Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 36 » Verse 5

Exodus 36:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 And they spake H559 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 The people H5971 bring H935 much more H7235 than enough H1767 for the service H5656 of the work, H4399 which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 to make. H6213

Cross Reference

2 Chronicles 24:14 STRONG

And when they had finished H3615 it, they brought H935 the rest H7605 of the money H3701 before H6440 the king H4428 and Jehoiada, H3077 whereof were made H6213 vessels H3627 for the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 even vessels H3627 to minister, H8335 and to offer H5927 withal, and spoons, H3709 and vessels H3627 of gold H2091 and silver. H3701 And they offered H5927 burnt offerings H5930 in the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 continually H8548 all the days H3117 of Jehoiada. H3077

2 Corinthians 8:2-3 STRONG

How that G3754 in G1722 a great G4183 trial G1382 of affliction G2347 the abundance G4050 of their G846 joy G5479 and G2532 their G846 deep G899 poverty G2596 G4432 abounded G4052 unto G1519 the riches G4149 of their G846 liberality. G572 For G3754 to G2596 their power, G1411 I bear record, G3140 yea, and G2532 beyond G5228 their power G1411 they were willing of themselves; G830

2 Chronicles 31:6-10 STRONG

And concerning the children H1121 of Israel H3478 and Judah, H3063 that dwelt H3427 in the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 they also brought in H935 the tithe H4643 of oxen H1241 and sheep, H6629 and the tithe H4643 of holy things H6944 which were consecrated H6942 unto the LORD H3068 their God, H430 and laid H5414 them by heaps. H6194 H6194 In the third H7992 month H2320 they began H2490 to lay the foundation H3245 of the heaps, H6194 and finished H3615 them in the seventh H7637 month. H2320 And when Hezekiah H3169 and the princes H8269 came H935 and saw H7200 the heaps, H6194 they blessed H1288 the LORD, H3068 and his people H5971 Israel. H3478 Then Hezekiah H3169 questioned H1875 with the priests H3548 and the Levites H3881 concerning the heaps. H6194 And Azariah H5838 the chief H7218 priest H3548 of the house H1004 of Zadok H6659 answered H559 him, and said, H559 Since the people began H2490 to bring H935 the offerings H8641 into the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 we have had enough H7646 to eat, H398 and have left H3498 plenty: H7230 for the LORD H3068 hath blessed H1288 his people; H5971 and that which is left H3498 is this great store. H1995

Exodus 32:3 STRONG

And all the people H5971 brake off H6561 the golden H2091 earrings H5141 which were in their ears, H241 and brought H935 them unto Aaron. H175

Philippians 2:21 STRONG

For G1063 all G3956 seek G2212 their own, G1438 not G3756 the things which are G3588 Jesus G2424 Christ's. G5547

Philippians 4:17-18 STRONG

Not G3756 because G3754 I desire G1934 a gift: G1390 but G235 I desire G1934 fruit G2590 that may abound G4121 to G1519 your G5216 account. G3056 But G1161 I have G568 all, G3956 and G2532 abound: G4052 I am full, G4137 having received G1209 of G3844 Epaphroditus G1891 the things which were sent from G3844 you, G5216 an odour G3744 of a sweet smell, G2175 a sacrifice G2378 acceptable, G1184 wellpleasing G2101 to God. G2316

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Exodus 36

Commentary on Exodus 36 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verse 2-3

Moses then summoned the master-builders named, and all who were skilled in art, “ every one whom his heart lifted up to come near to the work to do it ” (i.e., who felt himself stirred up in heart to take part in the work), and handed over to them the heaven-offering presented by the people for that purpose, whilst the children of Israel still continued bringing freewill-offerings every morning.

Verses 4-6

Then the wise workmen came, every one from his work that they were making, and said to Moses, “ Much make the people to bring, more than suffices for the labour (the finishing, as in Exodus 27:19) of the work, ” i.e., they are bringing more than will be wanted for carrying out the work (the מן in מדּי is comparative); whereupon Moses let the cry go through the camp, i.e., had proclamation made, “No one is to make any more property ( מלאכה as in Exodus 22:7, Exodus 22:10, cf. Genesis 33:14) for a holy heave-offering,” i.e., to prepare anything more from his own property to offer for the building of the sanctuary; and with this he put a stop to any further offerings.

Verse 7

And there was enough ( דּיּם their sufficiency, i.e., the requisite supply for the different things to be made) of the property for every work to make it, and over ” (lit., and to leave some over). By this liberal contribution of freewill gifts, for the work commanded by the Lord, the people proved their willingness to uphold their covenant relationship with Jehovah their God.

Verses 8-38

Ex 36:8-38:20. Execution of the Work. - Preparation of the dwelling-place: viz., the hangings and covering (Exodus 36:8-19, as in Exodus 26:1-14); the wooden boards and bolts (Exodus 36:20-34, as in Ex 26:15-30); the two curtains, with the pillars, hooks, and rods that supported them (Exodus 36:35-38, as in Exodus 26:31-37). As these have all been already explained, the only thing remaining to be noticed here is, that the verbs עשׂה in Exodus 36:8, ויחבּר in Exodus 36:10, etc., are in the third person singular with an indefinite subject, corresponding to the German man (the French on ).