Worthy.Bible » WEB » Psalms » Chapter 80 » Verse 9

Psalms 80:9 World English Bible (WEB)

9 You cleared the ground for it. It took deep root, and filled the land.

Cross Reference

Joshua 24:12 WEB

I sent the hornet before you, which drove them out from before you, even the two kings of the Amorites; not with your sword, nor with your bow.

Exodus 23:28-30 WEB

I will send the hornet before you, which will drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before you. I will not drive them out from before you in one year, lest the land become desolate, and the animals of the field multiply against you. Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you have increased and inherit the land.

Joshua 23:13-15 WEB

know for a certainty that Yahweh your God will no more drive these nations from out of your sight; but they shall be a snare and a trap to you, and a scourge in your sides, and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from off this good land which Yahweh your God has given you. Behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth: and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing has failed of all the good things which Yahweh your God spoke concerning you; all are happen to you, not one thing has failed of it. It shall happen, that as all the good things are come on you of which Yahweh your God spoke to you, so will Yahweh bring on you all the evil things, until he have destroyed you from off this good land which Yahweh your God has given you.

1 Kings 4:20 WEB

Judah and Israel were many as the sand which is by the sea in multitude, eating and drinking and making merry.

1 Kings 4:25 WEB

Judah and Israel lived safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree, from Dan even to Beersheba, all the days of Solomon.

1 Chronicles 21:5 WEB

Joab gave up the sum of the numbering of the people to David. All those of Israel were one million one hundred thousand men who drew sword: and in Judah were four hundred seventy thousand men who drew sword.

1 Chronicles 27:23-24 WEB

But David didn't take the number of them from twenty years old and under, because Yahweh had said he would increase Israel like the stars of the sky. Joab the son of Zeruiah began to number, but didn't finish; and there came wrath for this on Israel; neither was the number put into the account in the chronicles of king David.

Nehemiah 9:22-25 WEB

Moreover you gave them kingdoms and peoples, which you did allot after their portions: so they possessed the land of Sihon, even the land of the king of Heshbon, and the land of Og king of Bashan. Their children also multiplied you as the stars of the sky, and brought them into the land concerning which you did say to their fathers, that they should go in to possess it. So the children went in and possessed the land, and you subdued before them the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, and gave them into their hands, with their kings, and the peoples of the land, that they might do with them as they would. They took fortified cities, and a fat land, and possessed houses full of all good things, cisterns hewn out, vineyards, and olive groves, and fruit trees in abundance: so they ate, and were filled, and became fat, and delighted themselves in your great goodness.

Psalms 105:44 WEB

He gave them the lands of the nations. They took the labor of the peoples in possession,

Isaiah 27:6 WEB

In days to come shall Jacob take root; Israel shall blossom and bud; and they shall fill the surface of the world with fruit.

Isaiah 37:31 WEB

The remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward.

Jeremiah 12:2 WEB

You have planted them, yes, they have taken root; they grow, yes, they bring forth fruit: you are near in their mouth, and far from their heart.

Commentary on Psalms 80 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 80:1-19. Shoshannim—"Lilies" (see on Ps 45:1, title). Eduth—Testimony, referring to the topic as a testimony of God to His people (compare Ps 19:7). This Psalm probably relates to the captivity of the ten tribes, as the former to that of Judah. Its complaint is aggravated by the contrast of former prosperity, and the prayer for relief occurs as a refrain through the Psalm.

1, 2. Joseph—for Ephraim (1Ch 7:20-29; Ps 78:67; Re 7:8), for Israel.

Shepherd—(Compare Ge 49:24).

leadest, &c.—(Ps 77:20).

dwellest … cherubim—(Ex 25:20); the place of God's visible glory, whence He communed with the people (Heb 9:5).

shine forth—appear (Ps 50:2; 94:1).

2. Before Ephraim, &c.—These tribes marched next the ark (Nu 2:18-24). The name of Benjamin may be introduced merely in allusion to that fact, and not because that tribe was identified with Israel in the schism (1Ki 12:16-21; compare also Nu 10:24).

3. Turn us—that is, from captivity.

thy face to shine—(Nu 6:25).

4. be angry—(Compare Margin.)

5. bread of tears—still an Eastern figure for affliction.

6. strife—object or cause of (Isa 9:11). On last clause compare Ps 79:4; Eze 36:4.

8-11. brought—or, "plucked up," as by roots, to be replanted.

a vine—(Ps 78:47). The figure (Isa 16:8) represents the flourishing state of Israel, as predicted (Ge 28:14), and verified (1Ki 4:20-25).

12. hedges—(Isa 5:5).

13. The boar—may represent the ravaging Assyrian and

the wild beast—other heathen.

14, 15. visit this vine—favorably (Ps 8:4).

15. And the vineyard—or, "And protect or guard what thy right hand," &c.

the branch—literally, "over the Son of man," preceding this phrase, with "protect" or "watch."

for thyself—a tacit allusion to the plea for help; for

16. it—the "vine" or

they—the "people" are suffering from Thy displeasure.

17. thy hand … upon—that is, strengthen (Ezr 7:6; 8:22).

man of … hand—may allude to Benjamin (Ge 35:18). The terms in the latter clause correspond with those of Ps 80:15, from "and the branch," &c., literally, and confirm the exposition given above.

18. We need quickening grace (Ps 71:20; 119:25) to persevere in Thy right worship (Ge 4:26; Ro 10:11).

19. (Compare Ps 80:3, "O God"; Ps 80:7, "O God of hosts").