Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Zechariah » Chapter 8 » Verse 13

Zechariah 8:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 And it shall come to pass, that as ye were a curse H7045 among the heathen, H1471 O house H1004 of Judah, H3063 and house H1004 of Israel; H3478 so will I save H3467 you, and ye shall be a blessing: H1293 fear H3372 not, but let your hands H3027 be strong. H2388

Cross Reference

Zechariah 8:9 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 Let your hands H3027 be strong, H2388 ye that hear H8085 in these days H3117 these words H1697 by the mouth H6310 of the prophets, H5030 which were in the day H3117 that the foundation H3245 of the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 was laid, H3245 that the temple H1964 might be built. H1129

Daniel 9:11 STRONG

Yea, all Israel H3478 have transgressed H5674 thy law, H8451 even by departing, H5493 that they might not obey H8085 thy voice; H6963 therefore the curse H423 is poured H5413 upon us, and the oath H7621 that is written H3789 in the law H8451 of Moses H4872 the servant H5650 of God, H430 because we have sinned H2398 against him.

Ezekiel 5:15 STRONG

So it shall be a reproach H2781 and a taunt, H1422 an instruction H4148 and an astonishment H4923 unto the nations H1471 that are round about H5439 thee, when I shall execute H6213 judgments H8201 in thee in anger H639 and in fury H2534 and in furious H2534 rebukes. H8433 I the LORD H3068 have spoken H1696 it.

Jeremiah 42:18 STRONG

For thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel; H3478 As mine anger H639 and my fury H2534 hath been poured forth H5413 upon the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem; H3389 so shall my fury H2534 be poured forth H5413 upon you, when ye shall enter H935 into Egypt: H4714 and ye shall be an execration, H423 and an astonishment, H8047 and a curse, H7045 and a reproach; H2781 and ye shall see H7200 this place H4725 no more.

Jeremiah 29:18 STRONG

And I will persecute H7291 them H310 with the sword, H2719 with the famine, H7458 and with the pestilence, H1698 and will deliver H5414 them to be removed H2189 H2113 to all the kingdoms H4467 of the earth, H776 to be a curse, H423 and an astonishment, H8047 and an hissing, H8322 and a reproach, H2781 among all the nations H1471 whither I have driven H5080 them:

Isaiah 19:24-25 STRONG

In that day H3117 shall Israel H3478 be the third H7992 with Egypt H4714 and with Assyria, H804 even a blessing H1293 in the midst H7130 of the land: H776 Whom the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 shall bless, H1288 saying, H559 Blessed H1288 be Egypt H4714 my people, H5971 and Assyria H804 the work H4639 of my hands, H3027 and Israel H3478 mine inheritance. H5159

Psalms 72:17 STRONG

His name H8034 shall endure for ever: H5769 his name H8034 shall be continued H5125 H5125 as long as H6440 the sun: H8121 and men shall be blessed H1288 in him: all nations H1471 shall call him blessed. H833

Genesis 12:2-3 STRONG

And I will make of thee H6213 a great H1419 nation, H1471 and I will bless H1288 thee, and make H1431 thy name H8034 great; H1431 and thou shalt be a blessing: H1293 And I will bless H1288 them that bless H1288 thee, and curse H779 him that curseth H7043 thee: and in thee shall all families H4940 of the earth H127 be blessed. H1288

Lamentations 4:15 STRONG

They cried H7121 unto them, Depart H5493 ye; it is unclean; H2931 depart, H5493 depart, H5493 touch H5060 not: when they fled away H5132 and wandered, H5128 they said H559 among the heathen, H1471 They shall no more H3254 sojourn H1481 there.

Lamentations 2:15-16 STRONG

All that pass H5674 by clap H5606 their hands H3709 at thee; H1870 they hiss H8319 and wag H5128 their head H7218 at the daughter H1323 of Jerusalem, H3389 saying, Is this the city H5892 that men call H559 The perfection H3632 of beauty, H3308 The joy H4885 of the whole earth? H776 All thine enemies H341 have opened H6475 their mouth H6310 against thee: they hiss H8319 and gnash H2786 the teeth: H8127 they say, H559 We have swallowed her up: H1104 certainly H389 this is the day H3117 that we looked for; H6960 we have found, H4672 we have seen H7200 it.

Ezekiel 37:11 STRONG

Then he said H559 unto me, Son H1121 of man, H120 these bones H6106 are the whole house H1004 of Israel: H3478 behold, they say, H559 Our bones H6106 are dried, H3001 and our hope H8615 is lost: H6 we are cut off H1504 for our parts.

