Song of Solomon 8:11 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

11 Solomon H8010 had a vineyard H3754 at Baalhamon; H1174 he let out H5414 the vineyard H3754 unto keepers; H5201 every one H376 for the fruit H6529 thereof was to bring H935 a thousand H505 pieces of silver. H3701

Cross Reference

Ecclesiastes 2:4 STRONG

I made me great H1431 works; H4639 I builded H1129 me houses; H1004 I planted H5193 me vineyards: H3754

Isaiah 7:23 STRONG

And it shall come to pass in that day, H3117 that every place H4725 shall be, where there were a thousand H505 vines H1612 at a thousand H505 silverlings, H3701 it shall even be for briers H8068 and thorns. H7898

Genesis 20:16 STRONG

And unto Sarah H8283 he said, H559 Behold, I have given H5414 thy brother H251 a thousand H505 pieces of silver: H3701 behold, he is to thee a covering H3682 of the eyes, H5869 unto all that are with thee, and with all other: thus she was reproved. H3198

Song of Solomon 1:6 STRONG

Look H7200 not upon me, because I am black, H7840 because the sun H8121 hath looked H7805 upon me: my mother's H517 children H1121 were angry H2787 with me; they made H7760 me the keeper H5201 of the vineyards; H3754 but mine own vineyard H3754 have I not kept. H5201

Song of Solomon 7:12 STRONG

Let us get up early H7925 to the vineyards; H3754 let us see H7200 if the vine H1612 flourish, H6524 whether the tender grape H5563 appear, H6605 and the pomegranates H7416 bud forth: H5132 there will I give H5414 thee my loves. H1730

Isaiah 5:1-7 STRONG

Now will I sing H7891 to my wellbeloved H3039 a song H7892 of my beloved H1730 touching his vineyard. H3754 My wellbeloved H3039 hath a vineyard H3754 in a very fruitful H1121 H8081 hill: H7161 And he fenced H5823 it, and gathered out the stones H5619 thereof, and planted H5193 it with the choicest vine, H8321 and built H1129 a tower H4026 in the midst H8432 of it, and also made H2672 a winepress H3342 therein: and he looked H6960 that it should bring forth H6213 grapes, H6025 and it brought forth H6213 wild grapes. H891 And now, O inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem, H3389 and men H376 of Judah, H3063 judge, H8199 I pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard. H3754 What could have been done H6213 more to my vineyard, H3754 that I have not done H6213 in it? wherefore, H4069 when I looked H6960 that it should bring forth H6213 grapes, H6025 brought it forth H6213 wild grapes? H891 And now go to; I will tell H3045 you what I will do H6213 to my vineyard: H3754 I will take away H5493 the hedge H4881 thereof, and it shall be eaten up; H1197 and break down H6555 the wall H1447 thereof, and it shall be trodden down: H4823 And I will lay H7896 it waste: H1326 it shall not be pruned, H2168 nor digged; H5737 but there shall come up H5927 briers H8068 and thorns: H7898 I will also command H6680 the clouds H5645 that they rain H4305 no rain H4306 upon it. For the vineyard H3754 of the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 is the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 and the men H376 of Judah H3063 his pleasant H8191 plant: H5194 and he looked H6960 for judgment, H4941 but behold oppression; H4939 for righteousness, H6666 but behold a cry. H6818

