Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Samuel » Chapter 12 » Verse 15

1 Samuel 12:15 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 But if ye will not obey H8085 the voice H6963 of the LORD, H3068 but rebel H4784 against the commandment H6310 of the LORD, H3068 then shall the hand H3027 of the LORD H3068 be against you, as it was against your fathers. H1

Cross Reference

Joshua 24:20 STRONG

If ye forsake H5800 the LORD, H3068 and serve H5647 strange H5236 gods, H430 then he will turn H7725 and do you hurt, H7489 and consume H3615 you, after H310 that he hath done you good. H3190

Isaiah 1:20 STRONG

But if ye refuse H3985 and rebel, H4784 ye shall be devoured H398 with the sword: H2719 for the mouth H6310 of the LORD H3068 hath spoken H1696 it.

1 Samuel 12:9 STRONG

And when they forgat H7911 the LORD H3068 their God, H430 he sold H4376 them into the hand H3027 of Sisera, H5516 captain H8269 of the host H6635 of Hazor, H2674 and into the hand H3027 of the Philistines, H6430 and into the hand H3027 of the king H4428 of Moab, H4124 and they fought H3898 against them.

Leviticus 26:14-30 STRONG

But if ye will not hearken H8085 unto me, and will not do H6213 all these commandments; H4687 And if ye shall despise H3988 my statutes, H2708 or if your soul H5315 abhor H1602 my judgments, H4941 so that ye will not do H6213 all my commandments, H4687 but that ye break H6565 my covenant: H1285 I also will do H6213 this unto you; I will even appoint H6485 over you terror, H928 consumption, H7829 and the burning ague, H6920 that shall consume H3615 the eyes, H5869 and cause sorrow H1727 of heart: H5315 and ye shall sow H2232 your seed H2233 in vain, H7385 for your enemies H341 shall eat H398 it. And I will set H5414 my face H6440 against you, and ye shall be slain H5062 before H6440 your enemies: H341 they that hate H8130 you shall reign H7287 over you; and ye shall flee H5127 when none pursueth H7291 you. And if ye will not yet H5704 for all this hearken H8085 unto me, then I will punish H3256 you seven times H7651 more H3254 for your sins. H2403 And I will break H7665 the pride H1347 of your power; H5797 and I will make H5414 your heaven H8064 as iron, H1270 and your earth H776 as brass: H5154 And your strength H3581 shall be spent H8552 in vain: H7385 for your land H776 shall not yield H5414 her increase, H2981 neither shall the trees H6086 of the land H776 yield H5414 their fruits. H6529 And if ye walk H3212 contrary H7147 unto me, and will H14 not hearken H8085 unto me; I will bring H3254 seven times H7651 more H3254 plagues H4347 upon you according to your sins. H2403 I will also send H7971 wild H7704 beasts H2416 among you, which shall rob you of your children, H7921 and destroy H3772 your cattle, H929 and make you few in number; H4591 and your high ways H1870 shall be desolate. H8074 And if ye will not be reformed H3256 by me by these things, but will walk H1980 contrary H7147 unto me; Then will I also walk H1980 contrary H7147 unto you, and will punish H5221 you yet H1571 seven times H7651 for your sins. H2403 And I will bring H935 a sword H2719 upon you, that shall avenge H5358 the quarrel H5359 of my covenant: H1285 and when ye are gathered together H622 within H413 your cities, H5892 I will send H7971 the pestilence H1698 among H8432 you; and ye shall be delivered H5414 into the hand H3027 of the enemy. H341 And when I have broken H7665 the staff H4294 of your bread, H3899 ten H6235 women H802 shall bake H644 your bread H3899 in one H259 oven, H8574 and they shall deliver H7725 you your bread H3899 again H7725 by weight: H4948 and ye shall eat, H398 and not be satisfied. H7646 And if ye will not for all this H2063 hearken H8085 unto me, but walk H1980 contrary H7147 unto me; Then I will walk H1980 contrary H7147 unto you also in fury; H2534 and I, even H637 I, will chastise H3256 you seven times H7651 for your sins. H2403 And ye shall eat H398 the flesh H1320 of your sons, H1121 and the flesh H1320 of your daughters H1323 shall ye eat. H398 And I will destroy H8045 your high places, H1116 and cut down H3772 your images, H2553 and cast H5414 your carcases H6297 upon the carcases H6297 of your idols, H1544 and my soul H5315 shall abhor H1602 you.