Ezekiel 37:16-19 STRONG

Moreover, thou son H1121 of man, H120 take H3947 thee one H259 stick, H6086 and write H3789 upon it, For Judah, H3063 and for the children H1121 of Israel H3478 his companions: H2270 then take H3947 another H259 stick, H6086 and write H3789 upon it, For Joseph, H3130 the stick H6086 of Ephraim, H669 and for all the house H1004 of Israel H3478 his companions: H2270 And join H7126 them one H259 to another H259 into one H259 stick; H6086 and they shall become one H259 in thine hand. H3027 And when the children H1121 of thy people H5971 shall speak H559 unto thee, saying, H559 Wilt thou not shew H5046 us what thou meanest by these? Say H1696 unto them, Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, I will take H3947 the stick H6086 of Joseph, H3130 which is in the hand H3027 of Ephraim, H669 and the tribes H7626 of Israel H3478 his fellows, H2270 and will put H5414 them with him, even with the stick H6086 of Judah, H3063 and make H6213 them one H259 stick, H6086 and they shall be one H259 in mine hand. H3027

Micah 5:7 STRONG

And the remnant H7611 of Jacob H3290 shall be in the midst H7130 of many H7227 people H5971 as a dew H2919 from the LORD, H3068 as the showers H7241 upon the grass, H6212 that tarrieth H6960 not for man, H376 nor waiteth H3176 for the sons H1121 of men. H120

Zephaniah 3:20 STRONG

At that time H6256 will I bring H935 you again, even in the time H6256 that I gather H6908 you: for I will make H5414 you a name H8034 and a praise H8416 among all people H5971 of the earth, H776 when I turn back H7725 your captivity H7622 before your eyes, H5869 saith H559 the LORD. H3068

Haggai 2:19 STRONG

Is the seed H2233 yet in the barn? H4035 yea, as yet the vine, H1612 and the fig tree, H8384 and the pomegranate, H7416 and the olive H2132 tree, H6086 hath not brought forth: H5375 from this day H3117 will I bless H1288 you.

Zechariah 1:19 STRONG

And I said H559 unto the angel H4397 that talked H1696 with me, What be these? And he answered H559 me, These are the horns H7161 which have scattered H2219 Judah, H3063 Israel, H3478 and Jerusalem. H3389

Zechariah 8:20-23 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 It shall yet come to pass, that there shall come H935 people, H5971 and the inhabitants H3427 of many H7227 cities: H5892 And the inhabitants H3427 of one H259 city shall go H1980 to another, H259 saying, H559 Let us go H3212 speedily H1980 to pray H2470 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 and to seek H1245 the LORD H3068 of hosts: H6635 I will go H3212 also. Yea, many H7227 people H5971 and strong H6099 nations H1471 shall come H935 to seek H1245 the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 in Jerusalem, H3389 and to pray H2470 before H6440 the LORD. H3068 Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 In those days H3117 it shall come to pass, that ten H6235 men H582 shall take hold H2388 out of all languages H3956 of the nations, H1471 even shall take hold H2388 of the skirt H3671 of him that is a Jew, H376 H3064 saying, H559 We will go H3212 with you: for we have heard H8085 that God H430 is with you.

Zechariah 9:13 STRONG

When I have bent H1869 Judah H3063 for me, filled H4390 the bow H7198 with Ephraim, H669 and raised up H5782 thy sons, H1121 O Zion, H6726 against thy sons, H1121 O Greece, H3120 and made H7760 thee as the sword H2719 of a mighty man. H1368

Zechariah 10:6-9 STRONG

And I will strengthen H1396 the house H1004 of Judah, H3063 and I will save H3467 the house H1004 of Joseph, H3130 and I will bring them again to place H3427 them; for I have mercy H7355 upon them: and they shall be as though H834 I had not cast them off: H2186 for I am the LORD H3068 their God, H430 and will hear H6030 them. And they of Ephraim H669 shall be like a mighty H1368 man, and their heart H3820 shall rejoice H8055 as through wine: H3196 yea, their children H1121 shall see H7200 it, and be glad; H8055 their heart H3820 shall rejoice H1523 in the LORD. H3068 I will hiss H8319 for them, and gather H6908 them; for I have redeemed H6299 them: and they shall increase H7235 as they have increased. H7235 And I will sow H2232 them among the people: H5971 and they shall remember H2142 me in far countries; H4801 and they shall live H2421 with their children, H1121 and turn again. H7725

1 Corinthians 16:13 STRONG

Watch ye, G1127 stand fast G4739 in G1722 the faith, G4102 quit you like men, G407 be strong. G2901

Galatians 3:14 STRONG

That G2443 the blessing G2129 of Abraham G11 might come G1096 on G1519 the Gentiles G1484 through G1722 Jesus G2424 Christ; G5547 that G2443 we might receive G2983 the promise G1860 of the Spirit G4151 through G1223 faith. G4102

Galatians 3:28-29 STRONG

There is G1762 neither G3756 Jew G2453 nor G3761 Greek, G1672 there is G1762 neither G3756 bond G1401 nor G3761 free, G1658 there is G1762 neither G3756 male G730 nor G2532 female: G2338 for G1063 ye G5210 are G2075 all G3956 one G1520 in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus. G2424 And G1161 if G1487 ye G5210 be Christ's, G5547 then G686 are ye G2075 Abraham's G11 seed, G4690 and G2532 heirs G2818 according G2596 to the promise. G1860

Isaiah 35:3-4 STRONG

Strengthen H2388 ye the weak H7504 hands, H3027 and confirm H553 the feeble H3782 knees. H1290 Say H559 to them that are of a fearful H4116 heart, H3820 Be strong, H2388 fear H3372 not: behold, your God H430 will come H935 with vengeance, H5359 even God H430 with a recompence; H1576 he will come H935 and save H3467 you.

