the coming of the Lord. The Revelation points, on the one hand, to Christ's coming as distant, for it shows the succession of the seven seals, trumpets, and vials; on the other hand, it proclaims, "Behold, I come quickly." So Christ marked many events as about to intervene before His coming, and yet He also says "Behold, I come quickly," because our right attitude is that of continual prayerful watching for His coming (Mt 25:6, 13, 19; Mr 13:32-37 [Auberlen]; compare Re 1:3).

11. unjust—"unrighteous"; in relation to one's fellow men; opposed to "righteous," or "just" (as the Greek may be translated) below. More literally, "he that doeth unjustly, let him do unjustly still."

filthy—in relation to one's own soul as unclean before God; opposed to holy," consecrated to God as pure. A omits the clause, "He which is filthy let him be filthy still." But B supports it. In the letter of the Vienne and Lyons Martyrs (in Eusebius) in the second century, the reading is, "He that is lawless (Greek, 'anomos') let him be lawless; and he that is righteous let him be righteous (literally, 'be justified') still." No manuscript is so old. A, B, Vulgate, Syriac, Coptic, Andreas, and Cyprian read, "let him do righteousness" (1Jo 2:29; 3:7). The punishment of sin is sin, the reward of holiness is holiness. Eternal punishment is not so much an arbitrary law, as a result necessarily following in the very nature of things, as the fruit results from the bud. No worse punishment can God lay on ungodly men than to give them up to themselves. The solemn lesson derivable from this verse is, Be converted now in the short time left (Re 22:10, end) before "I come" (Re 22:7, 12), or else you must remain unconverted for ever; sin in the eternal world will be left to its own natural consequences; holiness in germ will there develop itself into perfect holiness, which is happiness.

12. And—in none of our manuscripts. But A, B, Vulgate, Syriac, Coptic, and Cyprian omit it.

behold, I come quickly—(Compare Re 22:7).

my reward is with me—(Isa 40:10; 62:11).

to give—Greek, "to render."

every man—Greek, "to each."

shall be—so B in Mai. But B in Tischendorf, and A, Syriac, read, "is."

13. I am Alpha—Greek, "… the Alpha and the Omega." A, B, Vulgate, Syriac, Origen, and Cyprian transpose thus, "the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Andreas supports English Version. Compare with these divine titles assumed here by the Lord Jesus, Re 1:8, 17; 21:6. At the winding up of the whole scheme of revelation He announces Himself as the One before whom and after whom there is no God.

14. do his commandments—so B, Syriac, Coptic, and Cyprian. But A, Aleph, and Vulgate read, "(Blessed are they that) wash their robes," namely, in the blood of the Lamb (compare Re 7:14). This reading takes away the pretext for the notion of salvation by works. But even English Version reading is quite compatible with salvation by grace; for God's first and grand Gospel "commandment" is to believe on Jesus. Thus our "right" to (Greek, "privilege" or "lawful authority over") the tree of life is due not to our doings, but to what He has done for us. The right, or privilege, is founded, not on our merits, but on God's grace.

through—Greek, "by the gates."

15. But—so Coptic. But A, B, Hippolytus, Andreas, and Cyprian omit.

dogs—Greek, "the dogs"; the impure, filthy (Re 22:11; compare Php 3:2).

maketh—including also "whosoever practiceth a lie" [W. Kelly].

16. mine angel—for Jesus is Lord of the angels.

unto you—ministers and people in the seven representative churches, and, through you, to testify to Christians of all times and places.

root … offspring of David—appropriate title here where assuring His Church of "the sure mercies of David," secured to Israel first, and through Israel to the Gentiles. Root of David, as being Jehovah; the offspring of David as man. David's Lord, yet David's son (Mt 22:42-45).

the morning star—that ushered in the day of grace in the beginning of this dispensation and that shall usher in the everlasting day of glory at its close.

