Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Zechariah » Chapter 2 » Verse 10

Zechariah 2:10 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

10 Sing H7442 and rejoice, H8055 O daughter H1323 of Zion: H6726 for, lo, I come, H935 and I will dwell H7931 in the midst H8432 of thee, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Cross Reference

Zechariah 8:3 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 I am returned H7725 unto Zion, H6726 and will dwell H7931 in the midst H8432 of Jerusalem: H3389 and Jerusalem H3389 shall be called H7121 a city H5892 of truth; H571 and the mountain H2022 of the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 the holy H6944 mountain. H2022

Zechariah 9:9 STRONG

Rejoice H1523 greatly, H3966 O daughter H1323 of Zion; H6726 shout, H7321 O daughter H1323 of Jerusalem: H3389 behold, thy King H4428 cometh H935 unto thee: he is just, H6662 and having salvation; H3467 lowly, H6041 and riding H7392 upon an ass, H2543 and upon a colt H5895 the foal H1121 of an ass. H860

Leviticus 26:12 STRONG

And I will walk H1980 among H8432 you, and will be H1961 your God, H430 and ye shall be H1961 my people. H5971

Zephaniah 3:14-15 STRONG

Sing, H7442 O daughter H1323 of Zion; H6726 shout, H7321 O Israel; H3478 be glad H8055 and rejoice H5937 with all the heart, H3820 O daughter H1323 of Jerusalem. H3389 The LORD H3068 hath taken away H5493 thy judgments, H4941 he hath cast out H6437 thine enemy: H341 the king H4428 of Israel, H3478 even the LORD, H3068 is in the midst H7130 of thee: thou shalt not see H7200 evil H7451 any more.

Ezekiel 37:27 STRONG

My tabernacle H4908 also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, H430 and they shall be my people. H5971

Isaiah 65:18-19 STRONG

But be ye glad H7797 and rejoice H1523 for ever H5703 in that which I create: H1254 for, behold, I create H1254 Jerusalem H3389 a rejoicing, H1525 and her people H5971 a joy. H4885 And I will rejoice H1523 in Jerusalem, H3389 and joy H7797 in my people: H5971 and the voice H6963 of weeping H1065 shall be no more heard H8085 in her, nor the voice H6963 of crying. H2201

Isaiah 12:6 STRONG

Cry out H6670 and shout, H7442 thou inhabitant H3427 of Zion: H6726 for great H1419 is the Holy One H6918 of Israel H3478 in the midst H7130 of thee.

Zechariah 14:5 STRONG

And ye shall flee H5127 to the valley H1516 of the mountains; H2022 for the valley H1516 of the mountains H2022 shall reach H5060 unto Azal: H682 yea, ye shall flee, H5127 like as ye fled H5127 from before H6440 the earthquake H7494 in the days H3117 of Uzziah H5818 king H4428 of Judah: H3063 and the LORD H3068 my God H430 shall come, H935 and all the saints H6918 with thee.

Revelation 21:3 STRONG

And G2532 I heard G191 a great G3173 voice G5456 out of G1537 heaven G3772 saying, G3004 Behold, G2400 the tabernacle G4633 of God G2316 is with G3326 men, G444 and G2532 he will dwell G4637 with G3326 them, G846 and G2532 they G846 shall be G2071 his G846 people, G2992 and G2532 God G2316 himself G846 shall be G2071 with G3326 them, G846 and be their G846 God. G2316

Revelation 2:1 STRONG

Unto the angel G32 of the church G1577 of Ephesus G2179 write; G1125 These things G3592 saith G3004 he that holdeth G2902 the seven G2033 stars G792 in G1722 his G846 right hand, G1188 who G3588 walketh G4043 in G1722 the midst G3319 of the seven G2033 golden G5552 candlesticks; G3087

Philippians 4:4 STRONG

Rejoice G5463 in G1722 the Lord G2962 alway: G3842 and again G3825 I say, G2046 Rejoice. G5463