Matthew 21:33-43 STRONG

Hear G191 another G243 parable: G3850 There was G2258 a certain G444 G5100 householder, G3617 which G3748 planted G5452 a vineyard, G290 and G2532 hedged G5418 it G846 round about, G4060 and G2532 digged G3736 a winepress G3025 in G1722 it, G846 and G2532 built G3618 a tower, G4444 and G2532 let G1554 it G846 out G1554 to husbandmen, G1092 and G2532 went into a far country: G589 And G1161 when G3753 the time G2540 of the fruit G2590 drew near, G1448 he sent G649 his G846 servants G1401 to G4314 the husbandmen, G1092 that they might receive G2983 the fruits G2590 of it. G846 And G2532 the husbandmen G1092 took G2983 his G846 servants, G1401 and beat G1194 one, G3739 G3303 and G1161 killed G615 another, G3739 and G1161 stoned G3036 another. G3739 Again, G3825 he sent G649 other G243 servants G1401 more G4119 than the first: G4413 and G2532 they did G4160 unto them G846 likewise. G5615 But G1161 last of all G5305 he sent G649 unto G4314 them G846 his G846 son, G5207 saying, G3004 They will reverence G1788 my G3450 son. G5207 But G1161 when the husbandmen G1092 saw G1492 the son, G5207 they said G2036 among G1722 themselves, G1438 This G3778 is G2076 the heir; G2818 come, G1205 let us kill G615 him, G846 and G2532 let us seize G2722 on his G846 inheritance. G2817 And G2532 they caught G2983 him, G846 and cast G1544 him out of G1854 the vineyard, G290 and G2532 slew G615 him. When G3752 the lord G2962 therefore G3767 of the vineyard G290 cometh, G2064 what G5101 will he do G4160 unto those G1565 husbandmen? G1092 They say G3004 unto him, G846 He will miserably G2560 destroy G622 those G846 wicked men, G2556 and G2532 will let out G1554 his vineyard G290 unto other G243 husbandmen, G1092 which G3748 shall render G591 him G846 the fruits G2590 in G1722 their G846 seasons. G2540 Jesus G2424 saith G3004 unto them, G846 Did ye G314 never G3763 read G314 in G1722 the scriptures, G1124 The stone G3037 which G3739 the builders G3618 rejected, G593 the same G3778 is become G1096 G1519 the head G2776 of the corner: G1137 this G3778 is G3844 the Lord's G2962 doing, G1096 and G2532 it is G2076 marvellous G2298 in G1722 our G2257 eyes? G3788 Therefore G1223 G5124 say I G3004 unto you, G5213 G3754 The kingdom G932 of God G2316 shall be taken G142 from G575 you, G5216 and G2532 given G1325 to a nation G1484 bringing forth G4160 the fruits G2590 thereof. G846

Mark 12:1 STRONG

And G2532 he began G756 to speak G3004 unto them G846 by G1722 parables. G3850 A certain man G444 planted G5452 a vineyard, G290 and G2532 set G4060 an hedge about G5418 it, and G2532 digged G3736 a place for the winefat, G5276 and G2532 built G3618 a tower, G4444 and G2532 let G1554 it G846 out G1554 to husbandmen, G1092 and G2532 went into a far country. G589

Luke 20:9-18 STRONG

Then G1161 began he G756 to speak G3004 to G4314 the people G2992 this G5026 parable; G3850 A certain G5100 man G444 planted G5452 a vineyard, G290 and G2532 let G1554 it G846 forth G1554 to husbandmen, G1092 and G2532 went into a far country G589 for a long G2425 time. G5550 And G2532 at G1722 the season G2540 he sent G649 a servant G1401 to G4314 the husbandmen, G1092 that G2443 they should give G1325 him G846 of G575 the fruit G2590 of the vineyard: G290 but G1161 the husbandmen G1092 beat G1194 him, G846 and sent him away G1821 empty. G2756 And G2532 again G4369 he sent G3992 another G2087 servant: G1401 and G1161 they beat G1194 him also, G2548 and G2532 entreated him shamefully, G818 and sent him away G1821 empty. G2756 And G2532 again G4369 he sent G3992 a third: G5154 and G1161 they wounded G5135 him G5126 also, G2532 and cast him out. G1544 Then G1161 said G2036 the lord G2962 of the vineyard, G290 What G5101 shall I do? G4160 I will send G3992 my G3450 beloved G27 son: G5207 it may be G2481 they will reverence G1788 him when they see G1492 him. G5126 But G1161 when the husbandmen G1092 saw G1492 him, G846 they reasoned G1260 among G4314 themselves, G1438 saying, G3004 This G3778 is G2076 the heir: G2818 come, G1205 let us kill G615 him, G846 that G2443 the inheritance G2817 may be G1096 ours. G2257 So G2532 they cast G1544 him G846 out of G1854 the vineyard, G290 and killed G615 him. What G5101 therefore G3767 shall G4160 the lord G2962 of the vineyard G290 do G4160 unto them? G846 He shall come G2064 and G2532 destroy G622 these G5128 husbandmen, G1092 and G2532 shall give G1325 the vineyard G290 to others. G243 And G1161 when they heard G191 it, they said, G2036 God forbid. G3361 G1096 And G1161 he beheld G1689 them, G846 and said, G2036 What G5101 is G2076 this G5124 then G3767 that is written, G1125 The stone G3037 which G3739 the builders G3618 rejected, G593 the same G3778 is become G1096 the head G2776 of G1519 the corner? G1137 Whosoever G3956 shall fall G4098 upon G1909 that G1565 stone G3037 shall be broken; G4917 but G1161 on G1909 whomsoever G3739 G302 it shall fall, G4098 it will grind G3039 him G846 to powder. G3039

