Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 28 » Verse 8

Jeremiah 28:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 The prophets H5030 that have been before H6440 me and before H6440 thee of old H5769 prophesied H5012 both against many H7227 countries, H776 and against great H1419 kingdoms, H4467 of war, H4421 and of evil, H7451 and of pestilence. H1698

Cross Reference

Amos 1:2 STRONG

And he said, H559 The LORD H3068 will roar H7580 from Zion, H6726 and utter H5414 his voice H6963 from Jerusalem; H3389 and the habitations H4999 of the shepherds H7462 shall mourn, H56 and the top H7218 of Carmel H3760 shall wither. H3001

1 Kings 17:1 STRONG

And Elijah H452 the Tishbite, H8664 who was of the inhabitants H8453 of Gilead, H1568 said H559 unto Ahab, H256 As the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 liveth, H2416 before H6440 whom I stand, H5975 there shall not be dew H2919 nor rain H4306 these years, H8141 but according H6310 to my word. H1697

1 Kings 22:8 STRONG

And the king H4428 of Israel H3478 said H559 unto Jehoshaphat, H3092 There is yet one H259 man, H376 Micaiah H4321 the son H1121 of Imlah, H3229 by whom we may enquire H1875 of the LORD: H3068 but I hate H8130 him; for he doth not prophesy H5012 good H2896 concerning me, but evil. H7451 And Jehoshaphat H3092 said, H559 Let not the king H4428 say H559 so.

Nahum 1:1-3 STRONG

The burden H4853 of Nineveh. H5210 The book H5612 of the vision H2377 of Nahum H5151 the Elkoshite. H512 God H410 is jealous, H7072 and the LORD H3068 revengeth; H5358 the LORD H3068 revengeth, H5358 and is furious; H1167 H2534 the LORD H3068 will take vengeance H5358 on his adversaries, H6862 and he reserveth H5201 wrath for his enemies. H341 The LORD H3068 is slow H750 to anger, H639 and great H1419 in power, H3581 and will not at all H5352 acquit H5352 the wicked: the LORD H3068 hath his way H1870 in the whirlwind H5492 and in the storm, H8183 and the clouds H6051 are the dust H80 of his feet. H7272

Micah 3:8-12 STRONG

But truly H199 I am full H4390 of power H3581 by the spirit H7307 of the LORD, H3068 and of judgment, H4941 and of might, H1369 to declare H5046 unto Jacob H3290 his transgression, H6588 and to Israel H3478 his sin. H2403 Hear H8085 this, I pray you, ye heads H7218 of the house H1004 of Jacob, H3290 and princes H7101 of the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 that abhor H8581 judgment, H4941 and pervert H6140 all equity. H3477 They build up H1129 Zion H6726 with blood, H1818 and Jerusalem H3389 with iniquity. H5766 The heads H7218 thereof judge H8199 for reward, H7810 and the priests H3548 thereof teach H3384 for hire, H4242 and the prophets H5030 thereof divine H7080 for money: H3701 yet will they lean H8172 upon the LORD, H3068 and say, H559 Is not the LORD H3068 among H7130 us? none evil H7451 can come H935 upon us. Therefore shall Zion H6726 for your sake H1558 be plowed H2790 as a field, H7704 and Jerusalem H3389 shall become heaps, H5856 and the mountain H2022 of the house H1004 as the high places H1116 of the forest. H3293

Joel 3:1-11 STRONG

For, behold, in those days, H3117 and in that time, H6256 when I shall bring again H7725 H7725 the captivity H7622 of Judah H3063 and Jerusalem, H3389 I will also gather H6908 all nations, H1471 and will bring them down H3381 into the valley H6010 of Jehoshaphat, H3092 and will plead H8199 with them there for my people H5971 and for my heritage H5159 Israel, H3478 whom they have scattered H6340 among the nations, H1471 and parted H2505 my land. H776 And they have cast H3032 lots H1486 for my people; H5971 and have given H5414 a boy H3206 for an harlot, H2181 and sold H4376 a girl H3207 for wine, H3196 that they might drink. H8354 Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, H6865 and Zidon, H6721 and all the coasts H1552 of Palestine? H6429 will ye render H7999 me a recompence? H1576 and if ye recompense H1580 me, swiftly H7031 and speedily H4120 will I return H7725 your recompence H1576 upon your own head; H7218 Because ye have taken H3947 my silver H3701 and my gold, H2091 and have carried H935 into your temples H1964 my goodly H2896 pleasant things: H4261 The children H1121 also of Judah H3063 and the children H1121 of Jerusalem H3389 have ye sold H4376 unto the Grecians, H3125 H1121 that ye might remove them far H7368 from their border. H1366 Behold, I will raise H5782 them out of the place H4725 whither ye have sold H4376 them, and will return H7725 your recompence H1576 upon your own head: H7218 And I will sell H4376 your sons H1121 and your daughters H1323 into the hand H3027 of the children H1121 of Judah, H3063 and they shall sell H4376 them to the Sabeans, H7615 to a people H1471 far off: H7350 for the LORD H3068 hath spoken H1696 it. Proclaim H7121 ye this among the Gentiles; H1471 Prepare H6942 war, H4421 wake up H5782 the mighty men, H1368 let all the men H582 of war H4421 draw near; H5066 let them come up: H5927 Beat H3807 your plowshares H855 into swords, H2719 and your pruninghooks H4211 into spears: H7420 let the weak H2523 say, H559 I am strong. H1368 Assemble H5789 yourselves, and come, H935 all ye heathen, H1471 and gather yourselves together H6908 round about: H5439 thither cause thy mighty ones H1368 to come down, H5181 O LORD. H3068

