Worthy.Bible » YLT » Psalms » Chapter 135 » Verse 5

Psalms 135:5 Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

5 For I have known that great `is' Jehovah, Yea, our Lord `is' above all gods.

Cross Reference

Psalms 48:1 YLT

A Song, a Psalm, by sons of Korah. Great `is' Jehovah, and praised greatly, In the city of our God -- His holy hill.

Psalms 95:3 YLT

For a great God `is' Jehovah, And a great king over all gods.

Psalms 97:9 YLT

For Thou, Jehovah, `art' Most High over all the earth, Greatly Thou hast been exalted over all gods.

Deuteronomy 10:17 YLT

for Jehovah your God -- He `is' God of the gods, and Lord of the lords; God, the great, the mighty, and the fearful; who accepteth not persons, nor taketh a bribe;

Psalms 86:8-10 YLT

There is none like Thee among the gods, O Lord, And like Thy works there are none. All nations that Thou hast made Come and bow themselves before Thee, O Lord, And give honour to Thy name. For great `art' Thou, and doing wonders, Thou `art' God Thyself alone.

Psalms 89:6 YLT

For who in the sky, Compareth himself to Jehovah? Is like to Jehovah among sons of the mighty?

Psalms 96:4-5 YLT

For great `is' Jehovah, and praised greatly, Fearful He `is' over all gods. For all the gods of the peoples `are' nought, And Jehovah made the heavens.

Isaiah 40:22 YLT

He who is sitting on the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants `are' as grasshoppers, He who is stretching out as a thin thing the heavens, And spreadeth them as a tent to dwell in.

Isaiah 40:25 YLT

And unto whom do ye liken Me, And `am' I equal? saith the Holy One.

Jeremiah 10:10-11 YLT

And Jehovah `is' a God of truth, He `is' a living God, and a king age-during, From His wrath shake doth the earth, And nations endure not His indignation. Thus do ye say to them, The gods Who the heavens and earth have not made, They do perish from the earth, And from under these heavens.

Daniel 3:29 YLT

And by me a decree is made, that any people, nation, and language, that doth speak erroneously concerning the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, pieces he is made, and its house is made a dunghill, because that there is no other god who is able thus to deliver.'

Daniel 6:26-27 YLT

From before me is made a decree, that in every dominion of my kingdom they are trembling and fearing before the God of Daniel, for He `is' the living God, and abiding to the ages, and His kingdom that which `is' not destroyed, and His dominion `is' unto the end. A deliverer, and rescuer, and doer of signs and wonders in the heavens and in earth `is' He who hath delivered Daniel from the paw of the lions.'

Commentary on Psalms 135 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 135:1-21. A Psalm of praise, in which God's relations to His Church, His power in the natural world, and in delivering His people, are contrasted with the vanity of idols and idol-worship.

1-3. In the general call for praise, the priests, that stand in the house of the Lord, are specially mentioned.

4-7. God's choice of Israel is the first reason assigned for rendering praise; the next, His manifested greatness in creation and providence.

6. heaven, and … seas, and all … ends of the earth—denote universality.

8, 9. The last plague [Ex 12:29] is cited to illustrate His "tokens and wonders."

10-12. The conquest of Canaan was by God's power, not that of the people.

13. heritage—or, "possession."

name … memorial—Each denote that by which God is made known.

14. will judge—do justice (Ps 72:2).

repent himself—change His dealings (Ps 90:13).

15-18. (Compare Ps 115:4-8).

18. are like unto them—or, "shall be like," &c. Idolaters become spiritually stupid and perish with their idols (Isa 1:31).

19-21. (Compare Ps 115:9-11). There we have "trust" for "bless" here.

21. out of Zion—(Compare Ps 110:2; 134:3). From the Church, as a center, His praise is diffused throughout the earth.