Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ruth » Chapter 2 » Verse 16

Ruth 2:16 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

16 And let fall H7997 also some of the handfuls H6653 of purpose H7997 for her, and leave H5800 them, that she may glean H3950 them, and rebuke H1605 her not.

Cross Reference

Romans 12:13 STRONG

Distributing G2841 to the necessity G5532 of saints; G40 given G1377 to hospitality. G5381

1 John 3:17-18 STRONG

But G1161 whoso G3739 G302 hath G2192 this world's G2889 good, G979 and G2532 seeth G2334 his G846 brother G80 have G2192 need, G5532 and G2532 shutteth up G2808 his G846 bowels G4698 of compassion from G575 him, G846 how G4459 dwelleth G3306 the love G26 of God G2316 in G1722 him? G846 My G3450 little children, G5040 let us G25 not G3361 love G25 in word, G3056 neither G3366 in tongue; G1100 but G235 in deed G2041 and G2532 in truth. G225

Deuteronomy 24:19-21 STRONG

When thou cuttest down H7114 thine harvest H7105 in thy field, H7704 and hast forgot H7911 a sheaf H6016 in the field, H7704 thou shalt not go again H7725 to fetch H3947 it: it shall be for the stranger, H1616 for the fatherless, H3490 and for the widow: H490 that the LORD H3068 thy God H430 may bless H1288 thee in all the work H4639 of thine hands. H3027 When thou beatest H2251 thine olive tree, H2132 thou shalt not go over the boughs H6286 again: H310 it shall be for the stranger, H1616 for the fatherless, H3490 and for the widow. H490 When thou gatherest H1219 the grapes of thy vineyard, H3754 thou shalt not glean H5953 it afterward: H310 it shall be for the stranger, H1616 for the fatherless, H3490 and for the widow. H490

Psalms 112:9 STRONG

He hath dispersed, H6340 he hath given H5414 to the poor; H34 his righteousness H6666 endureth H5975 for ever; H5703 his horn H7161 shall be exalted H7311 with honour. H3519

Proverbs 19:17 STRONG

He that hath pity H2603 upon the poor H1800 lendeth H3867 unto the LORD; H3068 and that which he hath given H1576 will he pay him again. H7999

Matthew 25:40 STRONG

And G2532 the King G935 shall answer G611 and say G2046 unto them, G846 Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 Inasmuch G1909 as G3745 ye have done G4160 it unto one G1520 of the least G1646 of these G5130 my G3450 brethren, G80 ye have done G4160 it unto me. G1698

2 Corinthians 8:5-11 STRONG

And G2532 this they did, not G3756 as G2531 we hoped, G1679 but G235 first G4412 gave G1325 their own selves G1438 to the Lord, G2962 and G2532 unto us G2254 by G1223 the will G2307 of God. G2316 Insomuch G1519 that we G2248 desired G3870 Titus, G5103 that G2443 as G2531 he had begun, G4278 so G3779 he would G2005 also G2532 finish G2005 in G1519 you G5209 the same G5026 grace G5485 also. G2532 Therefore, G235 as G5618 ye abound G4052 in G1722 every G3956 thing, in faith, G4102 and G2532 utterance, G3056 and G2532 knowledge, G1108 and G2532 in all G3956 diligence, G4710 and G2532 in your G5216 love G26 G1537 to G1722 us, G2254 see that G2443 ye abound G4052 in G1722 this G5026 grace G5485 also. G2532 I speak G3004 not G3756 by G2596 commandment, G2003 but G235 by occasion G1223 of the forwardness G4710 of others, G2087 and G2532 to prove G1381 the sincerity G1103 of your G5212 love. G26 For G1063 ye know G1097 the grace G5485 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 that, G3754 though he was G5607 rich, G4145 yet for G1223 your G5209 sakes G1223 he became poor, G4433 that G2443 ye G5210 through his G1565 poverty G4432 might be rich. G4147 And G2532 herein G1722 G5129 I give G1325 my advice: G1106 for G1063 this G5124 is expedient G4851 for you, G5213 who G3748 have begun before, G4278 not G3756 only G3440 to do, G4160 but G235 also G2532 to be forward G2309 a year G4070 ago. G575 Now G3570 G1161 therefore G2532 perform G2005 the doing G4160 of it; that G3704 as G2509 there was a readiness G4288 to will, G2309 so G3779 there may be a performance G2005 also G2532 out of G1537 that which ye have. G2192