Joel 1:2-20 STRONG

Hear H8085 this, ye old men, H2205 and give ear, H238 all ye inhabitants H3427 of the land. H776 Hath this been in your days, H3117 or even H518 in the days H3117 of your fathers? H1 Tell H5608 ye your children H1121 of it, and let your children H1121 tell their children, H1121 and their children H1121 another H312 generation. H1755 That which the palmerworm H1501 hath left H3499 hath the locust H697 eaten; H398 and that which the locust H697 hath left H3499 hath the cankerworm H3218 eaten; H398 and that which the cankerworm H3218 hath left H3499 hath the caterpiller H2625 eaten. H398 Awake, H6974 ye drunkards, H7910 and weep; H1058 and howl, H3213 all ye drinkers H8354 of wine, H3196 because of the new wine; H6071 for it is cut off H3772 from your mouth. H6310 For a nation H1471 is come up H5927 upon my land, H776 strong, H6099 and without number, H4557 whose teeth H8127 are the teeth H8127 of a lion, H738 and he hath the cheek teeth H4973 of a great lion. H3833 He hath laid H7760 my vine H1612 waste, H8047 and barked H7111 my fig tree: H8384 he hath made it clean H2834 bare, H2834 and cast it away; H7993 the branches H8299 thereof are made white. H3835 Lament H421 like a virgin H1330 girded H2296 with sackcloth H8242 for the husband H1167 of her youth. H5271 The meat offering H4503 and the drink offering H5262 is cut off H3772 from the house H1004 of the LORD; H3068 the priests, H3548 the LORD'S H3068 ministers, H8334 mourn. H56 The field H7704 is wasted, H7703 the land H127 mourneth; H56 for the corn H1715 is wasted: H7703 the new wine H8492 is dried up, H3001 the oil H3323 languisheth. H535 Be ye ashamed, H3001 O ye husbandmen; H406 howl, H3213 O ye vinedressers, H3755 for the wheat H2406 and for the barley; H8184 because the harvest H7105 of the field H7704 is perished. H6 The vine H1612 is dried up, H3001 and the fig tree H8384 languisheth; H535 the pomegranate H7416 tree, the palm tree H8558 also, and the apple tree, H8598 even all the trees H6086 of the field, H7704 are withered: H3001 because joy H8342 is withered away H3001 from the sons H1121 of men. H120 Gird H2296 yourselves, and lament, H5594 ye priests: H3548 howl, H3213 ye ministers H8334 of the altar: H4196 come, H935 lie all night H3885 in sackcloth, H8242 ye ministers H8334 of my God: H430 for the meat offering H4503 and the drink offering H5262 is withholden H4513 from the house H1004 of your God. H430 Sanctify H6942 ye a fast, H6685 call H7121 a solemn assembly, H6116 gather H622 the elders H2205 and all the inhabitants H3427 of the land H776 into the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 your God, H430 and cry H2199 unto the LORD, H3068 Alas H162 for the day! H3117 for the day H3117 of the LORD H3068 is at hand, H7138 and as a destruction H7701 from the Almighty H7706 shall it come. H935 Is not the meat H400 cut off H3772 before our eyes, H5869 yea, joy H8057 and gladness H1524 from the house H1004 of our God? H430 The seed H6507 is rotten H5685 under their clods, H4053 the garners H214 are laid desolate, H8074 the barns H4460 are broken down; H2040 for the corn H1715 is withered. H3001 How do the beasts H929 groan! H584 the herds H5739 of cattle H1241 are perplexed, H943 because they have no pasture; H4829 yea, the flocks H5739 of sheep H6629 are made desolate. H816 O LORD, H3068 to thee will I cry: H7121 for the fire H784 hath devoured H398 the pastures H4999 of the wilderness, H4057 and the flame H3852 hath burned H3857 all the trees H6086 of the field. H7704 The beasts H929 of the field H7704 cry H6165 also unto thee: for the rivers H650 of waters H4325 are dried up, H3001 and the fire H784 hath devoured H398 the pastures H4999 of the wilderness. H4057

Isaiah 24:1-23 STRONG

Behold, the LORD H3068 maketh the earth H776 empty, H1238 and maketh it waste, H1110 and turneth H5753 it upside down, H6440 and scattereth abroad H6327 the inhabitants H3427 thereof. And it shall be, as with the people, H5971 so with the priest; H3548 as with the servant, H5650 so with his master; H113 as with the maid, H8198 so with her mistress; H1404 as with the buyer, H7069 so with the seller; H4376 as with the lender, H3867 so with the borrower; H3867 as with the taker of usury, H5383 so H834 with the giver of usury H5378 to him. The land H776 shall be utterly H1238 emptied, H1238 and utterly H962 spoiled: H962 for the LORD H3068 hath spoken H1696 this word. H1697 The earth H776 mourneth H56 and fadeth away, H5034 the world H8398 languisheth H535 and fadeth away, H5034 the haughty H4791 people H5971 of the earth H776 do languish. H535 The earth H776 also is defiled H2610 under the inhabitants H3427 thereof; because they have transgressed H5674 the laws, H8451 changed H2498 the ordinance, H2706 broken H6565 the everlasting H5769 covenant. H1285 Therefore hath the curse H423 devoured H398 the earth, H776 and they that dwell H3427 therein are desolate: H816 therefore the inhabitants H3427 of the earth H776 are burned, H2787 and few H4213 men H582 left. H7604 The new wine H8492 mourneth, H56 the vine H1612 languisheth, H535 all the merryhearted H8056 H3820 do sigh. H584 The mirth H4885 of tabrets H8596 ceaseth, H7673 the noise H7588 of them that rejoice H5947 endeth, H2308 the joy H4885 of the harp H3658 ceaseth. H7673 They shall not drink H8354 wine H3196 with a song; H7892 strong drink H7941 shall be bitter H4843 to them that drink H8354 it. The city H7151 of confusion H8414 is broken down: H7665 every house H1004 is shut up, H5462 that no man may come in. H935 There is a crying H6682 for wine H3196 in the streets; H2351 all joy H8057 is darkened, H6150 the mirth H4885 of the land H776 is gone. H1540 In the city H5892 is left H7604 desolation, H8047 and the gate H8179 is smitten H3807 with destruction. H7591 When thus it shall be in the midst H7130 of the land H776 among H8432 the people, H5971 there shall be as the shaking H5363 of an olive tree, H2132 and as the gleaning grapes H5955 when the vintage H1210 is done. H3615 They shall lift up H5375 their voice, H6963 they shall sing H7442 for the majesty H1347 of the LORD, H3068 they shall cry aloud H6670 from the sea. H3220 Wherefore glorify H3513 ye the LORD H3068 in the fires, H217 even the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 in the isles H339 of the sea. H3220 From the uttermost part H3671 of the earth H776 have we heard H8085 songs, H2158 even glory H6643 to the righteous. H6662 But I said, H559 My leanness, H7334 my leanness, H7334 woe H188 unto me! the treacherous dealers H898 have dealt treacherously; H898 yea, the treacherous dealers H898 have dealt very H899 treacherously. H898 Fear, H6343 and the pit, H6354 and the snare, H6341 are upon thee, O inhabitant H3427 of the earth. H776 And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth H5127 from the noise H6963 of the fear H6343 shall fall H5307 into the pit; H6354 and he that cometh up H5927 out of the midst H8432 of the pit H6354 shall be taken H3920 in the snare: H6341 for the windows H699 from on high H4791 are open, H6605 and the foundations H4146 of the earth H776 do shake. H7493 The earth H776 is utterly H7489 broken down, H7489 the earth H776 is clean H6565 dissolved, H6565 the earth H776 is moved H4131 exceedingly. H4131 The earth H776 shall reel H5128 to and fro H5128 like a drunkard, H7910 and shall be removed H5110 like a cottage; H4412 and the transgression H6588 thereof shall be heavy H3513 upon it; and it shall fall, H5307 and not rise H6965 again. H3254 And it shall come to pass in that day, H3117 that the LORD H3068 shall punish H6485 the host H6635 of the high ones H4791 that are on high, H4791 and the kings H4428 of the earth H127 upon the earth. H127 And they shall be gathered together, H622 as prisoners H616 are gathered H626 in the pit, H953 and shall be shut up H5462 in the prison, H4525 and after many H7230 days H3117 shall they be visited. H6485 Then the moon H3842 shall be confounded, H2659 and the sun H2535 ashamed, H954 when the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 shall reign H4427 in mount H2022 Zion, H6726 and in Jerusalem, H3389 and before his ancients H2205 gloriously. H3519

Isaiah 13:18 STRONG

Their bows H7198 also shall dash H7376 the young men H5288 to pieces; H7376 and they shall have no pity H7355 on the fruit H6529 of the womb; H990 their eye H5869 shall not spare H2347 children. H1121