Deuteronomy 28:15-68 STRONG

But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken H8085 unto the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 to observe H8104 to do H6213 all his commandments H4687 and his statutes H2708 which I command H6680 thee this day; H3117 that all these curses H7045 shall come H935 upon thee, and overtake H5381 thee: Cursed H779 shalt thou be in the city, H5892 and cursed H779 shalt thou be in the field. H7704 Cursed H779 shall be thy basket H2935 and thy store. H4863 Cursed H779 shall be the fruit H6529 of thy body, H990 and the fruit H6529 of thy land, H127 the increase H7698 of thy kine, H504 and the flocks H6251 of thy sheep. H6629 Cursed H779 shalt thou be when thou comest in, H935 and cursed H779 shalt thou be when thou goest out. H3318 The LORD H3068 shall send H7971 upon thee cursing, H3994 vexation, H4103 and rebuke, H4045 in all that thou settest H4916 thine hand H3027 unto for to do, H6213 until thou be destroyed, H8045 and until thou perish H6 quickly; H4118 because H6440 of the wickedness H7455 of thy doings, H4611 whereby thou hast forsaken H5800 me. The LORD H3068 shall make the pestilence H1698 cleave H1692 unto thee, until he have consumed H3615 thee from off the land, H127 whither thou goest H935 to possess H3423 it. The LORD H3068 shall smite H5221 thee with a consumption, H7829 and with a fever, H6920 and with an inflammation, H1816 and with an extreme burning, H2746 and with the sword, H2719 and with blasting, H7711 and with mildew; H3420 and they shall pursue H7291 thee until thou perish. H6 And thy heaven H8064 that is over thy head H7218 shall be brass, H5178 and the earth H776 that is under thee shall be iron. H1270 The LORD H3068 shall make H5414 the rain H4306 of thy land H776 powder H80 and dust: H6083 from heaven H8064 shall it come down H3381 upon thee, until thou be destroyed. H8045 The LORD H3068 shall cause H5414 thee to be smitten H5062 before H6440 thine enemies: H341 thou shalt go out H3318 one H259 way H1870 against them, and flee H5127 seven H7651 ways H1870 before H6440 them: and shalt be removed H2189 into all the kingdoms H4467 of the earth. H776 And thy carcase H5038 shall be meat H3978 unto all fowls H5775 of the air, H8064 and unto the beasts H929 of the earth, H776 and no man shall fray them away. H2729 The LORD H3068 will smite H5221 thee with the botch H7822 of Egypt, H4714 and with the emerods, H2914 H6076 and with the scab, H1618 and with the itch, H2775 whereof thou canst H3201 not be healed. H7495 The LORD H3068 shall smite H5221 thee with madness, H7697 and blindness, H5788 and astonishment H8541 of heart: H3824 And thou shalt grope H4959 at noonday, H6672 as the blind H5787 gropeth H4959 in darkness, H653 and thou shalt not prosper H6743 in thy ways: H1870 and thou shalt be only oppressed H6231 and spoiled H1497 evermore, H3117 and no man shall save H3467 thee. Thou shalt betroth H781 a wife, H802 and another H312 man H376 shall lie H7901 H7693 with her: thou shalt build H1129 an house, H1004 and thou shalt not dwell H3427 therein: thou shalt plant H5193 a vineyard, H3754 and shalt not gather the grapes H2490 thereof. Thine ox H7794 shall be slain H2873 before thine eyes, H5869 and thou shalt not eat H398 thereof: thine ass H2543 shall be violently taken away H1497 from before thy face, H6440 and shall not be restored H7725 to thee: thy sheep H6629 shall be given H5414 unto thine enemies, H341 and thou shalt have none to rescue H3467 them. Thy sons H1121 and thy daughters H1323 shall be given H5414 unto another H312 people, H5971 and thine eyes H5869 shall look, H7200 and fail H3616 with longing for them all the day H3117 long: and there shall be no might H410 in thine hand. H3027 The fruit H6529 of thy land, H127 and all thy labours, H3018 shall a nation H5971 which thou knowest H3045 not eat up; H398 and thou shalt be only oppressed H6231 and crushed H7533 alway: H3117 So that thou shalt be mad H7696 