Deuteronomy 28:37 STRONG

And thou shalt become an astonishment, H8047 a proverb, H4912 and a byword, H8148 among all nations H5971 whither the LORD H3068 shall lead H5090 thee.

Deuteronomy 29:23-28 STRONG

And that the whole land H776 thereof is brimstone, H1614 and salt, H4417 and burning, H8316 that it is not sown, H2232 nor beareth, H6779 nor any grass H6212 groweth H5927 therein, like the overthrow H4114 of Sodom, H5467 and Gomorrah, H6017 Admah, H126 and Zeboim, H6636 which the LORD H3068 overthrew H2015 in his anger, H639 and in his wrath: H2534 Even all nations H1471 shall say, H559 Wherefore hath the LORD H3068 done H6213 thus unto this land? H776 what meaneth the heat H2750 of this great H1419 anger? H639 Then men shall say, H559 Because they have forsaken H5800 the covenant H1285 of the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers, H1 which he made H3772 with them when he brought them forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt: H4714 For they went H3212 and served H5647 other H312 gods, H430 and worshipped H7812 them, gods H430 whom they knew H3045 not, and whom he had not given H2505 unto them: And the anger H639 of the LORD H3068 was kindled H2734 against this land, H776 to bring H935 upon it all the curses H7045 that are written H3789 in this book: H5612 And the LORD H3068 rooted H5428 them out of their land H127 in anger, H639 and in wrath, H2534 and in great H1419 indignation, H7110 and cast H7993 them into another H312 land, H776 as it is this day. H3117

Ruth 4:11-12 STRONG

And all the people H5971 that were in the gate, H8179 and the elders, H2205 said, H559 We are witnesses. H5707 The LORD H3068 make H5414 the woman H802 that is come H935 into thine house H1004 like Rachel H7354 and like Leah, H3812 which two H8147 did build H1129 the house H1004 of Israel: H3478 and do H6213 thou worthily H2428 in Ephratah, H672 and be famous H7121 H8034 in Bethlehem: H1035 And let thy house H1004 be like the house H1004 of Pharez, H6557 whom Tamar H8559 bare H3205 unto Judah, H3063 of the seed H2233 which the LORD H3068 shall give H5414 thee of this young woman. H5291

1 Kings 9:7-8 STRONG

Then will I cut off H3772 Israel H3478 out H6440 of the land H127 which I have given H5414 them; and this house, H1004 which I have hallowed H6942 for my name, H8034 will I cast out H7971 of my sight; H6440 and Israel H3478 shall be a proverb H4912 and a byword H8148 among all people: H5971 And at this house, H1004 which is high, H5945 every one that passeth H5674 by it shall be astonished, H8074 and shall hiss; H8319 and they shall say, H559 Why hath the LORD H3068 done H6213 thus unto this land, H776 and to this house? H1004

2 Kings 17:18-20 STRONG

Therefore the LORD H3068 was very H3966 angry H599 with Israel, H3478 and removed H5493 them out of his sight: H6440 there was none left H7604 but the tribe H7626 of Judah H3063 only. Also Judah H3063 kept H8104 not the commandments H4687 of the LORD H3068 their God, H430 but walked H3212 in the statutes H2708 of Israel H3478 which they made. H6213 And the LORD H3068 rejected H3988 all the seed H2233 of Israel, H3478 and afflicted H6031 them, and delivered H5414 them into the hand H3027 of spoilers, H8154 until he had cast H7993 them out of his sight. H6440

2 Chronicles 7:20-22 STRONG

Then will I pluck them up by the roots H5428 out of my land H127 which I have given H5414 them; and this house, H1004 which I have sanctified H6942 for my name, H8034 will I cast out H7993 of my sight, H6440 and will make H5414 it to be a proverb H4912 and a byword H8148 among all nations. H5971 And this house, H1004 which is high, H5945 shall be an astonishment H8074 to every one that passeth H5674 by it; so that he shall say, H559 Why hath the LORD H3068 done H6213 thus unto this land, H776 and unto this house? H1004 And it shall be answered, H559 Because they forsook H5800 the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers, H1 which brought them forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 and laid hold H2388 on other H312 gods, H430 and worshipped H7812 them, and served H5647 them: therefore hath he brought H935 all this evil H7451 upon them.

Psalms 44:13-14 STRONG

Thou makest H7760 us a reproach H2781 to our neighbours, H7934 a scorn H3933 and a derision H7047 to them that are round about H5439 us. Thou makest H7760 us a byword H4912 among the heathen, H1471 a shaking H4493 of the head H7218 among the people. H3816

Psalms 44:16 STRONG

For the voice H6963 of him that reproacheth H2778 and blasphemeth; H1442 by reason H6440 of the enemy H341 and avenger. H5358

Psalms 79:4 STRONG

We are become a reproach H2781 to our neighbours, H7934 a scorn H3933 and derision H7047 to them that are round about H5439 us.