Isaiah 6:9-12 STRONG

And he said, H559 Go, H3212 and tell H559 this people, H5971 Hear H8085 ye indeed, H8085 but understand H995 not; and see H7200 ye indeed, H7200 but perceive H3045 not. Make the heart H3820 of this people H5971 fat, H8080 and make their ears H241 heavy, H3513 and shut H8173 their eyes; H5869 lest they see H7200 with their eyes, H5869 and hear H8085 with their ears, H241 and understand H995 with their heart, H3824 and convert, H7725 and be healed. H7495 Then said H559 I, Lord, H136 how long? And he answered, H559 Until the cities H5892 be wasted H7582 without inhabitant, H3427 and the houses H1004 without man, H120 and the land H127 be utterly H8077 desolate, H7582 And the LORD H3068 have removed H7368 men H120 far away, H7368 and there be a great H7227 forsaking H5805 in the midst H7130 of the land. H776

Isaiah 5:1-8 STRONG

Now will I sing H7891 to my wellbeloved H3039 a song H7892 of my beloved H1730 touching his vineyard. H3754 My wellbeloved H3039 hath a vineyard H3754 in a very fruitful H1121 H8081 hill: H7161 And he fenced H5823 it, and gathered out the stones H5619 thereof, and planted H5193 it with the choicest vine, H8321 and built H1129 a tower H4026 in the midst H8432 of it, and also made H2672 a winepress H3342 therein: and he looked H6960 that it should bring forth H6213 grapes, H6025 and it brought forth H6213 wild grapes. H891 And now, O inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem, H3389 and men H376 of Judah, H3063 judge, H8199 I pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard. H3754 What could have been done H6213 more to my vineyard, H3754 that I have not done H6213 in it? wherefore, H4069 when I looked H6960 that it should bring forth H6213 grapes, H6025 brought it forth H6213 wild grapes? H891 And now go to; I will tell H3045 you what I will do H6213 to my vineyard: H3754 I will take away H5493 the hedge H4881 thereof, and it shall be eaten up; H1197 and break down H6555 the wall H1447 thereof, and it shall be trodden down: H4823 And I will lay H7896 it waste: H1326 it shall not be pruned, H2168 nor digged; H5737 but there shall come up H5927 briers H8068 and thorns: H7898 I will also command H6680 the clouds H5645 that they rain H4305 no rain H4306 upon it. For the vineyard H3754 of the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 is the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 and the men H376 of Judah H3063 his pleasant H8191 plant: H5194 and he looked H6960 for judgment, H4941 but behold oppression; H4939 for righteousness, H6666 but behold a cry. H6818 Woe H1945 unto them that join H5060 house H1004 to house, H1004 that lay H7126 field H7704 to field, H7704 till there be no H657 place, H4725 that they may be placed H3427 alone in the midst H7130 of the earth! H776

Leviticus 26:14-46 STRONG

But if ye will not hearken H8085 unto me, and will not do H6213 all these commandments; H4687 And if ye shall despise H3988 my statutes, H2708 or if your soul H5315 abhor H1602 my judgments, H4941 so that ye will not do H6213 all my commandments, H4687 but that ye break H6565 my covenant: H1285 I also will do H6213 this unto you; I will even appoint H6485 over you terror, H928 consumption, H7829 and the burning ague, H6920 that shall consume H3615 the eyes, H5869 and cause sorrow H1727 of heart: H5315 and ye shall sow H2232 your seed H2233 in vain, H7385 for your enemies H341 shall eat H398 it. And I will set H5414 my face H6440 against you, and ye shall be slain H5062 before H6440 your enemies: H341 they that hate H8130 you shall reign H7287 over you; and ye shall flee H5127 when none pursueth H7291 you. And if ye will not yet H5704 for all this hearken H8085 unto me, then I will punish H3256 you seven times H7651 more H3254 for your sins. H2403 And I will break H7665 the pride H1347 of your power; H5797 and I will make H5414 your heaven H8064 as iron, H1270 and your earth H776 as brass: H5154 And your strength H3581 shall be spent H8552 in vain: H7385 for your land H776 shall not yield H5414 her increase, H2981 neither shall the trees H6086 of the land H776 yield H5414 their fruits. H6529 And if ye walk H3212 contrary H7147 unto me, and will H14 not hearken H8085 unto me; I will bring H3254 seven times H7651 more H3254 plagues H4347 upon you according to your sins. H2403 I will also send H7971 wild H7704 beasts H2416 among you, which shall rob you of your children, H7921 and destroy H3772 your cattle, H929 and make you few in number; H4591 and your high ways H1870 shall be desolate. H8074 And if ye will not be reformed H3256 by me by these things, but will walk H1980 contrary H7147 unto me; Then will I also walk H1980 contrary H7147 unto you, and will punish H5221 you yet H1571 seven times H7651 for your sins. H2403 And I will bring H935 a sword H2719 upon you, that shall avenge H5358 the quarrel H5359 of my covenant: H1285 and when ye are gathered together H622 within H413 your cities, H5892 I will send H7971 the pestilence H1698 among H8432 you; and ye shall be delivered H5414 into the hand H3027 of the enemy. H341 And when I have broken H7665 the staff H4294 of your bread, H3899 ten H6235 women H802 shall bake H644 your bread H3899 in one H259 oven, H8574 and they shall deliver H7725 you your bread H3899 again H7725 by weight: H4948 and ye shall eat, H398 and not be satisfied. H7646 And if ye will not for all this H2063 hearken H8085 unto me, but walk H1980 contrary H7147 unto me; Then I will walk H1980 contrary H7147 unto you also in fury; H2534 and I, even H637 I, will chastise H3256 you seven times H7651 for your sins. H2403 And ye shall eat H398 the flesh H1320 of your sons, H1121 and the flesh H1320 of your daughters H1323 shall ye eat. H398 And I will destroy H8045 your high places, H1116 and cut down H3772 your images, H2553 and cast H5414 your carcases H6297 upon the carcases H6297 of your idols, H1544 and my soul H5315 shall abhor H1602 you. And I will make H5414 your cities H5892 waste, H2723 and bring H8074 your sanctuaries H4720 unto desolation, H8074 and I will not smell H7306 the savour H7381 of your sweet odours. H5207 And I will bring H8074 the land H776 into desolation: H8074 and your enemies H341 which dwell H3427 therein shall be astonished H8074 at it. And I will scatter H2219 you among the heathen, H1471 and will draw out H7324 a sword H2719 after H310 you: and your land H776 shall be desolate, H8077 and your cities H5892 waste. H2723 Then shall the land H776 enjoy H7521 her sabbaths, H7676 as long H3117 as it lieth desolate, H8074 and ye be in your enemies' H341 land; H776 even then shall the land H776 rest, H7673 and enjoy H7521 her sabbaths. H7676 As long as H3117 it lieth desolate H8074 it shall rest; H7673 because it did not rest H7673 in your sabbaths, H7676 when ye dwelt H3427 upon it. And upon them that are left H7604 alive of you I will send H935 a faintness H4816 into their hearts H3824 in the lands H776 of their enemies; H341 and the sound H6963 of a shaken H5086 leaf H5929 shall chase H7291 them; and they shall flee, H5127 as fleeing H4499 from a sword; H2719 and they shall fall H5307 when none pursueth. H7291 And they shall fall H3782 one H376 upon another, H251 as it were before H6440 a sword, H2719 when none pursueth: H7291 and ye shall have no power to stand H8617 before H6440 your enemies. H341 And ye shall perish H6 among the heathen, H1471 and the land H776 of your enemies H341 shall eat you up. H398 And they that are left H7604 of you shall pine away H4743 in their iniquity H5771 in your enemies' H341 lands; H776 and also in the iniquities H5771 of their fathers H1 shall they pine away H4743 with them. If they shall confess H3034 their iniquity, H5771 and the iniquity H5771 of their fathers, H1 with their trespass H4604 which they trespassed H4603 against me, and that also they have walked H1980 contrary H7147 unto me; And that I also have walked H3212 contrary H7147 unto them, and have brought H935 them into the land H776 of their enemies; H341 if then H176 their uncircumcised H6189 hearts H3824 be humbled, H3665 and they then accept H7521 of the punishment of their iniquity: H5771 Then will I remember H2142 my covenant H1285 with Jacob, H3290 and also my covenant H1285 with Isaac, H3327 and also my covenant H1285 with Abraham H85 will I remember; H2142 and I will remember H2142 the land. H776 The land H776 also shall be left H5800 of them, and shall enjoy H7521 her sabbaths, H7676 while she lieth desolate H8074 without them: and they shall accept H7521 of the punishment of their iniquity: H5771 because, H3282 even because H3282 they despised H3988 my judgments, H4941 and because their soul H5315 abhorred H1602 my statutes. H2708 And yet H637 for all that, H2063 when they be H1571 in the land H776 of their enemies, H341 I will not cast them away, H3988 neither will I abhor H1602 them, to destroy them utterly, H3615 and to break H6565 my covenant H1285 with them: for I am the LORD H3068 their God. H430 But I will for their sakes remember H2142 the covenant H1285 of their ancestors, H7223 whom I brought forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt H4714 in the sight H5869 of the heathen, H1471 that I might be their God: H430 I am the LORD. H3068 These are the statutes H2706 and judgments H4941 and laws, H8451 which the LORD H3068 made H5414 between him and the children H1121 of Israel H3478 in mount H2022 Sinai H5514 by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872

