Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 27 » Verse 5

Jeremiah 27:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 I have made H6213 the earth, H776 the man H120 and the beast H929 that are upon H6440 the ground, H776 by my great H1419 power H3581 and by my outstretched H5186 arm, H2220 and have given H5414 it unto whom it seemed H5869 meet H3474 unto me.

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 32:17 STRONG

Ah H162 Lord H136 GOD! H3069 behold, thou hast made H6213 the heaven H8064 and the earth H776 by thy great H1419 power H3581 and stretched out H5186 arm, H2220 and there is nothing H1697 too hard H6381 for thee:

Isaiah 45:12 STRONG

I have made H6213 the earth, H776 and created H1254 man H120 upon it: I, even my hands, H3027 have stretched out H5186 the heavens, H8064 and all their host H6635 have I commanded. H6680

Isaiah 42:5 STRONG

Thus saith H559 God H410 the LORD, H3068 he that created H1254 the heavens, H8064 and stretched them out; H5186 he that spread forth H7554 the earth, H776 and that which cometh out H6631 of it; he that giveth H5414 breath H5397 unto the people H5971 upon it, and spirit H7307 to them that walk H1980 therein:

Psalms 146:5-6 STRONG

Happy H835 is he that hath the God H410 of Jacob H3290 for his help, H5828 whose hope H7664 is in the LORD H3068 his God: H430 Which made H6213 heaven, H8064 and earth, H776 the sea, H3220 and all that therein is: which keepeth H8104 truth H571 for ever: H5769

Psalms 115:15-16 STRONG

Ye are blessed H1288 of the LORD H3068 which made H6213 heaven H8064 and earth. H776 The heaven, H8064 even the heavens, H8064 are the LORD'S: H3068 but the earth H776 hath he given H5414 to the children H1121 of men. H120

Jeremiah 51:15 STRONG

He hath made H6213 the earth H776 by his power, H3581 he hath established H3559 the world H8398 by his wisdom, H2451 and hath stretched out H5186 the heaven H8064 by his understanding. H8394

Isaiah 40:21-26 STRONG

Have ye not known? H3045 have ye not heard? H8085 hath it not been told H5046 you from the beginning? H7218 have ye not understood H995 from the foundations H4146 of the earth? H776 It is he that sitteth H3427 upon the circle H2329 of the earth, H776 and the inhabitants H3427 thereof are as grasshoppers; H2284 that stretcheth out H5186 the heavens H8064 as a curtain, H1852 and spreadeth them out H4969 as a tent H168 to dwell in: H3427 That bringeth H5414 the princes H7336 to nothing; he maketh H6213 the judges H8199 of the earth H776 as vanity. H8414 Yea, they shall not be planted; H5193 yea, they shall not be sown: H2232 yea, their stock H1503 shall not take root H8327 in the earth: H776 and he shall also blow H5398 upon them, and they shall wither, H3001 and the whirlwind H5591 shall take H5375 them away as stubble. H7179 To whom then will ye liken H1819 me, or shall I be equal? H7737 saith H559 the Holy One. H6918 Lift up H5375 your eyes H5869 on high, H4791 and behold H7200 who hath created H1254 these things, that bringeth out H3318 their host H6635 by number: H4557 he calleth H7121 them all by names H8034 by the greatness H7230 of his might, H202 for that he is strong H533 in power; H3581 not one H376 faileth. H5737

Jeremiah 10:11-12 STRONG

Thus H1836 shall ye say H560 unto them, The gods H426 that have not H3809 made H5648 the heavens H8065 and the earth, H778 even they shall perish H7 from the earth, H772 and from under H8460 these H429 heavens. H8065 He hath made H6213 the earth H776 by his power, H3581 he hath established H3559 the world H8398 by his wisdom, H2451 and hath stretched out H5186 the heavens H8064 by his discretion. H8394

Daniel 4:17 STRONG

This matter H6600 is by the decree H1510 of the watchers, H5894 and the demand H7595 by the word H3983 of the holy ones: H6922 to H5705 the intent H1701 that the living H2417 may know H3046 that the most High H5943 ruleth H7990 in the kingdom H4437 of men, H606 and giveth H5415 it to whomsoever H4479 he will, H6634 and setteth up H6966 over H5922 it the basest H8215 of men. H606

Colossians 1:16 STRONG

For G3754 by G1722 him G846 were G2936 all things G3956 created, G2936 that are in G1722 heaven, G3772 and G2532 that are in G1909 earth, G1093 visible G3707 and G2532 invisible, G517 whether G1535 they be thrones, G2362 or G1535 dominions, G2963 or G1535 principalities, G746 or G1535 powers: G1849 all things G3956 were created G2936 by G1223 him, G846 and G2532 for G1519 him: G846

Hebrews 1:10-11 STRONG

And, G2532 Thou, G4771 Lord, G2962 in G2596 the beginning G746 hast laid the foundation G2311 of the earth; G1093 and G2532 the heavens G3772 are G1526 the works G2041 of thine G4675 hands: G5495 They G846 shall perish; G622 but G1161 thou G4771 remainest; G1265 and G2532 they all G3956 shall wax old G3822 as G5613 doth a garment; G2440

