1 Chronicles 18:10 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

10 He sent H7971 Hadoram H1913 his son H1121 to king H4428 David, H1732 to enquire H7592 of his welfare, H7965 and to congratulate H1288 him, because he had fought H3898 against Hadarezer, H1928 and smitten H5221 him; (for Hadarezer H1928 had war H376 H4421 with Tou;) H8583 and with him all manner of vessels H3627 of gold H2091 and silver H3701 and brass. H5178

Cross Reference

2 Samuel 8:10 STRONG

Then Toi H8583 sent H7971 Joram H3141 his son H1121 unto king H4428 David, H1732 to salute H7592 H7965 him, and to bless H1288 him, because he had fought H3898 against Hadadezer, H1909 and smitten H5221 him: for Hadadezer H1909 had wars H376 H4421 with Toi. H8583 And Joram brought with him H3027 vessels H3627 of silver, H3701 and vessels H3627 of gold, H2091 and vessels H3627 of brass: H5178

2 Chronicles 9:1 STRONG

And when the queen H4436 of Sheba H7614 heard H8085 of the fame H8088 of Solomon, H8010 she came H935 to prove H5254 Solomon H8010 with hard questions H2420 at Jerusalem, H3389 with a very H3966 great H3515 company, H2428 and camels H1581 that bare H5375 spices, H1314 and gold H2091 in abundance, H7230 and precious H3368 stones: H68 and when she was come H935 to Solomon, H8010 she communed H1696 with him of all that was in her heart. H3824

2 Chronicles 9:23-24 STRONG

And all the kings H4428 of the earth H776 sought H1245 the presence H6440 of Solomon, H8010 to hear H8085 his wisdom, H2451 that God H430 had put H5414 in his heart. H3820 And they brought H935 every man H376 his present, H4503 vessels H3627 of silver, H3701 and vessels H3627 of gold, H2091 and raiment, H8008 harness, H5402 and spices, H1314 horses, H5483 and mules, H6505 a rate H1697 year H8141 by year. H8141

Isaiah 39:1 STRONG

At that time H6256 Merodachbaladan, H4757 the son H1121 of Baladan, H1081 king H4428 of Babylon, H894 sent H7971 letters H5612 and a present H4503 to Hezekiah: H2396 for he had heard H8085 that he had been sick, H2470 and was recovered. H2388

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on 1 Chronicles 18

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 18 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-17

The events recorded in these three chapters are all narrated in the second book of Samuel also, and in the same order. First, there are grouped together in our 18th chapter, and in 2 Sam 8, in such a manner as to afford a general view of the whole, all the wars which David carried on victoriously against all his enemies round about in the establishment of the Israelitish rule, with a short statement of the results, followed by a catalogue of David's chief public officials. In 1 Chron 19 and in 2 Sam 10 we have a more detailed account of the arduous war against the Ammonites and Syrians, and in 1 Chronicles 20:1-3 and 2 Samuel 12:26-31 the conclusion of the war with the capture of Rabbah, the capital of the Ammonites; and finally, in 1 Chronicles 20:4-8, we have a few short accounts of the victories of the Israelitish heroes over giants from the land of the Philistines, which are inserted in 2 Samuel 21:18-22 as a supplement to the last section of David's history. Apart from this last section, which is to be regarded even in the Chronicle as an appendix, we find the arrangement and succession of the events to be the same in both books, since the sections which in 2 Samuel 9:1-13 and 2 Samuel 11:1-12, 2 Samuel 11:25, stand between the histories of the wars, contain sketches of David's family life, which the author of the Chronicle has, in accordance with his plan, omitted. Even as to individual details the two narratives are perfectly agreed, the divergences being inconsiderable; and even these, in so far as they are original, and are not results of careless copying, - as, for instance, the omission of the word נציבים , 1 Chronicles 18:6, as compared with 1 Chronicles 18:13 and 2 Samuel 8:6, and the difference in the numbers and names in 1 Chronicles 18:4, 1 Chronicles 18:8, as compared with 2 Samuel 4:4, 2 Samuel 4:8, are, - partly mere explanations of obscure expressions, partly small additions or abridgments. For the commentary, therefore, we may refer to the remarks on 2nd Samuel, where the divergences of the Chronicle from the record in Samuel are also dealt with. With 1 Chronicles 18:1-13 cf. 2 Samuel 8:1-14; and with the register of public officials, 2 Samuel 18:14-17, cf. 2 Samuel 8:15-18.

Examples of paraphrastic explanation are found in 1 Chronicles 18:1, where the figurative expression, David took the bridle of the mother out of the hands of the Philistines, i.e., deprived them of the hegemony, is explained by the phrase, David took Gath and her cities out of the hands of the Philistines, i.e., took from the Philistines the capital with her daughter cities; and in 1 Chronicles 18:17, כּהנים is rendered by, the first at the king's hand. Among the abridgments, the omission of David's harsh treatment of the Moabites who were taken prisoners is surprising, no reason for it being discoverable; for the assertion that the chronicler has purposely omitted it in order to free David from the charge of such barbarous conduct, is disposed of by the fact that he does not pass over in silence the similar treatment of the conquered inhabitants of Rabbah in 1 Chronicles 20:3. Instead of this, the chronicler has several historical notes peculiar to himself, which are wanting in the text of Samuel, and which prove that the author of the Chronicle has not derived his account from the second book of Samuel. Such, e.g., is the statement in 1 Chronicles 18:8, that Solomon caused the brazen sea and the pillars and vessels of the court of the temple to be made of the brass taken as booty in the war against Hadadezer; in 1 Chronicles 18:11, the word מאדום , which is wanting in Samuel, as מארם , which in 1 Chronicles 18:11 of that book is used in place of it, probably stood originally in the Chronicle also. Such also are the more accurate statements in 1 Chronicles 18:12 as to the victory over the Edomites in the Valley of Salt (see on 2 Samuel 8:13).