1 Kings 21:18-24 STRONG

Arise, H6965 go down H3381 to meet H7125 Ahab H256 king H4428 of Israel, H3478 which is in Samaria: H8111 behold, he is in the vineyard H3754 of Naboth, H5022 whither he is gone down H3381 to possess H3423 it. And thou shalt speak H1696 unto him, saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 Hast thou killed, H7523 and also taken possession? H3423 And thou shalt speak H1696 unto him, saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 In the place H4725 where dogs H3611 licked H3952 the blood H1818 of Naboth H5022 shall dogs H3611 lick H3952 thy blood, H1818 even thine. And Ahab H256 said H559 to Elijah, H452 Hast thou found H4672 me, O mine enemy? H341 And he answered, H559 I have found H4672 thee: because thou hast sold H4376 thyself to work H6213 evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD. H3068 Behold, I will bring H935 evil H7451 upon thee, and will take away H1197 thy posterity, H310 and will cut off H3772 from Ahab H256 him that pisseth H8366 against the wall, H7023 and him that is shut up H6113 and left H5800 in Israel, H3478 And will make H5414 thine house H1004 like the house H1004 of Jeroboam H3379 the son H1121 of Nebat, H5028 and like the house H1004 of Baasha H1201 the son H1121 of Ahijah, H281 for the provocation H3708 wherewith thou hast provoked me to anger, H3707 and made Israel H3478 to sin. H2398 And of Jezebel H348 also spake H1696 the LORD, H3068 saying, H559 The dogs H3611 shall eat H398 Jezebel H348 by the wall H2426 of Jezreel. H3157 Him that dieth H4191 of Ahab H256 in the city H5892 the dogs H3611 shall eat; H398 and him that dieth H4191 in the field H7704 shall the fowls H5775 of the air H8064 eat. H398

1 Kings 14:7-15 STRONG

Go, H3212 tell H559 Jeroboam, H3379 Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel, H3478 Forasmuch as H3282 I exalted H7311 thee from among H8432 the people, H5971 and made H5414 thee prince H5057 over my people H5971 Israel, H3478 And rent H7167 the kingdom H4467 away H7167 from the house H1004 of David, H1732 and gave H5414 it thee: and yet thou hast not been as my servant H5650 David, H1732 who kept H8104 my commandments, H4687 and who followed H1980 H310 me with all his heart, H3824 to do H6213 that only which was right H3477 in mine eyes; H5869 But hast done H6213 evil H7489 above all that were before H6440 thee: for thou hast gone H3212 and made H6213 thee other H312 gods, H430 and molten images, H4541 to provoke me to anger, H3707 and hast cast H7993 me behind H310 thy back: H1458 Therefore, behold, I will bring H935 evil H7451 upon the house H1004 of Jeroboam, H3379 and will cut off H3772 from Jeroboam H3379 him that pisseth H8366 against the wall, H7023 and him that is shut up H6113 and left H5800 in Israel, H3478 and will take away H1197 the remnant H310 of the house H1004 of Jeroboam, H3379 as a man taketh away H1197 dung, H1557 till it be all gone. H8552 Him that dieth H4191 of Jeroboam H3379 in the city H5892 shall the dogs H3611 eat; H398 and him that dieth H4191 in the field H7704 shall the fowls H5775 of the air H8064 eat: H398 for the LORD H3068 hath spoken H1696 it. Arise H6965 thou therefore, get H3212 thee to thine own house: H1004 and when thy feet H7272 enter H935 into the city, H5892 the child H3206 shall die. H4191 And all Israel H3478 shall mourn H5594 for him, and bury H6912 him: for he only of Jeroboam H3379 shall come H935 to the grave, H6913 because in him there is found H4672 some good H2896 thing H1697 toward the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 in the house H1004 of Jeroboam. H3379 Moreover the LORD H3068 shall raise him up H6965 a king H4428 over Israel, H3478 who shall cut off H3772 the house H1004 of Jeroboam H3379 that day: H3117 but what? even now. For the LORD H3068 shall smite H5221 Israel, H3478 as a reed H7070 is shaken H5110 in the water, H4325 and he shall root up H5428 Israel H3478 out of this good H2896 land, H127 which he gave H5414 to their fathers, H1 and shall scatter H2219 them beyond H5676 the river, H5104 because they have made H6213 their groves, H842 provoking the LORD H3068 to anger. H3707

1 Samuel 3:11-14 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 to Samuel, H8050 Behold, I will do H6213 a thing H1697 in Israel, H3478 at which both H8147 the ears H241 of every one that heareth H8085 it shall tingle. H6750 In that day H3117 I will perform H6965 against Eli H5941 all things which I have spoken H1696 concerning H413 his house: H1004 when I begin, H2490 I will also make an end. H3615 For I have told H5046 him that I will judge H8199 his house H1004 for H5704 ever H5769 for the iniquity H5771 which he knoweth; H3045 because his sons H1121 made themselves vile, H7043 and he restrained H3543 them not. And therefore I have sworn H7650 unto the house H1004 of Eli, H5941 that the iniquity H5771 of Eli's H5941 house H1004 shall not be purged H3722 with sacrifice H2077 nor offering H4503 for H5704 ever. H5769