Commentary on Song Of Solomon 8 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


So 8:1-14.

1. He had been a brother already. Why, then, this prayer here? It refers to the time after His resurrection, when the previous outward intimacy with Him was no longer allowed, but it was implied it should be renewed at the second coming (Joh 20:17). For this the Church here prays; meanwhile she enjoys inward spiritual communion with Him. The last who ever "kissed" Jesus Christ on earth was the traitor Judas. The bride's return with the King to her mother's house answers to Ac 8:25, after the mission to Samaria. The rest spoken of (So 8:4) answers to Ac 9:31.

that sucked … mother—a brother born of the same mother; the closest tie.

2. Her desire to bring Him into her home circle (Joh 1:41).

who would instruct me—rather, "thou wouldest instruct me," namely, how I might best please thee (Isa 11:2, 3; 50:4; Lu 12:12; Joh 14:26; 16:13).

spiced wine—seasoned with aromatic perfumes. Jesus Christ ought to have our choicest gifts. Spices are never introduced in the song in His absence; therefore the time of His return from "the mountain of spices" (So 8:14) is contemplated. The cup of betrothal was given by Him at the last supper; the cup or marriage shall be presented by her at His return (Mt 26:29). Till then the believer often cannot feel towards, or speak of, Him as he would wish.

3, 4. The "left and right hand," &c., occurred only once actually (So 2:6), and here optatively. Only at His first manifestation did the Church palpably embrace Him; at His second coming there shall be again sensible communion with Him. The rest in So 8:4, which is a spiritual realization of the wish in So 8:3 (1Pe 1:8), and the charge not to disturb it, close the first, second, and fourth canticles; not the third, as the bridegroom there takes charge Himself; nor the fifth, as, if repose formed its close, we might mistake the present state for our rest. The broken, longing close, like that of the whole Bible (Re 22:20), reminds us we are to be waiting for a Saviour to come. On "daughters of Jerusalem," see on So 7:10.

Canticle V.—(So 8:5-14)—From The Call of the Gentiles to the Close of Revelation.

5. Who is this—Words of the daughters of Jerusalem, that is, the churches of Judea; referring to Paul, on his return from Arabia ("the wilderness"), whither he had gone after conversion (Ga 1:15-24).

I raised thee … she … bare thee—(Ac 26:14-16). The first words of Jesus Christ to the bride since her going to the garden of nuts (So 6:9, 10); so His appearance to Paul is the only one since His ascension, So 8:13 is not an address of Him as visible: her reply implies He is not visible (1Co 15:8). Spiritually, she was found in the moral wilderness (Eze 16:5; Ho 13:5); but now she is "coming up from" it (Jer 2:2; Ho 2:14), especially in the last stage of her journey, her conscious weakness casting itself the more wholly on Jesus Christ (2Co 12:9). "Raised" (Eph 2:1-7). Found ruined under the forbidden tree (Ge 3:22-24); restored under the shadow of Jesus Christ crucified, "the green tree" (Lu 23:31), fruit-"bearing" by the cross (Isa 53:11; Joh 12:24). "Born again by the Holy Ghost" "there" (Eze 16:3-6). In this verse, her dependence, in the similar verse, So 3:6, &c., His omnipotence to support her, are brought out (De 33:26).