Revelation 4:11 STRONG

Thou art G1488 worthy, G514 O Lord, G2962 to receive G2983 glory G1391 and G2532 honour G5092 and G2532 power: G1411 for G3754 thou G4771 hast created G2936 all things, G3956 and G2532 for G1223 thy G4675 pleasure G2307 they are G1526 and G2532 were created. G2936

Psalms 136:5-9 STRONG

To him that by wisdom H8394 made H6213 the heavens: H8064 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever. H5769 To him that stretched out H7554 the earth H776 above the waters: H4325 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever. H5769 To him that made H6213 great H1419 lights: H216 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever: H5769 The sun H8121 to rule H4475 by day: H3117 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever: H5769 The moon H3394 and stars H3556 to rule H4475 by night: H3915 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever. H5769

Hebrews 1:2 STRONG

Hath G2980 in G1909 these G5130 last G2078 days G2250 spoken G2980 unto us G2254 by G1722 his Son, G5207 whom G3739 he hath appointed G5087 heir G2818 of all things, G3956 by G1223 whom G3739 also G2532 he made G4160 the worlds; G165

Acts 17:24 STRONG

God G2316 that made G4160 the world G2889 and G2532 all things G3956 therein, G1722 G846 seeing that he G3778 is G5225 Lord G2962 of heaven G3772 and G2532 earth, G1093 dwelleth G2730 not G3756 in G1722 temples G3485 made with hands; G5499

Acts 14:15 STRONG

And G2532 saying, G3004 Sirs, G435 why G5101 do ye G4160 these things? G5130 We G2249 also G2532 are G2070 men G444 of like passions G3663 with you, G5213 and preach G2097 unto you G5209 that ye should turn G1994 from G575 these G5023 vanities G3152 unto G1909 the living G2198 God, G2316 which G3739 made G4160 heaven, G3772 and G2532 earth, G1093 and G2532 the sea, G2281 and G2532 all things G3956 that are therein: G1722 G846

John 1:1-3 STRONG

In G1722 the beginning G746 was G2258 the Word, G3056 and G2532 the Word G3056 was G2258 with G4314 God, G2316 and G2532 the Word G3056 was G2258 God. G2316 The same G3778 was G2258 in G1722 the beginning G746 with G4314 God. G2316 All things G3956 were made G1096 by G1223 him; G846 and G2532 without G5565 him G846 was G1096 not G3761 any thing G1520 made G1096 that G3739 was made. G1096

Isaiah 51:13 STRONG

And forgettest H7911 the LORD H3068 thy maker, H6213 that hath stretched forth H5186 the heavens, H8064 and laid the foundations H3245 of the earth; H776 and hast feared H6342 continually H8548 every day H3117 because H6440 of the fury H2534 of the oppressor, H6693 as if H834 he were ready H3559 to destroy? H7843 and where is the fury H2534 of the oppressor? H6693

Isaiah 48:13 STRONG

Mine hand H3027 also hath laid the foundation H3245 of the earth, H776 and my right hand H3225 hath spanned H2946 the heavens: H8064 when I call H7121 unto them, they stand up H5975 together. H3162

Isaiah 44:24 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 thy redeemer, H1350 and he that formed H3335 thee from the womb, H990 I am the LORD H3068 that maketh H6213 all things; that stretcheth forth H5186 the heavens H8064 alone; that spreadeth abroad H7554 the earth H776 by myself;

Psalms 148:2-5 STRONG

Praise H1984 ye him, all his angels: H4397 praise H1984 ye him, all his hosts. H6635 Praise H1984 ye him, sun H8121 and moon: H3394 praise H1984 him, all ye stars H3556 of light. H216 Praise H1984 him, ye heavens H8064 of heavens, H8064 and ye waters H4325 that be above the heavens. H8064 Let them praise H1984 the name H8034 of the LORD: H3068 for he commanded, H6680 and they were created. H1254

Deuteronomy 4:35 STRONG

Unto thee it was shewed, H7200 that thou mightest know H3045 that the LORD H3068 he is God; H430 there is none else H5750 beside him. H905

Genesis 9:2-3 STRONG

And the fear of you H4172 and the dread of you H2844 shall be upon every beast H2416 of the earth, H776 and upon every fowl H5775 of the air, H8064 upon all that moveth H7430 upon the earth, H127 and upon all the fishes H1709 of the sea; H3220 into your hand H3027 are they delivered. H5414 Every moving thing H7431 that liveth H2416 shall be meat H402 for you; even as the green H3418 herb H6212 have I given H5414 you all things.

