Worthy.Bible » YLT » Psalms » Chapter 150 » Verse 1

Psalms 150:1 Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

1 Praise ye Jah! Praise ye God in His holy place, Praise Him in the expanse of His strength.

Cross Reference

Psalms 134:2 YLT

Lift up your hands `in' the sanctuary, And bless ye Jehovah.

Psalms 29:9 YLT

The voice of Jehovah paineth the oaks, And maketh bare the forests, And in His temple every one saith, `Glory.'

Psalms 102:19 YLT

For He hath looked From the high place of His sanctuary. Jehovah from heaven unto earth looked attentively,

Psalms 149:1 YLT

Praise ye Jah! Sing ye to Jehovah a new song, His praise in an assembly of saints.

Daniel 12:3 YLT

And those teaching do shine as the brightness of the expanse, and those justifying the multitude as stars to the age and for ever.

Psalms 19:1 YLT

To the Overseer. -- A Psalm of David. The heavens `are' recounting the honour of God, And the work of His hands The expanse `is' declaring.

Psalms 66:13-16 YLT

I enter Thy house with burnt-offerings, I complete to Thee my vows, For opened were my lips, And my mouth spake in my distress: `Burnt-offerings of fatlings I offer to Thee, With perfume of rams, I prepare a bullock with he-goats.' Selah. Come, hear, all ye who fear God, And I recount what he did for my soul.

Psalms 116:18-19 YLT

My vows to Jehovah let me complete, I pray you, before all His people, In the courts of the house of Jehovah, In thy midst, O Jerusalem, praise ye Jah!

Psalms 118:19-20 YLT

Open ye to me gates of righteousness, I enter into them -- I thank Jah. This `is' the gate to Jehovah, The righteous enter into it.

Ezekiel 1:22-26 YLT

And a likeness `is' over the heads of the living creatures of an expanse, as the colour of the fearful ice, stretched out over their heads from above. And under the expanse their wings `are' straight, one toward the other, to each are two covering on this side, and to each are two covering on that side -- their bodies. And I hear the noise of their wings, as the noise of many waters, as the noise of the Mighty One, in their going -- the noise of tumult, as the noise of a camp, in their standing they let fall their wings. And there is a voice from above the expanse, that `is' above their head: in their standing they let fall their wings. And above the expanse that `is' over their head, as an appearance of a sapphire stone, `is' the likeness of a throne, and on the likeness of the throne a likeness, as the appearance of man upon it from above.

Ezekiel 10:1 YLT

And I look, and lo, on the expanse that `is' above the head of the cherubs, as a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne, He hath been seen over them.

Genesis 1:6-8 YLT

And God saith, `Let an expanse be in the midst of the waters, and let it be separating between waters and waters.' And God maketh the expanse, and it separateth between the waters which `are' under the expanse, and the waters which `are' above the expanse: and it is so. And God calleth to the expanse `Heavens;' and there is an evening, and there is a morning -- day second.

Commentary on Psalms 150 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 150:1-6. This is a suitable doxology for the whole book, reciting the "place, theme, mode, and extent of God's high praise."

1. in his sanctuary—on earth.

firmament of his power—which illustrates His power.

2. mighty acts—(Ps 145:4).

excellent greatness—or, abundance of greatness.

3, 4. trumpet—used to call religious assemblies;

4. organs—or pipe, a wind instrument, and the others were used in worship.

5. cymbals—suited to loud praise (Ne 12:27).

6. Living voices shall take up the failing sounds of dead instruments, and as they cease on earth, those of intelligent ransomed spirits and holy angels, as with the sound of mighty thunders, will prolong eternally the praise, saying: "Alleluia! Salvation, and Glory, and Honor, and Power, unto the Lord our God;" "Alleluia! for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth." Amen!