Song of Solomon 4:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 Thy neck H6677 is like the tower H4026 of David H1732 builded H1129 for an armoury, H8530 whereon there hang H8518 a thousand H505 bucklers, H4043 all shields H7982 of mighty men. H1368

Cross Reference

Song of Solomon 7:4 STRONG

Thy neck H6677 is as a tower H4026 of ivory; H8127 thine eyes H5869 like the fishpools H1295 in Heshbon, H2809 by the gate H8179 of Bathrabbim: H1337 thy nose H639 is as the tower H4026 of Lebanon H3844 which looketh H6822 toward H6440 Damascus. H1834

Nehemiah 3:19 STRONG

And next to him H3027 repaired H2388 Ezer H5829 the son H1121 of Jeshua, H3442 the ruler H8269 of Mizpah, H4709 another H8145 piece H4060 over against the going up H5927 to the armoury H5402 at the turning H4740 of the wall.

2 Samuel 1:21 STRONG

Ye mountains H2022 of Gilboa, H1533 let there be no dew, H2919 neither let there be rain, H4306 upon you, nor fields H7704 of offerings: H8641 for there the shield H4043 of the mighty H1368 is vilely cast away, H1602 the shield H4043 of Saul, H7586 as though he had not been anointed H4899 with oil. H8081

2 Samuel 22:51 STRONG

He is the tower H4024 H1431 of salvation H3444 for his king: H4428 and sheweth H6213 mercy H2617 to his anointed, H4899 unto David, H1732 and to his seed H2233 for H5704 evermore. H5769

2 Chronicles 9:15-16 STRONG

And king H4428 Solomon H8010 made H6213 two hundred H3967 targets H6793 of beaten H7820 gold: H2091 six H8337 hundred H3967 shekels of beaten H7820 gold H2091 went H5927 to one H259 target. H6793 And three H7969 hundred H3967 shields H4043 made he of beaten H7820 gold: H2091 three H7969 hundred H3967 shekels of gold H2091 went H5927 to one H259 shield. H4043 And the king H4428 put H5414 them in the house H1004 of the forest H3293 of Lebanon. H3844

2 Chronicles 12:9-11 STRONG

So Shishak H7895 king H4428 of Egypt H4714 came up H5927 against Jerusalem, H3389 and took away H3947 the treasures H214 of the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and the treasures H214 of the king's H4428 house; H1004 he took H3947 all: he carried away H3947 also the shields H4043 of gold H2091 which Solomon H8010 had made. H6213 Instead of which king H4428 Rehoboam H7346 made H6213 shields H4043 of brass, H5178 and committed H6485 them to the hands H3027 of the chief H8269 of the guard, H7323 that kept H8104 the entrance H6607 of the king's H4428 house. H1004 And when H1767 the king H4428 entered H935 into the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 the guard H7323 came H935 and fetched H5375 them, and brought them again H7725 into the guard H7323 chamber. H8372

Song of Solomon 1:10 STRONG

Thy cheeks H3895 are comely H4998 with rows H8447 of jewels, thy neck H6677 with chains H2737 of gold.

Ezekiel 27:10-11 STRONG

They of Persia H6539 and of Lud H3865 and of Phut H6316 were in thine army, H2428 thy men H582 of war: H4421 they hanged H8518 the shield H4043 and helmet H3553 in thee; they set forth H5414 thy comeliness. H1926 The men H1121 of Arvad H719 with thine army H2428 were upon thy walls H2346 round about, H5439 and the Gammadims H1575 were in thy towers: H4026 they hanged H8518 their shields H7982 upon thy walls H2346 round about; H5439 they have made H3634 thy beauty H3308 perfect. H3634

Ephesians 4:15-16 STRONG

But G1161 speaking the truth G226 in G1722 love, G26 may grow up G837 into G1519 him G846 in all things, G3956 which G3739 is G2076 the head, G2776 even Christ: G5547 From G1537 whom G3739 the whole G3956 body G4983 fitly joined together G4883 and G2532 compacted G4822 by G1223 that which every G3956 joint G860 supplieth, G2024 according G2596 to the effectual working G1753 in G1722 the measure G3358 of every G1538 part, G1520 G3313 maketh G4160 increase G838 of the body G4983 unto G1519 the edifying G3619 of itself G1438 in G1722 love. G26

Colossians 2:19 STRONG

And G2532 not G3756 holding G2902 the Head, G2776 from G1537 which G3739 all G3956 the body G4983 by G1223 joints G860 and G2532 bands G4886 having nourishment ministered, G2023 and G2532 knit together, G4822 increaseth G837 with the increase G838 of God. G2316

1 Peter 1:5 STRONG

Who G3588 are kept G5432 by G1722 the power G1411 of God G2316 through G1223 faith G4102 unto G1519 salvation G4991 ready G2092 to be revealed G601 in G1722 the last G2078 time. G2540

Commentary on Song Of Solomon 4 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


So 4:1-16.