Genesis 9:6 STRONG

Whoso sheddeth H8210 man's H120 blood, H1818 by man H120 shall his blood H1818 be shed: H8210 for in the image H6754 of God H430 made H6213 he man. H120

Exodus 20:11 STRONG

For in six H8337 days H3117 the LORD H3068 made H6213 heaven H8064 and earth, H776 the sea, H3220 and all that in them is, and rested H5117 the seventh H7637 day: H3117 wherefore the LORD H3068 blessed H1288 the sabbath H7676 day, H3117 and hallowed H6942 it.

Deuteronomy 2:7 STRONG

For the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath blessed H1288 thee in all the works H4639 of thy hand: H3027 he knoweth H3045 thy walking H3212 through this great H1419 wilderness: H4057 these forty H705 years H8141 the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath been with thee; thou hast lacked H2637 nothing. H1697

Deuteronomy 2:9 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto me, Distress H6696 not the Moabites, H4124 neither contend H1624 with them in battle: H4421 for I will not give H5414 thee of their land H776 for a possession; H3425 because I have given H5414 Ar H6144 unto the children H1121 of Lot H3876 for a possession. H3425

Deuteronomy 2:19 STRONG

And when thou comest nigh H7126 over against H4136 the children H1121 of Ammon, H5983 distress H6696 them not, nor meddle H1624 with them: for I will not give H5414 thee of the land H776 of the children H1121 of Ammon H5983 any possession; H3425 because I have given H5414 it unto the children H1121 of Lot H3876 for a possession. H3425

Deuteronomy 2:21 STRONG

A people H5971 great, H1419 and many, H7227 and tall, H7311 as the Anakims; H6062 but the LORD H3068 destroyed H8045 them before H6440 them; and they succeeded H3423 them, and dwelt H3427 in their stead:

Deuteronomy 4:17 STRONG

The likeness H8403 of any beast H929 that is on the earth, H776 the likeness H8403 of any winged H3671 fowl H6833 that flieth H5774 in the air, H8064

Deuteronomy 4:25 STRONG

When thou shalt beget H3205 children, H1121 and children's H1121 children, H1121 and ye shall have remained long H3462 in the land, H776 and shall corrupt H7843 yourselves, and make H6213 a graven image, H6459 or the likeness H8544 of any thing, and shall do H6213 evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 to provoke him to anger: H3707

Deuteronomy 4:32 STRONG

For ask H7592 now of the days H3117 that are past, H7223 which were H1961 before H6440 thee, since the day H3117 that God H430 created H1254 man H120 upon the earth, H776 and ask from the one side H7097 of heaven H8064 unto the other, whether there hath been any such thing as this great H1419 thing H1697 is, or hath been heard H8085 like it?

Genesis 1:29-30 STRONG

And God H430 said, H559 Behold, H2009 I have given H5414 you every herb H6212 bearing H2232 seed, H2233 which is upon the face H6440 of all the earth, H776 and every tree, H6086 in the which is the fruit H6529 of a tree H6086 yielding H2232 seed; H2233 to you it shall be H1961 for meat. H402 And to every beast H2416 of the earth, H776 and to every fowl H5775 of the air, H8064 and to every thing that creepeth H7430 upon the earth, H776 wherein there is life, H2416 H5315 I have given every green H3418 herb H6212 for meat: H402 and it was so.

Deuteronomy 5:16 STRONG

Honour H3513 thy father H1 and thy mother, H517 as the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath commanded H6680 thee; that thy days H3117 may be prolonged, H748 and that it may go well H3190 with thee, in the land H127 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 giveth H5414 thee.

Deuteronomy 9:29 STRONG

Yet they are thy people H5971 and thine inheritance, H5159 which thou broughtest out H3318 by thy mighty H1419 power H3581 and by thy stretched out H5186 arm. H2220

Deuteronomy 32:8 STRONG

When the most High H5945 divided H5157 to the nations H1471 their inheritance, H5157 when he separated H6504 the sons H1121 of Adam, H120 he set H5324 the bounds H1367 of the people H5971 according to the number H4557 of the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

Joshua 1:2-3 STRONG

Moses H4872 my servant H5650 is dead; H4191 now therefore arise, H6965 go over H5674 this Jordan, H3383 thou, and all this people, H5971 unto the land H776 which I do give H5414 to them, even to the children H1121 of Israel. H3478 Every place H4725 that the sole H3709 of your foot H7272 shall tread upon, H1869 that have I given H5414 unto you, as I said H1696 unto Moses. H4872

Ezra 1:2 STRONG

Thus saith H559 Cyrus H3566 king H4428 of Persia, H6539 The LORD H3068 God H430 of heaven H8064 hath given H5414 me all the kingdoms H4467 of the earth; H776 and he hath charged H6485 me to build H1129 him an house H1004 at Jerusalem, H3389 which is in Judah. H3063

