Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 73 » Verse 8

Psalms 73:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 They are corrupt, H4167 and speak H1696 wickedly H7451 concerning oppression: H6233 they speak H1696 loftily. H4791

Cross Reference

Jude 1:16 STRONG

These G3778 are G1526 murmurers, G1113 complainers, G3202 walking G4198 after G2596 their own G846 lusts; G1939 and G2532 their G846 mouth G4750 speaketh G2980 great swelling G5246 words, having men's persons G4383 in admiration G2296 because G5484 of advantage. G5622

Exodus 1:9-10 STRONG

And he said H559 unto his people, H5971 Behold, the people H5971 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 are more H7227 and mightier H6099 than we: Come on, H3051 let us deal wisely H2449 with them; lest they multiply, H7235 and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out H7122 any war, H4421 they H1931 join H3254 also unto our enemies, H8130 and fight H3898 against us, and so get them up H5927 out of the land. H776

1 Samuel 13:19 STRONG

Now there was no smith H2796 found H4672 throughout all the land H776 of Israel: H3478 for the Philistines H6430 said, H559 Lest the Hebrews H5680 make H6213 them swords H2719 or spears: H2595

1 Kings 21:7-29 STRONG

And Jezebel H348 his wife H802 said H559 unto him, Dost thou now govern H6213 the kingdom H4410 of Israel? H3478 arise, H6965 and eat H398 bread, H3899 and let thine heart H3820 be merry: H3190 I will give H5414 thee the vineyard H3754 of Naboth H5022 the Jezreelite. H3158 So she wrote H3789 letters H5612 in Ahab's H256 name, H8034 and sealed H2856 them with his seal, H2368 and sent H7971 the letters H5612 unto the elders H2205 and to the nobles H2715 that were in his city, H5892 dwelling H3427 with Naboth. H5022 And she wrote H3789 in the letters, H5612 saying, H559 Proclaim H7121 a fast, H6685 and set H3427 Naboth H5022 on high H7218 among the people: H5971 And set H3427 two H8147 men, H582 sons H1121 of Belial, H1100 before him, to bear witness H5749 against him, saying, H559 Thou didst blaspheme H1288 God H430 and the king. H4428 And then carry him out, H3318 and stone H5619 him, that he may die. H4191 And the men H582 of his city, H5892 even the elders H2205 and the nobles H2715 who were the inhabitants H3427 in his city, H5892 did H6213 as Jezebel H348 had sent H7971 unto them, and as it was written H3789 in the letters H5612 which she had sent H7971 unto them. They proclaimed H7121 a fast, H6685 and set H3427 Naboth H5022 on high H7218 among the people. H5971 And there came H935 in two H8147 men, H582 children H1121 of Belial, H1100 and sat H3427 before him: and the men H582 of Belial H1100 witnessed H5749 against him, even against Naboth, H5022 in the presence of the people, H5971 saying, H559 Naboth H5022 did blaspheme H1288 God H430 and the king. H4428 Then they carried him forth H3318 out H2351 of the city, H5892 and stoned H5619 him with stones, H68 that he died. H4191 Then they sent H7971 to Jezebel, H348 saying, H559 Naboth H5022 is stoned, H5619 and is dead. H4191 And it came to pass, when Jezebel H348 heard H8085 that Naboth H5022 was stoned, H5619 and was dead, H4191 that Jezebel H348 said H559 to Ahab, H256 Arise, H6965 take possession H3423 of the vineyard H3754 of Naboth H5022 the Jezreelite, H3158 which he refused H3985 to give H5414 thee for money: H3701 for Naboth H5022 is not alive, H2416 but dead. H4191 And it came to pass, when Ahab H256 heard H8085 that Naboth H5022 was dead, H4191 that Ahab H256 rose up H6965 to go down H3381 to the vineyard H3754 of Naboth H5022 the Jezreelite, H3158 to take possession H3423 of it. And the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came to Elijah H452 the Tishbite, H8664 saying, H559 Arise, H6965 go down H3381 to meet H7125 Ahab H256 king H4428 of Israel, H3478 which is in Samaria: H8111 behold, he is in the vineyard H3754 of Naboth, H5022 whither he is gone down H3381 to possess H3423 it. And thou shalt speak H1696 unto him, saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 Hast thou killed, H7523 and also taken possession? H3423 And thou shalt speak H1696 unto him, saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 In the place H4725 where dogs H3611 licked H3952 the blood H1818 of Naboth H5022 shall dogs H3611 lick H3952 thy blood, H1818 even thine. And Ahab H256 said H559 to Elijah, H452 Hast thou found H4672 me, O mine enemy? H341 And he answered, H559 I have found H4672 thee: because thou hast sold H4376 thyself to work H6213 evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD. H3068 Behold, I will bring H935 evil H7451 upon thee, and will take away H1197 thy posterity, H310 and will cut off H3772 from Ahab H256 him that pisseth H8366 against the wall, H7023 and him that is shut up H6113 and left H5800 in Israel, H3478 And will make H5414 thine house H1004 like the house H1004 of Jeroboam H3379 the son H1121 of Nebat, H5028 and like the house H1004 of Baasha H1201 the son H1121 of Ahijah, H281 for the provocation H3708 wherewith thou hast provoked me to anger, H3707 and made Israel H3478 to sin. H2398 And of Jezebel H348 also spake H1696 the LORD, H3068 saying, H559 The dogs H3611 shall eat H398 Jezebel H348 by the wall H2426 of Jezreel. H3157 Him that dieth H4191 of Ahab H256 in the city H5892 the dogs H3611 shall eat; H398 and him that dieth H4191 in the field H7704 shall the fowls H5775 of the air H8064 eat. H398 But there was none like unto Ahab, H256 which did sell H4376 himself to work H6213 wickedness H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD, H3068 whom Jezebel H348 his wife H802 stirred up. H5496 And he did very H3966 abominably H8581 in following H3212 H310 idols, H1544 according to all things as did H6213 the Amorites, H567 whom the LORD H3068 cast out H3423 before H6440 the children H1121 of Israel. H3478 And it came to pass, when Ahab H256 heard H8085 those words, H1697 that he rent H7167 his clothes, H899 and put H7760 sackcloth H8242 upon his flesh, H1320 and fasted, H6684 and lay H7901 in sackcloth, H8242 and went H1980 softly. H328 And the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came to Elijah H452 the Tishbite, H8664 saying, H559 Seest H7200 thou how Ahab H256 humbleth H3665 himself before H6440 me? because H3282 he humbleth H3665 himself before H6440 me, I will not bring H935 the evil H7451 in his days: H3117 but in his son's H1121 days H3117 will I bring H935 the evil H7451 upon his house. H1004

