Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 120 » Verse 1

Psalms 120:1 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 [[A Song H7892 of degrees.]] H4609 In my distress H6869 I cried H7121 unto the LORD, H3068 and he heard H6030 me.

Cross Reference

Jonah 2:2 STRONG

And said, H559 I cried H7121 by reason of mine affliction H6869 unto the LORD, H3068 and he heard H6030 me; out of the belly H990 of hell H7585 cried H7768 I, and thou heardest H8085 my voice. H6963

Psalms 18:6 STRONG

In my distress H6862 I called H7121 upon the LORD, H3068 and cried H7768 unto my God: H430 he heard H8085 my voice H6963 out of his temple, H1964 and my cry H7775 came H935 before H6440 him, even into his ears. H241

Hebrews 5:7 STRONG

Who G3739 in G1722 the days G2250 of his G846 flesh, G4561 when he had offered up G4374 prayers G1162 and G5037 G2532 supplications G2428 with G3326 strong G2478 crying G2906 and G2532 tears G1144 unto G4314 him that was able G1410 to save G4982 him G846 from G1537 death, G2288 and G2532 was heard G1522 in that G575 he feared; G2124

Psalms 127:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees H4609 for Solomon.]] H8010 Except the LORD H3068 build H1129 the house, H1004 they labour H5998 in vain H7723 that build H1129 it: except the LORD H3068 keep H8104 the city, H5892 the watchman H8104 waketh H8245 but in vain. H7723

Luke 22:44 STRONG

And G2532 being G1096 in G1722 an agony G74 he prayed G4336 more earnestly: G1617 and G1161 his G846 sweat G2402 was G1096 as it were G5616 great drops G2361 of blood G129 falling down G2597 to G1909 the ground. G1093

Isaiah 37:14-20 STRONG

And Hezekiah H2396 received H3947 the letter H5612 from the hand H3027 of the messengers, H4397 and read H7121 it: and Hezekiah H2396 went up H5927 unto the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and spread H6566 it before H6440 the LORD. H3068 And Hezekiah H2396 prayed H6419 unto the LORD, H3068 saying, H559 O LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 God H430 of Israel, H3478 that dwellest H3427 between the cherubims, H3742 thou art the God, H430 even thou alone, of all the kingdoms H4467 of the earth: H776 thou hast made H6213 heaven H8064 and earth. H776 Incline H5186 thine ear, H241 O LORD, H3068 and hear; H8085 open H6491 thine eyes, H5869 O LORD, H3068 and see: H7200 and hear H8085 all the words H1697 of Sennacherib, H5576 which hath sent H7971 to reproach H2778 the living H2416 God. H430 Of a truth, H551 LORD, H3068 the kings H4428 of Assyria H804 have laid waste H2717 all the nations, H776 and their countries, H776 And have cast H5414 their gods H430 into the fire: H784 for they were no gods, H430 but the work H4639 of men's H120 hands, H3027 wood H6086 and stone: H68 therefore they have destroyed H6 them. Now therefore, O LORD H3068 our God, H430 save H3467 us from his hand, H3027 that all the kingdoms H4467 of the earth H776 may know H3045 that thou art the LORD, H3068 even thou only.

Isaiah 37:3-4 STRONG

And they said H559 unto him, Thus saith H559 Hezekiah, H2396 This day H3117 is a day H3117 of trouble, H6869 and of rebuke, H8433 and of blasphemy: H5007 for the children H1121 are come H935 to the birth, H4866 and there is not strength H3581 to bring forth. H3205 It may be the LORD H3068 thy God H430 will hear H8085 the words H1697 of Rabshakeh, H7262 whom the king H4428 of Assyria H804 his master H113 hath sent H7971 to reproach H2778 the living H2416 God, H430 and will reprove H3198 the words H1697 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath heard: H8085 wherefore lift up H5375 thy prayer H8605 for the remnant H7611 that is left. H4672

Psalms 134:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees.]] H4609 Behold, bless H1288 ye the LORD, H3068 all ye servants H5650 of the LORD, H3068 which by night H3915 stand H5975 in the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068

Psalms 133:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees H4609 of David.]] H1732 Behold, how good H2896 and how pleasant H5273 it is for brethren H251 to dwell H3427 together H3162 in unity! H3162

Psalms 132:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees.]] H4609 LORD, H3068 remember H2142 David, H1732 and all his afflictions: H6031

Psalms 131:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees H4609 of David.]] H1732 LORD, H3068 my heart H3820 is not haughty, H1361 nor mine eyes H5869 lofty: H7311 neither do I exercise H1980 myself in great matters, H1419 or in things too high H6381 for me.