for the sight H4758 of thine eyes H5869 which thou shalt see. H7200 The LORD H3068 shall smite H5221 thee in the knees, H1290 and in the legs, H7785 with a sore H7451 botch H7822 that cannot H3201 be healed, H7495 from the sole H3709 of thy foot H7272 unto the top of thy head. H6936 The LORD H3068 shall bring H3212 thee, and thy king H4428 which thou shalt set H6965 over thee, unto a nation H1471 which neither thou nor thy fathers H1 have known; H3045 and there shalt thou serve H5647 other H312 gods, H430 wood H6086 and stone. H68 And thou shalt become an astonishment, H8047 a proverb, H4912 and a byword, H8148 among all nations H5971 whither the LORD H3068 shall lead H5090 thee. Thou shalt carry H3318 much H7227 seed H2233 out H3318 into the field, H7704 and shalt gather H622 but little H4592 in; H622 for the locust H697 shall consume H2628 it. Thou shalt plant H5193 vineyards, H3754 and dress H5647 them, but shalt neither drink H8354 of the wine, H3196 nor gather H103 the grapes; for the worms H8438 shall eat H398 them. Thou shalt have olive trees H2132 throughout all thy coasts, H1366 but thou shalt not anoint H5480 thyself with the oil; H8081 for thine olive H2132 shall cast H5394 his fruit. Thou shalt beget H3205 sons H1121 and daughters, H1323 but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go H3212 into captivity. H7628 All thy trees H6086 and fruit H6529 of thy land H127 shall the locust H6767 consume. H3423 The stranger H1616 that is within H7130 thee shall get up H5927 above thee very H4605 high; H4605 and thou shalt come down H3381 very H4295 low. H4295 He shall lend H3867 to thee, and thou shalt not lend H3867 to him: he shall be the head, H7218 and thou shalt be the tail. H2180 Moreover all these curses H7045 shall come H935 upon thee, and shall pursue H7291 thee, and overtake H5381 thee, till thou be destroyed; H8045 because thou hearkenedst H8085 not unto the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 to keep H8104 his commandments H4687 and his statutes H2708 which he commanded H6680 thee: And they shall be upon thee for a sign H226 and for a wonder, H4159 and upon thy seed H2233 for H5704 ever. H5769 Because thou servedst H5647 not the LORD H3068 thy God H430 with joyfulness, H8057 and with gladness H2898 of heart, H3824 for the abundance H7230 of all things; Therefore shalt thou serve H5647 thine enemies H341 which the LORD H3068 shall send H7971 against thee, in hunger, H7458 and in thirst, H6772 and in nakedness, H5903 and in want H2640 of all things: and he shall put H5414 a yoke H5923 of iron H1270 upon thy neck, H6677 until he have destroyed H8045 thee. The LORD H3068 shall bring H5375 a nation H1471 against thee from far, H7350 from the end H7097 of the earth, H776 as swift as the eagle H5404 flieth; H1675 a nation H1471 whose tongue H3956 thou shalt not understand; H8085 A nation H1471 of fierce H5794 countenance, H6440 which shall not regard H5375 the person H6440 of the old, H2205 nor shew favour H2603 to the young: H5288 And he shall eat H398 the fruit H6529 of thy cattle, H929 and the fruit H6529 of thy land, H127 until thou be destroyed: H8045 which also shall not leave H7604 thee either corn, H1715 wine, H8492 or oil, H3323 or the increase H7698 of thy kine, H504 or flocks H6251 of thy sheep, H6629 until he have destroyed H6 thee. And he shall besiege H6887 thee in all thy gates, H8179 until thy high H1364 and fenced H1219 walls H2346 come down, H3381 wherein H2004 thou trustedst, H982 throughout all thy land: H776 and he shall besiege H6887 thee in all thy gates H8179 throughout all thy land, H776 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath given H5414 thee. And thou shalt eat H398 the fruit H6529 of thine own body, H990 the flesh H1320 of thy sons H1121 and of thy daughters, H1323 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath given H5414 thee, in the siege, H4692 and in the straitness, H4689 wherewith thine enemies