Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ruth » Chapter 1 » Verse 9

Ruth 1:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 The LORD H3068 grant H5414 you that ye may find H4672 rest, H4496 each H802 of you in the house H1004 of her husband. H376 Then she kissed H5401 them; and they lifted up H5375 their voice, H6963 and wept. H1058

Cross Reference

Ruth 3:1 STRONG

Then Naomi H5281 her mother in law H2545 said H559 unto her, My daughter, H1323 shall I not seek H1245 rest H4494 for thee, that it may be well H3190 with thee?

Genesis 27:27 STRONG

And he came near, H5066 and kissed H5401 him: and he smelled H7306 the smell H7381 of his raiment, H899 and blessed H1288 him, and said, H559 See, H7200 the smell H7381 of my son H1121 is as the smell H7381 of a field H7704 which the LORD H3068 hath blessed: H1288

Genesis 29:11 STRONG

And Jacob H3290 kissed H5401 Rachel, H7354 and lifted up H5375 his voice, H6963 and wept. H1058

Genesis 45:15 STRONG

Moreover he kissed H5401 all his brethren, H251 and wept H1058 upon them: and after H310 that his brethren H251 talked H1696 with him.

Acts 20:37 STRONG

And G1161 they all G3956 wept G2805 G1096 sore, G2425 and G2532 fell G1968 on G1909 Paul's G3972 neck, G5137 and kissed G2705 him, G846

Commentary on Ruth 1 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ru 1:1-5. Elimelech, Driven by Famine into Moab, Dies There.

1. in the days when the judges ruled—The beautiful and interesting story which this book relates belongs to the early times of the judges. The precise date cannot be ascertained.

2. Elimelech—signifies "My God is king."

Naomi—"fair or pleasant"; and their two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, are supposed to be the same as Joash and Saraph (1Ch 4:22).

Ephrathites—The ancient name of Beth-lehem was Ephrath (Ge 35:19; 48:7), which was continued after the occupation of the land by the Hebrews, even down to the time of the prophet Micah (Mic 5:2).

Beth-lehem-judah—so called to distinguish it from a town of the same name in Zebulun. The family, compelled to emigrate to Moab through pressure of a famine, settled for several years in that country. After the death of their father, the two sons married Moabite women. This was a violation of the Mosaic law (De 7:3; 23:3; Ezr 9:2; Ne 13:23); and Jewish writers say that the early deaths of both the young men were divine judgments inflicted on them for those unlawful connections.

Ru 1:6-18. Naomi Returning Home, Ruth Accompanies Her.

6, 7. Then she arose with her daughters-in-law, that she might return from the country of Moab—The aged widow, longing to enjoy the privileges of Israel, resolved to return to her native land as soon as she was assured that the famine had ceased, and made the necessary arrangements with her daughters-in-law.

8. Naomi said unto her two daughters-in-law, Go, return each to her mother's house—In Eastern countries women occupy apartments separate from those of men, and daughters are most frequently in those of their mother.

the Lord deal kindly with you, as ye have dealt with the dead—that is, with my sons, your husbands, while they lived.

9. The Lord grant you that ye may find rest—enjoy a life of tranquillity, undisturbed by the cares, incumbrances, and vexatious troubles to which a state of widowhood is peculiarly exposed.

Then she kissed them—the Oriental manner when friends are parting.

11. are there yet any more sons in my womb, that they may be your husbands?—This alludes to the ancient custom (Ge 38:26) afterwards expressly sanctioned by the law of Moses (De 25:5), which required a younger son to marry the widow of his deceased brother.

12, 13. Turn again, my daughters, go your way—That Naomi should dissuade her daughters-in-law so strongly from accompanying her to the land of Israel may appear strange. But it was the wisest and most prudent course for her to adopt: first, because they might be influenced by hopes which could not be realized; second, because they might be led, under temporary excitement, to take a step they might afterwards regret; and, third, because the sincerity and strength of their conversion to the true religion, which she had taught them, would be thoroughly tested.

13. the hand of the Lord is gone out against me—that is, I am not only not in a condition to provide you with other husbands, but so reduced in circumstances that I cannot think of your being subjected to privations with me. The arguments of Naomi prevailed with Orpah, who returned to her people and her gods. But Ruth clave unto her; and even in the pages of Sterne, that great master of pathos, there is nothing which so calls forth the sensibilities of the reader as the simple effusion he has borrowed from Scripture—of Ruth to her mother-in-law [Chalmers].

Ru 1:19-22. They Come to Beth-lehem.

19-22. all the city was moved about them—The present condition of Naomi, a forlorn and desolate widow, presented so painful a contrast to the flourishing state of prosperity and domestic bliss in which she had been at her departure.

22. in the beginning of barley harvest—corresponding to the end of our March.