Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 37 » Verse 21

Jeremiah 37:21 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

21 Then Zedekiah H6667 the king H4428 commanded H6680 that they should commit H6485 Jeremiah H3414 into the court H2691 of the prison, H4307 and that they should give H5414 him daily H3117 a piece H3603 of bread H3899 out of the bakers' H644 street, H2351 until all the bread H3899 in the city H5892 were spent. H8552 Thus Jeremiah H3414 remained H3427 in the court H2691 of the prison. H4307

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 38:28 STRONG

So Jeremiah H3414 abode H3427 in the court H2691 of the prison H4307 until the day H3117 that Jerusalem H3389 was taken: H3920 and he was there when Jerusalem H3389 was taken. H3920

Jeremiah 38:13 STRONG

So they drew up H4900 Jeremiah H3414 with cords, H2256 and took him up H5927 out of the dungeon: H953 and Jeremiah H3414 remained H3427 in the court H2691 of the prison. H4307

Jeremiah 52:6 STRONG

And in the fourth H7243 month, H2320 in the ninth H8672 day of the month, H2320 the famine H7458 was sore H2388 in the city, H5892 so that there was no bread H3899 for the people H5971 of the land. H776

Jeremiah 38:9 STRONG

My lord H113 the king, H4428 these men H582 have done evil H7489 in all that they have done H6213 to Jeremiah H3414 the prophet, H5030 whom they have cast H7993 into the dungeon; H953 and he is like to die H4191 for H6440 hunger H7458 in the place H8478 where he is: for there is no more bread H3899 in the city. H5892

Jeremiah 32:2 STRONG

For then the king H4428 of Babylon's H894 army H2428 besieged H6696 Jerusalem: H3389 and Jeremiah H3414 the prophet H5030 was shut up H3607 in the court H2691 of the prison, H4307 which was in the king H4428 of Judah's H3063 house. H1004

Isaiah 33:16 STRONG

He shall dwell H7931 on high: H4791 his place of defence H4869 shall be the munitions H4679 of rocks: H5553 bread H3899 shall be given H5414 him; his waters H4325 shall be sure. H539

2 Kings 25:3 STRONG

And on the ninth H8672 day of the fourth month H2320 the famine H7458 prevailed H2388 in the city, H5892 and there was no bread H3899 for the people H5971 of the land. H776

Psalms 33:18-19 STRONG

Behold, the eye H5869 of the LORD H3068 is upon them that fear H3373 him, upon them that hope H3176 in his mercy; H2617 To deliver H5337 their soul H5315 from death, H4194 and to keep them alive H2421 in famine. H7458

Job 5:20 STRONG

In famine H7458 he shall redeem H6299 thee from death: H4194 and in war H4421 from the power H3027 of the sword. H2719

Acts 24:27 STRONG

But G1161 after G4137 two years G1333 Porcius G4201 Festus G5347 came G2983 into Felix' G5344 room: G1240 and G5037 Felix, G5344 willing G2309 to shew G2698 the Jews G2453 a pleasure, G5485 left G2641 Paul G3972 bound. G1210

2 Timothy 2:9 STRONG

Wherein G1722 G3739 I suffer trouble, G2553 as G5613 an evil doer, G2557 even unto G3360 bonds; G1199 but G235 the word G3056 of God G2316 is G1210 not G3756 bound. G1210

2 Timothy 1:8 STRONG

Be G1870 not G3361 thou G1870 therefore G3767 ashamed G1870 of the testimony G3142 of our G2257 Lord, G2962 nor G3366 of me G1691 his G846 prisoner: G1198 but G235 be thou partaker of the afflictions G4777 of the gospel G2098 according to G2596 the power G1411 of God; G2316

Ephesians 6:20 STRONG

For G5228 which G3739 I am an ambassador G4243 in G1722 bonds: G254 that G2443 therein G1722 G846 I may speak boldly, G3955 as G5613 I G3165 ought G1163 to speak. G2980

Ephesians 4:1 STRONG

I G1473 therefore, G3767 the prisoner G1198 of G1722 the Lord, G2962 beseech G3870 you G5209 that ye walk G4043 worthy G516 of the vocation G2821 wherewith G3739 ye are called, G2564

Acts 28:30 STRONG

And G1161 Paul G3972 dwelt G3306 two G1333 whole G3650 years G1333 in G1722 his own G2398 hired house, G3410 and G2532 received G588 all G3956 that came in G1531 unto G4314 him, G846

