1 Chronicles 18:10 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

10 He sent H7971 Hadoram H1913 his son H1121 to king H4428 David, H1732 to enquire H7592 of his welfare, H7965 and to congratulate H1288 him, because he had fought H3898 against Hadarezer, H1928 and smitten H5221 him; (for Hadarezer H1928 had war H376 H4421 with Tou;) H8583 and with him all manner of vessels H3627 of gold H2091 and silver H3701 and brass. H5178

Cross Reference

2 Samuel 8:10 STRONG

Then Toi H8583 sent H7971 Joram H3141 his son H1121 unto king H4428 David, H1732 to salute H7592 H7965 him, and to bless H1288 him, because he had fought H3898 against Hadadezer, H1909 and smitten H5221 him: for Hadadezer H1909 had wars H376 H4421 with Toi. H8583 And Joram brought with him H3027 vessels H3627 of silver, H3701 and vessels H3627 of gold, H2091 and vessels H3627 of brass: H5178

2 Chronicles 9:1 STRONG

And when the queen H4436 of Sheba H7614 heard H8085 of the fame H8088 of Solomon, H8010 she came H935 to prove H5254 Solomon H8010 with hard questions H2420 at Jerusalem, H3389 with a very H3966 great H3515 company, H2428 and camels H1581 that bare H5375 spices, H1314 and gold H2091 in abundance, H7230 and precious H3368 stones: H68 and when she was come H935 to Solomon, H8010 she communed H1696 with him of all that was in her heart. H3824

2 Chronicles 9:23-24 STRONG

And all the kings H4428 of the earth H776 sought H1245 the presence H6440 of Solomon, H8010 to hear H8085 his wisdom, H2451 that God H430 had put H5414 in his heart. H3820 And they brought H935 every man H376 his present, H4503 vessels H3627 of silver, H3701 and vessels H3627 of gold, H2091 and raiment, H8008 harness, H5402 and spices, H1314 horses, H5483 and mules, H6505 a rate H1697 year H8141 by year. H8141

Isaiah 39:1 STRONG

At that time H6256 Merodachbaladan, H4757 the son H1121 of Baladan, H1081 king H4428 of Babylon, H894 sent H7971 letters H5612 and a present H4503 to Hezekiah: H2396 for he had heard H8085 that he had been sick, H2470 and was recovered. H2388

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 18 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ch 18:1, 2. David Subdues the Philistines and Moabites.

1. David … took Gath and her towns—The full extent of David's conquests in the Philistine territory is here distinctly stated, whereas in the parallel passage (2Sa 8:1) it was only described in a general way. Gath was the "Metheg-ammah," or "arm-bridle," as it is there called—either from its supremacy as the capital over the other Philistine towns, or because, in the capture of that important place and its dependencies, he obtained the complete control of his restless neighbors.

2. he smote Moab—The terrible severities by which David's conquest of that people was marked, and the probable reason of their being subjected to such a dreadful retribution, are narrated (2Sa 8:2).

the Moabites … brought gifts—that is, became tributary to Israel.

1Ch 18:3-17. David Smites Hadadezer and the Syrians.

3. Hadarezer—or, "Hadadezer" (2Sa 8:3), which was probably the original form of the name, was derived from Hadad, a Syrian deity. It seems to have become the official and hereditary title of the rulers of that kingdom.

Zobah—Its situation is determined by the words "unto" or "towards Hamath," a little to the northeast of Damascus, and is supposed by some to be the same place as in earlier times was called Hobah (Ge 14:15). Previous to the rise of Damascus, Zobah was the capital of the kingdom which held supremacy among the petty states of Syria.

as he went to stablish his dominion by the river Euphrates—Some refer this to David, who was seeking to extend his possessions in one direction towards a point bordering on the Euphrates, in accordance with the promise (Ge 15:18; Nu 24:17). But others are of opinion that, as David's name is mentioned (1Ch 18:4), this reference is most applicable to Hadadezer.

4-8. And David took from him a thousand chariots—(See on 2Sa 8:3-14). In 2Sa 8:4 David is said to have taken seven hundred horsemen, whereas here it is said that he took seven thousand. This great discrepancy in the text of the two narratives seems to have originated with a transcriber in confounding the two Hebrew letters which indicate the numbers, and in neglecting to mark or obscure the points over one of them. We have no means of ascertaining whether seven hundred or seven thousand be the more correct. Probably the former should be adopted [Davidson's HERMENUTICS].

but reserved of them an hundred chariots—probably to grace a triumphal procession on his return to Jerusalem, and after using them in that way, destroy them like the rest.

8. from Tibhath and from Chun—These places are called Betah and Berothai (2Sa 8:8). Perhaps the one might be the Jewish, the other the Syrian, name of these towns. Neither their situation nor the connection between them is known. The Arabic version makes them to be Emesa (now Hems) and Baal-bek, both of which agree very well with the relative position of Zobah.

9-13. Tou—or Toi—whose dominions border on those of Hadadezer. (See on 2Sa 8:9-12; 1Ki 11:15).

17. the Cherethites and the Pelethites—who formed the royal bodyguard. The Cherethites were, most probably, those brave men who all along accompanied David while among the Philistines, and from that people derived their name (1Sa 30:14; Eze 25:16; Zep 2:5) as well as their skill in archery—while the Pelethites were those who joined him at Ziklag, took their name from Pelet, the chief man in the company (1Ch 12:3), and, being Benjamites, were expert in the use of the sling.