Psalms 10:10-11 STRONG

He croucheth, H1794 and humbleth H7817 himself, that the poor H2426 H2489 may fall H5307 by his strong ones. H6099 He hath said H559 in his heart, H3820 God H410 hath forgotten: H7911 he hideth H5641 his face; H6440 he will never H5331 see H7200 it.

Psalms 12:4-5 STRONG

Who have said, H559 With our tongue H3956 will we prevail; H1396 our lips H8193 are our own: who is lord H113 over us? For the oppression H7701 of the poor, H6041 for the sighing H603 of the needy, H34 now will I arise, H6965 saith H559 the LORD; H3068 I will set H7896 him in safety H3468 from him that puffeth H6315 at him.

Psalms 17:10 STRONG

They are inclosed H5462 in their own fat: H2459 with their mouth H6310 they speak H1696 proudly. H1348

Psalms 53:1-4 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician H5329 upon Mahalath, H4257 Maschil, H4905 A Psalm of David.]] H1732 The fool H5036 hath said H559 in his heart, H3820 There is no God. H430 Corrupt H7843 are they, and have done abominable H8581 iniquity: H5766 there is none that doeth H6213 good. H2896 God H430 looked down H8259 from heaven H8064 upon the children H1121 of men, H120 to see H7200 if there were H3426 any that did understand, H7919 that did seek H1875 God. H430 Every one of them is gone back: H5472 they are altogether H3162 become filthy; H444 there is none that doeth H6213 good, H2896 no, not one. H259 Have the workers H6466 of iniquity H205 no knowledge? H3045 who eat up H398 my people H5971 as they eat H398 bread: H3899 they have not called H7121 upon God. H430

Proverbs 30:13-14 STRONG

There is a generation, H1755 O how lofty H7311 are their eyes! H5869 and their eyelids H6079 are lifted up. H5375 There is a generation, H1755 whose teeth H8127 are as swords, H2719 and their jaw teeth H4973 as knives, H3979 to devour H398 the poor H6041 from off the earth, H776 and the needy H34 from among men. H120

Jeremiah 7:9-11 STRONG

Will ye steal, H1589 murder, H7523 and commit adultery, H5003 and swear H7650 falsely, H8267 and burn incense H6999 unto Baal, H1168 and walk H1980 after H310 other H312 gods H430 whom ye know H3045 not; And come H935 and stand H5975 before H6440 me in this house, H1004 which is called H7121 by my name, H8034 and say, H559 We are delivered H5337 to do H6213 all these abominations? H8441 Is this house, H1004 which is called H7121 by my name, H8034 become a den H4631 of robbers H6530 in your eyes? H5869 Behold, even I have seen H7200 it, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Hosea 7:16 STRONG