H341 shall distress H6693 thee: So that the man H376 that is tender H7390 among you, and very H3966 delicate, H6028 his eye H5869 shall be evil H3415 toward his brother, H251 and toward the wife H802 of his bosom, H2436 and toward the remnant H3499 of his children H1121 which he shall leave: H3498 So that he will not give H5414 to any H259 of them of the flesh H1320 of his children H1121 whom he shall eat: H398 because he hath nothing left H7604 him in the siege, H4692 and in the straitness, H4689 wherewith thine enemies H341 shall distress H6693 thee in all thy gates. H8179 The tender H7390 and delicate H6028 woman among you, which would not adventure H5254 to set H3322 the sole H3709 of her foot H7272 upon the ground H776 for delicateness H6026 and tenderness, H7391 her eye H5869 shall be evil H3415 toward the husband H376 of her bosom, H2436 and toward her son, H1121 and toward her daughter, H1323 And toward her young one H7988 that cometh out H3318 from between her feet, H7272 and toward her children H1121 which she shall bear: H3205 for she shall eat H398 them for want H2640 of all things secretly H5643 in the siege H4692 and straitness, H4689 wherewith thine enemy H341 shall distress H6693 thee in thy gates. H8179 If thou wilt not observe H8104 to do H6213 all the words H1697 of this law H8451 that are written H3789 in this book, H5612 that thou mayest fear H3372 this glorious H3513 and fearful H3372 name, H8034 THE LORD H3068 THY GOD; H430 Then the LORD H3068 will make H6381 thy plagues H4347 wonderful, H6381 and the plagues H4347 of thy seed, H2233 even great H1419 plagues, H4347 and of long continuance, H539 and sore H7451 sicknesses, H2483 and of long continuance. H539 Moreover he will bring H7725 upon thee all the diseases H4064 of Egypt, H4714 which thou wast afraid H3025 of; H6440 and they shall cleave H1692 unto thee. Also every sickness, H2483 and every plague, H4347 which is not written H3789 in the book H5612 of this law, H8451 them will the LORD H3068 bring H5927 upon thee, until thou be destroyed. H8045 And ye shall be left H7604 few H4592 in number, H4962 whereas H834 ye were as the stars H3556 of heaven H8064 for multitude; H7230 because thou wouldest not obey H8085 the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 thy God. H430 And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD H3068 rejoiced H7797 over you to do you good, H3190 and to multiply H7235 you; so the LORD H3068 will rejoice H7797 over you to destroy H6 you, and to bring you to nought; H8045 and ye shall be plucked H5255 from off the land H127 whither thou goest H935 to possess H3423 it. And the LORD H3068 shall scatter H6327 thee among all people, H5971 from the one end H7097 of the earth H776 even unto the other; H7097 and there thou shalt serve H5647 other H312 gods, H430 which neither thou nor thy fathers H1 have known, H3045 even wood H6086 and stone. H68 And among these H1992 nations H1471 shalt thou find no ease, H7280 neither shall the sole H3709 of thy foot H7272 have rest: H4494 but the LORD H3068 shall give H5414 thee there a trembling H7268 heart, H3820 and failing H3631 of eyes, H5869 and sorrow H1671 of mind: H5315 And thy life H2416 shall hang H8511 in doubt before H5048 thee; and thou shalt fear H6342 day H3119 and night, H3915 and shalt have none assurance H539 of thy life: H2416 In the morning H1242 thou shalt say, H559 Would God it were H5414 even! H6153 and at even H6153 thou shalt say, H559 Would God it were H5414 morning! H1242 for the fear H6343 of thine heart H3824 wherewith thou shalt fear, H6342 and for the sight H4758 of thine eyes H5869 which thou shalt see. H7200 And the LORD H3068 shall bring H7725 thee into Egypt H4714 again H7725 with ships, H591 by the way H1870 whereof I spake H559 unto thee, Thou shalt see H7200 it no more again: H3254 and there ye shall be sold H4376 unto your enemies H341 for bondmen H5650 and bondwomen, H8198 and no man shall buy H7069 you.