Psalms 130:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees.]] H4609 Out of the depths H4615 have I cried H7121 unto thee, O LORD. H3068

Psalms 129:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees.]] H4609 Many a time H7227 have they afflicted H6887 me from my youth, H5271 may Israel H3478 now say: H559

Psalms 128:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees.]] H4609 Blessed H835 is every one that feareth H3373 the LORD; H3068 that walketh H1980 in his ways. H1870

Psalms 126:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees.]] H4609 When the LORD H3068 turned again H7725 the captivity H7870 of Zion, H6726 we were like them that dream. H2492

Psalms 125:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees.]] H4609 They that trust H982 in the LORD H3068 shall be as mount H2022 Zion, H6726 which cannot be removed, H4131 but abideth H3427 for ever. H5769

Psalms 124:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees H4609 of David.]] H1732 If H3884 it had not been the LORD H3068 who was on our side, now may Israel H3478 say; H559

Psalms 123:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees.]] H4609 Unto thee lift I up H5375 mine eyes, H5869 O thou that dwellest H3427 in the heavens. H8064

Psalms 122:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees H4609 of David.]] H1732 I was glad H8055 when they said H559 unto me, Let us go H3212 into the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068

Psalms 121:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees.]] H4609 I will lift up H5375 mine eyes H5869 unto the hills, H2022 from whence H370 cometh H935 my help. H5828

Psalms 118:5 STRONG

I called H7121 upon the LORD H3050 in distress: H4712 the LORD H3050 answered H6030 me, and set me in a large place. H4800

Psalms 116:3-4 STRONG

The sorrows H2256 of death H4194 compassed H661 me, and the pains H4712 of hell H7585 gat hold H4672 upon me: I found H4672 trouble H6869 and sorrow. H3015 Then called H7121 I upon the name H8034 of the LORD; H3068 O LORD, H3068 I beseech H577 thee, deliver H4422 my soul. H5315

Psalms 107:13 STRONG

Then they cried H2199 unto the LORD H3068 in their trouble, H6862 and he saved H3467 them out of their distresses. H4691

Psalms 102:2 STRONG

Hide H5641 not thy face H6440 from me in the day H3117 when I am in trouble; H6862 incline H5186 thine ear H241 unto me: in the day H3117 when I call H7121 answer H6030 me speedily. H4118

Psalms 50:15 STRONG

And call H7121 upon me in the day H3117 of trouble: H6869 I will deliver H2502 thee, and thou shalt glorify H3513 me.

Psalms 30:7-8 STRONG

LORD, H3068 by thy favour H7522 thou hast made my mountain H2042 to stand H5975 strong: H5797 thou didst hide H5641 thy face, H6440 and I was troubled. H926 I cried H7121 to thee, O LORD; H3068 and unto the LORD H3068 I made supplication. H2603

Isaiah 38:2-5 STRONG

Then Hezekiah H2396 turned H5437 his face H6440 toward the wall, H7023 and prayed H6419 unto the LORD, H3068 And said, H559 Remember H2142 now, O LORD, H3068 I beseech H577 thee, how I have walked H1980 before H6440 thee in truth H571 and with a perfect H8003 heart, H3820 and have done H6213 that which is good H2896 in thy sight. H5869 And Hezekiah H2396 wept H1058 H1065 sore. H1419 Then came the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 to Isaiah, H3470 saying, H559 Go, H1980 and say H559 to Hezekiah, H2396 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 the God H430 of David H1732 thy father, H1 I have heard H8085 thy prayer, H8605 I have seen H7200 thy tears: H1832 behold, I will add H3254 unto thy days H3117 fifteen H2568 H6240 years. H8141

Commentary on Psalms 120 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



A Song of degrees. This psalm, and the fourteen following, are called "songs of degrees", or "ascents"F15שיר למצלות "canticum ascensionum", Munster, Vatablus. ; for what reason it is not easy to say. Some think it refers to the music of them, and that this is the name of the tune to which they were set; or the first word of a song according to which they were sung, as Aben Ezra; or that they were sung with an higher voice, or an ascending note, as Saadiah Gaon. Others are of opinion that the title of them respects the ascent of persons or places, at what time and where they were sung; either when the Israelites went up to Jerusalem, at the three solemn yearly feasts; or when the Jews came up from Babylon, mention being made in some of these psalms of their being in Babylon, and of their return from their captivity there; and so the inscription of the Syriac version is,

"the first song of ascent; the people detained in Babylon pray to be delivered.'