They return, H7725 but not to the most High: H5920 they are like a deceitful H7423 bow: H7198 their princes H8269 shall fall H5307 by the sword H2719 for the rage H2195 of their tongue: H3956 this H2097 shall be their derision H3933 in the land H776 of Egypt. H4714

2 Peter 2:10 STRONG

But G1161 chiefly G3122 them that walk G4198 after G3694 the flesh G4561 in G1722 the lust G1939 of uncleanness, G3394 and G2532 despise G2706 government. G2963 Presumptuous G5113 are they, selfwilled, G829 they are not G3756 afraid G5141 to speak evil G987 of dignities. G1391

2 Peter 2:18 STRONG

For G1063 when they speak G5350 great swelling G5246 words of vanity, G3153 they allure G1185 through G1722 the lusts G1939 of the flesh, G4561 through much wantonness, G766 those that were clean G3689 escaped G668 from them who live G390 in G1722 error. G4106

Psalms 10:2 STRONG

The wicked H7563 in his pride H1346 doth persecute H1814 the poor: H6041 let them be taken H8610 in the devices H4209 that H2098 they have imagined. H2803

Commentary on Psalms 73 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 73:1-28. Of Asaph—(see Introduction). God is good to His people. For although the prosperity of the wicked, and the afflictions of the righteous, tempted the Psalmist to misgivings of God's government, yet the sudden and fearful ruin of the ungodly, seen in the light of God's revelation, reassures his heart; and, chiding himself for his folly, he is led to confide renewedly in God, and celebrate His goodness and love.

1. The abrupt announcement of the theme indicates that it is the conclusion of a perplexing mental conflict, which is then detailed (compare Jer 12:1-4).

Truly—or, "Surely it is so."

clean heart—(Ps 18:26) describes the true Israel.

2. The figures express his wavering faith, by terms denoting tottering and weakness (compare Ps 22:5; 62:3).

3-9. The prosperous wicked are insolently proud (compare Ps 5:5). They die, as well as live, free from perplexities: pride adorns them, and violence is their clothing; indeed they are inflated with unexpected success. With all this—

8. They are corrupt—or, literally, "they deride," they speak maliciously and arrogantly and invade even heaven with blasphemy (Re 13:6), and cover earth with slanders (Job 21:7-14).

10-12. Hence God's people are confounded, turned hither (or back) and thither, perplexed with doubts of God's knowledge and care, and filled with sorrow.

12. prosper in the word—literally, "secure for ever."

13, 14. The Psalmist, partaking of these troubles, is especially disturbed in view of his own case, that with all his diligent efforts for a holy life, he is still sorely tried.

15. Freed from idiomatic phrases, this verse expresses a supposition, as, "Had I thus spoken, I should," &c., intimating that he had kept his troubles to himself.

generation of thy children—Thy people (1Jo 3:1).

offend—literally, "deceive, mislead."

16, 17. Still he—

thought—literally, "studied," or, "pondered this riddle"; but in vain; it remained a toil (compare Margin), till he—

17. went into the sanctuary—to enquire (compare Ex 25:22; Ps 5:7; 27:4).

18-20. their end—future (Ps 37:37, 38), which is dismal and terribly sudden (Pr 1:27; 29:1), aggravated and hastened by terror. As one despises an unsubstantial dream, so God, waking up to judgment (Ps 7:6; 44:23), despises their vain shadow of happiness (Ps 39:6; Isa 29:7). They are thrown into ruins as a building falling to pieces (Ps 74:3).

21, 22. He confesses how—

foolish—literally, "stupid," and

ignorant—literally, "not discerning," had been his course of thought.

22. before thee—literally, "with Thee," in conduct respecting Thee.

23. Still he was with God, as a dependent beneficiary, and so kept from falling (Ps 73:2).

24. All doubts are silenced in confidence of divine guidance and future glory.

receive me to glory—literally, "take for (me) glory" (compare Ps 68:18; Eph 4:8).

25, 26. God is his only satisfying good.

26. strength—literally, "rock" (Ps 18:2).

portion—(Ps 16:5; La 3:24).

27, 28. The lot of apostates, described by a figure of frequent use (Jer 3:1, 3; Eze 23:35), is contrasted with his, who finds happiness in nearness to God (Jas 4:8), and his delightful work the declaration of His praise.