2 Corinthians 6:15-16 STRONG

And G1161 what G5101 concord G4857 hath Christ G5547 with G4314 Belial? G955 or G2228 what G5101 part G3310 hath he that believeth G4103 with G3326 an infidel? G571 And G1161 what G5101 agreement G4783 hath the temple G3485 of God G2316 with G3326 idols? G1497 for G1063 ye G5210 are G2075 the temple G3485 of the living G2198 God; G2316 as G2531 God G2316 hath said, G2036 G3754 I will dwell G1774 in G1722 them, G846 and G2532 walk in G1704 them; and G2532 I will be G2071 their G846 God, G2316 and G2532 they G846 shall be G2071 my G3427 people. G2992

John 14:23 STRONG

Jesus G2424 answered G611 and G2532 said G2036 unto him, G846 If G1437 a man G5100 love G25 me, G3165 he will keep G5083 my G3450 words: G3056 and G2532 my G3450 Father G3962 will love G25 him, G846 and G2532 we will come G2064 unto G4314 him, G846 and G2532 make G4160 our abode G3438 with G3844 him. G846

John 1:14 STRONG

And G2532 the Word G3056 was made G1096 flesh, G4561 and G2532 dwelt G4637 among G1722 us, G2254 (and G2532 we beheld G2300 his G846 glory, G1391 the glory G1391 as G5613 of the only begotten G3439 of G3844 the Father,) G3962 full G4134 of grace G5485 and G2532 truth. G225

Matthew 28:20 STRONG

Teaching G1321 them G846 to observe G5083 all things G3956 whatsoever G3745 I have commanded G1781 you: G5213 and, G2532 lo, G2400 I G1473 am G1510 with G3326 you G5216 alway, G3956 G2250 even unto G2193 the end G4930 of the world. G165 Amen. G281

Malachi 3:1 STRONG

Behold, I will send H7971 my messenger, H4397 and he shall prepare H6437 the way H1870 before H6440 me: and the Lord, H113 whom ye seek, H1245 shall suddenly H6597 come H935 to his temple, H1964 even the messenger H4397 of the covenant, H1285 whom ye delight H2655 in: behold, he shall come, H935 saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Psalms 40:7 STRONG

Then said H559 I, Lo, I come: H935 in the volume H4039 of the book H5612 it is written H3789 of me,

Zephaniah 3:17 STRONG

The LORD H3068 thy God H430 in the midst H7130 of thee is mighty; H1368 he will save, H3467 he will rejoice H7797 over thee with joy; H8057 he will rest H2790 in his love, H160 he will joy H1523 over thee with singing. H7440

Jeremiah 33:11 STRONG

The voice H6963 of joy, H8342 and the voice H6963 of gladness, H8057 the voice H6963 of the bridegroom, H2860 and the voice H6963 of the bride, H3618 the voice H6963 of them that shall say, H559 Praise H3034 the LORD H3068 of hosts: H6635 for the LORD H3068 is good; H2896 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever: H5769 and of them that shall bring H935 the sacrifice of praise H8426 into the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068 For I will cause to return H7725 the captivity H7622 of the land, H776 as at the first, H7223 saith H559 the LORD. H3068

Jeremiah 31:12 STRONG

Therefore they shall come H935 and sing H7442 in the height H4791 of Zion, H6726 and shall flow together H5102 to the goodness H2898 of the LORD, H3068 for wheat, H1715 and for wine, H8492 and for oil, H3323 and for the young H1121 of the flock H6629 and of the herd: H1241 and their soul H5315 shall be as a watered H7302 garden; H1588 and they shall not sorrow H1669 any more H3254 at all.