1 Samuel 5:9 STRONG

And it was so, that, after H310 they had carried it about, H5437 the hand H3027 of the LORD H3068 was against the city H5892 with a very H3966 great H1419 destruction: H4103 and he smote H5221 the men H582 of the city, H5892 both small H6996 and great, H1419 and they had emerods H2914 H6076 in their secret parts. H8368

Isaiah 3:11 STRONG

Woe H188 unto the wicked! H7563 it shall be ill H7451 with him: for the reward H1576 of his hands H3027 shall be given H6213 him.

Romans 2:8-9 STRONG

But G1161 unto them that are contentious, G1537 G2052 and G2532 do not obey G544 G3303 the truth, G225 but G1161 obey G3982 unrighteousness, G93 indignation G2372 and G2532 wrath, G3709 Tribulation G2347 and G2532 anguish, G4730 upon G1909 every G3956 soul G5590 of man G444 that doeth G2716 evil, G2556 of the Jew G2453 first, G4412 and G5037 also G2532 of the Gentile; G1672

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on 1 Samuel 12

Commentary on 1 Samuel 12 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Samuel's Address at the Renewal of the Monarchy - 1 Samuel 12

Samuel closed this solemn confirmation of Saul as king with an address to all Israel, in which he handed over the office of judge, which he had hitherto filled, to the king, who had been appointed by God and joyfully recognised by the people. The good, however, which Israel expected from the king depended entirely upon both the people and their king maintaining that proper attitude towards the Lord with which the prosperity of Israel was ever connected. This truth the prophet felt impelled to impress most earnestly upon the hearts of all the people on this occasion. To this end he reminded them, that neither he himself, in the administration of his office, nor the Lord in His guidance of Israel thus far, had given the people any reason for asking a king when the Ammonites invaded the land (1 Samuel 12:1-12). Nevertheless the Lord had given them a king, and would not withdraw His hand from them, if they would only fear Him and confess their sin (1 Samuel 12:13-15). This address was then confirmed by the Lord at Samuel's desire, through a miraculous sign (1 Samuel 12:16-18); whereupon Samuel gave to the people, who were terrified by the miracle and acknowledged their sin, the comforting promise that the Lord would not forsake His people for His great name's sake, and then closed his address with the assurance of his continued intercession, and a renewed appeal to them to serve the Lord with faithfulness (1 Samuel 12:19-25). With this address Samuel laid down his office as judge, but without therefore ceasing as prophet to represent the people before God, and to maintain the rights of God in relation to the king. In this capacity he continued to support the king with his advice, until he was compelled to announce his rejection on account of his repeated rebellion against the commands of the Lord, and to anoint David as his successor.

Verses 1-6

The time and place of the following address are not given. But it is evident from the connection with the preceding chapter implied in the expression ויּאמר , and still more from the introduction (1 Samuel 12:1, 1 Samuel 12:2) and the entire contents of the address, that it was delivered on the renewal of the monarchy at Gilgal.

1 Samuel 12:1-2

Samuel starts with the fact, that he had given the people a king in accordance with their own desire, who would now walk before them. הנּה with the participle expresses what is happening, and will happen still. לפני התהלּך must not be restricted to going at the head in war, but signifies the general direction and government of the nation, which had been in the hands of Samuel as judge before the election of Saul as king. “ And I have grown old and grey ( שׂבתּי from שׂיב ); and my sons, behold, they are with you .” With this allusion to his sons, Samuel simply intended to confirm what he had said about his own age. By the further remark, “ and I have walked before you from my childhood unto this day ,” he prepares the way for the following appeal to the people to bear witness concerning his conduct in office.

1 Samuel 12:3

Bear witness against me before the Lord ,” i.e., looking up to the Lord, the omnipotent and righteous God-king, “ and before His anointed ,” the visible administrator of His divine government, whether I have committed any injustice in my office of judge, by appropriating another's property, or by oppression and violence ( רצץ , to pound or crush in pieces, when used to denote an act of violence, is stronger than אשׁק , with which it is connected here and in many other passages, e.g., Deuteronomy 28:33; Amos 4:1), or by taking atonement money ( כּפר , redemption or atonement money, is used, as in Exodus 21:30 and Numbers 35:31, to denote a payment made by a man to redeem himself from capital punishment), “ so that I had covered my eyes with it ,” viz., to exempt from punishment a man who was worthy of death. The בּו , which is construed with העלים , is the בּ instrumenti , and refers to כּפר ; consequently it is not to be confounded with מן , “to hide from,” which would be quite unsuitable here. The thought is not that the judge covers his eyes from the copher , that he may not see the bribe, but that he covers his eyes with the money offered him as a bribe, so as not to see and not to punish the crime committed.