1 Samuel 2:27-32 STRONG

And there came H935 a man H376 of God H430 unto Eli, H5941 and said H559 unto him, Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 Did I plainly H1540 appear H1540 unto the house H1004 of thy father, H1 when they were in Egypt H4714 in Pharaoh's H6547 house? H1004 And did I choose H977 him out of all the tribes H7626 of Israel H3478 to be my priest, H3548 to offer H5927 upon mine altar, H4196 to burn H6999 incense, H7004 to wear H5375 an ephod H646 before H6440 me? and did I give H5414 unto the house H1004 of thy father H1 all the offerings made by fire H801 of the children H1121 of Israel? H3478 Wherefore kick H1163 ye at my sacrifice H2077 and at mine offering, H4503 which I have commanded H6680 in my habitation; H4583 and honourest H3513 thy sons H1121 above me, to make yourselves fat H1254 with the chiefest H7225 of all the offerings H4503 of Israel H3478 my people? H5971 Wherefore the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 saith, H5002 I said H559 indeed H559 that thy house, H1004 and the house H1004 of thy father, H1 should walk H1980 before H6440 me for H5704 ever: H5769 but now the LORD H3068 saith, H5002 Be it far from me; H2486 for them that honour H3513 me I will honour, H3513 and they that despise H959 me shall be lightly esteemed. H7043 Behold, the days H3117 come, H935 that I will cut off H1438 thine arm, H2220 and the arm H2220 of thy father's H1 house, H1004 that there shall not be an old man H2205 in thine house. H1004 And thou shalt see H5027 an enemy H6862 in my habitation, H4583 in all the wealth which God shall give H3190 Israel: H3478 and there shall not be an old man H2205 in thine house H1004 for ever. H3117

Deuteronomy 32:15-44 STRONG

But Jeshurun H3484 waxed fat, H8080 and kicked: H1163 thou art waxen fat, H8080 thou art grown thick, H5666 thou art covered H3780 with fatness; then he forsook H5203 God H433 which made H6213 him, and lightly esteemed H5034 the Rock H6697 of his salvation. H3444 They provoked him to jealousy H7065 with strange H2114 gods, with abominations H8441 provoked they him to anger. H3707 They sacrificed H2076 unto devils, H7700 not to God; H433 to gods H430 whom they knew H3045 not, to new H2319 gods that came H935 newly H7138 up, H935 whom your fathers H1 feared H8175 not. Of the Rock H6697 that begat H3205 thee thou art unmindful, H7876 and hast forgotten H7911 God H410 that formed H2342 thee. And when the LORD H3068 saw H7200 it, he abhorred H5006 them, because of the provoking H3708 of his sons, H1121 and of his daughters. H1323 And he said, H559 I will hide H5641 my face H6440 from them, I will see H7200 what their end H319 shall be: for they are a very froward H8419 generation, H1755 children H1121 in whom is no faith. H529 They have moved me to jealousy H7065 with that which is not H3808 God; H410 they have provoked me to anger H3707 with their vanities: H1892 and I will move them to jealousy H7065 with those which are not a people; H5971 I will provoke them to anger H3707 with a foolish H5036 nation. H1471 For a fire H784 is kindled H6919 in mine anger, H639 and shall burn H3344 unto the lowest H8482 hell, H7585 and shall consume H398 the earth H776 with her increase, H2981 and set on fire H3857 the foundations H4144 of the mountains. H2022 I will heap H5595 mischiefs H7451 upon them; I will spend H3615 mine arrows H2671 upon them. They shall be burnt H4198 with hunger, H7458 and devoured H3898 with burning heat, H7565 and with bitter H4815 destruction: H6986 I will also send H7971 the teeth H8127 of beasts H929 upon them, with the poison H2534 of serpents H2119 of the dust. H6083 The sword H2719 without, H2351 and terror H367 within, H2315 shall destroy H7921 both the young man H970 and the virgin, H1330 the suckling H3243 also with the man H376 of gray hairs. H7872 I said, H559 I would scatter them into corners, H6284 I would make the remembrance H2143 of them to cease H7673 from among men: H582 Were it not H3884 that I feared H1481 the wrath H3708 of the enemy, H341 lest their adversaries H6862 should behave themselves strangely, H5234 and lest they should say, H559 Our hand H3027 is high, H7311 and the LORD H3068 hath not done H6466 all this. For they are a nation H1471 void H6 of counsel, H6098 neither is there any understanding H8394 in them. O that H3863 they were wise, H2449 that they understood H7919 this, that they would consider H995 their latter end! H319 How should one H259 chase H7291 a thousand, H505 and two H8147 put ten H7233 thousand H505 to flight, H5127 except H3808 their Rock H6697 had sold H4376 them, H3588 and the LORD H3068 had shut them up? H5462 For their rock H6697 is not as our Rock, H6697 even our enemies H341 themselves being judges. H6414 For their vine H1612 is of the vine H1612 of Sodom, H5467 and of the fields H7709 of Gomorrah: H6017 their grapes H6025 are grapes H6025 of gall, H7219 their clusters H811 are bitter: H4846 Their wine H3196 is the poison H2534 of dragons, H8577 and the cruel H393 venom H7219 of asps. H6620 Is not this laid up in store H3647 with me, and sealed up H2856 among my treasures? H214 To me belongeth vengeance, H5359 and recompence; H8005 their foot H7272 shall slide H4131 in due time: H6256 for the day H3117 of their calamity H343 is at hand, H7138 and the things that shall come H6264 upon them make haste. H2363 For the LORD H3068 shall judge H1777 his people, H5971 and repent H5162 himself for his servants, H5650 when he seeth H7200 that their power H3027 is gone, H235 and there is none H657 shut up, H6113 or left. H5800 And he shall say, H559 Where are their gods, H430 their rock H6697 in whom they trusted, H2620 Which did eat H398 the fat H2459 of their sacrifices, H2077 and drank H8354 the wine H3196 of their drink offerings? H5257 let them rise up H6965 and help H5826 you, and be your protection. H5643 See H7200 now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god H430 with me: I kill, H4191 and I make alive; H2421 I wound, H4272 and I heal: H7495 neither is there any that can deliver H5337 out of my hand. H3027 For I lift up H5375 my hand H3027 to heaven, H8064 and say, H559 I live H2416 for ever. H5769 If I whet H8150 my glittering H1300 sword, H2719 and mine hand H3027 take hold H270 on judgment; H4941 I will render H7725 vengeance H5359 to mine enemies, H6862 and will reward H7999 them that hate H8130 me. I will make mine arrows H2671 drunk H7937 with blood, H1818 and my sword H2719 shall devour H398 flesh; H1320 and that with the blood H1818 of the slain H2491 and of the captives, H7633 from the beginning H7218 of revenges H6546 upon the enemy. H341 Rejoice, H7442 O ye nations, H1471 with his people: H5971 for he will avenge H5358 the blood H1818 of his servants, H5650 and will render H7725 vengeance H5359 to his adversaries, H6862 and will be merciful H3722 unto his land, H127 and to his people. H5971 And Moses H4872 came H935 and spake H1696 all the words H1697 of this song H7892 in the ears H241 of the people, H5971 he, and Hoshea H1954 the son H1121 of Nun. H5126