Philemon 1:7 STRONG

For G1063 we have G2192 great G4183 joy G5485 and G2532 consolation G3874 in G1909 thy G4675 love, G26 because G3754 the bowels G4698 of the saints G40 are refreshed G373 by G1223 thee, G4675 brother. G80

Hebrews 6:10 STRONG

For G1063 God G2316 is not G3756 unrighteous G94 to forget G1950 your G5216 work G2041 and G2532 labour G2873 of love, G26 which G3739 ye have shewed G1731 G1731 toward G1519 his G846 name, G3686 in that ye have ministered G1247 to the saints, G40 and G2532 do minister. G1247

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Ruth 2

Commentary on Ruth 2 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Ruth Gleans in the Field of Boaz - Ruth 2

Ruth went to the field to glean ears of corn, for the purpose of procuring support for herself and her mother-in-law, and came by chance to the field of Boaz, a relative of Naomi, who, when he heard that she had come with Naomi from Moabitis, spoke kindly to her, and gave her permission not only to glean ears in his field and even among the sheaves, but to appease her hunger and thirst with the food and drink of his reapers (vv. 1-16), so that in the evening she returned to her mother-in-law with a plentiful gleaning, and told her of the gracious reception she had met with from this man, and then learned from her that Boaz was a relation of her own (Ruth 2:17-23).

Verses 1-7

The account of this occurrence commences with a statement which was necessary in order to make it perfectly intelligible, namely that Boaz, to whose field Ruth went to glean, was a relative of Naomi through her deceased husband Elimelech. The Kethibh מידע is to be read מידּע , an acquaintance (cf. Psalms 31:12; Psalms 55:14). The Keri מודע is the construct state of מודע , lit . acquaintanceship, then an acquaintance or friend (Proverbs 7:4), for which מודעת occurs afterwards in Ruth 3:2 with the same meaning. That the acquaintance or friend of Naomi through her husband was also a relation, is evident from the fact that he was “of the family of Elimelech. ” According to the rabbinical tradition, which is not well established however, Boaz was a nephew of Elimelech. The ל before אישׁהּ is used instead of the simple construct state, because the reference is not to the relation, but to a relation of her husband; at the same time, the word מודע has taken the form of the construct state notwithstanding this ל (compare Ewald , §292 , a ., with § 289, b .). חיל גּבּור generally means the brave man of war (Judges 6:12; Judges 11:1, etc.); but here it signifies a man of property. The name Boaz is not formed from עז בּו , in whom is strength, but from a root, בּעז , which does not occur in Hebrew, and signifies alacrity .

Ruth 2:2-3

Ruth wished to go to the field and glean at (among) the ears, i.e., whatever ears were left lying upon the harvest field (cf. Ruth 2:7), אשׁר אחר , behind him in whose eyes she should find favour. The Mosaic law (Leviticus 19:9; Leviticus 23:22, compared with Deuteronomy 24:19) did indeed expressly secure to the poor the right to glean in the harvest fields, and prohibited the owners from gleaning themselves; but hard-hearted farmers and reapers threw obstacles in the way of the poor, and even forbade their gleaning altogether. Hence Ruth proposed to glean after him who should generously allow it. She carried out this intention with the consent of Naomi, and chance led her to the portion of the field belonging to Boaz, a relation of Elimelech, without her knowing the owner of the field, or being at all aware of his connection with Elimelech. מקרה ויּקר , lit., “ her chance chanced to hit upon the field .”