1. Contrast with the bride's state by nature (Isa 1:6) her state by grace (So 4:1-7), "perfect through His comeliness put upon her" (Eze 16:14; Joh 15:3). The praise of Jesus Christ, unlike that of the world, hurts not, but edifies; as His, not ours, is the glory (Joh 5:44; Re 4:10, 11). Seven features of beauty are specified (So 4:1-5) ("lips" and "speech" are but one feature, So 4:3), the number for perfection. To each of these is attached a comparison from nature: the resemblances consist not so much in outward likeness, as in the combined sensations of delight produced by contemplating these natural objects.

doves'—the large melting eye of the Syrian dove appears especially beautiful amid the foliage of its native groves: so the bride's "eyes within her locks" (Lu 7:44). Maurer for "locks," has "veil"; but locks suit the connection better: so the Hebrew is translated (Isa 47:2). The dove was the only bird counted "clean" for sacrifice. Once the heart was "the cage of every unclean and hateful bird." Grace makes the change.

eyes—(Mt 6:22; Eph 1:18; contrast Mt 5:28; Eph 4:18; 1Jo 2:16). Chaste and guileless ("harmless," Mt 10:16, Margin; Joh 1:47). John the Baptist, historically, was the "turtledove" (So 2:12), with eye directed to the coming Bridegroom: his Nazarite unshorn hair answers to "locks" (Joh 1:29, 36).

hair … goats—The hair of goats in the East is fine like silk. As long hair is her glory, and marks her subjection to man (1Co 11:6-15), so the Nazarite's hair marked his subjection and separation unto God. (Compare Jud 16:17, with 2Co 6:17; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:9). Jesus Christ cares for the minutest concerns of His saints (Mt 10:30).

appear from—literally, "that lie down from"; lying along the hillside, they seem to hang from it: a picture of the bride's hanging tresses.

Gilead—beyond Jordan: there stood "the heap of witness" (Ge 31:48).

2. even shorn—the Hebrew is translated (1Ki 6:25), "of one size"; so the point of comparison to teeth is their symmetry of form; as in "came up from the washing," the spotless whiteness; and in "twins," the exact correspondence of the upper and lower teeth: and in "none barren," none wanting, none without its fellow. Faith is the tooth with which we eat the living bread (Joh 6:35, 54). Contrast the teeth of sinners (Ps 57:4; Pr 30:14); also their end (Ps 3:7; Mt 25:30). Faith leads the flock to the washing (Zec 13:1; 1Co 6:11; Tit 3:5).

none … barren—(2Pe 1:8). He who is begotten of God begets instrumentally other sons of God.

3. thread—like a delicate fillet. Not thick and white as the leper's lips (type of sin), which were therefore to be "covered," as "unclean" (Le 13:45).

scarlet—The blood of Jesus Christ (Isa 6:5-9) cleanses the leprosy, and unseals the lips (Isa 57:19; Ho 14:2; Heb 13:15). Rahab's scarlet thread was a type of it (Jos 2:18).

speech—not a separate feature from the lips (Zep 3:9; Col 4:6). Contrast "uncircumcised lips" (Ex 6:12). Maurer and Burrowes translate, "thy mouth."

temples—rather, the upper part of the cheek next the temples: the seat of shamefacedness; so, "within thy locks," no display (1Co 11:5, 6, 15). Mark of true penitence (Ezr 9:6; Eze 16:63). Contrast Jer 3:3; Eze 3:7.

pomegranate—When cut, it displays in rows seeds pellucid, like crystal, tinged with red. Her modesty is not on the surface, but within, which Jesus Christ can see into.

4. neck—stately: in beautiful contrast to the blushing temples (So 4:3); not "stiff" (Isa 48:4; Ac 7:51), as that of unbroken nature; nor "stretched forth" wantonly (Isa 3:16); nor burdened with the legal yoke (La 1:14; Ac 15:10); but erect in gospel freedom (Isa 52:2).

tower of David—probably on Zion. He was a man of war, preparatory to the reign of Solomon, the king of peace. So warfare in the case of Jesus Christ and His saints precedes the coming rest. Each soul won from Satan by Him is a trophy gracing the bride (Lu 11:22); (each hangs on Him, Isa 22:23, 24); also each victory of her faith. As shields adorn a temple's walls (Eze 27:11), so necklaces hang on the bride's neck (Jud 5:30; 1Ki 10:16).