Isaiah 9:20-21 STRONG

And he shall snatch H1504 on the right hand, H3225 and be hungry; H7457 and he shall eat H398 on the left hand, H8040 and they shall not be satisfied: H7646 they shall eat H398 every man H376 the flesh H1320 of his own arm: H2220 Manasseh, H4519 Ephraim; H669 and Ephraim, H669 Manasseh: H4519 and they together H3162 shall be against Judah. H3063 For all this his anger H639 is not turned away, H7725 but his hand H3027 is stretched out still. H5186

Genesis 26:4 STRONG

And I will make H7235 thy seed H2233 to multiply H7235 as the stars H3556 of heaven, H8064 and will give H5414 unto thy seed H2233 all these H411 countries; H776 and in thy seed H2233 shall all the nations H1471 of the earth H776 be blessed; H1288

Isaiah 41:10-16 STRONG

Fear H3372 thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; H8159 for I am thy God: H430 I will strengthen H553 thee; yea, I will help H5826 thee; yea, I will uphold H8551 thee with the right hand H3225 of my righteousness. H6664 Behold, all they that were incensed H2734 against thee shall be ashamed H954 and confounded: H3637 they shall be as nothing; and they H582 that strive H7379 with thee shall perish. H6 Thou shalt seek H1245 them, and shalt not find H4672 them, even them H582 that contended H4695 with thee: they that war H4421 against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought. H657 For I the LORD H3068 thy God H430 will hold H2388 thy right hand, H3225 saying H559 unto thee, Fear H3372 not; I will help H5826 thee. Fear H3372 not, thou worm H8438 Jacob, H3290 and ye men H4962 of Israel; H3478 I will help H5826 thee, saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 and thy redeemer, H1350 the Holy One H6918 of Israel. H3478 Behold, I will make H7760 thee a new H2319 sharp H2742 threshing H4173 instrument having H1167 teeth: H6374 thou shalt thresh H1758 the mountains, H2022 and beat them small, H1854 and shalt make H7760 the hills H1389 as chaff. H4671 Thou shalt fan H2219 them, and the wind H7307 shall carry them away, H5375 and the whirlwind H5591 shall scatter H6327 them: and thou shalt rejoice H1523 in the LORD, H3068 and shalt glory H1984 in the Holy One H6918 of Israel. H3478

Isaiah 65:15-16 STRONG

And ye shall leave H3240 your name H8034 for a curse H7621 unto my chosen: H972 for the Lord H136 GOD H3069 shall slay H4191 thee, and call H7121 his servants H5650 by another H312 name: H8034 That he who blesseth H1288 himself in the earth H776 shall bless H1288 himself in the God H430 of truth; H543 and he that sweareth H7650 in the earth H776 shall swear H7650 by the God H430 of truth; H543 because the former H7223 troubles H6869 are forgotten, H7911 and because they are hid H5641 from mine eyes. H5869

Jeremiah 24:9 STRONG

And I will deliver H5414 them to be removed H2189 H2113 into all the kingdoms H4467 of the earth H776 for their hurt, H7451 to be a reproach H2781 and a proverb, H4912 a taunt H8148 and a curse, H7045 in all places H4725 whither I shall drive H5080 them.

Jeremiah 25:18 STRONG

To wit, Jerusalem, H3389 and the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 and the kings H4428 thereof, and the princes H8269 thereof, to make H5414 them a desolation, H2723 an astonishment, H8047 an hissing, H8322 and a curse; H7045 as it is this day; H3117

Jeremiah 26:6 STRONG

Then will I make H5414 this house H1004 like Shiloh, H7887 and will make H5414 this city H5892 a curse H7045 to all the nations H1471 of the earth. H776

Jeremiah 32:30-32 STRONG

For the children H1121 of Israel H3478 and the children H1121 of Judah H3063 have only done H6213 evil H7451 before H5869 me from their youth: H5271 for the children H1121 of Israel H3478 have only provoked me to anger H3707 with the work H4639 of their hands, H3027 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 For this city H5892 hath been to me as a provocation of mine anger H639 and of my fury H2534 from the day H3117 that they built H1129 it even unto this day; H3117 that I should remove H5493 it from before my face, H6440 Because of all the evil H7451 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 and of the children H1121 of Judah, H3063 which they have done H6213 to provoke me to anger, H3707 they, their kings, H4428 their princes, H8269 their priests, H3548 and their prophets, H5030 and the men H376 of Judah, H3063 and the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem. H3389

Jeremiah 33:24 STRONG

Considerest H7200 thou not what this people H5971 have spoken, H1696 saying, H559 The two H8147 families H4940 which the LORD H3068 hath chosen, H977 he hath even cast them off? H3988 thus they have despised H5006 my people, H5971 that they should be no more a nation H1471 before H6440 them.