Deuteronomy 31:16-17 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 Behold, thou shalt sleep H7901 with thy fathers; H1 and this people H5971 will rise up, H6965 and go a whoring H2181 after H310 the gods H430 of the strangers H5236 of the land, H776 whither they go H935 to be among H7130 them, and will forsake H5800 me, and break H6565 my covenant H1285 which I have made H3772 with them. Then my anger H639 shall be kindled H2734 against them in that day, H3117 and I will forsake H5800 them, and I will hide H5641 my face H6440 from them, and they shall be devoured, H398 and many H7227 evils H7451 and troubles H6869 shall befall H4672 them; so that they will say H559 in that day, H3117 Are not these evils H7451 come H4672 upon us, because our God H430 is not among H7130 us?

Deuteronomy 29:18-28 STRONG

Lest there should be H3426 among you man, H376 or woman, H802 or family, H4940 or tribe, H7626 whose heart H3824 turneth away H6437 this day H3117 from the LORD H3068 our God, H430 to go H3212 and serve H5647 the gods H430 of these nations; H1471 lest there should be H3426 among you a root H8328 that beareth H6509 gall H7219 and wormwood; H3939 And it come to pass, when he heareth H8085 the words H1697 of this curse, H423 that he bless H1288 himself in his heart, H3824 saying, H559 I shall have peace, H7965 though H3588 I walk H3212 in the imagination H8307 of mine heart, H3820 to add H5595 drunkenness H7302 to thirst: H6771 The LORD H3068 will H14 not spare H5545 him, but then the anger H639 of the LORD H3068 and his jealousy H7068 shall smoke H6225 against that man, H376 and all the curses H423 that are written H3789 in this book H5612 shall lie H7257 upon him, and the LORD H3068 shall blot out H4229 his name H8034 from under heaven. H8064 And the LORD H3068 shall separate H914 him unto evil H7451 out of all the tribes H7626 of Israel, H3478 according to all the curses H423 of the covenant H1285 that are written H3789 in this book H5612 of the law: H8451 So that the generation H1755 to come H314 of your children H1121 that shall rise up H6965 after H310 you, and the stranger H5237 that shall come H935 from a far H7350 land, H776 shall say, H559 when they see H7200 the plagues H4347 of that land, H776 and the sicknesses H8463 which the LORD H3068 hath laid H2470 upon it; And that the whole land H776 thereof is brimstone, H1614 and salt, H4417 and burning, H8316 that it is not sown, H2232 nor beareth, H6779 nor any grass H6212 groweth H5927 therein, like the overthrow H4114 of Sodom, H5467 and Gomorrah, H6017 Admah, H126 and Zeboim, H6636 which the LORD H3068 overthrew H2015 in his anger, H639 and in his wrath: H2534 Even all nations H1471 shall say, H559 Wherefore hath the LORD H3068 done H6213 thus unto this land? H776 what meaneth the heat H2750 of this great H1419 anger? H639 Then men shall say, H559 Because they have forsaken H5800 the covenant H1285 of the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers, H1 which he made H3772 with them when he brought them forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt: H4714 For they went H3212 and served H5647 other H312 gods, H430 and worshipped H7812 them, gods H430 whom they knew H3045 not, and whom he had not given H2505 unto them: And the anger H639 of the LORD H3068 was kindled H2734 against this land, H776 to bring H935 upon it all the curses H7045 that are written H3789 in this book: H5612 And the LORD H3068 rooted H5428 them out of their land H127 in anger, H639 and in wrath, H2534 and in great H1419 indignation, H7110 and cast H7993 them into another H312 land, H776 as it is this day. H3117