Job 26:5-14 STRONG

Dead H7496 things are formed H2342 from under the waters, H4325 and the inhabitants H7931 thereof. Hell H7585 is naked H6174 before him, and destruction H11 hath no covering. H3682 He stretcheth out H5186 the north H6828 over the empty place, H8414 and hangeth H8518 the earth H776 upon nothing. H1099 He bindeth up H6887 the waters H4325 in his thick clouds; H5645 and the cloud H6051 is not rent H1234 under them. He holdeth back H270 the face H6440 of his throne, H3678 and spreadeth H6576 his cloud H6051 upon it. He hath compassed H2328 the waters H6440 H4325 with bounds, H2706 until the day H216 and night H2822 come to an end. H8503 The pillars H5982 of heaven H8064 tremble H7322 and are astonished H8539 at his reproof. H1606 He divideth H7280 the sea H3220 with his power, H3581 and by his understanding H8394 H8394 he smiteth H4272 through the proud. H7293 By his spirit H7307 he hath garnished H8235 the heavens; H8064 his hand H3027 hath formed H2342 the crooked H1281 serpent. H5175 Lo, these are parts H7098 of his ways: H1870 but how little H8102 a portion H1697 is heard H8085 of him? but the thunder H7482 of his power H1369 who can understand? H995

Job 38:4-41 STRONG

Where H375 wast thou when I laid the foundations H3245 of the earth? H776 declare, H5046 if thou hast H3045 understanding. H998 Who hath laid H7760 the measures H4461 thereof, if thou knowest? H3045 or who hath stretched H5186 the line H6957 upon it? Whereupon are the foundations H134 thereof fastened? H2883 or who laid H3384 the corner H6438 stone H68 thereof; When the morning H1242 stars H3556 sang H7442 together, H3162 and all the sons H1121 of God H430 shouted H7321 for joy? Or who shut up H5526 the sea H3220 with doors, H1817 when it brake forth, H1518 as if it had issued out H3318 of the womb? H7358 When I made H7760 the cloud H6051 the garment H3830 thereof, and thick darkness H6205 a swaddlingband H2854 for it, And brake up H7665 for it my decreed H2706 place, and set H7760 bars H1280 and doors, H1817 And said, H559 Hitherto H5704 H6311 shalt thou come, H935 but no further: H3254 and here shall thy proud H1347 waves H1530 be stayed? H7896 Hast thou commanded H6680 the morning H1242 since thy days; H3117 and caused the dayspring H7837 to know H3045 his place; H4725 That it might take hold H270 of the ends H3671 of the earth, H776 that the wicked H7563 might be shaken out H5287 of it? It is turned H2015 as clay H2563 to the seal; H2368 and they stand H3320 as a garment. H3830 And from the wicked H7563 their light H216 is withholden, H4513 and the high H7311 arm H2220 shall be broken. H7665 Hast thou entered H935 into the springs H5033 of the sea? H3220 or hast thou walked H1980 in the search H2714 of the depth? H8415 Have the gates H8179 of death H4194 been opened H1540 unto thee? or hast thou seen H7200 the doors H8179 of the shadow of death? H6757 Hast thou perceived H995 the breadth H7338 of the earth? H776 declare H5046 if thou knowest H3045 it all. Where is the way H1870 where light H216 dwelleth? H7931 and as for darkness, H2822 where is the place H4725 thereof, That thou shouldest take H3947 it to the bound H1366 thereof, and that thou shouldest know H995 the paths H5410 to the house H1004 thereof? Knowest H3045 thou it, because thou wast then born? H3205 or because the number H4557 of thy days H3117 is great? H7227 Hast thou entered H935 into the treasures H214 of the snow? H7950 or hast thou seen H7200 the treasures H214 of the hail, H1259 Which I have reserved H2820 against the time H6256 of trouble, H6862 against the day H3117 of battle H7128 and war? H4421 By what H335 way H1870 is the light H216 parted, H2505 which scattereth H6327 the east wind H6921 upon the earth? H776 Who hath divided H6385 a watercourse H8585 for the overflowing of waters, H7858 or a way H1870 for the lightning H2385 of thunder; H6963 To cause it to rain H4305 on the earth, H776 where no man H376 is; on the wilderness, H4057 wherein there is no man; H120 To satisfy H7646 the desolate H7722 and waste H4875 ground; and to cause the bud H4161 of the tender herb H1877 to spring forth? H6779 Hath H3426 the rain H4306 a father? H1 or who hath begotten H3205 the drops H96 of dew? H2919 Out of whose womb H990 came H3318 the ice? H7140 and the hoary frost H3713 of heaven, H8064 who hath gendered H3205 it? The waters H4325 are hid H2244 as with a stone, H68 and the face H6440 of the deep H8415 is frozen. H3920 Canst thou bind H7194 the sweet influences H4575 of Pleiades, H3598 or loose H6605 the bands H4189 of Orion? H3685 Canst thou bring forth H3318 Mazzaroth H4216 in his season? H6256 or canst thou guide H5148 Arcturus H5906 with his sons? H1121 Knowest H3045 thou the ordinances H2708 of heaven? H8064 canst thou set H7760 the dominion H4896 thereof in the earth? H776 Canst thou lift up H7311 thy voice H6963 to the clouds, H5645 that abundance H8229 of waters H4325 may cover H3680 thee? Canst thou send H7971 lightnings, H1300 that they may go, H3212 and say H559 unto thee, Here we are? Who hath put H7896 wisdom H2451 in the inward parts? H2910 or who hath given H5414 understanding H998 to the heart? H7907 Who can number H5608 the clouds H7834 in wisdom? H2451 or who can stay H7901 the bottles H5035 of heaven, H8064 When the dust H6083 groweth H3332 into hardness, H4165 and the clods H7263 cleave fast together? H1692 Wilt thou hunt H6679 the prey H2964 for the lion? H3833 or fill H4390 the appetite H2416 of the young lions, H3715 When they couch H7817 in their dens, H4585 and abide H3427 in the covert H5521 to H3926 lie in wait? H695 Who provideth H3559 for the raven H6158 his food? H6718 when his young ones H3206 cry H7768 unto God, H410 they wander H8582 for lack H1097 of meat. H400

