Worthy.Bible » WEB » Ezekiel » Chapter 1 » Verse 9

Ezekiel 1:9 World English Bible (WEB)

9 their wings were joined one to another; they didn't turn when they went; they went everyone straight forward.

Cross Reference

Ezekiel 10:22 WEB

As for the likeness of their faces, they were the faces which I saw by the river Chebar, their appearances and themselves; they went every one straight forward.

2 Chronicles 3:11-12 WEB

The wings of the cherubim were twenty cubits long: the wing of the one [cherub] was five cubits, reaching to the wall of the house; and the other wing was [likewise] five cubits, reaching to the wing of the other cherub. The wing of the other cherub was five cubits, reaching to the wall of the house; and the other wing was five cubits [also], joining to the wing of the other cherub.

Proverbs 4:25-27 WEB

Let your eyes look straight ahead. Fix your gaze directly before you. Make the path of your feet level. Let all of your ways be established. Don't turn to the right hand nor to the left. Remove your foot from evil.

Ezekiel 1:11-12 WEB

Their faces and their wings were separate above; two [wings] of everyone were joined one to another, and two covered their bodies. They went everyone straight forward: where the spirit was to go, they went; they didn't turn when they went.

Ezekiel 10:11 WEB

When they went, they went in their four directions: they didn't turn as they went, but to the place where the head looked they followed it; they didn't turn as they went.

Luke 9:51 WEB

It came to pass, when the days were near that he should be taken up, he intently set his face to go to Jerusalem,

Luke 9:62 WEB

But Jesus said to him, "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God."

1 Corinthians 1:10 WEB

Now I beg you, brothers,{The word for "brothers" here and where context allows may also be correctly translated "brothers and sisters" or "siblings."} through the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfected together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Ezekiel 1

Commentary on Ezekiel 1 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


First Half - The Prophecies of Judgment - Ezekiel 1-32

The Consecration and Calling of Ezekiel to the Office of Prophet - Ezekiel 1-3:21

In a vision of God, Ezekiel beholds in a great cloud, through which shone the splendour of fire, and which a tempestuous wind drives from the north, the glory of the Lord above the cherubim upon a majestic throne in human form (Ezekiel 1), and hears a voice, which sends him as a prophet to Israel, and inspires him with the subject-matter of his announcements (Ezekiel 2:1-3:3). He is thereafter transported in spirit to Tel-abib on the Chebar, into the midst of the exiles, and the duties and responsibilities of his calling laid before him (3:4-21). By this divine appearance and the commission therewith connected is he consecrated, called, and ordained to the prophetic office. The whole occurrences in the vision are subdivided into the copious description of the theophany, Ezekiel 1, by which he is consecrated for his calling; and into the revelation of the word, Ezekiel 2:1-3:21, which prepares him for the discharge of the same. From these contents it clearly appears that these chapters do not constitute the first section of the book, but the introduction to the whole, to which the circumstantial notices of the time and place of this revelation of God at the commencement, Ezekiel 1:1-3, also point.

Verses 1-3

The Appearance of the Glory of the Lord. - Ezekiel 1:1-3. Time and place of the same. - Ezekiel 1:1. Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth (month), on the fifth (day) of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God. Ezekiel 1:2 . On the fifth day of the month, it was the fifth year of King Jehoiachin's captivity, Ezekiel 1:3 . The word of the Lord came to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Busi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and the hand of the Lord was there upon him.