Jeremiah 44:12 STRONG

And I will take H3947 the remnant H7611 of Judah, H3063 that have set H7760 their faces H6440 to go H935 into the land H776 of Egypt H4714 to sojourn H1481 there, and they shall all be consumed, H8552 and fall H5307 in the land H776 of Egypt; H4714 they shall even be consumed H8552 by the sword H2719 and by the famine: H7458 they shall die, H4191 from the least H6996 even unto the greatest, H1419 by the sword H2719 and by the famine: H7458 and they shall be an execration, H423 and an astonishment, H8047 and a curse, H7045 and a reproach. H2781

Jeremiah 44:22 STRONG

So that the LORD H3068 could H3201 no longer bear, H5375 because H6440 of the evil H7455 of your doings, H4611 and because H6440 of the abominations H8441 which ye have committed; H6213 therefore is your land H776 a desolation, H2723 and an astonishment, H8047 and a curse, H7045 without an inhabitant, H3427 as at this day. H3117

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Zechariah 8

Commentary on Zechariah 8 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Renewal and Completion of the Covenant of Grace - Zechariah 8

In this chapter we have the second half of the Lord's answer to the question concerning the last-days, which promises to the people the restitution of the former relation of grace, and the future glorification of Israel, on the simple condition of their observing the moral precepts of the law. This double promise is contained in two words of God, each of which is divided into a number of separate sayings, containing the separate details of the salvation bestowed by the formula כּה אמר יי צ (thus saith Jehovah of hosts): the first into seven (Zechariah 8:2, Zechariah 8:3, Zechariah 8:4-5, Zechariah 8:6, Zechariah 8:7, Zechariah 8:9, Zechariah 8:14-17), the second into three (Zechariah 8:19, Zechariah 8:20-22, and Zechariah 8:23). Jerome observes, with reference to this: “By the separate words and sentences, in which Israel is promised not only prosperity, but things almost incredible in their magnitude, the prophet declares, 'Thus saith the Almighty God;' saying, in other words, Do not imagine that the things which I promise are my own, and so disbelieve me as only a man; they are the promises of God which I unfold.”

Verses 1-3

Restoration and completion of the covenant relation. - Zechariah 8:1. “And the word of Jehovah of hosts came, saying, Zechariah 8:2. Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, I am jealous for Zion with great jealousy, and with great fury I am jealous for her.” The promise commences with the declaration of the Lord, that He has resolved to give active expression once more to the warmth of His love to Zion. The perfects are used prophetically of that which God had resolved to do, and was now about to accomplish. For the fact itself, compare Zechariah 1:14-15. This warmth of the love of God towards Zion, and of His wrath towards the nations that were hostile to Zion, will manifest itself in the facts described in Zechariah 8:3 : “ Thus saith Jehovah, I return to Zion, and shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem; and Jerusalem will be called city of truth, and the mountain of Jehovah of hosts the holy mountain.” When Jerusalem was given up into the power of its foes, the Lord had forsaken His dwelling-place in the temple. Ezekiel saw the glory of the Lord depart from the temple (Ezeliel Ezekiel 9:3; Ezekiel 10:4, Ezekiel 10:18; Ezekiel 11:22-23). Now He is about to resume His abode in Jerusalem once more. The difference between this promise and the similar promise in Zechariah 2:10-13, is not that in the latter passage Jehovah's dwelling in the midst of His people is to be understood in an ideal and absolute sense, whereas here it simply denotes such a dwelling as had taken place before, as Koehler supposes. This is not implied in שׁבתּי , nor is it in harmony with the statement that Jerusalem is to be called a city of truth, and the temple hill the holy mountain. ‛Ir 'ĕmeth does not mean “city of security,” but city of truth or fidelity, i.e., in which truth and fidelity towards the Lord have their home. The temple mountain will be called the holy mountain, i.e., will be so, and will be recognised and known as being so, from the fact that Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, will sanctify it by His dwelling there. Jerusalem did not acquire this character in the period after the captivity, in which, though not defiled by gross idolatry, as in the times before the captivity, it was polluted by other moral abominations no less than it had been before. Jerusalem becomes a faithful city for the first time through the Messiah, and it is through Him that the temple mountain first really becomes the holy mountain. The opinion, that there is nothing in the promises in Zechariah 8:3-13 that did not really happen to Israel in the period from Zerubbabel to Christ (Kliefoth, Koehler, etc.), is proved to be incorrect by the very words, both of this verse and also of Zechariah 8:6, Zechariah 8:7, Zechariah 8:8, which follow. How could the simple restoration of the previous covenant relation be described in Zechariah 8:6 as something that appeared miraculous and incredible to the nation? There is only so much correctness in the view in question, that the promise does not refer exclusively to the Messianic times, but that feeble commencements of its fulfilment accompanied the completion of the work of building the temple, and the restoration of Jerusalem by Nehemiah. But the saying which follows proves that these commencements do not exhaust the meaning of the words.