Jeremiah 30:19 STRONG

And out of them shall proceed H3318 thanksgiving H8426 and the voice H6963 of them that make merry: H7832 and I will multiply H7235 them, and they shall not be few; H4591 I will also glorify H3513 them, and they shall not be small. H6819

Isaiah 66:14 STRONG

And when ye see H7200 this, your heart H3820 shall rejoice, H7797 and your bones H6106 shall flourish H6524 like an herb: H1877 and the hand H3027 of the LORD H3068 shall be known H3045 toward his servants, H5650 and his indignation H2194 toward his enemies. H341

Isaiah 61:10 STRONG

I will greatly H7797 rejoice H7797 in the LORD, H3068 my soul H5315 shall be joyful H1523 in my God; H430 for he hath clothed H3847 me with the garments H899 of salvation, H3468 he hath covered H3271 me with the robe H4598 of righteousness, H6666 as a bridegroom H2860 decketh H3547 himself with ornaments, H6287 and as a bride H3618 adorneth H5710 herself with her jewels. H3627

Isaiah 54:1 STRONG

Sing, H7442 O barren, H6135 thou that didst not bear; H3205 break forth H6476 into singing, H7440 and cry aloud, H6670 thou that didst not travail with child: H2342 for more H7227 are the children H1121 of the desolate H8074 than the children H1121 of the married wife, H1166 saith H559 the LORD. H3068

Isaiah 52:9-10 STRONG

Break forth into joy, H6476 sing H7442 together, H3162 ye waste places H2723 of Jerusalem: H3389 for the LORD H3068 hath comforted H5162 his people, H5971 he hath redeemed H1350 Jerusalem. H3389 The LORD H3068 hath made bare H2834 his holy H6944 arm H2220 in the eyes H5869 of all the nations; H1471 and all the ends H657 of the earth H776 shall see H7200 the salvation H3444 of our God. H430

Isaiah 51:11 STRONG

Therefore the redeemed H6299 of the LORD H3068 shall return, H7725 and come H935 with singing H7440 unto Zion; H6726 and everlasting H5769 joy H8057 shall be upon their head: H7218 they shall obtain H5381 gladness H8342 and joy; H8057 and sorrow H3015 and mourning H585 shall flee away. H5127

Isaiah 42:10 STRONG

Sing H7891 unto the LORD H3068 a new H2319 song, H7892 and his praise H8416 from the end H7097 of the earth, H776 ye that go down H3381 to the sea, H3220 and all that is therein; H4393 the isles, H339 and the inhabitants H3427 thereof.

Isaiah 40:9-11 STRONG

O Zion, H6726 that bringest good tidings, H1319 get thee up H5927 into the high H1364 mountain; H2022 O Jerusalem, H3389 that bringest good tidings, H1319 lift up H7311 thy voice H6963 with strength; H3581 lift it up, H7311 be not afraid; H3372 say H559 unto the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 Behold your God! H430 Behold, the Lord H136 GOD H3069 will come H935 with strong H2389 hand, and his arm H2220 shall rule H4910 for him: behold, his reward H7939 is with him, and his work H6468 before H6440 him. He shall feed H7462 his flock H5739 like a shepherd: H7462 he shall gather H6908 the lambs H2922 with his arm, H2220 and carry H5375 them in his bosom, H2436 and shall gently lead H5095 those that are with young. H5763

Isaiah 35:10 STRONG

And the ransomed H6299 of the LORD H3068 shall return, H7725 and come H935 to Zion H6726 with songs H7440 and everlasting H5769 joy H8057 upon their heads: H7218 they shall obtain H5381 joy H8057 and gladness, H8342 and sorrow H3015 and sighing H585 shall flee away. H5127

Psalms 98:1-3 STRONG

[[A Psalm.]] H4210 O sing H7891 unto the LORD H3068 a new H2319 song; H7892 for he hath done H6213 marvellous things: H6381 his right hand, H3225 and his holy H6944 arm, H2220 hath gotten him the victory. H3467 The LORD H3068 hath made known H3045 his salvation: H3444 his righteousness H6666 hath he openly shewed H1540 in the sight H5869 of the heathen. H1471 He hath remembered H2142 his mercy H2617 and his truth H530 toward the house H1004 of Israel: H3478 all the ends H657 of the earth H776 have seen H7200 the salvation H3444 of our God. H430

Psalms 68:18 STRONG

Thou hast ascended H5927 on high, H4791 thou hast led captivity H7628 captive: H7617 thou hast received H3947 gifts H4979 for men; H120 yea, for the rebellious H5637 also, that the LORD H3050 God H430 might dwell H7931 among them.