1 Samuel 12:4

The people answered Samuel, that he had not done them any kind of injustice.

1 Samuel 12:5

To confirm this declaration on the part of the people, he then called Jehovah and His anointed as witnesses against the people, and they accepted these witnesses. כּל־ישׂראל is the subject to ויּאמר ; and the Keri ויּאמרוּ , though more simple, is by no means necessary. Samuel said, “ Jehovah be witness against you ,” because with the declaration which the people had made concerning Samuel's judicial labours they had condemned themselves, inasmuch as they had thereby acknowledged on oath that there was no ground for their dissatisfaction with Samuel's administration, and consequently no well-founded reason for their request for a king.

1 Samuel 12:6

But in order to bring the people to a still more thorough acknowledgment of their sin, Samuel strengthened still more their assent to his solemn appeal to God, as expressed in the words “ He is witness ,” by saying, “ Jehovah (i.e., yea, the witness is Jehovah), who made Moses and Aaron, and brought your fathers out of the land of Egypt .” The context itself is sufficient to show that the expression “is witness” is understood; and there is no reason, therefore, to assume that the word has dropped out of the text through a copyist's error. עשׂה , to make, in a moral and historical sense, i.e., to make a person what he is to be; it has no connection, therefore, with his physical birth, but simply relates to his introduction upon the stage of history, like ποιεῖν , Hebrews 3:2. But if Jehovah, who redeemed Israel out of Egypt by the hands of Moses and Aaron, and exalted it into His own nation, was witness of the unselfishness and impartiality of Samuel's conduct in his office of judge, then Israel had grievously sinned by demanding a king. In the person of Samuel they had rejected Jehovah their God, who had given them their rulers (see 1 Samuel 8:7). Samuel proves this still further to the people from the following history.

Verses 7-12

And now come hither, and I will reason with you before the Lord with regard to all the righteous acts which He has shown to you and your fathers .” צדקות , righteous acts, is the expression used to denote the benefits which Jehovah had conferred upon His people, as being the results of His covenant fidelity, or as acts which attested the righteousness of the Lord in the fulfilment of the covenant grace which He had promised to His people.

1 Samuel 12:8-12

The first proof of this was furnished by the deliverance of the children of Israel out of Egypt, and their safe guidance into Canaan (“ this place ” is the land of Canaan). The second was to be found in the deliverance of the people out of the power of their foes, to whom the Lord had been obliged to give them up on account of their apostasy from Him, through the judges whom He had raised up for them, as often as they turned to Him with penitence and cried to Him for help. Of the hostile oppressions which overtook the Israelites during this period of the judges, the following are singled out in 1 Samuel 12:9 : (1) that by Sisera, the commander-in-chief of Hazor, i.e., that of the Canaanitish king Jabin of Hazor (Judges 4:2.); (2) that of the Philistines, by which we are to understand not so much the hostilities of that nation described in Judges 3:31, as the forty years' oppression mentioned in Judges 10:2 and Judges 13:1; and (3) the Moabitish oppression under Eglon ( Judges 3:12.). The first half of Judges 13:10 agrees almost word for word with Judges 10:10, except that, according to Judges 10:6, the Ashtaroth are added to the Baalim (see at 1 Samuel 7:4 and Judges 2:13). Of the judges whom God sent to the people as deliverers, the following are named, viz., Jerubbaal (see at Judges 6:32), i.e., Gideon (Judg 6), and Bedan, and Jephthah (see Judg 11), and Samuel. There is no judge named Bedan mentioned either in the book of Judges or anywhere else. The name Bedan only occurs again in 1 Chronicles 7:17, among the descendants of Machir the Manassite: consequently some of the commentators suppose Jair of Gilead to be the judge intended. But such a supposition is perfectly arbitrary, as it is not rendered probable by any identity in the two names, and Jair is not described as having delivered Israel from any hostile oppression. Moreover, it is extremely improbable that Samuel should have mentioned a judge here, who had been passed over in the book of Judges on account of his comparative insignificance. There is also just as little ground for rendering Bedan as an appellative, e.g., the Danite ( ben-Dan ), as Kimchi suggests, or corpulentus as Böttcher maintains, and so connecting the name with Samson. There is no other course left, therefore, than to regard Bedan as an old copyist's error for Barak (Judg 4), as the lxx, Syriac, and Arabic have done, - a conclusion which is favoured by the circumstance that Barak was one of the most celebrated of the judges, and is placed by the side of Gideon and Jephthah in Hebrews 11:32. The Syriac, Arabic, and one Greek MS (see Kennicott in the Addenda to his Dissert. Gener .), have the name of Samson instead of Samuel . But as the lxx, Chald., and Vulg. all agree with the Hebrew text, there is no critical ground for rejecting Samuel, the more especially as the objection raised to it, viz., that Samuel would not have mentioned himself, is far too trivial to overthrow the reading supported by the most ancient versions; and the assertion made by Thenius, that Samuel does not come down to his own times until the following verse, is altogether unfounded. Samuel could very well class himself with the deliverers of Israel, for the simple reason that it was by him that the people were delivered from the forty years' tyranny of the Philistines, whilst Samson merely commenced their deliverance and did not bring it to completion. Samuel appears to have deliberately mentioned his own name along with those of the other judges who were sent by God, that he might show the people in the most striking manner (1 Samuel 12:12) that they had no reason whatever for saying to him, “ Nay, but a king shall reign over us ,” as soon as the Ammonites invaded Gilead. “ As Jehovah your God is your king ,” i.e., has ever proved himself to be your King by sending judges to deliver you.