Verse 4-5

Zechariah 8:4. “Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, Yet will there sit old men and women in the streets of Jerusalem, every one with his staff in his hand, for the multitude of the days of his life. Zechariah 8:5. And the streets of the city will be full of boys and girls playing in their streets.” Long life, to an extreme old age, and a plentiful number of blooming children, were theocratic blessings, which the Lord had already promised in the law to His people, so far as they were faithful to the covenant. Consequently there does not appear to be any Messianic element in this promise. But if we compare this fourth verse with Isaiah 65:20, we shall see that extreme old age also belonged to the blessings of the Messianic times. And as Israel had almost always to suffer most grievously from wars and other calamities, which swept off the people at an untimely age, during the time which extended from Zerubbabel to Christ; it must be admitted, notwithstanding the description of the prosperous times which Israel enjoyed under the government of Simon (1 Maccabees 14:4-15), that this promise also was only fulfilled in a very meagre measure, so far as Jerusalem was concerned, before the coming of Christ.

Verse 6

“Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, If it be marvellous in the eyes of the remnant of this nation in those days, will it also be marvellous in my eyes? is the saying of Jehovah of hosts.” The second clause of this verse is to be taken as a question with a negative answer, גּם for הגם , as in 1 Samuel 22:7, and the meaning is the following: If this (what is promised in Zechariah 8:3-5) should appear marvellous, i.e., incredible, to the people in those days when it shall arrive, it will not on that account appear marvellous to Jehovah Himself, i.e., Jehovah will for all that cause what has been promised actually to occur. This contains an assurance not only of the greatness of the salvation set before them, but also of the certainty of its realization. “The remnant of the nation,” as in Haggai 1:12-14.

Verse 7-8

Zechariah 8:7. “Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, Behold, I save my people out of the land of the rising and out of the land of the setting of the sun. Zechariah 8:8. And I bring them hither, and they will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem, and will be my people, and I shall be their God, in truth and righteousness.” The deliverance of the people of God out of the heathen lands did indeed commence with the return of a body of exiles from Babylon under the guidance of Zerubbabel, but their deliverance out of all the countries of the earth is still in the future. Instead of all countries, the land of the rising (the east) and the land of the setting (the west) are individualized (cf. Psalms 50:1; Psalms 113:3; Isaiah 59:19; Malachi 1:11). This deliverance is first effected through the Messiah. This is indisputably evident from the words, “I bring them to Jerusalem,” by which of course we cannot understand the earthly Jerusalem, since that would not furnish space enough for the Jews scattered throughout all the world, but the open and enlarged Jerusalem mentioned in Zechariah 2:8, i.e., the Messianic kingdom of God. Then will those who have been gathered together out of all the countries of the earth become in truth God's nation. Israel was the nation of Jehovah, and Jehovah was also Israel's God from the time of the establishment of the old covenant at Sinai (Exodus 24). This relation is to be restored in the future, “in truth and righteousness.” This is the new feature by which the future is to be distinguished from the present and the past. The words “in truth and righteousness” belong to the two clauses, “they shall be” and “I will be.” For the fact itself, compare Hosea 2:21-22; and for the expression, Isaiah 48:1 and 1 Kings 3:6.

Verse 9-10

After these promises the prophet admonishes the people to be of good courage, because the Lord will from henceforth bestow His blessing upon them. Zechariah 8:9. “Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, Let your hands be strong, ye that hear in these days these words from the mouth of the prophets, on the day that the foundation of the house of Jehovah of hosts was laid, the temple, that it may be built. Zechariah 8:10. For before those days there were no wages for the men, and no wages of cattle; and whoever went out and in had no peace because of the oppressor: and I drove all men, one against the other. Zechariah 8:11. But now I am not as in the former days to the remnant of this people, is the saying of Jehovah of hosts. Zechariah 8:12. But the seed of peace, the vine, shall yield its fruit, and the land shall yield its produce, and the heaven give its dew; and to the remnant of this people will I give all this for an inheritance.” Having the hands strong, is the same as taking good courage for any enterprise (thus in Judges 7:11; 2 Samuel 2:7, and Ezekiel 22:14). This phrase does not refer specially to their courageous continuation of the building of the temple, but has the more general meaning of taking courage to accomplish what the calling of each required, as Zechariah 8:10-13 show. The persons addressed are those who hear the words of the prophets in these days. This suggests a motive for taking courage. Because they hear these words, they are to look forward with comfort to the future, and do what their calling requires. The words of the prophets are the promises which Zechariah announced in Zechariah 8:2-8, and his contemporary Haggai in ch. 2. It will not do to take the plural נביאים in a general sense, as referring to Zechariah alone. For if there had been no prophet at that time beside Zechariah, he could not have spoken in general terms of prophets. By the defining phrase, who are or who rose up at the time when the foundation of the temple was laid, these prophets are distinguished from the earlier ones before the captivity (Zechariah 7:7, Zechariah 7:12; Zechariah 1:4), and their words are thereby limited to what Haggai and Zechariah prophesied from that time downwards. בּיום does not stand for מיּום (Hitzig), but yōm is used in the general sense of the time at which anything does occur or has occurred. As a more precise definition of יום יסּד the word להבּנות is added, to show that the time referred to is that in which the laying of the foundation of the temple in the time of Cyrus became an eventful fact through the continuation of the building. In Zechariah 8:10. a reason is assigned for the admonition to work with good courage, by an exhibition of the contrast between the present and the former times. Before those days, sc. when the building of the temple was resumed and continued, a man received no wages for his work, and even the cattle received none, namely, because the labour of man and beast, i.e., agricultural pursuits, yielded no result, or at any rate a most meagre result, by no means corresponding to the labour (cf. Haggai 1:9, Haggai 1:9-11; Haggai 2:16, Haggai 2:19). The feminine suffix attached to איננּה refers with inexactness to the nearest word הבּהמה , instead of the more remote שׂכר (cf. Ewald, §317, c ). In addition to this, on going out and coming in, i.e., when pursuing their ordinary avocations, men came everywhere upon enemies or adversaries, and therefore there was an entire absence of civil peace. הצּר is not an abstract noun, “oppression” (lxx, Chald., Vulg.), but a concrete, “adversary,” oppressor, though not the heathen foe merely, but, as the last clause of Zechariah 8:10 shows, the adversaries in their own nation also. In ואשׁלּח the ו is not a simple copula, but the ו consec. with the compensation wanting, like wa'agaareesh in Judges 6:9 (cf. Ewald, §232, h ); and שׁלּח , to send, used of a hostile nation, is here transferred to personal attacks on the part of individuals.