Psalms 47:1-9 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician, H5329 A Psalm H4210 for the sons H1121 of Korah.]] H7141 O clap H8628 your hands, H3709 all ye people; H5971 shout H7321 unto God H430 with the voice H6963 of triumph. H7440 For the LORD H3068 most high H5945 is terrible; H3372 he is a great H1419 King H4428 over all the earth. H776 He shall subdue H1696 the people H5971 under us, and the nations H3816 under our feet. H7272 He shall choose H977 our inheritance H5159 for us, the excellency H1347 of Jacob H3290 whom he loved. H157 Selah. H5542 God H430 is gone up H5927 with a shout, H8643 the LORD H3068 with the sound H6963 of a trumpet. H7782 Sing praises H2167 to God, H430 sing praises: H2167 sing praises H2167 unto our King, H4428 sing praises. H2167 For God H430 is the King H4428 of all the earth: H776 sing ye praises H2167 with understanding. H7919 God H430 reigneth H4427 over the heathen: H1471 God H430 sitteth H3427 upon the throne H3678 of his holiness. H6944 The princes H5081 of the people H5971 are gathered together, H622 even the people H5971 of the God H430 of Abraham: H85 for the shields H4043 of the earth H776 belong unto God: H430 he is greatly H3966 exalted. H5927

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Zechariah 2

Commentary on Zechariah 2 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-5

Whilst the second vision sets forth the destruction of the powers that were hostile to Israel, the third (Zechariah 2:1-5) with the prophetic explanation (Zechariah 2:6-13) shows the development of the people and kingdom of God till the time of its final glory. The vision itself appears very simple, only a few of the principal features being indicated; but in this very brevity it presents many difficulties so far as the exposition is concerned. It is as follows: Zechariah 2:1. “And I lifted up my eyes, and saw, and behold a man, and in his hand a measuring line. Zechariah 2:2. Then I said, Whither goest thou? And he said to me, To measure Jerusalem, to see how great its breadth, and how great its length. Zechariah 2:3. And, behold, the angel that talked with me went out, and another angel went out to meet him. Zechariah 2:4. And he said to him, Run, speak to his young man thus: Jerusalem shall lie as an open land for the multitude of men and cattle in the midst of it. Zechariah 2:5. And I shall be to it, is the saying of Jehovah, a fiery wall round about; and I shall be for glory in the midst of it.” The man with the measuring line in his hand is not the interpreting angel (C. B. Mich., Ros., Maurer, etc.); for it was not his duty to place the events upon the stage, but simply to explain to the prophet the things which he saw. Moreover, this angel is clearly distinguished from the man, inasmuch as he does not go out (Zechariah 2:3) till after the latter has gone to measure Jerusalem (Zechariah 2:2). At the same time, we cannot regard the measuring man as merely “a figure in the vision,” since all the persons occurring in these visions are significant; but we agree with those who conjecture that he is the angel of Jehovah, although this conjecture cannot be distinctly proved. The task which he is preparing to perform - namely, to measure Jerusalem - leads unquestionably to the conclusion that he is something more than a figure. The measuring of the breadth and length of Jerusalem presupposes that the city is already in existence; and this expression must not be identified with the phrase, to draw the measure over Jerusalem, in Zechariah 1:15. Drawing the measure over a place is done for the purpose of sketching a plan for its general arrangement or the rebuilding of it. But the length and breadth of a city can only be measured when it is already in existence; and the object of the measuring is not to see how long and how broad it is to be, but what the length and breadth actually are. It is true that it by no means follows from this that the city to be measured was the Jerusalem of that time; on the contrary, the vision shows the future Jerusalem, but it exhibits it as a city in actual existence, and visible to the spiritual eye. While the man goes away to measure the city, the interpreting angel goes out: not out of the myrtle thicket, for this only occurs in the first vision; but he goes away from the presence of the prophet, where we have to think of him as his interpreter, in the direction of the man with the measuring line, to find out what he is going to do, and bring back word to the prophet. At the very same time another angel comes out to meet him , viz., the angelus interpres , not the man with the measuring line. For one person can only come to meet another when the latter is going in the direction from which the former comes. Having come to meet him, he (the second angel) says to him (the angelus interpres ), “Run, say to this young man,” etc. The subject to ויּאמר can only be the second angel; for if, on grammatical grounds, the angelus interpres might be regarded as speaking to the young man, such an assumption is proved to be untenable, by the fact that it was no part of the office of the angelus interpres to give orders or commissions to another angel. On the other hand, there is nothing at all to preclude another angel from revealing a decree of God to the angelus interpres for him to communicate to the prophet; inasmuch as this does not bring the angelus interpres into action any further than his function requires, so that there is no ground for the objection that this is at variance with his standing elsewhere (Kliefoth). But the other angel could not give the instructions mentioned in Zechariah 1:4 to the angelus interpres , unless he were either himself a superior angel, viz., the angel of Jehovah, or had been directed to do so by the man with the measuring line, in which case this “man” would be the angel of Jehovah. Of these two possibilities we prefer the latter on two grounds: (1) because it is impossible to think of any reason why the “other angel” should not be simply called מלאך יהוה , if he really were the angel of the Lord; and (2) because, according to the analogy of Ezekiel 40:3, the man with the measuring line most probably was the angel of Jehovah, with whose dignity it would be quite in keeping that he should explain his purpose to the angelus interpres through the medium of another (inferior) angel. And if this be established, so far as the brevity of the account will allow, we cannot understand by the “young man” the man with the measuring line, as Hitzig, Maurer, and Kliefoth do. The only way in which such an assumption as this could be rendered tenable or in harmony with the rest, would be by supposing that the design of the message was to tell the man with the measuring line that “he might desist from his useless enterprise” (Hitzig), as Jerusalem could not be measured at all, on account of the number of its inhabitants and its vast size (Theod. Mops., Theodoret, Ewald, Umbreit, etc.); but Kliefoth has very justly replied to this, that “if a city be ever so great, inasmuch as it is a city, it can always be measured, and also have walls.”

