Worthy.Bible » YLT » Psalms » Chapter 71 » Verse 9-11

Psalms 71:9-11 Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

9 Cast me not off at the time of old age, According to the consumption of my power forsake me not.

10 For mine enemies have spoken against me, And those watching my soul have taken counsel together,

11 Saying, `God hath forsaken him, Pursue and catch him, for there is no deliverer.'

Commentary on Psalms 71 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 71:1-24. The Psalmist, probably in old age, appeals to God for help from his enemies, pleading his past favors, and stating his present need; and, in confidence of a hearing, he promises his grateful thanks and praise.

1-3. (Compare Ps 30:1-3).

3. given commandment—literally, "ordained," as in Ps 44:4; 68:28.

rock … fortress—(Ps 18:2).

4, 5. cruel man—corrupt and ill-natured—literally, "sour."

5. trust—place of trust.

6-9. His history from early infancy illustrated God's care, and his wonderful deliverances were at once occasions of praise and ground of confidence for the future.

my praise … of thee—literally, "in" or "by Thee" (Ps 22:25).

10, 11. The craft and malicious taunts of his enemies now led him to call for aid (compare the terms used, 2Sa 17:12; Ps 3:2; 7:2).

12. (Compare Ps 22:19; 40:4).

13. (Compare Ps 35:4; 40:14).

14-16. The ruin of his enemies, as illustrating God's faithfulness, is his deliverance, and a reason for future confidence.

15. for I know … thereof—innumerable, as he had not time to count them.

16. in the strength—or, relying on it.

thy righteousness—or, faithful performance of promises to the pious (Ps 7:17; 31:1).

17-21. Past experience again encourages.

taught me, &c.—by providential dealings.

19. is very high—distinguished (Ps 36:5; Isa 55:9).

20. depths of the earth—debased, low condition.

21. increase, &c.—that is, the great things done for me (Ps 71:19; compare Ps 40:5).

22-24. To the occasion of praise he now adds the promise to render it.

will … praise—literally, "will thank."

even thy truth—as to Thy truth or faithfulness.