1 Chronicles 11:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 And David H1732 and all Israel H3478 went H3212 to Jerusalem, H3389 which is Jebus; H2982 where the Jebusites H2983 were, the inhabitants H3427 of the land. H776

Cross Reference

Judges 1:21 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Benjamin H1144 did not drive out H3423 the Jebusites H2983 that inhabited H3427 Jerusalem; H3389 but the Jebusites H2983 dwell H3427 with the children H1121 of Benjamin H1144 in Jerusalem H3389 unto this day. H3117

Genesis 10:16 STRONG

And the Jebusite, H2983 and the Amorite, H567 and the Girgasite, H1622

Genesis 15:21 STRONG

And the Amorites, H567 and the Canaanites, H3669 and the Girgashites, H1622 and the Jebusites. H2983

Joshua 15:8 STRONG

And the border H1366 went up H5927 by the valley H1516 of the son H1121 of Hinnom H2011 unto the south H5045 side H3802 of the Jebusite; H2983 the same is Jerusalem: H3389 and the border H1366 went up H5927 to the top H7218 of the mountain H2022 that lieth before H6440 the valley H1516 of Hinnom H2011 westward, H3220 which is at the end H7097 of the valley H6010 of the giants H7497 northward: H6828

Joshua 15:63 STRONG

As for the Jebusites H2983 the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem, H3389 the children H1121 of Judah H3063 could H3201 H3201 not drive them out: H3423 but the Jebusites H2983 dwell H3427 with the children H1121 of Judah H3063 at Jerusalem H3389 unto this day. H3117

Exodus 3:17 STRONG

And I have said, H559 I will bring H5927 you up out of the affliction H6040 of Egypt H4714 unto the land H776 of the Canaanites, H3669 and the Hittites, H2850 and the Amorites, H567 and the Perizzites, H6522 and the Hivites, H2340 and the Jebusites, H2983 unto a land H776 flowing H2100 with milk H2461 and honey. H1706

Joshua 18:28 STRONG

And Zelah, H6762 Eleph, H507 and Jebusi, H2983 which is Jerusalem, H3389 Gibeath, H1394 and Kirjath; H7157 fourteen H702 H6240 cities H5892 with their villages. H2691 This is the inheritance H5159 of the children H1121 of Benjamin H1144 according to their families. H4940

Judges 19:10-12 STRONG

But the man H376 would H14 not tarry that night, H3885 but he rose up H6965 and departed, H3212 and came H935 over against H5227 Jebus, H2982 which is Jerusalem; H3389 and there were with him two H6776 asses H2543 saddled, H2280 his concubine H6370 also was with him. And when they were by Jebus, H2982 the day H3117 was far H3966 spent; H7286 and the servant H5288 said H559 unto his master, H113 Come, H3212 I pray thee, and let us turn in H5493 into this city H5892 of the Jebusites, H2983 and lodge H3885 in it. And his master H113 said H559 unto him, We will not turn aside H5493 hither into the city H5892 of a stranger, H5237 that is not of the children H1121 of Israel; H3478 we will pass over H5674 to Gibeah. H1390

2 Samuel 5:6-10 STRONG

And the king H4428 and his men H582 went H3212 to Jerusalem H3389 unto the Jebusites, H2983 the inhabitants H3427 of the land: H776 which spake H559 unto David, H1732 saying, H559 Except thou take away H5493 the blind H5787 and the lame, H6455 thou shalt not come in H935 hither: thinking, H559 David H1732 cannot come in H935 hither. Nevertheless David H1732 took H3920 the strong hold H4686 of Zion: H6726 the same is the city H5892 of David. H1732 And David H1732 said H559 on that day, H3117 Whosoever getteth up H5060 to the gutter, H6794 and smiteth H5221 the Jebusites, H2983 and the lame H6455 and the blind, H5787 that are hated H8130 of David's H1732 soul, H5315 he shall be chief and captain. Wherefore they said, H559 The blind H5787 and the lame H6455 shall not come H935 into the house. H1004 So David H1732 dwelt H3427 in the fort, H4686 and called H7121 it the city H5892 of David. H1732 And David H1732 built H1129 round about H5439 from Millo H4407 and inward. H1004 And David H1732 went H3212 on, H1980 and grew great, H1419 and the LORD H3068 God H430 of hosts H6635 was with him.

1 Chronicles 11:5 STRONG

And the inhabitants H3427 of Jebus H2982 said H559 to David, H1732 Thou shalt not come H935 hither. Nevertheless David H1732 took H3920 the castle H4686 of Zion, H6726 which is the city H5892 of David. H1732

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Commentary on 1 Chronicles 11 Matthew Henry Commentary

Chapter 11

In this chapter is repeated,

  • I. The elevation of David to the throne, immediately upon the death of Saul, by common consent (v. 1-3).
  • II. His gaining the castle of Zion out of the hands of the Jebusites (v. 4-9).
  • III. The catalogue of the worthies and great men of his kingdom (v. 10-47).

1Ch 11:1-9

David is here brought to the possession.