If, then, the symbolical act of measuring, as Kliefoth also admits, expresses the question how large and how broad Jerusalem will eventually be, and if the words of Zechariah 2:4, Zechariah 2:5 contain the answer to this question, viz., Jerusalem will in the first place (Zechariah 2:4) contain such a multitude of men and cattle that it will dwell like p e râzōth ; this answer, which gives the meaning of the measuring, must be addressed not to the measuring man, but simply to the prophet, that he may announce to the people the future magnitude and glory of the city. The measuring man was able to satisfy himself of this by the measuring itself. We must therefore follow the majority of both the earlier and later expositors, and take the “young man” as being the prophet himself, who is so designated on account of his youthful age, and without any allusion whatever to “human inexperience and dim short-sightedness” (Hengstenberg), since such an allusion would be very remote from the context, and even old men of experience could not possibly know anything concerning the future glory of Jerusalem without a revelation from above. Hallâz , as in Judges 6:20 and 2 Kings 4:25, is a contraction of hallâzeh , and formed from lâzeh , there, thither, and the article hal , in the sense of the (young man) there, or that young man (cf. Ewald, §103, a , and 183, b ; Ges. §34, Anm. 1). He is to make haste and bring this message, because it is good news, the realization of which will soon commence. The message contains a double and most joyful promise. (1) Jerusalem will in future dwell, i.e., to be built, as p e râzōth . This word means neither “without walls,” nor loca aperta , but strictly speaking the plains , and is only used in the plural to denote the open, level ground, as contrasted with the fortified cities surrounded by walls: thus ‛ārē p e râzōth , cities of the plain, in Esther 9:19, as distinguished from the capital Susa; and 'erets p e râzōth in Ezekiel 38:11, the land where men dwell “without walls, bolts, and gates;” hence p e râzı̄ , inhabitant of the plain, in contrast with the inhabitants of fortified cities with high walls (Deuteronomy 3:5; 1 Samuel 6:18). The thought is therefore the following: Jerusalem is in future to resemble an open country covered with unwalled cities and villages; it will no longer be a city closely encircled with walls; hence it will be extraordinarily enlarged, on account of the multitude of men and cattle with which it will be blessed (cf. Isaiah 49:19-20; Ezekiel 38:11). Moreover, (2) Jerusalem will then have no protecting wall surrounding it, because it will enjoy a superior protection. Jehovah will be to it a wall of fire round about, that is to say, a defence of fire which will consume every one who ventures to attack it (cf. Isaiah 4:5; Deuteronomy 4:24). Jehovah will also be the glory in the midst of Jerusalem, that is to say, will fill the city with His glory (cf. Isaiah 60:19). This promise is explained in the following prophetic words which are uttered by the angel of Jehovah, as Zechariah 2:8, Zechariah 2:9, and Zechariah 2:11 clearly show. According to these verses, for example, the speaker is sent by Jehovah, and according to Zechariah 2:8 to the nations which have plundered Israel, “after glory,” i.e., to smite these nations and make them servants to the Israelites. From this shall Israel learn that Jehovah has sent him. The fact that, according to Zechariah 2:3, Zechariah 2:4, another angel speaks to the prophet, may be easily reconciled with this. For since this angel, as we have seen above, was sent by the angel of Jehovah, he speaks according to his instructions, and that in such a manner that his words pass imperceptibly into the words of the sender, just as we very frequently find the words of a prophet passing suddenly into the words of God, and carried on as such. For the purpose of escaping from this simple conclusion, Koehler has forcibly broken up this continuous address, and has separated the words of Zechariah 2:8, Zechariah 2:9, and Zechariah 2:11, in which the angel says that Jehovah has sent him, from the words of Jehovah proclaimed by the angel, as being interpolations, but without succeeding in explaining them either simply or naturally.