Psalms 102:25 STRONG

Of old H6440 hast thou laid the foundation H3245 of the earth: H776 and the heavens H8064 are the work H4639 of thy hands. H3027

Psalms 135:10-12 STRONG

Who smote H5221 great H7227 nations, H1471 and slew H2026 mighty H6099 kings; H4428 Sihon H5511 king H4428 of the Amorites, H567 and Og H5747 king H4428 of Bashan, H1316 and all the kingdoms H4467 of Canaan: H3667 And gave H5414 their land H776 for an heritage, H5159 an heritage H5159 unto Israel H3478 his people. H5971

Commentary on Jeremiah 27 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter contains a prophecy of the subjection of the king of Judah, with five neighbouring kings, to the king of Babylon; signified by bonds and yokes on the prophet's neck, which they are exhorted patiently to bear, as being most for their good; and not to give heed to false prophets, who would persuade them to the contrary. The date of the prophecy is in Jeremiah 27:1; the order to make the yokes, and send them to the several neighbouring princes by their messengers at Jerusalem, Jeremiah 27:2; what they should say to their masters from the God of Israel, who is described from his power in the creation of the earth, and the disposal of it, Jeremiah 27:4; as that he had given all their lands into the hand of the king of Babylon, whom they should serve, or it would be worse for them, Jeremiah 27:6; and therefore should not hearken to their prophets, who prophesied lies; if they did, it would be to their hurt; whereas, if they quietly submitted, they would dwell in their own land, Jeremiah 27:9; particularly Zedekiah king of Judah is exhorted to submit; and both he, and the priests and the people, are advised not to hearken to the false prophets, Jeremiah 27:12; particularly as to what they said concerning the speedy return of the vessels of the temple, which were carried away to Babylon; but might assure themselves they should remain there; and the rest also should be taken, and not returned until the end of the seventy years, Jeremiah 27:16.

Verse 1

In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah,.... This is the same date with the prophecy of the preceding chapter and some think that this verse should conclude that, as belonging to it; and by which they would reconcile a difficulty that arises here; the orders for making the yokes being given in the beginning of Jehoiakim's reign, which yet were to be sent to the messengers of the neighbouring kings that were come to Zedekiah at Jerusalem, who did not begin to reign until eleven years after this time; but the word "saying", at the end of the verse, shows it not to belong to the preceding, but to what follows: others think it is a mistake of the copy, and that Jehoiakim is put for Zedekiah; and the Syriac and Arabic versions read Zedekiah; but he was not the son of Josiah, as this king is said to be, but his brother: others therefore think, that though the prophecy was delivered to Jeremiah, and the orders were given him to make the bonds and yokes after mentioned, at this time; yet this prophecy was concealed with him, and the orders were not executed till Zedekiah's time; or that the prophet, in the beginning of Jehoiakim's reign, made the yokes as he was ordered, and put one on his neck, to signify the subjection of Judah to the king of Babylon, which quickly took place, about the third or fourth year of this reign; and that the rest were sent to the ambassadors of the neighbouring nations in Zedekiah's time; which latter seems most probable:

came this word unto Jeremiah from the Lord, saying; as follows. This verse is not in the common editions of the Septuagint; but it is in the king of Spain's Bible.

Verse 2

Thus saith the Lord to me, make thee bonds and yokes,.... The yokes were made of wood, as appears from Jeremiah 28:13; and the bonds were strings or thongs, which bound the yoke together, that it might not slip off the neck, on which it was put:

and put them upon thy neck; not all of them together, but one after another, at different times; and this was very significant; for the prophet being seen abroad with a yoke upon his neck, it would be natural to inquire the meaning of it; when they would be told it was to signify the subjection of Judah, and so of other nations, to the king of Babylon; and that he did wear at times such a yoke, even fifteen years after, in the fourth of Zedekiah's reign, appears from Jeremiah 28:1.