6. Implying approaching absence of the Bridegroom.

seal—having her name and likeness engraven on it. His Holy Priesthood also in heaven (Ex 28:6-12, 15-30; Heb 4:14); "his heart" there answering to "thine heart" here, and "two shoulders" to "arm." (Compare Jer 22:24, with Hag 2:23). But the Holy Ghost (Eph 1:13, 14). As in So 8:5, she was "leaning" on Him, that is, her arm on His arm, her head on His bosom; so she prays now that before they part, her impression may be engraven both on His heart and His arm, answering to His love and His power (Ps 77:15; see Ge 38:18; Isa 62:3).

love is strong as death—(Ac 21:13; Ro 8:35-39; Re 12:11). This their love unto death flows from His (Joh 10:15; 15:13).

jealousy … the grave—Zealous love, jealous of all that would come between the soul and Jesus Christ (1Ki 19:10; Ps 106:30, 31; Lu 9:60; 14:26; 1Co 16:22).

cruel—rather, "unyielding" hard, as the grave will not let go those whom it once holds (Joh 10:28).

a most vehement flame—literally, "the fire-flame of Jehovah" (Ps 80:16; Isa 6:6). Nowhere else is God's name found in the Song. The zeal that burnt in Jesus Christ (Ps 69:9; Lu 12:49, 50) kindled in His followers (Ac 2:3; Ro 15:30; Php 2:17).

7. waters—in contrast with the "coals of fire" (So 8:6; 1Ki 18:33-38). Persecutions (Ac 8:1) cannot quench love (Heb 10:34; Re 12:15, 16). Our many provocations have not quenched His love (Ro 8:33-39).

if … give all the substance … contemned—Nothing short of Jesus Christ Himself, not even heaven without Him, can satisfy the saint (Php 3:8). Satan offers the world, as to Jesus Christ (Mt 4:8), so to the saint, in vain (1Jo 2:15-17; 5:4). Nothing but our love in turn can satisfy Him (1Co 13:1-3).

8. The Gentile Church (Eze 16:48). "We," that is, the Hebrew Church, which heretofore admitted Gentiles to communion, only by becoming Judaic proselytes. Now first idolatrous Gentiles are admitted directly (Ac 11:17-26). Generally, the saint's anxiety for other souls (Mr 5:19; Joh 4:28, 29).

no breasts—neither faith nor love as yet (see on So 4:5), which "come by hearing" of Him who first loved us. Not yet fit to be His bride, and mother of a spiritual offspring.

what shall we do—the chief question in the early Church at the first council (Ac 15:23-29). How shall "the elder brother" treat the "younger," already received by the Father (Lu 15:25-32)? Generally (2Sa 15:15; Joh 9:4; Ac 9:6; Ga 6:10).

In the day … spoken for—that is, when she shall be sought in marriage (Jud 14:7), namely, by Jesus Christ, the heavenly bridegroom.

9. wall … door—the very terms employed as to the Gentile question (Ac 14:27; Eph 2:14). If she be a wall in Zion, founded on Jesus Christ (1Co 3:11), we will not "withstand God" (Ac 11:17; 15:8-11). But if so, we must not "build" (Ac 15:14-17) on her "wood, hay, stubble" (1Co 3:12), that is, Jewish rites, &c., but "a palace of silver," that is, all the highest privileges of church communion (Ga 2:11-18; Eph 2:11-22). Image from the splendid turrets "built" on the "walls" of Jerusalem, and flanking the "door," or gateway. The Gentile Church is the "door," the type of catholic accessibleness (1Co 16:9); but it must be not a mere thoroughfare but furnished with a wooden framework, so as not merely to admit, but also to safely enclose: cedar is fragrant, beautiful, and enduring.