Verses 6-9

The prophecy commences thus in Zechariah 2:6-9 : Zechariah 2:6. “Ho, ho, flee out of the land of the north, is the saying of Jehovah; for I spread you out as the four winds of heaven, is the saying of Jehovah. Zechariah 2:7. Ho, Zion, save thyself, thou that dwellest with the daughter Babel. Zechariah 2:8. For thus saith Jehovah of hosts, After glory hath he sent me to the nations that have plundered you; for whoever toucheth you, toucheth the apple of His eye. Zechariah 2:9. For, behold, I swing my hand over them, and they become a spoil to those who served them; and ye will see that Jehovah of hosts hath sent me.” The summons to flee out of Babylon, in Zechariah 2:6 and Zechariah 2:7, is addressed to the Israelites, who are all included in the one name Zion in Zechariah 2:7; and shows that the address which follows is not a simple continuation of the promise in Zechariah 2:4 and Zechariah 2:5, but is intended both to explain it, and to assign the reason for it. The summons contains so far a reason for it, that the Israelites are directed to flee out of Babylon, because the judgment is about to burst upon this oppressor of the people of God. The words nūsū , flee, and himmâl e tı̄ , save thyself or escape, both point to the judgment, and in Zechariah 2:9 the judgment itself is clearly spoken of. the land of the north is Babylon (cf. Jeremiah 1:14; Jeremiah 6:22; Jeremiah 10:22; and for the fact itself, Isaiah 48:20). The reason for the exclamation “Flee” is first of all given in the clause, “for like the four winds have I spread you out,” not “dispersed you” (Vulg., C. B. Mich., Koehler). For apart from the fact that pērēs almost always means to spread out, and has the meaning to disperse at the most in Psalms 68:15 and Ezekiel 17:21, this meaning is altogether unsuitable here. For if Israel had been scattered like the four winds, it would of necessity have been summoned to return, not only from the north, but from all quarters of the globe (Hitzig, Kliefoth). Moreover, we should then have לארבּע , into the four winds; and the method suggested by Koehler for reconciling כּארבּע with his view, viz., by assuming that “like the four winds” is equivalent to “as chaff is pounded and driven away from its place by the four winds,” according to which the winds would be mentioned in the place of the chaff, will hardly meet with approval. The explanation is rather that the perfect pērastı̄ is used prophetically to denote the purpose of God, which had already been formed, even if its realization was still in the future. To spread out like the four winds is the same as to spread out just as the four winds spread out to all quarters of the globe. Because God has resolved upon spreading out His people in this manner, they are to flee out of Babel, that they may not suffer the fate of Babel. That this thought lies at the foundation of the motive assigned, is evident from the further reasons assigned for the summons in Zechariah 2:8 and Zechariah 2:9.