Verse 3

And send them to the king of Edom, and to the king of Moab,

and to the king of the Ammonites, and to the king of Tyrus, and to the king of Zidon,.... All neighbouring kings and states, to whom the wine cup of God's wrath was to be sent, and they made to drink of it, Jeremiah 25:21; and against whom Jeremiah afterwards prophesies:

by the hand of the messengers which come to Jerusalem unto Zedekiah king of Judah; who were sent by their masters, either to congratulate Zedekiah upon his accession to the throne; or to enter into a league with him against the king of Babylon, and shake off his yoke; or to reside at his court, as ambassadors of nations at peace and in alliance usually do; and it may be for all those purposes. The yokes therefore are ordered to be sent to them, as being the most proper and easy way and method of conveying them, with the meaning of them, to their respective masters.

Verse 4

And command them to say unto their masters,.... The prophet is sent with authority, and ordered to speak in a very high strain, having his orders from the King of kings and Lord of lords; a greater master than those messengers had; and to enjoin them to tell their several masters in his master's name; as follows:

thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; who, though in a peculiar manner the God of Israel, yet was Lord of the whole world, and had all the armies of heaven and earth at his command, to enforce his power and authority; wherefore what he says ought to be attended to:

thus shall ye say to your masters; deliver to them the following words of the great Jehovah.

Verse 5

I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground,.... The earth was made by him on the first day, and man and beast on the sixth day, of the creation; the earth is still supported in its being, and man and beast are continued on it in succession: this is mentioned to show his right and authority to dispose of the earth, and all in it, at his pleasure; which is founded on his creation and sustaining of it, and all creatures in it: which was, and is, as he says,

by my great power, and by my outstretched arm; for nothing less could have created the original chaos out of nothing, and brought that into form and order, and produced out of it such creatures as man and beast; and nothing less than that could continue it in being, and a succession of creatures on it:

and have given it unto whom it seemed meet unto me; some part of it to one, and some to another; and more to one than to another; but to none according to their merit, but according to his own sovereign will and pleasure; see Psalm 115:16.

Verse 6

And now I have given all these lands,.... Before mentioned; of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre, Zidon, and Judea:

into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant; whom God used as an instrument in correcting and chastising the nations; and who obeyed his will, though he knew it not; nor did what he did in obedience to it; and yet had the honour of being called his servant, and of being rewarded with a very large empire; which was owing, not so much to his prowess and valour, wisdom and management, as to the providence of God; who delivered the above kingdoms, with others, into his hands, as being the sole proprietor and sovereign disposer of them:

and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him; either to bring him, and his armies, and his carriages of provisions for them, and warlike stores, for the invasion and taking the above countries; or the cattle found there, which belonged to these countries, and the inhabitants thereof, which would fall into his hands with them.

Verse 7

And all nations shall serve him,.... That is, all those, all above mentioned; though there were others also that were tributary to him, but not every nation under heaven:

and his son, and his son's son; their Scripture names were Evilmerodach and Belshazzar, Jeremiah 52:31; and by Ptolemy, in his canon, are called Iloarudamus and Nabonadius; between whom he places Niricassolassarus, or Neriglissarus; who was not a son of Evilmerodach, but his sister's husband. A son of his succeeded him, called Laborosoarchod; who, reigning but nine months, is not placed in the canon; agreeably to which is the account of BerosusF8Apud Joseph. contra Apion. I. 1. sect. 20. p. 1344. ; by whom the immediate son of Nebuchadnezzar is named Evilmaradouchus; or Evilmalaurouchus, as in EusebiusF9Praepar. Evangel. I. 9. c. 40. p. 455. ; who, after he had reigned two years, was slain by Neriglissoor, or Neriglissar, as in the above writer, his sister's husband; who, after he had enjoyed the kingdom four years, died, and left it to his son, whom he calls Chabaessoarachus, or Laborosoarchados, as before, who reigned but nine months; and then Nabonnidus succeeded, the name he gives him who was conquered by Cyrus in the seventeenth year of his reign; and not very different is the account of Nebuchadnezzar's successors, and the names of them, as given by Abydenus, out of MegasthenesF11Apud Euseb. Praepar. Evangel. l. 9. c. 41. p. 457. ; according to whom, Evilmalaurouchus, the son of Nebuchadnezzar, was his successor; then Neriglissar, his sister's husband, who left a son called Labassoarascus; and after him Nabannidochus, in whose times Cyrus took Babylon; and who appears to be the same with Belshazzar, the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar; so that the Scripture is very just and accurate in mentioning these two only as the son, and son's son of Nebuchadnezzar, whom the nations should serve; for in the last of these ended the Babylonish monarchy:

until the very time of his land come; or that "itself; also he himself"F12גם הוא "etiam illud, vel ipsum", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Schmidt. or, "also of himself", as the Vulgate Latin version. The Targum is,

"until the time of the destruction of his land come, also of himself;'

there was a time fixed for his life, and so long the nations were to serve, and did serve, him personally; and there was a time fixed for the continuance of his monarchy, in his son, and son's son; when it was to end, as it did, in Belshazzar's reign; and when the seventy years' captivity of the Jews was up:

and then many nations and great kings shall serve themselves of him; and his kingdom; subdue it, and make it tributary to them. This was accomplished by the Medes and Persians, with Darius and Cyrus at the head of them, and other nations and kings, allies and auxiliaries to them, and associates with them; see Jeremiah 25:14. The Vulgate Latin version renders it, "and many nations and great kings shall serve him"; so the Targum; which falls in with the former part of the verse; wherefore the other sense is best.