Acts 28:16 STRONG

And G1161 when G3753 we came G2064 to G1519 Rome, G4516 the centurion G1543 delivered G3860 the prisoners G1198 to the captain of the guard: G4759 but G1161 Paul G3972 was suffered G2010 to dwell G3306 by G2596 himself G1438 with G4862 a soldier G4757 that kept G5442 him. G846

Deuteronomy 28:52-57 STRONG

And he shall besiege H6887 thee in all thy gates, H8179 until thy high H1364 and fenced H1219 walls H2346 come down, H3381 wherein H2004 thou trustedst, H982 throughout all thy land: H776 and he shall besiege H6887 thee in all thy gates H8179 throughout all thy land, H776 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath given H5414 thee. And thou shalt eat H398 the fruit H6529 of thine own body, H990 the flesh H1320 of thy sons H1121 and of thy daughters, H1323 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath given H5414 thee, in the siege, H4692 and in the straitness, H4689 wherewith thine enemies H341 shall distress H6693 thee: So that the man H376 that is tender H7390 among you, and very H3966 delicate, H6028 his eye H5869 shall be evil H3415 toward his brother, H251 and toward the wife H802 of his bosom, H2436 and toward the remnant H3499 of his children H1121 which he shall leave: H3498 So that he will not give H5414 to any H259 of them of the flesh H1320 of his children H1121 whom he shall eat: H398 because he hath nothing left H7604 him in the siege, H4692 and in the straitness, H4689 wherewith thine enemies H341 shall distress H6693 thee in all thy gates. H8179 The tender H7390 and delicate H6028 woman among you, which would not adventure H5254 to set H3322 the sole H3709 of her foot H7272 upon the ground H776 for delicateness H6026 and tenderness, H7391 her eye H5869 shall be evil H3415 toward the husband H376 of her bosom, H2436 and toward her son, H1121 and toward her daughter, H1323 And toward her young one H7988 that cometh out H3318 from between her feet, H7272 and toward her children H1121 which she shall bear: H3205 for she shall eat H398 them for want H2640 of all things secretly H5643 in the siege H4692 and straitness, H4689 wherewith thine enemy H341 shall distress H6693 thee in thy gates. H8179

Acts 12:5 STRONG

Peter G4074 G3303 therefore G3767 was kept G5083 in G1722 prison: G5438 but G1161 prayer G4335 was G2258 made G1096 without ceasing G1618 of G5259 the church G1577 unto G4314 God G2316 for G5228 him. G846

Matthew 6:33 STRONG

But G1161 seek ye G2212 first G4412 the kingdom G932 of God, G2316 and G2532 his G846 righteousness; G1343 and G2532 all G3956 these things G5023 shall be added G4369 unto you. G5213

Lamentations 5:10 STRONG

Our skin H5785 was black H3648 like an oven H8574 because H6440 of the terrible H2152 famine. H7458

Lamentations 4:9-10 STRONG

They that be slain H2491 with the sword H2719 are better H2896 than they that be slain H2491 with hunger: H7458 for these H1992 pine away, H2100 stricken H1856 through for want of the fruits H8570 of the field. H7704 The hands H3027 of the pitiful H7362 women H802 have sodden H1310 their own children: H3206 they were their meat H1262 in the destruction H7667 of the daughter H1323 of my people. H5971

Lamentations 4:4-5 STRONG

The tongue H3956 of the sucking child H3243 cleaveth H1692 to the roof of his mouth H2441 for thirst: H6772 the young children H5768 ask H7592 bread, H3899 and no man breaketh H6566 it unto them. They that did feed H398 delicately H4574 are desolate H8074 in the streets: H2351 they that were brought up H539 in scarlet H8438 embrace H2263 dunghills. H830

Lamentations 2:19-20 STRONG

Arise, H6965 cry out H7442 in the night: H3915 in the beginning H7218 of the watches H821 pour out H8210 thine heart H3820 like water H4325 before H5227 the face H6440 of the Lord: H136 lift up H5375 thy hands H3709 toward him for the life H5315 of thy young children, H5768 that faint H5848 for hunger H7458 in the top H7218 of every street. H2351 Behold, H7200 O LORD, H3068 and consider H5027 to whom thou hast done H5953 this. H3541 Shall the women H802 eat H398 their fruit, H6529 and children H5768 of a span long? H2949 shall the priest H3548 and the prophet H5030 be slain H2026 in the sanctuary H4720 of the Lord? H136