Ruth 2:4-7

When Boaz came from the town to the field, and had greeted his reapers with the blessing of a genuine Israelites, “ Jehovah be with you ,” and had received from them a corresponding greeting in return, he said to the overseer of the reapers, “ Whose damsel is this? ” to which he replied, “ It is the Moabitish damsel who came back with Naomi from the fields of Moab, and she has said (asked), Pray, I will glean (i.e., pray allow me to glean) and gather among the sheaves after the reapers, and has come and stays (here) from morning till now; her sitting in the house that is little .” מאז , lit . a conjunction, here used as a preposition, is stronger than מן , “ from then ,” from the time of the morning onwards (see Ewald , §222, c.). It is evident from this answer of the servant who was placed over the reapers, (1) that Boaz did not prohibit any poor person from gleaning in his field; (2) that Ruth asked permission of the overseer of the reapers, and availed herself of this permission with untiring zeal from the first thing in the morning, that she might get the necessary support for her mother-in-law and herself; and (3) that her history was well known to the overseer, and also to Boaz, although Boaz saw her now for the first time.

Verse 8-9

The good report which the overlooker gave of the modesty and diligence of Ruth could only strengthen Boaz in his purpose, which he had probably already formed from his affection as a relation towards Naomi, to make the acquaintance of her daughter-in-law, and speak kindly to her. With fatherly kindness, therefore, he said to her (Ruth 2:8, Ruth 2:9), “ Dost thou hear, my daughter? (i.e., 'thou hearest, dost thou not?' interrogatio blande affirmat ;) go not to reap in another field, and go not away from here, and keep so to my maidens (i.e., remaining near them in the field). Thine eyes (directed) upon the field which they reap, go behind them (i.e., behind the maidens, who probably tired up the sheaves, whilst the men-servants cut the corn). I have commanded the young men not to touch thee (to do thee no harm); and if thou art thirsty ( צמת , from צמה = צמא : see Ewald , §195, b .), go to the vessels, and drink of what the servants draw.

Verse 10

Deeply affected by this generosity, Ruth fell upon her face, bowing down to the ground (as in 1 Samuel 25:23; 2 Samuel 1:2; cf. Genesis 23:7), to thank him reverentially, and said to Boaz, “ Why have I found favour in thine eyes, that thou regardest me, who am only a stranger? ” הכּיר , to look at with sympathy or care, to receive a person kindly (cf. Ruth 2:19).

Verse 11-12

Boaz replied, “ Everything has been told me that thou hast done to ( את , prep. as in Zechariah 7:9; 2 Samuel 16:17) thy mother-in-law since the death of thy husband, that thou hast left thy father and thy mother, and thy kindred, and hast come to a people that thou knewest not heretofore ” (hast therefore done what God commanded Abraham to do, Genesis 12:1). “ The Lord recompense thy work, and let thy reward be perfect (recalling Genesis 15:1) from the Lord the God of Israel, to whom thou hast come to seek refuge under His wings! ” For this figurative expression, which is derived from Deuteronomy 32:11, compare Psalms 91:4; Psalms 36:8; Psalms 57:2. In these words of Boaz we see the genuine piety of a true Israelite.

Verse 13

Ruth replied with true humility, “ May I find favour in thine eyes; for thou hast comforted me, and spoken to the heart of thy maiden (see Judges 19:3), though I am not like one of thy maidens, ” i.e., though I stand in no such near relation to thee, as to have been able to earn thy favour. In this last clause she restricts the expression “thy maiden.” Carpzov has rightly pointed this out: “But what am I saying when I call myself thy maiden? since I am not worthy to be compared to the least of thy maidens.” The word אמצא is to be taken in an optative sense, as expressive of the wish that Boaz might continue towards her the kindness he had already expressed. To take it as a present, “I find favour” ( Clericus and Bertheau ), does not tally with the modesty and humility shown by Ruth in the following words.

Verse 14

This unassuming humility on the part of Ruth made Boaz all the more favourably disposed towards her, so that at meal-time he called her to eat along with his people ( לה without Mappik , as in Numbers 32:42; Zechariah 5:11; cf. Ewald , §94, b . 3). “ Dip thy morsel in the vinegar. Chomez , a sour beverage composed of vinegar (wine vinegar or sour wine) mixed with oil; a very refreshing drink, which is still a favourite beverage in the East (see Rosenmüller , A. and N. Morgenland, iv. p. 68, and my Bibl. Archäologie, ii. p. 16). “ And he reached her parched corn. ” The subject is Boaz, who, judging from the expression “come hither,” either joined in the meal, or at any rate was present at it. קלי are roasted grains of wheat (see at Leviticus 2:14, and my Bibl. Arch. ii. p. 14), which are still eaten by the reapers upon the harvest field, and also handed to strangers.