Verses 13-18

After the prophet had thus held up before the people their sin against the Lord, he bade them still further consider, that the king would only procure for them the anticipated deliverance if they would fear the Lord, and give up their rebellion against God.

1 Samuel 12:13

But now behold the king whom ye have chosen, whom ye have asked for! behold, Jehovah hath set a king over you .” By the second והנּה , the thought is brought out still more strongly, that Jehovah had fulfilled the desire of the people. Although the request of the people had been an act of hostility to God, yet Jehovah had fulfilled it. The word בּהרתּם , relating to the choice by lot (1 Samuel 10:17.), is placed before שׁאלתּם אשׁר , to show that the demand was the strongest act that the people could perform. They had not only chosen the king with the consent or by the direction of Samuel; they had even demanded a king of their own self-will.

1 Samuel 12:14

Still, since the Lord had given them a king, the further welfare of the nation would depend upon whether they would follow the Lord from that time forward, or whether they would rebel against Him again. “ If ye will only fear the Lord, and serve Him, ... and ye as well as the king who rules over you will be after Jehovah your God .” אם , in the sense of modo , if only, does not require any apodosis, as it is virtually equivalent to the wish, “ O that ye would only! ” for which אם with the imperfect is commonly used (vid., 2 Kings 20:19; Proverbs 24:11, etc.; and Ewald , §329, b .). There is also nothing to be supplied to יהוה אחר ... והיתם , since אחר היה , to be after or behind a person, is good Hebrew, and is frequently met with, particularly in the sense of attaching one's self to the king, or holding to him (vid., 2 Samuel 2:10; 1 Kings 12:20; 1 Kings 16:21-22). This meaning is also at the foundation of the present passage, as Jehovah was the God-king of Israel.

1 Samuel 12:15

But if ye do not hearken to the voice of Jehovah, and strive against His commandment, the hand of Jehovah will be heavy upon you, as upon your fathers .” ו in the sense of as, i.e., used in a comparative sense, is most frequently placed before whole sentences (see Ewald , §340, b .); and the use of it here may be explained, on the ground that בּאבתיכם contains the force of an entire sentence: “ as it was upon your fathers .” The allusion to the fathers is very suitable here, because the people were looking to the king for the removal of all the calamities, which had fallen upon them from time immemorial. The paraphrase of this word, which is adopted in the Septuagint, ἐπὶ τὸν βασιλέα ὑμῶν , is a very unhappy conjecture, although Thenius proposes to alter the text to suit it.