Deuteronomy 28:15-68 STRONG

But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken H8085 unto the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 to observe H8104 to do H6213 all his commandments H4687 and his statutes H2708 which I command H6680 thee this day; H3117 that all these curses H7045 shall come H935 upon thee, and overtake H5381 thee: Cursed H779 shalt thou be in the city, H5892 and cursed H779 shalt thou be in the field. H7704 Cursed H779 shall be thy basket H2935 and thy store. H4863 Cursed H779 shall be the fruit H6529 of thy body, H990 and the fruit H6529 of thy land, H127 the increase H7698 of thy kine, H504 and the flocks H6251 of thy sheep. H6629 Cursed H779 shalt thou be when thou comest in, H935 and cursed H779 shalt thou be when thou goest out. H3318 The LORD H3068 shall send H7971 upon thee cursing, H3994 vexation, H4103 and rebuke, H4045 in all that thou settest H4916 thine hand H3027 unto for to do, H6213 until thou be destroyed, H8045 and until thou perish H6 quickly; H4118 because H6440 of the wickedness H7455 of thy doings, H4611 whereby thou hast forsaken H5800 me. The LORD H3068 shall make the pestilence H1698 cleave H1692 unto thee, until he have consumed H3615 thee from off the land, H127 whither thou goest H935 to possess H3423 it. The LORD H3068 shall smite H5221 thee with a consumption, H7829 and with a fever, H6920 and with an inflammation, H1816 and with an extreme burning, H2746 and with the sword, H2719 and with blasting, H7711 and with mildew; H3420 and they shall pursue H7291 thee until thou perish. H6 And thy heaven H8064 that is over thy head H7218 shall be brass, H5178 and the earth H776 that is under thee shall be iron. H1270 The LORD H3068 shall make H5414 the rain H4306 of thy land H776 powder H80 and dust: H6083 from heaven H8064 shall it come down H3381 upon thee, until thou be destroyed. H8045 The LORD H3068 shall cause H5414 thee to be smitten H5062 before H6440 thine enemies: H341 thou shalt go out H3318 one H259 way H1870 against them, and flee H5127 seven H7651 ways H1870 before H6440 them: and shalt be removed H2189 into all the kingdoms H4467 of the earth. H776 And thy carcase H5038 shall be meat H3978 unto all fowls H5775 of the air, H8064 and unto the beasts H929 of the earth, H776 and no man shall fray them away. H2729 The LORD H3068 will smite H5221 thee with the botch H7822 of Egypt, H4714 and with the emerods, H2914 H6076 and with the scab, H1618 and with the itch, H2775 whereof thou canst H3201 not be healed. H7495 The LORD H3068 shall smite H5221 thee with madness, H7697 and blindness, H5788 and astonishment H8541 of heart: H3824 And thou shalt grope H4959 at noonday, H6672 as the blind H5787 gropeth H4959 in darkness, H653 and thou shalt not prosper H6743 in thy ways: H1870 and thou shalt be only oppressed H6231 and spoiled H1497 evermore, H3117 and no man shall save H3467 thee. Thou shalt betroth H781 a wife, H802 and another H312 man H376 shall lie H7901 H7693 with her: thou shalt build H1129 an house, H1004 and thou shalt not dwell H3427 therein: thou shalt plant H5193 a vineyard, H3754 and shalt not gather the grapes H2490 thereof. Thine ox H7794 shall be slain H2873 before thine eyes, H5869 and thou shalt not eat H398 thereof: thine ass H2543 shall be violently taken away H1497 from before thy face, H6440 and shall not be restored H7725 to thee: thy sheep H6629 shall be given H5414 unto thine enemies, H341 and thou shalt have none to rescue H3467 them. Thy sons H1121 and thy daughters H1323 shall be given H5414 unto another H312 people, H5971 and thine eyes H5869 shall look, H7200 and fail H3616 with longing for them all the day H3117 long: and there shall be no might H410 in thine hand. H3027 The fruit H6529 of thy land, H127 and all thy labours, H3018 shall a nation H5971 which thou knowest H3045 not eat up; H398 and thou shalt be only oppressed H6231 and crushed H7533 alway: H3117 So that thou shalt be mad H7696 for the sight H4758 of thine eyes H5869 which thou shalt see. H7200 The LORD H3068 shall smite H5221 thee in the knees, H1290 and in the legs, H7785 with a sore H7451 botch H7822 that cannot H3201 be healed, H7495 from the sole H3709 of thy foot H7272 unto the top of thy head. H6936 The LORD H3068 shall bring H3212 thee, and thy king H4428 which thou shalt set H6965 over thee, unto a nation H1471 which neither thou nor thy fathers H1 have known; H3045 and there shalt thou serve H5647 other H312 gods, H430 wood H6086 and stone. H68 And thou shalt become an astonishment, H8047 a proverb, H4912 and a byword, H8148 among all nations H5971 whither the LORD H3068 shall lead H5090 thee. Thou shalt carry H3318 much H7227 seed H2233 out H3318 into the field, H7704 and shalt gather H622 but little H4592 in; H622 for the locust H697 shall consume H2628 it. Thou shalt plant H5193 vineyards, H3754 and dress H5647 them, but shalt neither drink H8354 of the wine, H3196 nor gather H103 the grapes; for the worms H8438 shall eat H398 them. Thou shalt have olive trees H2132 throughout all thy coasts, H1366 but thou shalt not anoint H5480 thyself with the oil; H8081 for thine olive H2132 shall cast H5394 his fruit. Thou shalt beget H3205 sons H1121 and daughters, H1323 but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go H3212 into captivity. H7628 All thy trees H6086 and fruit H6529 of thy land H127 shall the locust H6767 consume. H3423 The stranger H1616 that is within H7130 thee shall get up H5927 above thee very H4605 high; H4605 and thou shalt come down H3381 very H4295 low. H4295 He shall lend H3867 to thee, and thou shalt not lend H3867 to him: he shall be the head, H7218 and thou shalt be the tail. H2180 Moreover all these curses H7045 shall come H935 upon thee, and shall pursue H7291 thee, and overtake H5381 thee, till thou be destroyed; H8045 because thou hearkenedst H8085 not unto the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 to keep H8104 his commandments H4687 and his statutes H2708 which he commanded H6680 thee: And they shall be upon thee for a sign H226 and for a wonder, H4159 and upon thy seed H2233 for H5704 ever. H5769 Because thou servedst H5647 not the LORD H3068 thy God H430 with joyfulness, H8057 and with gladness H2898 of heart, H3824 for the abundance H7230 of all things; Therefore shalt thou serve H5647 thine enemies H341 which the LORD H3068 shall send H7971 against thee, in hunger, H7458 and in thirst, H6772 and in nakedness, H5903 and in want H2640 of all things: and he shall put H5414 a yoke H5923 of iron H1270 upon thy neck, H6677 until he have destroyed H8045 thee. The LORD H3068 shall bring H5375 a nation H1471 against thee from far, H7350 from the end H7097 of the earth, H776 as swift as the eagle H5404 flieth; H1675 a nation H1471 whose tongue H3956 thou shalt not understand; H8085 A nation H1471 of fierce H5794 countenance, H6440 which shall not regard H5375 the person H6440 of the old, H2205 nor shew favour H2603 to the young: H5288 And he shall eat H398 the fruit H6529 of thy cattle, H929 and the fruit H6529 of thy land, H127 until thou be destroyed: H8045 which also shall not leave H7604 thee either corn, H1715 wine, H8492 or oil, H3323 or the increase H7698 of thy kine, H504 or flocks H6251 of thy sheep, H6629 until he have destroyed H6 thee. And he shall besiege H6887 thee in all thy gates, H8179 until thy high H1364 and fenced H1219 walls H2346 come down, H3381 wherein H2004 thou trustedst, H982 throughout all thy land: H776 and he shall besiege H6887 thee in all thy gates H8179 throughout all thy land, H776 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath given H5414 thee. And thou shalt eat H398 the fruit H6529 of thine own body, H990 the flesh H1320 of thy sons H1121 and of thy daughters, H1323 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath given H5414 thee, in the siege, H4692 and in the straitness, H4689 wherewith thine enemies H341 shall distress H6693 thee: So that the man H376 that is tender H7390 among you, and very H3966 delicate, H6028 his eye H5869 shall be evil H3415 toward his brother, H251 and toward the wife H802 of his bosom, H2436 and toward the remnant H3499 of his children H1121 which he shall leave: H3498 So that he will not give H5414 to any H259 of them of the flesh H1320 of his children H1121 whom he shall eat: H398 because he hath nothing left H7604 him in the siege, H4692 and in the straitness, H4689 wherewith thine enemies H341 shall distress H6693 thee in all thy gates. H8179 The tender H7390 and delicate H6028 woman among you, which would not adventure H5254 to set H3322 the sole H3709 of her foot H7272 upon the ground H776 for delicateness H6026 and tenderness, H7391 her eye H5869 shall be evil H3415 toward the husband H376 of her bosom, H2436 and toward her son, H1121 and toward her daughter, H1323 And toward her young one H7988 that cometh out H3318 from between her feet, H7272 and toward her children H1121 which she shall bear: H3205 for she shall eat H398 them for want H2640 of all things secretly H5643 in the siege H4692 and straitness, H4689 wherewith thine enemy H341 shall distress H6693 thee in thy gates. H8179 If thou wilt not observe H8104 to do H6213 all the words H1697 of this law H8451 that are written H3789 in this book, H5612 that thou mayest fear H3372 this glorious H3513 and fearful H3372 name, H8034 THE LORD H3068 THY GOD; H430 Then the LORD H3068 will make H6381 thy plagues H4347 wonderful, H6381 and the plagues H4347 of thy seed, H2233 even great H1419 plagues, H4347 and of long continuance, H539 and sore H7451 sicknesses, H2483 and of long continuance. H539 Moreover he will bring H7725 upon thee all the diseases H4064 of Egypt, H4714 which thou wast afraid H3025 of; H6440 and they shall cleave H1692 unto thee. Also every sickness, H2483 and every plague, H4347 which is not written H3789 in the book H5612 of this law, H8451 them will the LORD H3068 bring H5927 upon thee, until thou be destroyed. H8045 And ye shall be left H7604 few H4592 in number, H4962 whereas H834 ye were as the stars H3556 of heaven H8064 for multitude; H7230 because thou wouldest not obey H8085 the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 thy God. H430 And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD H3068 rejoiced H7797 over you to do you good, H3190 and to multiply H7235 you; so the LORD H3068 will rejoice H7797 over you to destroy H6 you, and to bring you to nought; H8045 and ye shall be plucked H5255 from off the land H127 whither thou goest H935 to possess H3423 it. And the LORD H3068 shall scatter H6327 thee among all people, H5971 from the one end H7097 of the earth H776 even unto the other; H7097 and there thou shalt serve H5647 other H312 gods, H430 which neither thou nor thy fathers H1 have known, H3045 even wood H6086 and stone. H68 And among these H1992 nations H1471 shalt thou find no ease, H7280 neither shall the sole H3709 of thy foot H7272 have rest: H4494 but the LORD H3068 shall give H5414 thee there a trembling H7268 heart, H3820 and failing H3631 of eyes, H5869 and sorrow H1671 of mind: H5315 And thy life H2416 shall hang H8511 in doubt before H5048 thee; and thou shalt fear H6342 day H3119 and night, H3915 and shalt have none assurance H539 of thy life: H2416 In the morning H1242 thou shalt say, H559 Would God it were H5414 even! H6153 and at even H6153 thou shalt say, H559 Would God it were H5414 morning! H1242 for the fear H6343 of thine heart H3824 wherewith thou shalt fear, H6342 and for the sight H4758 of thine eyes H5869 which thou shalt see. H7200 And the LORD H3068 shall bring H7725 thee into Egypt H4714 again H7725 with ships, H591 by the way H1870 whereof I spake H559 unto thee, Thou shalt see H7200 it no more again: H3254 and there ye shall be sold H4376 unto your enemies H341 for bondmen H5650 and bondwomen, H8198 and no man shall buy H7069 you.

