Worthy.Bible » WEB » Psalms » Chapter 63 » Verse 1-5

Psalms 63:1-5 World English Bible (WEB)

1 > God, you are my God. I will earnestly seek you. My soul thirsts for you, My flesh longs for you, In a dry and weary land, where there is no water.

2 So I have seen you in the sanctuary, Watching your power and your glory.

3 Because your loving kindness is better than life, My lips shall praise you.

4 So I will bless you while I live. I will lift up my hands in your name.

5 My soul shall be satisfied as with the richest food. My mouth shall praise you with joyful lips,

Commentary on Psalms 63 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 63:1-11. The historical occasion referred to by the title was probably during Absalom's rebellion (compare 2Sa 15:23, 28; 16:2). David expresses an earnest desire for God's favor, and a confident expectation of realizing it in his deliverance and the ruin of his enemies.

1. early … seek thee—earnestly (Isa 26:9). The figurative terms—

dry and thirsty—literally, "weary," denoting moral destitution, suited his outward circumstances.

soul—and—flesh—the whole man (Ps 16:9, 10).

2. The special object of desire was God's perfections as displayed in his worship (Ps 27:4).

3. Experiencing God's mercy, which exceeds all the blessings of life, his lips will be opened for his praise (Ps 51:15).

4. Thus—literally, "Truly."

will I bless—praise Thee (Ps 34:1).

lift up my hands—in worship (compare Ps 28:2).

in thy name—in praise of Thy perfections.

5-8. Full spiritual blessings satisfy his desires, and acts of praise fill his thoughts and time.

6. night—as well as day. Past favors assure him of future, and hence he presses earnestly near to God, whose power sustains him (Ps 17:8; 60:5).

9, 10. those … to destroy it—or literally, "to ruin," or, "for ruin"; that is, such as seek to injure me (are) for ruin, appointed to it (compare Ps 35:8).

shall go … earth—into the grave, or, to death; as their bodies are represented as a portion for—

10. foxes—literally, "jackals."

11. the king—that is, David himself, and all who reverence God, "shall share a glorious part," while treacherous foes shall be for ever silenced (Ps 62:4).