Lamentations 2:11-12 STRONG

Mine eyes H5869 do fail H3615 with tears, H1832 my bowels H4578 are troubled, H2560 my liver H3516 is poured H8210 upon the earth, H776 for the destruction H7667 of the daughter H1323 of my people; H5971 because the children H5768 and the sucklings H3243 swoon H5848 in the streets H7339 of the city. H7151 They say H559 to their mothers, H517 Where is corn H1715 and wine? H3196 when they swooned H5848 as the wounded H2491 in the streets H7339 of the city, H5892 when their soul H5315 was poured out H8210 into their mothers' H517 bosom. H2436

Jeremiah 39:14-15 STRONG

Even they sent, H7971 and took H3947 Jeremiah H3414 out of the court H2691 of the prison, H4307 and committed H5414 him unto Gedaliah H1436 the son H1121 of Ahikam H296 the son H1121 of Shaphan, H8227 that he should carry H3318 him home: H1004 so he dwelt H3427 among H8432 the people. H5971 Now the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came unto Jeremiah, H3414 while he was shut up H6113 in the court H2691 of the prison, H4307 saying, H559

Jeremiah 32:8 STRONG

So Hanameel H2601 mine uncle's H1730 son H1121 came H935 to me in the court H2691 of the prison H4307 according to the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 and said H559 unto me, Buy H7069 my field, H7704 I pray thee, that is in Anathoth, H6068 which is in the country H776 of Benjamin: H1144 for the right H4941 of inheritance H3425 is thine, and the redemption H1353 is thine; buy H7069 it for thyself. Then I knew H3045 that this was the word H1697 of the LORD. H3068

Proverbs 21:1 STRONG

The king's H4428 heart H3820 is in the hand H3027 of the LORD, H3068 as the rivers H6388 of water: H4325 he turneth H5186 it whithersoever he will. H2654

Proverbs 16:7 STRONG

When a man's H376 ways H1870 please H7521 the LORD, H3068 he maketh even his enemies H341 to be at peace H7999 with him.

Psalms 37:19 STRONG

They shall not be ashamed H954 in the evil H7451 time: H6256 and in the days H3117 of famine H7459 they shall be satisfied. H7646

Psalms 37:3 STRONG

Trust H982 in the LORD, H3068 and do H6213 good; H2896 so shalt thou dwell H7931 in the land, H776 and verily H530 thou shalt be fed. H7462

Psalms 34:9-10 STRONG

O fear H3372 the LORD, H3068 ye his saints: H6918 for there is no want H4270 to them that fear H3373 him. The young lions H3715 do lack, H7326 and suffer hunger: H7456 but they that seek H1875 the LORD H3068 shall not want H2637 any good H2896 thing.

1 Kings 17:4-6 STRONG

And it shall be, that thou shalt drink H8354 of the brook; H5158 and I have commanded H6680 the ravens H6158 to feed H3557 thee there. So he went H3212 and did H6213 according unto the word H1697 of the LORD: H3068 for he went H3212 and dwelt H3427 by the brook H5158 Cherith, H3747 that is before H6440 Jordan. H3383 And the ravens H6158 brought H935 him bread H3899 and flesh H1320 in the morning, H1242 and bread H3899 and flesh H1320 in the evening; H6153 and he drank H8354 of the brook. H5158

Commentary on Jeremiah 37 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 37:1-21. Historical Sections, Thirty-seventh through Forty-fourth Chapters. The Chaldeans Raise the Siege to Go and Meet Pharaoh-hophra. Zedekiah Sends to Jeremiah to Pray to God in Behalf of the Jews: in Vain, Jeremiah Tries to Escape to His Native Place, but Is Arrested. Zedekiah Abates the Rigor of His Imprisonment.

1. Coniah—curtailed from Jeconiah by way of reproach.

whom—referring to Zedekiah, not to Coniah (2Ki 24:17).