Verse 11-12

But now the Lord will act differently to His remaining people, and bless it again with a fruitful harvest of the fruits of the field and soil. כּי in Zechariah 8:12, “for,” after a negative clause, “but.” זרע השּׁלום , not the seed will be secure (Chald., Pesh.), but the seed of peace, viz., the vine. This is so designated, not because there is a b e râkhâh in the grape (Isaiah 65:8); but because the vine can only flourish in peaceful times, and not when the land is laid waste by enemies (Koehler). On the words which follow, compare Leviticus 26:4., Psalms 67:7; Haggai 1:10; Haggai 2:19. “Future abundance will compensate for the drought and scarcity of the past” (Jerome).

Verse 13

The whole blessing is finally summed up in one expression in Zechariah 8:13 : “ And it will come to pass, as ye were a curse among the nations, O house of Judah and house of Israel, so will I endow you with salvation, that ye may be a blessing. Fear not, let your hands be strong.” The formula, to be a curse among the nations, is to be interpreted according to Jeremiah 24:9; Jeremiah 25:9; Jeremiah 42:18; 2 Kings 22:19, as equivalent to being the object of a curse, i.e., so smitten by God as to serve as the object of curses. In harmony with this, the phrase to “become a blessing” is equivalent to being so blessed as to be used as a benedictory formula (cf. Genesis 48:22; Jeremiah 29:22). This promise is made to the remnant of Judah and Israel, and therefore of all the twelve tribes, who are to become partakers of the future salvation in undivided unity (cf. Zechariah 9:10, Zechariah 9:13; Zechariah 10:6; Zechariah 11:14). Israel is therefore to look forward to the future without alarm.

Verses 14-17

The ground upon which this promise rests is given in Zechariah 8:14 and Zechariah 8:15, and it is closed in Zechariah 8:16 and Zechariah 8:17 by the addition of the condition upon which it is to be fulfilled. Zechariah 8:14. “For thus saith Jehovah of hosts: As I thought to do evil to you, when your fathers were angry with me, saith Jehovah of hosts, and repented not; Zechariah 8:15. So have I purposed again in these days to do good to Jerusalem and to the house of Judah. Fear ye not. Zechariah 8:16. These are the words that ye are to do: speak truth every one to his neighbour; truth and judgment of peace judge ye in your gates. Zechariah 8:17. And let not one devise the evil of his neighbour, and love not the oath of deceit: for all this, I hate it, is the saying of Jehovah.” As the time of punishment by exile came upon Israel through the decree of God, so is it now a decree of the Lord to show good to Judah. In שׁבתּי זממתּי the שׁבתּי takes the place of the adverbial idea “again.” The people have therefore no need to fear, if they are only diligent in practising truth, righteousness, and love to their neighbour. God required the same of the fathers (Zechariah 7:9-10). Mishpat shâlōm is such an administration of justice as tends to promote peace and establish concord between those who are at strife. “In your gates,” where courts of justice were held (cf. Deuteronomy 21:19; Deuteronomy 22:15, etc.). The את before כּל־אלּה in Zechariah 8:17 may be accounted for from a kind of attraction, inasmuch as by the insertion of אשׁר the object “all this” is separated from the verb, to bring it out with emphasis: “As for all this, it is what I hate.” Compare the similar use of 'ēth in Haggai 2:5, and Ewald, §277, d .

Verse 18-19

The last word of God gives, in connection with what precedes, the direct answer to the inquiry concerning the fast-days, and consists of three sayings, Zechariah 8:19, Zechariah 8:20, and Zechariah 8:23, of which the second and third explain the contents of the first more clearly. Zechariah 8:18 is the same as Zechariah 8:1 and Zechariah 8:7 and Zechariah 4:8. Zechariah 8:19. “Thus saith Jehovah of hosts: The fasting of the fourth, and the fasting of the fifth, and the fasting of the seventh, and the fasting of the tenth (months), will become pleasure and joy to the house of Judah, and good feasts. But truth and peace ye should love.” On the fast-days mentioned, compare the exposition of Zechariah 7:3. These fast-days the Lord will turn into days of joy and cheerful feast-days - namely, by bestowing upon them such a fulness of salvation, that Judah will forget to commemorate the former mournful events, and will only have occasion to rejoice in the blessings of grace bestowed upon it by God; though only when the condition mentioned in Zechariah 8:16 and Zechariah 8:17 has been fulfilled.