But the common opinion of the Jews, and which is embraced by many ChristiansF16L'Empereur in Middot, c. 2. s. 5. Lightfoot's Temple-Service, c. 20. so Theodoret in loc. , and is mentioned by Jarchi, Saadiah Gaon, Kimchi, and Ben Melech, is, that these are the songs sung by the Levites, on the fifteen steps, by which they went up from the court of the women to the court of the Israelites, or came down them; and on each step sung one of these psalmsF17Vid. Misn. Middot. c. 2. s. 5. Succah, c. 5. s. 4. . Though it may be they are so called because of their excellency; a song of degrees being an "excellent"F18"Canticum excellentissimum", Junius & Tremellius. song, as an excellent man is called a man of high degree, 1 Chronicles 17:17; these being excellent ones for the matter of them, their manner of composure, and the brevity of them. It is generally thought this psalm was composed by David, on account of Doeg the Edomite, because of its likeness in some things with the fifty second psalm: and certain it is that the psalmist had been in some great distress, and at a distance from his own country and the house of God, and dwelt among wicked men when he wrote it; so that it is very probable it was composed during his exile through the persecution of Saul.

Verse 1

In my distress I cried unto the Lord,.... Being at a distance from his own country, or, however, from the house of God; persecuted by men, under the lash of their tongues; reproached, abused, and belied by them: in this his case and circumstances, he betook himself by prayer to the Lord, and importuned help and deliverance of him, knowing that none could help him as he; see Psalm 18:6;

and he heard me; answered him, and delivered him. The petition he put up follows, which shows his case, and his particular distress.

Verse 2

Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue. Not from such lips, and such a tongue of his own, which David abhorred; though every good man desires to be kept from speaking lies and deceit; nor from the company of those who have such lips and tongues, which he was determined should not dwell with him; but from the malignity of them, from being hurt in his character and reputation by them; God can restrain them, and prevent the ill influence of them when he pleases, Psalm 31:20. Such were the lips and tongues of Doeg the Edomite, Psalm 52:2, and of Saul's courtiers, who insinuated to him that David sought his hurt, 1 Samuel 24:9; and of the Scribes and Pharisees, that flattered Christ to his face, and reproached him to the people; and of Judas, that betrayed him with "Hail, master", Matthew 26:49; and of the false witnesses suborned against him; and of false teachers, deceitful workers, that lie in wait to deceive, and, by their good words and fair speeches, do deceive the hearts of the simple; and of antichrist and his followers, who, as they are given up to believe a lie, speak lies in hypocrisy; and of Satan the father of lies, and who is the old serpent, the devil, that deceives the whole world: and to be delivered from the bad effects of such lips and tongues is very desirable.

Verse 3

What shall be given unto thee?.... Or, "what shall it give unto thee?"F19מה יתן לך "quid dabit tibi", Pagninus, Montanus, Musculus, Gejerus; so Junius & Tremellius, Piscator. That is, what shall the deceitful tongue give unto thee, O my soul? or to thee, to anyone that hears and reads this psalm? It is capable of giving thee a deal of trouble, of doing thee a deal of mischief; and of injuring thy character, and hurting thy peace and comfort, if permitted;

or what shall be done unto thee, thou false tongue? or, "what shall the false tongue add unto thee?"F20ומה יסיף לך "et quid addet tibi", Montanus, Castalio; so Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Cocceius. it shall increase thy sorrows and distress: or rather, what gain, profit, and advantage, shall the deceitful tongue get to itself by its lies and deceit? none at all; it may do harm to others, but gets no good to itself; see Isaiah 28:15; Or, "what shall he (God) give unto thee?"F21"Quid inferat tibi (Deus) aut quem rem adhibeat tibi, O lingua dolosa?" Tigurine version. or, "what shall he add unto thee, thou false tongue?" so Jarchi. What punishment will not he inflict upon thee, who hates lying lips? what plagues will not he add unto thee, who knows all the deceit that is in thee, and spoken by thee? The answer is as follows:

Verse 4

Sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals of juniper. Some think these words describe lying lips, and a false tongue; which are like arrows, sharp ones, sent out from a bow drawn with a mighty hand, which come with great force, suddenly and swiftly, and do much mischief; see Psalm 11:2; and to "coals of juniper", very distressing and tormenting; the tongue being a fire, set on fire of hell, and sets on fire the course of nature; and throws out devouring words, which consume like fire, James 3:6. But rather the punishment of an evil tongue from the Lord is intended, whose sore judgments are often compared to arrows, Deuteronomy 32:23; because they come from above, and bring swift and sudden destruction with them; and are very sharp in the hearts of his enemies; are very severe and cutting, and come with power irresistible, being the arrows of the Almighty, Job 6:4; see Jeremiah 50:9; and these may be compared to "coals of juniper", which are very vehement and strong, and very lasting and durable. JeromF23Ad Fabiolam de 42. Mans. tom. 3. fol. 15. I. and IsidoreF24Origin. l. 17. c. 7. Schindler. col. 1776. say they will last a whole year; and the Midrash on the place reports of two men, who had prepared food with them, and at the end of a year returned and found them burning, and warmed their feet at them. These fitly express the lake of fire and brimstone, the portion of liars; whose fire is very strong, and flames devouring, being kindled by the breath of the Lord of hosts, like a stream of brimstone: and the fire of hell is everlasting; its burnings are everlasting burnings; a worm that dieth not, a fire that is not quenched; the smoke of the torments of which ascend for ever and ever, Isaiah 30:23. The Targum speaks of these arrows as lightnings from above, and of the coals of juniper as kindled in hell below; and they are interpreted of hell in the TalmudF25T. Bab. Eracin, c. 3. fol. 15. 2. .