Zion stands for the inhabitants of Zion, namely the people of God, who are for the time being still yōshebheth bath Bâbel , dwelling with the daughter Babel. As Zion does not mean the city or fortress of Jerusalem, but the inhabitants, so the “daughter Babel” is not the city of Babylon or country of Babylonia personified, but the inhabitants of Babel; and ישׁב is construed with the accusative of the person, as in Psalms 22:4 and 2 Samuel 6:2. What Jehovah states in explanation of the twofold call to flee out of Babel, does not commence with Zechariah 2:9 (Ewald), or with כּי הנּגע in Zechariah 2:8 (Koehler), but with אחר כּבוד וגו . The incorrectness of the two former explanations is seen first of all in the fact that כּי only introduces a speech in the same manner as ὅτι , when it follows directly upon the introductory formula; but not, as is here assumed, when a long parenthesis is inserted between, without the introduction being resumed by לאמר . And secondly, neither of these explanations furnishes a suitable meaning. If the words of God only followed in Zechariah 2:9, עליהם in the first clause would be left without any noun to which to refer; and if they commenced with כּי הנּגע (for he that toucheth), the thought “he that toucheth you,” etc., would assign no reason for the call to flee and save themselves. For if Israel is defended or valued by God as a pupil of the eye, there can be no necessity for it to flee. And lastly, it is impossible to see what can be the meaning or object of the parenthesis, “After glory hath He sent me,” etc. If it treated “of the execution of the threat of punishment upon the heathen” (Koehler), it would be inserted in an unsuitable place, since the threat of punishment would not follow till afterwards. All these difficulties vanish if Jehovah's words commence with 'achar kâbhōd (after glory), in which case sh e lâchanı̄ (He hath sent me) may be very simply explained from the fact that the address is introduced, not in a direct form, but indirectly: Jehovah says, He has sent me after glory. The sender is Jehovah, and the person sent is not the prophet, but the angel of the Lord. Achar kâbhōd : behind glory, after glory; not however “after the glory of success” (Hitzig, Ewald, etc.), still less “with a glorious commission,” but to get glory upon the heathen, i.e., to display the glory of God upon the heathen through the judgment by which their power is broken, and the heathen world is made to serve the people of God. The manner in which the next two clauses, commencing with kı̄ (for), are attached, is the following: The first assigns the subjective motive; that is to say, states the reason why God has sent him to the heathen, namely, because they have plundered His people, and have thereby touched the apple of His eye. בּבת עין , the apple of the eye (lit., the gate, the opening in which the eye is placed, or more probably the pupil of the eye, pupilla , as being the object most carefully preserved), is a figure used to denote the dearest possession or good, and in this sense is applied to the nation of Israel as early as Deuteronomy 32:10. The second explanatory clause in Zechariah 2:9 adds the practical ground for this sending after glory. The speaker is still the angel of the Lord; and his acting is identical with the acting of God. Like Jehovah, he swings his hand over the heathen nations which plundered Israel (cf. Isaiah 11:15; Isaiah 19:16), and they become ( והיוּ expressing the consequence), i.e., so that they become, booty to the Israelites, who had previously been obliged to serve them (cf. Isaiah 14:2). In what way the heathen would serve Israel is stated in Zechariah 2:11. By the execution of this judgment Israel would learn that Jehovah had sent His angel, namely to execute upon the heathen His saving purposes for Israel. This is the meaning of these words, not only here and in Zechariah 2:11, but also in Zechariah 4:9 and Zechariah 6:15, where this formula is repeated, not however in the sense imagined by Koehler, namely that he had spoken these words in consequence of a command from Jehovah, and not of his own accord, by which the “sending” is changed into “speaking.”