Deuteronomy 4:26-27 STRONG

I call H5749 heaven H8064 and earth H776 to witness H5749 against you this day, H3117 that ye shall soon H4118 utterly H6 perish H6 from off the land H776 whereunto ye go over H5674 Jordan H3383 to possess H3423 it; ye shall not prolong H748 your days H3117 upon it, but shall utterly H8045 be destroyed. H8045 And the LORD H3068 shall scatter H6327 you among the nations, H5971 and ye shall be left H7604 few H4962 in number H4557 among the heathen, H1471 whither the LORD H3068 shall lead H5090 you.

Commentary on Jeremiah 28 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 28:1-17. Prophecies Immediately Following Those in the Twenty-seventh Chapter. Hananiah Breaks the Yokes to Signify that Nebuchadnezzar's Yoke Shall Be Broken. Jeremiah Foretells that Yokes of Iron Are to Succeed Those of Wood, and that Hananiah Shall Die.

1. in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah—The Jews often divided any period into two halves, the beginning and the end. As Zedekiah reigned eleven years, the fourth year would be called the beginning of his reign, especially as during the first three years affairs were in such a disturbed state that he had little power or dignity, being a tributary; but in the fourth year he became strong in power.

Hananiah—Another of this name was one of the three godly youths who braved Nebuchadnezzar's wrath in the fear of God (Da 1:6, 7; 3:12). Probably a near relation, for Azariah is associated with him; as Azur with the Hananiah here. The godly and ungodly are often in the same family (Eze 18:14-20).

Gibeon—one of the cities of the priests, to which order he must have belonged.

2. broken the yoke—I have determined to break: referring to Jeremiah's prophecy (Jer 27:12).

3. two full years—literally, "years of days." So "a month of days," that is, all its days complete (Ge 29:14, Margin; Ge 41:1). It was marvellous presumption to speak so definitely without having any divine revelation.

4. bring again … Jeconiah—not necessarily implying that Hananiah wished Zedekiah to be superseded by Jeconiah. The main point intended was that the restoration from Babylon should be complete. But, doubtless, the false prophet foretold Jeconiah's return (2Ki 24:12-15), to ingratiate himself with the populace, with whom Jeconiah was a favorite (see on Jer 22:24).

5. the prophet Jeremiah—the epithet, "the prophet," is prefixed to "Jeremiah" throughout this chapter, to correspond to the same epithet before "Hananiah"; except in Jer 28:12, where "the prophet" has been inserted in English Version. The rival claims of the true and the false prophet are thus put in the more prominent contrast.

6. Amen—Jeremiah prays for the people, though constrained to prophesy against them (1Ki 1:36). The event was the appointed test between contradictory predictions (De 18:21, 22). "Would that what you say were true!" I prefer the safety of my country even to my own estimation. The prophets had no pleasure in announcing God's judgment, but did so as a matter of stern duty, not thereby divesting themselves of their natural feelings of sorrow for their country's woe. Compare Ex 32:32; Ro 9:3, as instances of how God's servants, intent only on the glory of God and the salvation of the country, forgot self and uttered wishes in a state of feeling transported out of themselves. So Jeremiah wished not to diminish aught from the word of God, though as a Jew he uttered the wish for his people [Calvin].

8. prophets … before me—Hosea, Joel, Amos, and others.

evil—a few manuscripts, read "famine," which is more usually associated with the specification of war and pestilence (Jer 15:2; 18:21; 27:8, 13). But evil here includes all the calamities flowing from war, not merely famine, but also desolation, &c. Evil, being the more difficult reading, is less likely to be the interpolated one than famine, which probably originated in copying the parallel passages.

9. peace—Hananiah had given no warning as to the need of conversion, but had foretold prosperity unconditionally. Jeremiah does not say that all are true prophets who foretell truths in any instance (which De 13:1, 2, disproves); but asserts only the converse, namely, that whoever, as Hananiah, predicts what the event does not confirm, is a false prophet. There are two tests of prophets: (1) The event, De 18:22. (2) The word of God, Isa 8:20.

10. the yoke—(Jer 27:2). Impious audacity to break what God had appointed as a solemn pledge of the fulfilment of His word. Hence Jeremiah deigns no reply (Jer 28:11; Mt 7:6).

11. neck of all nations—opposed to Jer 27:7.

13. Thou hast broken … wood … thou shalt make … iron—Not here, "Thou hast broken … wood," and "I will make … iron" (compare Jer 28:16). The same false prophets who, by urging the Jews to rebel, had caused them to throw off the then comparatively easy yoke of Babylon, thereby brought on them a more severe yoke imposed by that city. "Yokes of iron," alluding to De 28:48. It is better to take up a light cross in our way, than to pull a heavier on our own heads. We may escape destroying providences by submitting to humbling providences. So, spiritually, contrast the "easy yoke" of Christ with the "yoke of bondage" of the law (Ac 15:10; Ga 5:1).

14. I have put—Though Hananiah and those like him were secondary instruments in bringing the iron yoke on Judea, God was the great First Cause (Jer 27:4-7).

15. makest … trust in a lie—(Jer 29:31; Eze 13:22).

16. this year … die—The prediction was uttered in the fifth month (Jer 28:1); Hananiah's death took place in the seventh month, that is, within two months after the prediction, answering with awful significance to the two years in which Hananiah had foretold that the yoke imposed by Babylon would end.

rebellion—opposition to God's plain direction, that all should submit to Babylon (Jer 29:32).