17. Reply of the spiritual Church and John to Christ's words (Re 22:7, 12, 16).

the Spirit—in the churches and in the prophets.

the bride—not here called "wife," as that title applies to her only when the full number constituting the Church shall have been completed. The invitation, "Come," only holds good while the Church is still but an affianced Bride, and not the actually wedded wife. However, "Come" may rather be the prayer of the Spirit in the Church and in believers in reply to Christ's "I come quickly," crying, Even so, "Come" (Re 22:7, 12); Re 22:20 confirms this view. The whole question of your salvation hinges on this, that you be able to hear with joy Christ's announcement, "I come," and to reply, "Come" [Bengel]. Come to fully glorify Thy Bride.

let him that heareth—that is, let him that heareth the Spirit and Bride saying to the Lord Jesus, "Come," join the Bride as a true believer, become part of her, and so say with her to Jesus, "Come." On "heareth" means "obeyeth"; for until one has obeyed the Gospel call, he cannot pray to Jesus "Come"; so "hear" is used, Re 1:3; Joh 10:16. Let him that hears and obeys Jesus' voice (Re 22:16; Re 1:3) join in praying "Come." Compare Re 6:1, 10; see on Re 6:1. In the other view, which makes "Come" an invitation to sinners, this clause urges those who themselves hear savingly the invitation to address the same to others, as did Andrew and Philip after they themselves had heard and obeyed Jesus' invitation, "Come."

let him that is athirst come—As the Bride, the Church, prays to Jesus, "Come," so she urges all whosoever thirst for participation in the full manifestation of redemption-glory at His coming to us, to COME in the meantime and drink of the living waters, which are the earnest of "the water of life pure as crystal … out of the throne of God of the Lamb" (Re 22:1) in the regenerated heaven and earth.

And—so Syriac. But A, B, Vulgate, and Coptic omit "and."

whosoever will—that is, is willing and desirous. There is a descending climax; Let him that heareth effectually and savingly Christ's voice, pray individually, as the Bride, the Church, does collectively, "Come, Lord Jesus" (Re 22:20). Let him who, though not yet having actually heard unto salvation, and so not yet able to join in the prayer, "Lord Jesus, come, "still thirsts for it, come to Christ. Whosoever is even willing, though his desires do not yet amount to positive thirsting, let him take the water of life freely, that is, gratuitously.

18. For I testify—None of our manuscripts have this. A, B, Vulgate, and Andreas read, "I" emphatic in the Greek. "I testify."

unto these things—A, B, and Andreas read, "unto them."

add … add—just retribution in kind.

19. book—None of our manuscripts read this. A, B, Aleph, Vulgate, Syriac, and Coptic read, "(take away his part, that is, portion) from the tree of life," that is, shall deprive him of participation in the tree of life.

and from the things—so Vulgate. But A, B, Aleph, Syriac, Coptic, and Andreas omit "and"; then "which are written in this book" will refer to "the holy city and the tree of life." As in the beginning of this book (Re 1:3) a blessing was promised to the devout, obedient student of it, so now at its close a curse is denounced against those who add to, or take from, it.

20. Amen. Even so, come—The Song of Solomon (So 8:14) closes with the same yearning prayer for Christ's coming. A, B, and Aleph omit "Even so," Greek, "nai": then translate for Amen, "So be it, come, Lord Jesus"; joining the "Amen," or "So be it," not with Christ's saying (for He calls Himself the "Amen" at the beginning of sentences, rather than puts it as a confirmation at the end), but with John's reply. Christ's "I come," and John's "Come," are almost coincident in time; so truly does the believer reflect the mind of his Lord.

21. our—so Vulgate, Syriac, and Coptic. But A, B, and Aleph omit.

Christ—so B, Vulgate, Syriac, Coptic, and Andreas. But A and Aleph omit.

with you all—so none of our manuscripts. B has, "with all the saints." A and Vulgate have, "with all." Aleph has, "with the saints." This closing benediction, Paul's mark in his Epistles, was after Paul's death taken up by John. The Old Testament ended with a "curse" in connection with the law; the New Testament ends with a blessing in union with the Lord Jesus.

Amen—so B, Aleph, and Andreas. A and Vulgate Fuldensis omit it.

May the Blessed Lord who has caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning, bless this humble effort to make Scripture expound itself, and make it an instrument towards the conversion of sinners and the edification of saints, to the glory of His great name and the hastening of His kingdom! Amen.