  • I. Of the throne of Israel, after he had reigned seven years in Hebron, over Judah only. In consideration of his relation to them (v. 1), his former good services, and especially the divine designation (v. 2), they anointed him their king: he covenanted to protect them, and they to bear faith and true allegiance to him, v. 3. Observe,
    • 1. God's counsels will be fulfilled at last, whatever difficulties lie in the way. If God had said, David shall rule, it is in vain to oppose it.
    • 2. Men that have long stood in their own light, when they have long wearied themselves with their lying vanities, it is to be hoped, will understand the things that belong to their peace and return to their own mercies.
    • 3. Between prince and people there is an original contract, which both ought religiously to observe. If ever any prince might have claimed an absolute despotic power, David might, and might as safely as any have been entrusted with it; and yet he made a covenant with the people, took the coronation-oath, to rule by law.
  • II. Of the strong-hold of Zion, which was held by the Jebusites till David's time. Whether David had a particular eye upon it as a place fit to make a royal city, or whether he had a promise of it from God, it seems that one of his first exploits was to make himself master of that fort; and, when he had it, he called it the city of David, v. 7. To this reference is had, Ps. 2:6. I have set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. See here what quickens and engages resolution in great undertakings.
    • 1. Opposition. When the Jebusites set David at defiance, and said, Thou shalt not come hither. he resolved to force it, whatever it cost him.
    • 2. Prospect of preferment. When David proposed to give the general's place to him that would lead the attack upon the castle of Zion, Joab was fired with the proposal, and he went up first, and was chief. It has been said, "Take away honour out of the soldier's eye and you cut off the spurs from his heels.'

1Ch 11:10-47

We have here an account of David's worthies, the great men of his time that served him and were preferred by him. The first edition of this catalogue we had, 2 Sa. 23:8, etc. This is much the same, only that those named here from v. 41 to the end are added. Observe,

  • I. The connexion of this catalogue with that which is said concerning David, v. 9.
    • 1. David waxed greater and greater, and these were his mighty men. Much of the strength and honour of great men is borrowed from their servants and depends upon them, which cannot but somewhat diminish pomp and power in the opinion of those that are wise. David is great because he has great men about him; take these away, and he is where he was.
    • 2. The Lord of hosts was with him, and these were the mighty men which he had. God was with him and wrought for him, but by men and means and the use of second causes. By this it appeared that God was with him, that he inclined the hearts of those to come over to him that were able to serve his interest. As, if God be for us none can be against us, so, if God be for us, all shall be for us that we have occasion for. Yet David ascribed his success and increase, not to the hosts he had, but to the Lord of hosts, not to the mighty men that were with him, but to the mighty God whose presence with us is all in all.
  • II. The title of this catalogue (v. 10): These are the men who strengthened themselves with him. In strengthening him they strengthened themselves and their own interest; for his advancement was theirs. What we do in our places for the support of the kingdom of the Son of David we shall be gainers by. In strengthening it we strengthen ourselves. It may be read, They held strongly with him and with all Israel. Note, When God has work to do he will not want fit instruments to do it with. If it be work that requires mighty men, mighty men shall either be found or made to effect it, according to the word of the Lord.
  • III. That which made all these men honourable was the good service that they did to their king and country; they helped to make David king (v. 10)-a good work. They slew the Philistines, and other public enemies, and were instrumental to save Israel. Note, The way to be great is to do good. Nor did they gain this honour without labour and the hazard of their lives. The honours of Christ's kingdom are prepared for those that fight the good fight of faith, that labour and suffer, and are willing to venture all, even life itself, for Christ and a good conscience. It is by a patient continuance in well-doing that we must seek for glory, and honour, and immortality; and those that are faithful to the Son of David shall find their names registered and enrolled much more to their honour than these are in the records of fame.
  • IV. Among all the great exploits of David's mighty men, here is nothing great mentioned concerning David himself but his pouring out water before the Lord which he had longed for, v. 18, 19. Four very honourable dispositions of David appeared in that action, which, for aught I know, made it as great as any of the achievements of those worthies.
    • 1. Repentance for his own weakness. It is really an honour to a man, when he is made sensible that he has said or done any thing unadvisedly, to unsay it and undo it again by repentance, as it is a shame to a man when he has said or done amiss to stand to it.
    • 2. Denial of his own appetite. He longed for the water of the well of Bethlehem; but, when he had it, he would not drink it, because he would not so far humour himself and gratify a foolish fancy. He that has such a rule as this over his own spirit is better than the mighty. It is an honour to a man to have the command of himself; but he that will command himself must sometimes cross himself.
    • 3. Devotion towards God. That water which he thought too good, too precious, for his own drinking, he poured out to the Lord for a drink offering. If we have any thing better than another, let God be honoured with it, who is the best, and should have the best.
    • 4. Tenderness of his servants. It put him into the greatest confusion imaginable to think that three brave men should hazard their lives to fetch water for him. In his account it turns the water into blood. It is the honour of great men not to be prodigal of the blood of those they employ, but, in all the commands they give them, to put their own souls into their souls' stead.
  • V. In the wonderful achievements of these heroes the power of God must be acknowledged. How could one slay 300 and another the same number (v. 11, 20), another two lion-like men (v. 22), and another an Egyptian giant (v. 23), if they had not had the extraordinary presence of God with them, according to that promise, Jos. 23:10, One man of you shall chase a thousand, for the Lord your God fighteth for you?
  • VI. One of these worthies is said to be an Ammonite (v. 39), another a Moabite (v. 46), and yet the law was that an Ammonite and a Moabite should not enter into the congregation of the Lord, Deu. 23:3. These, it is likely, had approved themselves so hearty for the interest of Israel that in their case it was thought fit to dispense with that law, and the rather because it was an indication that the Son of David would have worthies among the Gentiles: with him there is neither Greek nor Jew.