Worthy.Bible » YLT » Psalms » Chapter 26 » Verse 6

Psalms 26:6 Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

6 I wash in innocency my hands, And I compass Thine altar, O Jehovah.

Cross Reference

Psalms 73:13 YLT

Only -- a vain thing! I have purified my heart, And I wash in innocency my hands,

Exodus 30:19-20 YLT

and Aaron and his sons have washed at it their hands and their feet, in their going in unto the tent of meeting they wash `with' water, and die not; or in their drawing nigh unto the altar to minister, to perfume a fire-offering to Jehovah,

Psalms 43:4 YLT

And I go in unto the altar of God, Unto God, the joy of my rejoicing. And I thank Thee with a harp, O God, my God.

Psalms 24:4 YLT

The clean of hands, and pure of heart, Who hath not lifted up to vanity his soul, Nor hath sworn to deceit.

Isaiah 1:16-18 YLT

Wash ye, make ye pure, Turn aside the evil of your doings, from before Mine eyes, Cease to do evil, learn to do good. Seek judgment, make happy the oppressed, Judge the fatherless, strive `for' the widow. Come, I pray you, and we reason, saith Jehovah, If your sins are as scarlet, as snow they shall be white, If they are red as crimson, as wool they shall be!

Malachi 2:11-13 YLT

Dealt treacherously hath Judah, And abomination hath been done in Israel, and in Jerusalem, For polluted hath Judah the holy thing of Jehovah, That He hath loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god. Cut off doth Jehovah the man who doth it, Tempter and tempted -- from the tents of Jacob, Even he who is bringing nigh a present to Jehovah of Hosts. And this a second time ye do, Covering with tears the altar of Jehovah, With weeping and groaning, Because there is no more turning unto the present, Or receiving of a pleasing thing from your hand.

Matthew 5:23-24 YLT

`If, therefore, thou mayest bring thy gift to the altar, and there mayest remember that thy brother hath anything against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar, and go -- first be reconciled to thy brother, and then having come bring thy gift.

1 Corinthians 11:28-29 YLT

and let a man be proving himself, and so of the bread let him eat, and of the cup let him drink; for he who is eating and drinking unworthily, judgment to himself he doth eat and drink -- not discerning the body of the Lord.

1 Timothy 2:8 YLT

I wish, therefore, that men pray in every place, lifting up kind hands, apart from anger and reasoning;

Titus 3:5 YLT

(not by works that `are' in righteousness that we did but according to His kindness,) He did save us, through a bathing of regeneration, and a renewing of the Holy Spirit,

Hebrews 10:19-22 YLT

Having, therefore, brethren, boldness for the entrance into the holy places, in the blood of Jesus, which way he did initiate for us -- new and living, through the vail, that is, his flesh -- and a high priest over the house of God, may we draw near with a true heart, in full assurance of faith, having the hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and having the body bathed with pure water;

Commentary on Psalms 26 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 26:1-12. After appealing to God's judgment on his avowed integrity and innocence of the charges laid by his enemies, the Psalmist professes delight in God's worship, and prays for exemption from the fate of the wicked, expressing assurance of God's favor.

1. Judge—decide on my case; the appeal of innocence.

in mine integrity—freedom from blemish (compare Ps 25:21). His confidence of perseverance results from trust in God's sustaining grace.

2. He asks the most careful scrutiny of his affections and thoughts (Ps 7:9), or motives.

3. As often, the ground of prayer for present help is former favor.

4-8. As exemplified by the fruits of divine grace, presented in his life, especially in his avoiding the wicked and his purposes of cleaving to God's worship.

6. wash mine hands—expressive symbol of freedom from sinful acts (compare Mt 27:24).

8. the habitation of thy house—where Thy house rests, as the tabernacle was not yet permanently fixed.

honour dwelleth—conveys an allusion to the Holy of Holies.

9. Gather not, &c.—Bring me not to death.

bloody men—(compare Ps 5:6).

10. Their whole conduct is that of violence and fraud.

11, 12. But, &c.—He contrasts his character and destiny with that of the wicked (compare Ps 26:1, 2).

12. even place—free from occasions of stumbling—safety in his course is denoted. Hence he will render to God his praise publicly.