Verse 5

Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech,.... Meshech was a son of Japheth, Genesis 10:2; whose posterity are thought by some to be the MuscovitesF26Davide de Pomis, Lexic. fol. 86. 1. 3. and Scythians, a barbarous sort of people: Mesech is frequently mentioned with Tubal and his brother, and with Gog and Magog, Ezekiel 38:2; the Targum here calls them Asiatics. Rather the Cappadocians, according to JosephusF1Antiqu. l. 1. c. 6. ; and StraboF2Geograph. l. 12. p. 370. Rufi Fest. Breviar. Vid Suidam in voce τιβεριος. makes mention of a city of theirs, called Mazaca: and the rather, since they are mentioned with the Kedarenes, or Arabian Scenites, and were nearer to the land of Judea than the former;

that I dwell in the tents of Kedar; Kedar was a son of Ishmael, Genesis 25:13; whose posterity were Arabians, as the Targum here renders it; and SuidasF3In voce κηδαρ. says, they dwelt not far from Babylon, when he wrote; they lived a pastoral life, and dwelt in tents: PlinyF4Nat. Hist. l. 5. c. 11. makes mention of Arabs, called Cedrei; and also of Scenite Arabs, from the tents they dwelt in, which they could remove from place to place for the sake of pasturage. And among these David dwelt, when in the wilderness of Paran, 1 Samuel 25:1; though some think David never dwelt among any of those people, but among such who were like unto them for ignorance, idolatry, and barbarity. Some render the words, "woe is me, that I sojourn so long, dwelling as in the tents of Kedar"F5Weemse's of the Ceremonial Law, c. 3. p. 8. ; as when he was among the Philistines and Moabites; nay, even he may compare his own people to those, many of whom it was as disagreeable dwelling with as with these: and we find Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, speaking of them in their times in like manner, and making the same complaints, Isaiah 6:5. And very grieving and distressing it is to good men to have their abode among wicked men; as well as it is infectious and dangerous: to hear their profane and blasphemous talk, to see their wicked and filthy actions, and to observe their abominable conversation, is very vexatious, and gives great uneasiness, as it did to righteous Lot, 2 Peter 2:7. The first clause is rendered by the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and all the Oriental versions, "woe is me, that my sojourning is prolonged"; to which the next words agree, Psalm 120:6.

Verse 6

My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace. The God of peace, against whom their carnal minds are enmity itself; Christ, the Prince of peace, the Man, the Peace, who has made peace by the blood of his cross, whom the world hates; the sons of peace, the quiet in the land, against whom the wicked devise evil things; the Gospel of peace, which the natural man abhors as foolishness; the way of peace, pardon, and salvation by Christ, which carnal men know not, and do not approve of; and the ordinances of the Gospel, which are paths of peace. In short, some are of such restless, quarrelsome, and contentious spirits, that they hate peace with any; are like the troubled sea, that cannot rest; and cannot sleep, unless they do mischief to their fellow creatures: it is very uncomfortable living, especially living long with such. The Targum is,

"my soul hath long dwelt with Edom, hating peace;'

that is, with the Romans or Christians, who are intended; for the Jews understand this psalm of their present captivity.

Verse 7

I am for peace,.... Am wholly peace; a man of peace, as Aben Ezra; of a peaceable disposition, devoted to peace; love it, seek and pursue it, as every good man does, who is called to it, and in whose heart it rules: such follow peace with all men, and the things which make for it; and, as much as in them lies, endeavour to live peaceably with all;

but when I speak, they are for war; make a motion for peace, and propose the terms of it, they declare against it, and for war: or when he spoke of the things of God, and of his experience of them, of the word of God, and of the truths of it, and of what he believed, Psalm 116:10; and especially when he gave good counsel and advice to them, and reproved them for their sins, they could not bear it; but hated him for it, and proclaimed war against him; and could not behave peaceably to him in any degree, but became his avowed, sworn, and implacable enemies. The Targum is,

"when I prayed;'

either prayed to God, that they did not like; or prayed for peace with them, that they would not grant; but became more imbittered against him.