(Note: Luther aptly observes: “Keep only what I command, and let fasting alone. Yea, if ye keep my commandments, not only shall such fasts be over and come to an end; but because I will do so much good to Jerusalem, all the affliction, for which ye have chosen and kept such fasting, shall be so forgotten, that ye will be transported with joy when ye think of your fasting, and of the heart's grief on account of which ye fasted for the time,” etc.)

Verses 20-22

Zechariah 8:20. “Thus saith Jehovah of hosts: Yet will nations come, and inhabitants of many cities. Zechariah 8:21. And the inhabitants of one (city) will go to another, and say, 'We will go, go away, to supplicate the face of Jehovah, and to seek Jehovah of hosts.' 'I will also go.' Zechariah 8:22. And many peoples and strong nations will come, to seek Jehovah of hosts in Jerusalem, and to supplicate the face of Jehovah.” These verses do not announce a further or second glorification, which God has designed for His people, but simply indicate the nature and magnitude of the salvation appointed for Israel, through which its fast-days will be turned into days of joy. Hitherto Israel had kept days of mourning and fasting on account of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple; but in the future the Lord will so glorify His city and His house, that not only will Israel keep joyful feasts there, but many and strong heathen nations will go to the house of God, to seek and worship the God of hosts. עד is used with emphasis, so that it resembles a sentence: “It will still come to pass, that,” etc. This is how אשׁר in Zechariah 8:21 and Zechariah 8:23 is to be taken, and not as the introduction to the saying preceded energetically by עד , for which Hitzig is wrong in referring to Micah 6:10. For the fact itself, compare Micah 4:1., Isaiah 2:2., Jeremiah 16:19. In Zechariah 8:21 the thought is individualized. The inhabitants of one city call upon those of another. נלכה הלוך , “we will go to supplicate,” etc.; and the population of the other city responds to the summons by saying, “I also will go.” חלּות את־פּני , as in Zechariah 7:2.

Verse 23

“Thus saith Jehovah of hosts: In those days ten men out of all languages of the nations take hold; they will take hold of the skirt of a Jewish man, saying, We will go with you; for we have heard God is with you.” Not only will the heathen then flow to Jerusalem to seek the God of Israel, but they will crowd together to Israel and Judah to be received into fellowship with them as a nation. Ten men from the heathen nations to one Jewish man: so great will be the pressure of the heathen. Ten is used as an indefinite number, denoting a great and complete multitude, as in Genesis 31:7; Leviticus 26:26; Numbers 14:22, and 1 Samuel 1:8. For the figure, compare Isaiah 4:1. והחזיקוּ is a resumption of יחזיקוּ in the form of an apodosis. The unusual combination כּל לשׁנות הגּוים , “all the tongues of the nations,” is formed after Isaiah 66:18 ( הגּוים והלּשׁנות , “all nations and tongues,” i.e., nations of all languages), and on the basis of Genesis 10:20 and Genesis 10:31. For נלכה עמּכם , compare Ruth 1:16; and for אלהים עמּכם , 2 Chronicles 15:9.

The promise, that the Lord would change the fast-days in the future into days of rejoicing and cheerful feasts, if Israel only loved truth and peace (Zechariah 8:20), when taken in connection with what is said in Zechariah 7:5-6 concerning fasting, left the decision of the question, whether the fast-days were to be given up or to be still observed, in the hands of the people. We have no historical information as to the course adopted by the inhabitants of Judah in consequence of the divine answer. All that we know is, that even to the present day the Jews observe the four disastrous days as days of national mourning. The talmudic tradition in Rosh-hashana (f. 18, a, b ), that the four fast-days were abolished in consequence of the answer of Jehovah, and were not restored again till after the destruction of the second temple, is not only very improbable, but is no doubt erroneous, inasmuch as, although the restoration of the days for commemorating the destruction of Jerusalem and the burning of the temple could easily be explained, on the supposition that the second destruction occurred at the same time as the first, it is not so easy to explain the restoration of the fast-days in commemoration of events for which there was no link of connection whatever in the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. In all probability, the matter stands rather thus: that after the receipt of this verbal answer, the people did not venture formally to abolish the fast-days before the appearance of the promised salvation, but let them remain, even if they were not always strictly observed; and that at a later period the Jews, who rejected the Messiah, began again to observe them with greater stringency after the second destruction of Jerusalem, and continue to do so to the present time, not because “the prophecy of the glory intended for Israel (Zechariah 8:18-23) is still unfulfilled” (Koehler), but because “blindness in part is happened to Israel,” so that it has not discerned the fulfilment, which commenced with the appearance of Christ upon earth.