5. breasts—The bust is left open in Eastern dress. The breastplate of the high priest was made of "two" pieces, folded one on the other, in which were the Urim and Thummim (lights and perfection). "Faith and love" are the double breastplate (1Th 5:8), answering to "hearing the word" and "keeping it," in a similar connection with breasts (Lu 12:27, 28).

roes—He reciprocates her praise (So 2:9). Emblem of love and satisfaction (Pr 5:19).

feed—(Ps 23:2).

among the lilies—shrinking from thorns of strife, worldliness, and ungodliness (2Sa 23:6; Mt 13:7). Roes feed among, not on the lilies: where these grow, there is moisture producing green pasturage. The lilies represent her white dress (Ps 45:14; Re 19:8).

6. Historically, the hill of frankincense is Calvary, where, "through the eternal Spirit He offered Himself"; the mountain of myrrh is His embalmment (Joh 19:39) till the resurrection "daybreak." The third Canticle occupies the one cloudless day of His presence on earth, beginning from the night (So 2:17) and ending with the night of His departure (So 4:6). His promise is almost exactly in the words of her prayer (So 2:17), (the same Holy Ghost breathing in Jesus Christ and His praying people), with the difference that she then looked for His visible coming. He now tells her that when He shall have gone from sight, He still is to be met with spiritually in prayer (Ps 68:16; Mt 28:20), until the everlasting day break, when we shall see face to face (1Co 13:10, 12).

7. Assurance that He is going from her in love, not in displeasure (Joh 16:6, 7).

all fair—still stronger than So 1:15; So 4:1.

no spot—our privilege (Eph 5:27; Col 2:10); our duty (2Co 6:17; Jude 23; Jas 1:27).

8. Invitation to her to leave the border mountains (the highest worldly elevation) between the hostile lands north of Palestine and the Promised Land (Ps 45:10; Php 3:13).

Amana—south of Anti-Libanus; the river Abana, or Amana, was near Damascus (2Ki 5:12).

Shenir—The whole mountain was called Hermon; the part held by the Sidonians was called Sirion; the part held by the Amorites, Shenir (De 3:9). Infested by the devouring lion and the stealthy and swift leopard (Ps 76:4; Eph 6:11; 1Pe 5:8). Contrasted with the mountain of myrrh, &c. (So 4:6; Isa 2:2); the good land (Isa 35:9).

with me—twice repeated emphatically. The presence of Jesus Christ makes up for the absence of all besides (Lu 18:29, 30; 2Co 6:10). Moses was permitted to see Canaan from Pisgah; Peter, James, and John had a foretaste of glory on the mount of transfiguration.

9. sister … spouse—This title is here first used, as He is soon about to institute the Supper, the pledge of the nuptial union. By the term "sister," carnal ideas are excluded; the ardor of a spouse's love is combined with the purity of a sister's (Isa 54:5; compare Mr 3:35).

one—Even one look is enough to secure His love (Zec 12:10; Lu 23:40-43). Not merely the Church collectively, but each one member of it (Mt 18:10, 14; Lu 15:7, 24, 32).

chain—necklace (Isa 62:3; Mal 3:17), answering to the "shields" hanging in the tower of David (So 4:4). Compare the "ornament" (1Pe 3:4); "chains" (Pr 1:9; 3:22).

10. love—Hebrew, "loves"; manifold tokens of thy love.

much better—answering to her "better" (So 1:2), but with increased force. An Amoebean pastoral character pervades the Song, like the classic Amoebean idylls and eclogues.

wine—The love of His saints is a more reviving cordial to Him than wine; for example, at the feast in Simon's house (Lu 7:36, 47; Joh 4:32; compare Zec 10:7).

smell of … ointments than all spices—answering to her praise (So 1:3) with increased force. Fragrant, as being fruits of His Spirit in us (Ga 5:22).