1 Samuel 12:16-17

In order to give still greater emphasis to his words, and to secure their lasting, salutary effect upon the people, Samuel added still further: Even now ye may see that ye have acted very wickedly in the sight of Jehovah, in demanding a king. This chain of thought is very clearly indicated by the words גּם־עתּה , “ yea, even now .” “ Even now come hither, and see this great thing which Jehovah does before your eyes .” The words גּם־עתּה , which are placed first, belong, so far as the sense is concerned, to את־הד ראוּ ; and התיצּבוּ (“ place yourselves ,” i.e., make yourselves ready) is merely inserted between, to fix the attention of the people more closely upon the following miracle, as an event of great importance, and one which they ought to lay to heart. “ Is it not now wheat harvest? I will call to Jehovah, that He may give thunder ( קלוה , as in Exodus 9:23, etc.) and rain. Then perceive and see, that the evil is great which ye have done in the eyes of Jehovah, to demand a king .” The wheat harvest occurs in Palestine between the middle of May and the middle of June (see by Bibl. Arch. i. §118). And during this time it scarcely ever rains. Thus Jerome affirms ( ad Am . c. 4): “ Nunquam in fine mensis Junii aut in Julio in his provinciis maximeque in Judaea pluvias vidimus .” And Robinson also says in his Palestine (ii. p. 98): “In ordinary seasons, from the cessation of the showers in spring until their commencement in October and November, rain never falls, and the sky is usually serene” (see my Arch. i. §10). So that when God sent thunder and rain on that day in answer to Samuel's appeal to him, this was a miracle of divine omnipotence, intended to show to the people that the judgments of God might fall upon the sinners at any time. Thunderings, as “the voice of God” (Exodus 9:28), are harbingers of judgment.

Verse 18-19

This miracle therefore inspired the people with a salutary terror. “ All the people greatly feared the Lord and Samuel ,” and entreated the prophet, “ Pray for thy servants to the Lord thy God, that we die not, because we have added to all our sins the evil thing, to ask us a king .”

Verse 20-21

Samuel thereupon announced to them first of all, that the Lord would not forsake His people for His great name's sake, if they would only serve Him with uprightness. In order, however, to give no encouragement to any false trust in the covenant faithfulness of the Lord, after the comforting words, “ Fear not ,” he told them again very decidedly that they had done wrong, but that now they were not to turn away from the Lord, but to serve Him with all their heart, and not go after vain idols. To strengthen this admonition, he repeats the תּסוּרוּ לא in 1 Samuel 12:21, with the explanation, that in turning from the Lord they would fall away to idols, which could not bring them either help or deliverance. To the כּי after תּסוּרוּ the same verb must be supplied from the context: “ Do not turn aside (from the Lord), for (ye turn aside) after that which is vain .” התּהוּ , the vain, worthless thing, signifies the false gods . This will explain the construction with a plural: “ which do not profit and do not save, because they are emptiness ” ( tohu ), i.e., worthless beings ( elilim , Leviticus 19:4; cf. Isaiah 44:9 and Jeremiah 16:19).

Verse 22

For ( כּי gives the reason for the main thought of the previous verse, 'Fear not, but serve the Lord,' etc.) the Lord will not forsake His people for His great name's sake; for it hath pleased the Lord (for הואיל , see at Deuteronomy 1:5) to make you His people .” The emphasis lies upon His . This the Israelites could only be, when they proved themselves to be the people of God, by serving Jehovah with all their heart. “ For His great name's sake ,” i.e., for the great name which He had acquired in the sight of all the nations, by the marvellous guidance of Israel thus far, to preserve it against misapprehension and blasphemy (see at Joshua 7:9).

Verse 23

Samuel then promised the people his constant intercession: “ Far be it from me to sin against the Lord, that I should cease to pray for you, and to instruct you in the good and right way ,” i.e., to work as prophet for your good. “In this he sets a glorious example to all rulers, showing them that they should not be led astray by the ingratitude of their subordinates or subjects, and give up on that account all interest in their welfare, but should rather persevere all the more in their anxiety for them” ( Berleb. Bible ).

Verse 24-25

Lastly, he repeats once more his admonition, that they would continue stedfast in the fear of God, threatening at the same time the destruction of both king and people if they should do wrong (on 1 Samuel 12:24 , see 1 Samuel 7:3 and Joshua 24:14, where the form יראוּ is also found). “ For see what great things He has done for you ” (shown to you), not by causing it to thunder and rain at Samuel's prayer, but by giving them a king. עם הגדּיל , as in Genesis 19:19.