10. The Gentile Church's joy at its free admission to gospel privileges (Ac 15:30, 31). She is one wall in the spiritual temple of the Holy Ghost, the Hebrew Church is the other; Jesus Christ, the common foundation, joins them (Eph 2:11-22).

breasts … towers—alluding to the silver palace, which the bridal virgins proposed to build on her (So 8:9). "Breasts" of consolation (Isa 66:11); faith and love (1Th 5:8); opposed to her previous state, "no breasts" (So 8:8; 2Th 1:3). Thus Eze 16:46, 61 was fulfilled, both Samaria and the Gentiles being joined to the Jewish gospel Church.

favour—rather, "peace." The Gentile Church too is become the Shulamite (So 6:13), or peace-enjoying bride of Solomon, that is, Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace (Ro 5:1; Eph 2:14). Reject not those whom God accepts (Nu 11:28; Lu 9:49; Ac 15:8, 9). Rather, superadd to such every aid and privilege (So 8:9).

11. The joint Church speaks of Jesus Christ's vineyard. Transference of it from the Jews, who rendered not the fruits, as is implied by the silence respecting any, to the Gentiles (Mt 21:33-43).

Baal-hamon—equivalent to the owner of a multitude; so Israel in Solomon's day (1Ki 4:20); so Isa 5:1, "a very fruitful hill" abounding in privileges, as in numbers.

thousand pieces—namely, silverlings, or shekels. The vineyard had a thousand vines probably; a vine at a silverling (Isa 7:23), referring to this passage.

12. "mine" by grant of the true Solomon. Not merely "let out to keepers," as in the Jewish dispensation of works, but "mine" by grace. This is "before me," that is, in my power [Maurer]. But though no longer under constraint of "keeping" the law as a mere letter and covenant of works, love to Jesus Christ will constrain her the more freely to render all to Solomon (Ro 8:2-4; 1Co 6:20; Ga 5:13; 1Pe 2:16), after having paid what justice and His will require should be paid to others (1Co 7:29-31; 9:14). "Before me" may also mean "I will never lose sight of it" (contrast So 1:6) [Moody Stuart]. She will not keep it for herself, though so freely given to her, but for His use and glory (Lu 19:13; Ro 6:15; 14:7-9; 1Co 12:7). Or the "two hundred" may mean a double tithe (two-tenths of the whole paid back by Jesus Christ) as the reward of grace for our surrender of all (the thousand) to Him (Ga 6:7; Heb 6:10); then she and "those that keep" are the same [Adelaide Newton]. But Jesus Christ pays back not merely two tithes, but His all for our all (1Co 3:21-23).

13. Jesus Christ's address to her; now no longer visibly present. Once she "had not kept" her vineyard (So 1:6); now she "dwells" in it, not as its owner, but its superintendent under Jesus Christ, with vinedressers ("companions"), for example, Paul, &c. (Ac 15:25, 26), under her (So 8:11, 12); these ought to obey her when she obeys Jesus Christ. Her voice in prayer and praise is to be heard continually by Jesus Christ, if her voice before men is to be effective (So 2:14, end; Ac 6:4; 13:2, 3).

14. (See on So 2:17). As she began with longing for His first coming (So 1:2), so she ends with praying for His second coming (Ps 130:6; Php 3:20, 21; Re 22:20). Moody Stuart makes the roe upon spices to be the musk deer. As there are four gardens, so four mountains, which form not mere images, as Gilead, Carmel, &c., but part of the structure of the Song: (1) Bether, or division (So 2:17), God's justice dividing us from God. (2) Those "of leopards" (So 4:8), sin, the world, and Satan. (3) That "of myrrh and aloes" (So 4:6, 14), the sepulchre of Calvary. (4) Those "of spices," here answering to "the hill of frankincense" (So 4:6), where His soul was for the three days of His death, and heaven, where He is a High Priest now, offering incense for us on the fragrant mountain of His own finished work (Heb 4:14, 7:25; Re 8:3, 4); thus He surmounts the other three mountains, God's justice, our sin, death. The mountain of spices is as much greater than our sins, as heaven is higher than earth (Ps 103:11). The abrupt, unsatisfied close with the yearning prayer for His visible coming shows that the marriage is future, and that to wait eagerly for it is our true attitude (1Co 1:7; 1Th 1:10; Tit 2:13; 2Pe 3:12).