Verse 10-11

The daughter Zion is to rejoice at this sending of the angel of the Lord. Zechariah 2:10. “Exult and rejoice, O daughter Zion: for, behold, I come, and dwell in the midst of thee, is the saying of Jehovah. Zechariah 2:11. And many nations will attach themselves to Jehovah in that day, and become a people to me: and I dwell in the midst of thee; and thou wilt know that Jehovah of hosts hath sent me to thee.” The daughter Zion, or the church of the Lord, delivered out of Babel, is to rejoice with joy, because her glorification is commencing now. The Lord comes to her in His angel, in whom are His name (Exodus 23:21), and His face (Exodus 33:14), i.e., the angel of His face (Isaiah 63:9), who reveals His nature, to dwell in the midst of her. This dwelling of Jehovah, or of His angel, in the midst of Zion, is essentially different from the dwelling of Jehovah in the Most Holy Place of His temple. It commences with the coming of the Son of God in the flesh, and is completed by His return in glory (John 1:14 and Revelation 21:3). Then will many, or powerful, nations, attach themselves to Jehovah, and become His people (cf. Zechariah 8:20-21; Isaiah 14:1). This kingdom of God, which has hitherto been restricted to Israel, will be spread out and glorified by the reception of the heathen nations which are seeking God (Micah 4:2). The repetition of the expression, “I dwell in the midst of thee,” merely serves as a stronger asseveration of this brilliant promise; and the same remark applies to the repetition of וידעתּ וגו (and thou shalt now): see at Zechariah 2:13. Jerusalem will thereby receive the expansion shown to the prophet in Zechariah 2:4; and through the dwelling of God in the midst of her, the promise in Zechariah 2:5 will also be fulfilled. The next verse refers to this.

Verse 12-13

“And Jehovah will take possession of Judah as His portion in the holy land, and will yet choose Jerusalem. Zechariah 2:13. Be still, all flesh, before Jehovah; for He has risen up out of His holy habitation.” The first hemistich of Zechariah 2:12 rests upon Deuteronomy 32:9, where Israel, as the chosen nation, is called the chēleq and nachălâh of Jehovah. This appointment of Israel to be the possession of Jehovah will become perfect truth and reality in the future, through the coming of the Lord. Y e hūdâh is Judah as delivered, i.e., the remnant of the whole of the covenant nation. This remnant, after being gathered out of Babel, will dwell upon holy ground, or in a holy land, as the possession of the Lord. The holy land is the land of Jehovah (Hosea 9:3); but this is not to be set down without reserve as identical with Palestine. On the contrary, every place where Jehovah may be is holy ground (cf. Exodus 3:5); so that even Palestine is only holy when the Lord dwells there. And we must not limit the idea of the holy land in this passage to Palestine, because the idea of the people of God will be so expanded by the addition of nation nations, that it will not have room enough within the limits of Palestine; and according to Deuteronomy 32:4, even Jerusalem will no longer be a city with limited boundaries. The holy land reaches just as far as the nations, which have become the people of Jehovah by attaching themselves to Judah, spread themselves out over the surface of the earth. The words “choose Jerusalem again” round off the promise, just as in Zechariah 1:17; but in Zechariah 2:13 the admonition is added, to wait in reverential silence for the coming of the Lord to judgment, after Habakkuk 2:20; and the reason assigned is, that the judgment will soon begin. נעור , niphal of עוּר (compare Ewald, §140, a ; Ges. §72, Anm. 9), to wake up, or rise up from His rest (cf. Psalms 44:24). מעון קדשׁו , the holy habitation of God, is heaven, as in Deuteronomy 26:15; Jeremiah 25:30. The judgment upon the heathen world-power began to burst in a very short time. When Babylon revolted against the king of Persia, under the reign of Darius, a great massacre took place within the city after its re-capture, and its walls were destroyed, so that the city could not rise again to its ancient grandeur and importance. Compare with this the remark made in the comm. on Haggai, concerning the overthrow of the Persian empire and those which followed it. We have already shown, what a groundless hypothesis the opinion is, that the fulfilment was interrupted in consequence of Israel's guilt; and that as the result of this, the completion of it has been deferred for centuries, or even thousands of years.