Verse 8

And it shall come to pass, that the nation and kingdom which will not serve the same Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon,.... Will not, upon his approaching to them, invading and besieging them, submit and become tributary to him, as is more fully expressed in the next clause:

and that will not put their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon; or voluntarily become subject to him, and pay a tax he shall impose upon them. This refers to, and explains the symbol of, Jeremiah's making and wearing yokes, Jeremiah 27:2;

that nation will I punish, saith the Lord, with the sword, and with the famine, and with the pestilence; with one judgment after another; some will perish by the sword of the enemy, sallying out upon them, or endeavouring to make their escape; others by famine their provisions being spent through the length of the siege; and others by pestilence, or the plague, by the immediate hand of God:

until I have consumed them by his hand; Nebuchadnezzar's; by means of him; by his sword, and strait besieging them; or, "into his hand"; and so the Targum,

"until I have delivered them into his hand;'

having consumed multitudes by the sword, famine, and pestilence, will deliver the rest into his hands to be carried captive by him.

Verse 9

Therefore hearken not ye to your prophets,.... False prophets, as the Targum. These words are not directed to the Jews, but are a continuation of what the messengers of the nations should say to their masters from the God of Israel, by the mouth of his prophet; for they had their prophets as well as the Jews; as the prophets of Baal, and others:

nor to your diviners; or soothsayers; such an one as was Balaam:

nor to your dreamers; or "dreams"; such as they had themselves, and laid great stress upon; or to those who pretended to interpret them to them:

nor to your enchanters; or stargazers; astrologers, who pretended by the position of the stars to foretell what would come to pass:

nor to your sorcerers; or wizards, or necromancers; who, by unlawful methods, pretended to acquire knowledge of future things:

which speak unto you, saying, ye shall not serve the king of Babylon; meaning, either that they ought not to become tributary to him; or they should not be brought into subjection by him: and so were stirred up to oppose him, and not submit to him.

Verse 10

For they prophesy a lie unto you,.... That which was vain and false, and proved so; though they might not know it was when delivered:

to remove you far from your land; not that they designed it by their prophecies, but so it was eventually; for, standing it out against Nebuchadnezzar, encouraged by the lies and dreams of their prophets, he, in process of time, took them, and carried them captive into Babylon; whereas, had they surrendered at once, they might have continued in their own land, paying a tax or tribute to the king of Babylon:

and that I should drive you out, and ye should perish; drive them out of their own land, and so perish in a foreign land: God is said to do that which his servant or instrument did, being provoked by the sin and disobedience of the people, hearkening to their lying prophets, and not to him.

Verse 11

But the nations that bring their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him,.... That at once, and readily, submit unto him, and pay him tribute:

those will I let remain still in their own land, saith the Lord; undisturbed by any other enemy; peaceably dwelling in their own habitations; following their occupations and business of life; and enjoying their substance and estates, only paying the tax imposed on them:

and they shall till it, and dwell therein; manure and cultivate it, and gather and eat the fruit of it, and continue to do so, they and their posterity after them.

Verse 12

I spake also to Zedekiah king of Judah,.... At the same time that he delivered the above message from the Lord to the ambassadors of several nations, who were then residents in Zedekiah's court, or however in Jerusalem:

according to all these words; the same things, and much in the same language, he said to the king of Judah, as to the messengers of the nations:

saying; as follows:

bring your necks under the yoke of the king of Babylon; you, O king, your nobles, and your people. Zedekiah was set upon the throne by the king of Babylon, was a tributary to him, and had took an oath to be faithful to him; and yet was now meditating rebellion against him; and was consulting and entering into a confederacy with the neighbouring nations to throw off the yoke, and be independent on him: wherefore the sense of this advice must be to bring themselves, he and his people, to a cheerful submission to it, and a patient bearing it, and not attempt to shake it off:

and serve him and his people, and live: the king of Babylon, and the Chaldeans, by faithfully paying the tribute, and acknowledging subjection to him; and so "live" in their own land, enjoying all other civil and religious privileges.

Verse 13

Why will ye die, thou and thy people, the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence,.... Through a blockade of the Chaldean army, which would invade their land, and besiege their city, upon a refusal to be subject to their yoke:

as the Lord hath spoken against the nation that will not serve the king of Babylon? as the Lord has threatened shall be the case of any and everyone of the above nations that should refuse to be tributary to him; of which, no doubt, Zedekiah and his court had been apprized; see Jeremiah 27:8.