2. Amazing stupidity, that they were not admonished by the punishment of Jeconiah [Calvin], (2Ch 36:12, 14)!

3. Zedekiah … sent—fearing lest, in the event of the Chaldeans overcoming Pharaoh-hophra, they should return to besiege Jerusalem. See on Jer 21:1; that chapter chronologically comes in between the thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth chapter. The message of the king to Jeremiah here in the thirty-seventh chapter is, however, somewhat earlier than that in the twenty-first chapter; here it is while the issue between the Chaldeans and Pharaoh was undecided; there it is when, after the repulse of Pharaoh, the Chaldeans were again advancing against Jerusalem; hence, while Zephaniah is named in both embassies, Jehucal accompanies him here, Pashur there. But, as Pashur and Jehucal are both mentioned in Jer 38:1, 2, as hearing Jeremiah's reply, which is identical with that in Jer 21:9, it is probable the two messages followed one another at a short interval; that in this Jer 37:3, and the answer, Jer 37:7-10, being the earlier of the two.

Zephaniah—an abettor of rebellion against God (Jer 29:25), though less virulent than many (Jer 29:29), punished accordingly (Jer 52:24-27).

4. Jeremiah … not put … into prison—He was no longer in the prison court, as he had been (Jer 32:2; 33:1), which passages refer to the beginning of the siege, not to the time when the Chaldeans renewed the siege, after having withdrawn for a time to meet Pharaoh.

5. After this temporary diversion, caused by Pharaoh in favor of Jerusalem, the Egyptians returned no more to its help (2Ki 24:7). Judea had the misfortune to lie between the two great contending powers, Babylon and Egypt, and so was exposed to the alternate inroads of the one or the other. Josiah, taking side with Assyria, fell in battle with Pharaoh-necho at Megiddo (2Ki 23:29). Zedekiah, seeking the Egyptian alliance in violation of his oath, was now about to be taken by Nebuchadnezzar (2Ch 36:13; Eze 17:15, 17).

7. shall return—without accomplishing any deliverance for you.

8. (Jer 34:22).

9. yourselves—Hebrew, "souls."

10. yet … they—Even a few wounded men would suffice for your destruction.

11. broken up—"gone up."

12. Benjamin—to his own town, Anathoth.

to separate himself—Margin translates, "to slip away," from a Hebrew root, "to be smooth," so, to slip away as a slippery thing that cannot be held. But it is not likely the prophet of God would flee in a dishonorable way; and "in the midst of the people" rather implies open departure along with others, than clandestine slipping away by mixing with the crowd of departing people. Rather, it means, to separate himself, or to divide his place of residence, so as to live partly here, partly there, without fixed habitation, going to and fro among the people [Ludovicus De Dieu]. Maurer translates, "to take his portion thence," to realize the produce of his property in Anathoth [Henderson], or to take possession of the land which he bought from Hanameel [Maurer].

13. ward—that is, the "guard," or "watch."

Hananiah—whose death Jeremiah predicted (Jer 28:16). The grandson in revenge takes Jeremiah into custody on the charge of deserting ("thou fallest away," Jer 38:19; 52:15; 1Sa 29:3) to the enemy. His prophecies gave color to the charge (Jer 21:9; 38:4).

15. scribe—one of the court secretaries; often in the East part of the private house of a public officer serves as a prison.

16. dungeon … cabins—The prison consisted of a pit (the "dungeon") with vaulted cells round the sides of it. The "cabins," from a root, "to bend one's self."

17. secretly—Zedekiah was ashamed to be seen by his courtiers consulting Jeremiah (Joh 12:43; 5:44; 19:38).

thou shalt be delivered—Had Jeremiah consulted his earthly interests, he would have answered very differently. Contrast Jer 6:14; Isa 30:10; Eze 13:10.

18. What—In what respect have I offended?

19. Where are now your prophets—The event has showed them to be liars; and, as surely as the king of Babylon has come already, notwithstanding their prophecy, so surely shall he return.

20. be accepted—rather, "Let my supplication be humbly presented" (see on Jer 36:7), [Henderson].

lest I die there—in the subterranean dungeon (Jer 37:16), from want of proper sustenance (Jer 37:21). The prophet naturally shrank from death, which makes his spiritual firmness the more remarkable; he was ready to die rather than swerve from his duty [Calvin].

21. court of the prison—(Jer 32:2; 38:13, 28).

bakers' street—Persons in the same business in cities in the East commonly reside in the same street.

all the bread … spent—Jeremiah had bread supplied to him until he was thrown into the dungeon of Malchiah, at which time the bread in the city was spent. Compare this verse with Jer 38:9; that time must have been very shortly before the capture of the city (Jer 52:6). God saith of His children, "In the days of famine they shall be satisfied" (Ps 37:19; Isa 33:16). Honest reproof (Jer 37:17), in the end often gains more favor than flattery (Pr 28:23).