Worthy.Bible » WEB » Psalms » Chapter 88 » Verse 9

Psalms 88:9 World English Bible (WEB)

9 My eyes are dim from grief. I have called on you daily, Yahweh. I have spread out my hands to you.

Cross Reference

Job 11:13 WEB

"If you set your heart aright, Stretch out your hands toward him.

Psalms 86:3 WEB

Be merciful to me, Lord, For I call to you all day long.

Psalms 143:6 WEB

I spread forth my hands to you. My soul thirsts for you, like a parched land. Selah.

Psalms 38:10 WEB

My heart throbs. My strength fails me. As for the light of my eyes, it has also left me.

Job 16:20 WEB

My friends scoff at me. My eyes pour out tears to God,

Job 17:7 WEB

My eye also is dim by reason of sorrow. All my members are as a shadow.

Psalms 6:7 WEB

My eye wastes away because of grief; It grows old because of all my adversaries.

Psalms 42:3 WEB

My tears have been my food day and night, While they continually ask me, "Where is your God?"

Psalms 44:20 WEB

If we have forgotten the name of our God, Or spread forth our hands to a strange god;

Psalms 55:17 WEB

Evening, morning, and at noon, I will cry out in distress. He will hear my voice.

Psalms 68:31 WEB

Princes shall come out of Egypt. Ethiopia shall hurry to stretch out her hands to God.

Psalms 88:1 WEB

> Yahweh, the God of my salvation, I have cried day and night before you.

Psalms 102:9 WEB

For I have eaten ashes like bread, And mixed my drink with tears,

Lamentations 3:48-49 WEB

My eye runs down with streams of water, for the destruction of the daughter of my people. My eye pours down, and doesn't cease, without any intermission,

Ezekiel 17:11 WEB

Moreover the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,

John 11:35 WEB

Jesus wept.

Commentary on Psalms 88 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 88:1-18. Upon Mahalath—either an instrument, as a lute, to be used as an accompaniment (Leannoth, "for singing") or, as others think, an enigmatic title (see on Ps 5:1, Ps 22:1, and Ps 45:1, titles), denoting the subject—that is, "sickness or disease, for humbling," the idea of spiritual maladies being often represented by disease (compare Ps 6:5, 6; 22:14, 15, &c.). On the other terms, see on Ps 42:1 and Ps 32:1. Heman and Ethan (see on Ps 89:1, title) were David's singers (1Ch 6:18, 33; 15:17), of the family of Kohath. If the persons alluded to (1Ki 4:31; 1Ch 2:6), they were probably adopted into the tribe of Judah. Though called a song, which usually implies joy (Ps 83:1), both the style and matter of the Psalm are very despondent; yet the appeals to God evince faith, and we may suppose that the word "song" might be extended to such compositions.

1, 2. Compare on the terms used, Ps 22:2; 31:2.

3. grave—literally, "hell" (Ps 16:10), death in wide sense.

4. go … pit—of destruction (Ps 28:1).

as a man—literally, "a stout man," whose strength is utterly gone.

5. Free … dead—Cut off from God's care, as are the slain, who, falling under His wrath, are left, no longer sustained by His hand.

6. Similar figures for distress in Ps 63:9; 69:3.

7. Compare Ps 38:2, on first, and Ps 42:7, on last clause.

8. Both cut off from sympathy and made hateful to friends (Ps 31:11).

9. Mine eye mourneth—literally, "decays," or fails, denoting exhaustion (Ps 6:7; 31:9).

I … called—(Ps 86:5, 7).

stretched out—for help (Ps 44:20).

10. shall the dead—the remains of ghosts.

arise—literally, "rise up," that is, as dead persons.

11, 12. amplify the foregoing, the whole purport (as Ps 6:5) being to contrast death and life as seasons for praising God.

13. prevent—meet—that is, he will diligently come before God for help (Ps 18:41).

14. On the terms (Ps 27:9; 74:1; 77:7).

15. from … youth up—all my life.

16, 17. the extremes of anguish and despair are depicted.

18. into darkness—Better omit "into"—"mine acquaintances (are) darkness," the gloom of death, &c. (Job 17:13, 14).