Verse 14

Therefore hearken not unto the words of the prophets,.... The false prophets, as the Targum; such bad kings always had about them, to whom they listened, and which often proved of bad consequence to them:

that speak unto you, saying; as follows:

ye shall not serve the king of Babylon; ye ought not to do it, but cast off his yoke; to which if ye do not willingly submit, he will never be able to force you to it:

for they prophesy a lie unto you; and therefore should not be hearkened to, particularly when they promise safety from the king of Babylon.

Verse 15

For I have not sent them, saith the Lord,.... See Jeremiah 23:21; yet they prophesy a lie in my name; to deliver out a lie was a very wicked thing, sinful in them, and fatal to others; but to make use of the name of the Lord, and cover it with that, and back it with his authority, was much more wicked and abominable:

that I might drive you out, and that ye might perish; being driven out of their own land, perish in another; which, though the false prophets did not intend by their prophesying, yet such would be, and was, the issue of it:

ye, and the prophets that prophesy unto you; for it would end in the ruin and destruction of them both; both of the false prophets, as the Targum here again calls them, and those that listened to their prophecies; both would fall into the same ditch.

Verse 16

Also I spake to the priests, and to all this people, saying,.... From the court he went to the temple, and spoke to the priests that were ministering there, and to all the people that were assembled for divine worship; either at the ordinary time of it, or at some one of the solemn feasts: this was a proper time and place to meet with the people and the priests; which latter especially had a concern in what he had to say concerning the vessels of the temple:

thus saith the Lord, hearken not to the words of your prophets that prophesy unto you: your false prophets, as the Targum:

saying; as follows:

behold, the vessels of the Lord's house shall now shortly be brought again from Babylon; which were carried thither, both in the times of Jehoiakim, and of Jeconiah, 2 Chronicles 36:7; these the false prophets gave out would in a short time be returned; that the king of Babylon, either willingly and of his own accord, or being pressed or forced to it, would send them back; so little reason had they to fear an invasion from him, or captivity by him:

for they prophesy a lie unto you; that which is false, and will never be accomplished, at least in any short time.

Verse 17

Hearken not unto them,.... The false prophets:

serve the king of Babylon, and live; pay homage and tribute to him; which is the way to live in your own land, and enjoy the benefits of that, and of the temple worship; which, if not, you will be utterly deprived of:

wherefore should this city be laid waste? as it certainly will, should you rebel against the king of Babylon; and as it was in a few years after, when they did.

Verse 18

But if they be prophets, and if the word of the Lord be with them,.... The true prophets of the Lord are sent by him, and have his word put into them:

let them now make intercession to the Lord of hosts: use their interest with him, as they must have one, if they are true prophets; let them pray unto him, who doubtless will hear them; and this will be acting in character, for prophets ought to be praying persons; and this will turn to some good account:

that the vessels which are left in the house of the Lord, and in the house of the king of Judah, and at Jerusalem, go not to Babylon; instead of prophesying about the return of what are gone, let them pray for the preservation and continuance of what are left, that they do not go also; of which there was great danger, yea, certainty, in case of non-submission to, and rebellion against, the king of Babylon; there were some vessels of the sanctuary which yet remained, as well as others in the king's palace, and in the houses of the noble and rich men in Jerusalem; for the keeping of which they would do well to show a proper concern, and make use of proper means; and nothing more effectual than prayer to God; and, next to that, submission to the Chaldean yoke.

Verse 19

For thus saith the Lord of hosts concerning the pillars,.... The pillars of brass that stood in the temple; the one called Boaz, and the other Jachin, 1 Kings 7:15;

and concerning the sea; the sea of molten brass, which stood upon twelve oxen, 1 Kings 7:23;

and concerning the bases: the ten bases, which also were made of brass, 1 Kings 7:27;

and concerning the residue of the vessels that remain in this city; in the king's palace, and in the houses of the noblemen, and of the rich and wealthy inhabitants of Jerusalem.

Verse 20

Which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took not,.... For he seems only to have taken the vessels of gold, and left the vessels of brass, as the above were; see 2 Kings 24:13;

when he carried away captive Jeconiah, the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, from Jerusalem to Babylon, and all the nobles of Judah and Jerusalem; of which see 2 Kings 24:12.

Verse 21

Yea, thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel,

concerning the vessels that remain in the house of the Lord,.... Which are mentioned in Jeremiah 27:19; together with others:

and in the house of the king of Judah, and of Jerusalem; see Jeremiah 27:18.

Verse 22

They shall be carried to Babylon,.... As they were; and of which, with others, there is a particular account in 2 Kings 25:13;

and there shall they be until the day that I visit them, saith to the Lord; the Chaldeans in a way of wrath, and the Jews in a way of grace and favour; which was at the end of the seventy years' captivity; and so long the vessels of the sanctuary continued there; here we read of them as in use the very night that Belshazzar was slain, and Babylon taken, Daniel 5:2;

then will I bring them up, and restore them to this place; which was fulfilled when the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus, king of Persia to give leave to the Jews to return to their own land, and rebuild their temple; and at the same time delivered into the hands of Sheshbazzar, prince of Judah, the vessels of the temple, Ezra 1:1.