11. drop—always ready to fall, being full of honey, though not always (Pr 10:19) actually dropping (So 5:13; De 32:2; Mt 12:34).

honeycomb—(Pr 5:3; 16:24).

under thy tongue—not always on, but under, the tongue, ready to fall (Ps 55:21). Contrast her former state (Ps 140:3; Ro 3:13). "Honey and milk" were the glory of the good land. The change is illustrated in the penitent thief. Contrast Mt 27:44 with Lu 23:39, &c. It was literally with "one" eye, a sidelong glance of love "better than wine," that he refreshed Jesus Christ (So 4:9, 10). "To-day shalt thou be with Me (compare So 4:8) in Paradise" (So 4:12), is the only joyous sentence of His seven utterances on the cross.

smell of … garments—which are often perfumed in the East (Ps 45:8). The perfume comes from Him on us (Ps 133:2). We draw nigh to God in the perfumed garment of our elder brother (Ge 27:27; see Jude 23).

Lebanon—abounding in odoriferous trees (Ho 14:5-7).

12. The Hebrew has no "is." Here she is distinct from the garden (So 5:1), yet identified with it (So 4:16) as being one with Him in His sufferings. Historically the Paradise, into which the soul of Jesus Christ entered at death; and the tomb of Joseph, in which His body was laid amid "myrrh," &c. (So 4:6), situated in a nicely kept garden (compare "gardener," Joh 20:15); "sealed" with a stone (Mt 27:66); in which it resembles "wells" in the East (Ge 29:3, 8). It was in a garden of light Adam fell; in a garden of darkness, Gethsemane, and chiefly that of the tomb, the second Adam retrieved us. Spiritually the garden is the gospel kingdom of heaven. Here all is ripe; previously (So 2:13) it was "the tender grape." The garden is His, though He calls the plants hers (So 4:13) by His gift (Isa 61:3, end).

spring … fountain—Jesus Christ (Joh 4:10) sealed, while He was in the sealed tomb: it poured forth its full tide on Pentecost (Joh 7:37-39). Still He is a sealed fountain until the Holy Ghost opens it to one (1Co 12:3). The Church also is "a garden enclosed" (Ps 4:3; Isa 5:1, &c.). Contrast Ps 80:9-12. So "a spring" (Isa 27:3; 58:11); "sealed" (Eph 4:30; 2Ti 2:19). As wives in the East are secluded from public gaze, so believers (Ps 83:3; Col 3:3). Contrast the open streams which "pass away" (Job 6:15-18; 2Pe 2:17).

13. orchard—Hebrew, "a paradise," that is, a pleasure-ground and orchard. Not only flowers, but fruit trees (Joh 15:8; Php 1:11).

camphire—not camphor (So 1:14), hennah, or cypress blooms.

14. calamus—"sweet cane" (Ex 30:23; Jer 6:20).

myrrh and aloes—Ointments are associated with His death, as well as with feasts (Joh 12:7). The bride's ministry of "myrrh and aloes" is recorded (Joh 19:39).

15. of—This pleasure-ground is not dependent on mere reservoirs; it has a fountain sufficient to water many "gardens" (plural).

living—(Jer 17:8; Joh 4:13, 14; 7:38, 39).

from Lebanon—Though the fountain is lowly, the source is lofty; fed by the perpetual snows of Lebanon, refreshingly cool (Jer 18:14), fertilizing the gardens of Damascus. It springs upon earth; its source is heaven. It is now not "sealed," but open "streams" (Re 22:17).

16. Awake—literally, "arise." All besides is ready; one thing alone is wanted—the breath of God. This follows rightly after His death (So 6:12; Ac 2:1-4). It is His call to the Spirit to come (Joh 14:16); in Joh 3:8, compared to "the wind"; quickening (Joh 6:63; Eze 27:9). Saints offer the same prayer (Ps 85:6; Hab 3:2). The north wind "awakes," or arises strongly, namely, the Holy Ghost as a reprover (Joh 16:8-11); the south wind "comes" gently, namely, the Holy Ghost as the comforter (Joh 14:16). The west wind brings rain from the sea (1Ki 18:44, 45; Lu 12:54). The east wind is tempestuous (Job 27:21; Isa 27:8) and withering (Ge 41:23). These, therefore, are not wanted; but first the north wind clearing the air (Job 37:22; Pr 25:23), and then the warm south wind (Job 37:17); so the Holy Ghost first clearing away mists of gloom, error, unbelief, sin, which intercept the light of Jesus Christ, then infusing spiritual warmth (2Co 4:6), causing the graces to exhale their odor.

Let my beloved, &c.—the bride's reply. The fruit was now at length ripe; the last passover, which He had so desired, is come (Lu 22:7, 15, 16, 18), the only occasion in which He took charge of the preparations.

his—answering to Jesus Christ's "My." She owns that the garden is His, and the fruits in her, which she does not in false humility deny (Ps 66:16; Ac 21:19; 1Co 15:10) are His (Joh 15:8; Php 1:11).