(Note: Thus Robinson (Pal. ii. p. 394) gives the following description of a harvest scene in the neighbourhood of Kubeibeh: “In one field nearly two hundred reapers and gleaners were at work, the latter being nearly as numerous as the former. A few were taking their refreshment, and offered us some of their 'parched corn.' In the season of harvest, the grains of wheat not yet fully dry and hard, are roasted in a pan or on an iron plate, and constitute a very palatable article of food; this is eaten along with bread, or instead of it.”)

Boaz gave her an abundant supply of it, so that she was not only satisfied, but left some, and was able to take it home to her mother (Ruth 2:18.)

Verse 15-16

When she rose up to glean again after eating, Boaz commanded his people, saying, “ She may also glean between the shaves (which was not generally allowed), and ye shall not shame her (do her any injury, Judges 18:7); and ye shall also draw out of the bundles for her, and let them lie (the ears drawn out), that she may glean them, and shall not scold her, ” sc., for picking up the ears that have been drawn out. These directions of Boaz went far beyond the bounds of generosity and compassion for the poor; and show that he felt a peculiar interest in Ruth, with whose circumstances he was well acquainted, and who had won his heart by her humility, her faithful attachment to her mother-in-law, and her love to the God of Israel, - a face important to notice in connection with the further course of the history.

Verses 17-23

Thus Ruth gleaned till the evening in the field; and when she knocked out the ears, she had about an ephah (about 20-25 lbs.) of barley.

Ruth 2:18

This she brought to her mother-in-law in the city, and “ drew out (sc., from her pocket, as the Chaldee has correctly supplied) what she had left from her sufficiency, ” i.e., of the parched corn which Boaz had reached her (Ruth 2:14).

Ruth 2:19-20

The mother inquired, “ where hast thou gleaned to-day, and where wroughtest thou? ” and praised the benefactor, who, as she conjecture from the quantity of barley collected and the food brought home, had taken notice of Ruth: “ blessed be he that did take knowledge of thee! ” When she heard the name of the man, Boaz, she saw that this relative of her husband had been chosen by God to be a benefactor of herself and Ruth, and exclaimed, “ Blessed be he of the Lord, that he has not left off (withdrawn) his favour towards the living and the dead! ” On חסדּו עזב see Genesis 24:27. This verb is construed with a double accusative here; for את cannot be a preposition, as in that case מאת would be used like מעם in Gen. l.c . “ The living, ” etc., forms a second object: as regards (with regard to) the living and the dead, in which Naomi thought of herself and Ruth, and of her husband and sons, to whom God still showed himself gracious, even after their death, through His care for their widows. In order to enlighten Ruth still further upon the matter, she added, “ The man (Boaz) is our relative, and one of our redeemers. ” He “ stands near to us, ” sc., by relationship. גּאלנוּ , a defective form for גּאלינוּ , which is found in several MSS and editions. On the significance of the goël , or redeemer, see at Leviticus 25:26, Leviticus 25:48-49, and the introduction to Ruth 3.

Ruth 2:21

Ruth proceeded to inform her of his kindness: כּי גּם , “ also (know) that he said to me, Keep with my people, till the harvest is all ended. ” The masculine הנּערים , for which we should rather expect the feminine נערות in accordance with Ruth 2:8, Ruth 2:22, Ruth 2:23, is quite in place as the more comprehensive gender, as a designation of the reapers generally, both male and female; and the expression לי אשׁר in this connection in the sense of my is more exact than the possessive pronoun: the people who belong to my house, as distinguished from the people of other masters.

Ruth 2:22

Naomi declared herself fully satisfied with this, because Ruth would be thereby secured from insults, which she might receive when gleaning in strange fields. “ That they meet thee not, lit . “that they do not fall upon thee.” בּ פּגע signifies to fall upon a person, to smite and ill-treat him.

Ruth 2:23

After this Ruth kept with the maidens of Boaz during the whole of the barley and wheat harvests gleaning ears of corn, and lived with her mother-in-law, sc., when she returned in the evening from the field. In this last remark there is a tacit allusion to the fact that a change took place for Ruth when the harvest was over.